Red pill me on multiculturalism. Why does it lead to societies decline?

Red pill me on multiculturalism. Why does it lead to societies decline?

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what about them?


The decline actually leads to multiculturalism not the other way around.

They both reinforce each other.

try to please everyone, send up pissing off everyone

Because a nation without identity is doomed for failure. I don't think that is nothing inherently wrong with multiethnicity under a same culture though. Trudeau (dad) made sure that we would go down the multicultural hellhole though

they band together and consciously promote their own in elite managerial roles as a method of maintaining a relative power advantage over other ethnic groups. and they play the victim so that they can get away with openly promoting their ethnic interests while other dominant groups cannot. remaining blind to this dynamic in the name of multiculturalism gives them and groups like them the power to manipulate the masses through their influential roles. It would be great if we could all just forget the competitive nature of groups, but this insistence seems only to be targeted toward euro-whites.

The invading inferior culture will inevitably drag the home culture down to its level, look at the transformation Europe is undertaking. They can't survive side by side.

Just look at the USA, the multicultural capital of the world and the birthplace of modern degeneracy.
Apply to real life

It doesn't.

Multiculturalism is the byproduct of a society based on "Compromise".

If you didn't know, another word for "Politics" is "Compromise"... That's what politics is, the art of compromise.

Vegans, for example, don't eat meat for "moral" reasons.. Their reasons aren't really moral. To be moral is to go with the flow of society, the norms; that's where our sense of morality generally comes from. This "Vegan morality" is a compromise between humans and animals. A lot of vegans have lived their entire lives eating meat, and it was only up until they became vegan that they internalized the suffering of animals. They internalized the suffering of animals, because they equated themselves to the animals; they gave themselves the compromise of "We're all animals". It's a manufactured set of morals based on a political (compromising) idea.

Multiculturalism, following the logic of my vegan example, is a compromise of one culture and many cultures.

The more political a society gets, the more compromising it becomes until it dissolves, balkanizes, separates or is destroyed.

Greece, Rome, France, Spain, British empire, the United states.

>Their reasons aren't really moral
>To be moral is to go with the flow of society
You are a sociopath

Also this isn't even a good fucking argument


There is no "Objective morality". Anything "Moral" ALWAYS comes from a social perspective; that's why autists who shoot up schools have no morality, because their social learning is retarded; that's why psychopaths have no morals, because they can't empathize with people; that's why social justice warriors have no morals, because they change their cognition to suit their political (compromising) needs.

Equality, for example, is the ultimate politically (compromisingly) correct thing... But look at what "Equality has done over the centuries. Women are suddenly feminist and hate men, and they find everything problematic and oppressive. Blacks were made equal, and now they are even more hateful towards whites than when they sat at the back of the bus. Nobody is meant to be equal. It's fortunate for two brothers to be born years apart, lest they quarrel for dominance.

Multiculturalism and political correctness (Compromise) makes equality out of all men, and it leads to the destruction of society.

Because it's a suspension of natural selection. A more healthy culture will outcompete a less healthy culture, leading to the eventual assimilation and/or eradication of the latter. Multicultists reject this process and instead handicap the healthy culture so that it will be subsumed by the unhealthy culture instead.

Suppose you have a barn full of cats and mice. The cats, obviously, eat the mice. Now PETA shows up and installs a device that applies an electric shock to any cat which tries to eat a mouse. The cats subsequently die from either electrocution or starvation. The unchecked mice destroy the barn.

Note that this philosophy extends not just to immigration and the like, but liberal philosophy as a whole. They outright reject the idea that anything--genetics, memetics, lifestyle--has any inherent fitness, instead preferring the notion that the naturally emerging power hierarchy is a consequence of the winner oppressing the loser, and that the loser would certainly be a winner too otherwise.

This is why they've become the Regressive Left: they're literally forcing the devolution of our species by mandating the success of the unsuccessful.

>Red pill me on multiculturalism. Why does it lead to societies decline?

Because it's a jewish weapon that they use to gradually reduce the average intelligence of a population.

Authoritarian multiculturalism works
Democratic multiculturalism doesn't due to racial voting patterns and demands

Adolf Hitler can fuck off and stay dead

I unironically believe this is the work of "jews" not actual Jews.

I'll give an anecdote. My girlfriend is a jew. Her family is nonreligious jews. They have smug liberalism pouring out of their assholes everywhere they go. Every non religious jew is like this. They're "normal" until you talk to them for 5 mins then their suddenly talking to you about being Jewish. Its meaningless. They are faithless shit heads. They seek to keep minority status and get better jobs because of "muh diversity" because they claim jewish, i.e. non white, heritage and get special treatment. From there they take leadership positions from being bootlicking cucks and then they hire other jews until they're a majority then only hire other kikes or other bootlicking whites or asians, because they too detest being around niggers. But the religious ones keep the fuck to themselves, for the most part. I don't see fucking Yiddish speaking kikes at the movie theater raising prices every goddamn week. Its the subtle, nonreligious, ass licking, shit kicking kikes that hide behind the guise of the nazi warcrimes from before their births. Those ones should be fucking executed. Leave the poor stupid fucks in the jew neighborhoods alone and let them run their jew businesses to run themselves into the ground. But kill the kikes. The same way there are blacks and niggers.

God does not compromise. God provides you with an objective set of moral goods. America will not compromise and thus become compromised because we are blessed by God as a Christian nation.

too strong of a redpill for most