Sobbing schoolgirl removed from class and deported to country she had never set foot in

Classmates were left 'traumatised' after German police removed the 14-year-old without notice and deported her to Nepal with her parents

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A German-born schoolgirl sobbed as she was removed from class and deported to Nepal hours later - despite never having set foot in the country.

Bivsi Rana was given no notice before police arrived at her class in Steinbart School Duisburg in North Rhine-Westphalia and told her she had to leave.

The 14-year-old was put on a flight to south Asia hours laterwith her parents, who had travelled to Europe as asylum seekers from Nepal 15 years ago.

>pumped myself up to be angry in the previous thread thinking a QT Asian girl got deported
>turns out she's ugly as fuck


I bet the parents lied on something important in the past and that's why this is happening

Blame her parents for having brought her he illegally.

Christ. She's a 3/10 even by our standards.

Are Nepalese monkeys?

Nepal has an ugly flag and is currently run by a president from the communist party. I feel bad for the platypus looking bitch.


Love roadkill.

Must not have been Muslim enough.

cant have non muslims immigrating now can we

We are deporting people?

yeah she isn't pretty or even close to cute. but fuck sake germany, u let a bunch of syrian into your country for free but now deport a girl who has lived there for her whole life, what the fuck
did she need to wear a burka first or something?

>deport peaceful asians
>bring in millions of niggers

its okay make-up can fix anything.

Germany actually deports people?


Remove Nepalese insert Islamists. What in the fuck for real.

I figured deporting her means they ramped up deportation in Germany.

But you are right. Only deporting non-muslims makes way more sense.


You're supposed to be deporting muslims, but instead you are deporting people.

Thry deport whites and asians.

she'll be thanking them in 5 years. the germans know they're fucked and are trying to save whoever they can

They aren't even trying anymore, are they?
Why did it take them 14 years to deport them?

nope. I wonder how long of a flight she has to cry on...

You Have To Go Back(tm)

>get flooded with muslims
>deport a mountain chink

gg German efficiency

Gotta make more room for CULTURAL ENRICHMENT.


deeb goncern



>deport a girl who has lived there for her whole life
You support anchor babies?
It should have happened 14 years ago, but better late than never.

god why does europe always copy us.

>imports millions of Muslims and niggers.
>sends back mountain climber 14 years later.

German efficiency.

they should be deporting the Muslims but no that would be Islamophobic


They should be deporting all non-whites.

>Sobbing schoolgirl removed from class and deported to country she had never set foot in
Had to make room for a Syrian. Come to the USA and be a "Dreamer"

I actually would love to hear that the US offers to adopt this family into our wonderful culture that also is starting to hate germany.

They are already red pilled, knowing they are getting kicked out right now and after living in the country their whole lives.

wtf I hate borders and laws and shit now

>travelled to Europe as asylum seekers from Nepal 15 years ago
Sounds like her parents tried to use her as an anchor, I'm glad it blew up on them (and her) after so long

now that you mention it, i think this make a lot of sense

>deporting asians instead of the dunecoons

Yep, it's Germany.

Germany is the Homeland of the German people.

It's a shitskin Asian, she even looks like a paki.


I don't even think a hot body would make up for that face.

>Lets in Syrian/African refugees with open arms
>deports asians in school

Nice. It sucks that we cant do this


Roadkill baby

So in america only one person can always be deported at the same time?

>Deporting random chinks who integrate, don't commit crime, and don't even use welfare while importing Mohammad Fatima and their 5 children who use up £90,000 per year in benifits

Jesus fuck Europeans are retarded. Same goes for Brit's who gladly take Paki cock by letting them stay and rape British girls while deporting Poles who work and integrate.

How the fuck do you get deported from Germistan ?

What could be the reason ? They kiss ass to chemically unstable Muslims they know are going to explode.

Cooperating with the authorities was their mistake. They should have yelled "racism", and started getting violent. The Germans like that.

>deport productive asian student girl

>all third world males may enter germany freely and collect welfare today

Not African enough for the German's tastes, besides she probably wasn't even a muslim so the left won't care.

Germany and the UK deport eastern Europeans and Asians while importing niggers and Arabs

Not exactly,

The Ghurka are like God Emperor tier.

Between this and the five-month old afghan child it clearly shows our deporters are incompetent

What's with the Apologize meme? Go whine at the government. In truth, they should keep all the women, remove their voting rights, kick out the foreign men and live in paradise.
But no, we are too good for that. :^)

There are so many asians in my city that do not speak german at all & dont take part in the social life. They just come here to study and then btfo. You know with how much money study spaces get subsidized? A whole fucking lot. Those chinks are basically arab tier.

or maybe they know exactly what are they doing

maybe you guys have some secret pyramids you need to be finished soon so adult manpower is top of the list for now

>born on clay
>not citizen of said clay
And people say we're fucking metal just because we want to take in fewer immigrants than "all of them".

Du musst zurückgehen

bitch looks like Mount Everest with eyebrows

Ugh. Who asked that ugly cunt to put her like fingerprints on Europe. Fuck, these people. Fucking gas all the Jews now.

Don't the Germans have more pressing illegal immigrants than some ugly chinks?

oh please, the rapefugees lie every god damn day to get into germany and the fuckers there open their arms and legs for them. all a bunch of naive silly people.

All shitskins out.

The smart ones should leave now. Deportation is going to be too much trouble when the final straw eventually lands.

My thoughts exactly........

It's a matter of what FEELS good, not what makes sense. Imagine if this story was about a muslim girl.

Always thought Nepalese people looked like Indian. Now I see that they have some Chinese in them.

No. Tell her parents to apologize for illegally moving there to start a family. If they wanted to live in that country and start a family there they should have done so legally like any intelligent person.

they're mixed

Asylum was never meant to last forever. It's temporary.



wow has Germany awoken?

Yes depot the Hindus and keep the Muslims, Germany YES

There would be national outcry and they would blame it on Trump for spreading islamophobic rhetoric?



Better than anything on TV.

Most of North East India looks a little chink but they don't have chink blood in them due to the Himalayas

Has Sup Forums collectively caught yellow fever? As soon as it's a chink, you guys turn into no borders no nations types.

Legal immigration is just illegal immigration that the traitor politicians have legalized.
There should be 0 non-Germans in Germany. A chink is better than a shitskin, I'll give you that, but ultimately neither should be here.

You are focusing on a scrape on your knee while a giant gash is spilling blood from your throat. Chinks should be deported after every Muslim and nigger is gone.

When we told you to start deporting people we meant the mudslides. Try to keep up Germany, I can't speak any slower

lol can't stop laughing.

Why the fuck are they deporting young Nepalese girls and not the fucking niggers blowing people up and raping everyone? Jesus Christ could they be any more incompetent?

You understand that jews still run your nation and will continue flooding your nation with Arabs and Africans right?

Meanwhile you are focusing on the eastern European and chink illegals who work, and don't rape your women en masse. You are fucking idiots and don't have your priorities in order.

Wow can you give me some sources on Germany persecuting eastern euros? I've seen this subhuman behaviour only from UK. That said, illegal is illegal no matter where it came from and should be deported


every single non-white deported from Europe is a good thing, it doesn't matter if some other shitskin is worse. Deporting this girl doesn't mean you can't deport Ahmed bin Blowupi as well

They're not doing that though



We can do this. Hell, we've sent Mexicans to Cambodia for shits.

Yet. They've only recently started to deport Albanians. They won't start to deport Syrians for several years after the war is over. And the war still isn't over.

They are, not as much as they should be, but they aren't deporting chinks as much as they should be either

So she was deported for sobbing. I have no compassion.


Welcome to 2017, where room needs to be made for more tanned germans


>Three terrorist attacks in two weeks in London
>Deport mountain gook

uuuuuuuh deustchbags?

Too white
She should have started yelling "ALLHAHU HACKBAR", then she would have got a free scholarship.