NASA says the earth will die because us

Do you think you're smarter than NASA Sup Forums? They appear to believe that climate change is happening faster due to human activity.

Is Nasa wrong?

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kill yourself.

Stop consuming so much, you city retards.


prove it

No. NASA is never wrong about anything, ever.

can somebody tell me how the fuck they know that in 400 000 BC the CO2 level was at 280ppm but then it went down to 180ppm in the year 325 000 BC ? I'm being serious here, can a physics nerd educate me ?

Humanity will die long before the earth does.

>can somebody tell me how the fuck they know that in 400 000 BC the CO2 level was at 280ppm but then it went down to 180ppm in the year 325 000 BC ? I'm being serious here, can a physics nerd educate me ?

gas concentrations locked in deep drilled ice core samples.

Fairly fascinating study, actually.


The Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Mankind in its current form has existed for 100,000 to 200,000 years at best. And we've only been engaged in heavy industry for a little over 200 years. 200 years versus 4.5 billion. Yeah...we're killing the planet. Pfft!

>parts per million
>previous highs = 300/1,000,000 = 0.03%
>new high = 400/1,000,000 = 0.04%

Literally one one-hundredth of 1 percent.

We'll see said the Zen Master. Without a doubt NASA is full of shit on this one. They've been pumped so full of libtard cum for the past decade it's literally coming out at the seams. Eisenhower warned the US about this many times almost 60 years ago, regarding the scientific community being corrupted by the influence of government funding:
>a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity.
And again regarding "97% consensus" type bullshit:
>We must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

See ; Report From Iron Mountain , External Threat models. Excuses to globalize in short.

i don't care

>the earth will die
good. the sooner the better. hopefully today.

That is just such a terrible graph that any information it is trying to convey is rendered pointless.

33.3333% increase in 200 years though

one one-hundredth of 1 percent of the way to making the earth's air 100% co2.

It's actually a 33% increase in co2, from 300 to 400 ppm. Ppm is just a unit.

great, fuck this gay earth, lets restart

*continues whistling past the graveyard*

>one one-hundredth of 1 percent of the way to making the earth's air 100% co2.

Oh fuck, is this the new alarmism?
Are you fucking mental?


Wow fucking learn to not be a complete retard...

The Earth was always gonna die. Dumb science fags.

>Is NASA wrong?

Link to video with more credible science.

they also said some pedpohile freemason played golf on the moon a few decades ago. just lol.

Climate change is occurring, however the whole doomsday is upon us routine is based on nothing. It's just more fear mongering and virtue signalling to extract shekels from Leftist morons under the guise of a good cause.

Isn't this whole climate change ordeal because of third worlders? They breed like rabbits and add nothing to the earth unlike white people.

what does it matter if it fast or slow? if the outcome is still the same.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
>H. L. Mencken


im not smarter than the guys at nasa

im not even gonna pretend to be like others here

Nasa is not entirely wrong about this. I agree, about the fact that it's funded by organisms and it needs to deliver certain infos that fall in the spectrum of those organisms BUUUT we do accelerate the CO2 emission, by a small but not negligeable percentage. The enviromental issues we're facing aren't inevitable (whether we had a hand in it on not). Let's not forget that the US whitdrawal from the Paris agreement was for a renegotiation because the terms imposed weren't fair, but not denying our contribution in the matter. Correct me if i'm wrong.


personally i dont care if humanity dies off, dont care if we blow up the planet either.
we are already committed to our current course of action, either we will leave this planet shooting ourselves into the galaxy like the earths ejaculate or we will kill ourselves off.

humans will never just settle, which is why we cant revert back to some primitive way of life to attempt to be in tuned with nature, we will always want more and are quite willing to risk everything and everyone to get it

maybe if some kind of government was to sieze control of most of the earths population and force strict enviromental regulations they could "save us all" but i think we are already past the point of no return or we are very close to it

>for centuries
Boo hoo. Earth's been around for billions of years, and so has life. Permian mass extinction did not end life, and neither will my driving.


it is truly amazing how trump tier tards think the billions of barrels of oil and coal we combust and pump into the relatively thin layer of the atmosphere will have no effect whatsoever, they think the atmosphere is a practically infinite sink. that is one of al gore's first points is to show how thin it really is. Arrhenius figured it all out on a napkin 100 years ago. it is really pretty simple, yet we still argue whether evolution is a theory and if the earth is flat. there is no hope for humanity when trump and putin types run the joint.

Here is an award winning meteorologist and founder of The Weather Channel explaining why it's bullshit. It's possible that carbon emissions etc. have SOME effect on the climate but the amount we're talking about is trivial. Temperatures are moving entirely within expected norms. We've gained about one degree of net temperature in the last 50 years. The temperature change does not scale with emmissions nor is it escalating over time.

Furthermore all of the climate models have been wildly incorrect so far. The fact that current Co2 emissions are so high, yet we have NOT seen a serious disruption in temperature, is more or less proof that the hypothesis is incorrect.

I'm with this guy too, if I actually thought there was a serious case to be made for climate change I'd be advocating a switch to renewable sources too. Hell I advocate it anyway because smog is bad, but I do NOT advocate hysteria or massive government-run programs brutalizing our industries.

Al Gore has made 160 million dollars off of his carbon credit trading company since 2001. It has been a scam since the beginning to line a handful of oligarchs' pockets, and you fell for it because some celebrities told you you'd be the good guy if you shoveled more lucre into his mitts.

>CO2 emissions are bad!
Hum ok... If you say so... How about we build thorium based MSR instead? This would stop carbon dependency 100%
>Nuclear is bad!
Hum ok... If you say so... So what's the solution?
>We need to get rid of humans and make Earth Gaia again

Pure fucking retard.

Why is everyone always blaming us but no one else


The problem with this kind of people is that they are so stupid they have no idea how stupid they are.

this x9001. Carbon taxes and the government making money off of corporations and individuals is the only reason the government funds ( using your money ) environmental scientific research. The climate has been changing forever, a bunch of moronic humans driving electric cars wont stop this.

>is an institution blatantly trying to increase their funding using propaganda wrong
I'd say yes

The evidence literally shows that you are wrong. You got scammed. It's far more likely that we're just going through natural weather patterns that adjust the temperatures by fractions of a degree.

You're hysterical because this is one of the only issues the Left has left that anyone cares about, but it's a lie. An unambiguous lie propped up by propaganda, not by any actual data.

You NEED this to be true because otherwise you've been lying to the American public for years, AND costing the country billions of dollars for nothing.

How come none of the global warming/climate change scientists mention the fact that in approximately 35+ years, CO2 emissions from crude oil will drastically drop due to lack of supply.

6,000 years is more believable.

They literally make shit up because it's all a fucking guess.

They don't really know how much was there, nor plant life, nor animal kingdom, nor human/ape habits...

Global Climate change is just a fucking theory, not a fact.... ffs

Holy fuck this burger is dropping the truth bombs, enviroshills should get to cover fast. If the man made climate change myth ever comes out as the lie it is, many scientific institutions would lose funding. Leftist and leftist governments would suddenly look as retarded as they actually are when it comes to science, facts and the truth.

This science is all about the results and findings, pointing fingers at the average person and blaming them for somehow making it worse for everyone else so that they feel guilty about farting because it releases methane.

Threads like this point out the stupidity of Sup Forums in the most beautifull way. If it weren't for these kind of threads I would actually believe what you retards are typing.

yt proof is not the same as an agency dedicating thousands of dollars to studying the same shit

you're as bad as a shill

It has more to do with human farming cows, using cow shit as fertilizer than driving the cow meat to a store

>gas concentrations locked in deep drilled ice core samples.
>gas trapped in ice stays exactly the same for millions of years

CO2 is less dense than water. Gas bleeds through the ground into the upper layers. The only way to know for sure if these stupid ice core samples are accurate is by actually being there to record temperatures.

Got any other proof that 400 thousand years ago the climate was colder than it is today? Got anything at all or do you just base this idea on a single finding / study?

*yawn* Where is NASA's climate model of their hypothesis which accurately predicts temperature trends?

alex jones tier psychobabble

ask the military and exxon scientists why they think you are full of shit

>doesnt understand what a theory is
>talks shit about nasa
lmao just stop, read a book. i know you think you are smart but you are obviously scientifically ignorant

I'm not saying NASA is wrong, I'm saying that the ways they plan to combat it are fucking stupid and don't address any of the real issues.

If they cared about climate change instead of politics and stealing American money they would invest heavily in bioprinting so we can grow meat instead of having the insane amount of methane caused by our livestock. If they cared about climate change they would target the giant shipping companies, not automobiles. If they cared about climate change they would try to embrace nuclear, not energies that produce enormous amounts of waste during production.

They are shills and useful idiots

methane half life is much less than CO2

Funny how these hardcore environmentalists are always afraid to engage in actual debate about actual facts and science. All they can do is call you stupid and bring up the questionable "but the 97%!!!". It would be refreshing to see one argument for once.

The data is all sourced in the video. This is not complicated stuff. The data is freely available and anyone who wants to go look at it can.

I do not care what NASA says ABOUT the data, I care about the data itself. It doesn't show us any sort of correlation between emissions and temperature change, it doesn't even show a meaningful temperature change--and the models proposed all say that we should've seen multiple-degree temperature shifts already.

So where are they? Where's the climate change? Having a slightly hot year isn't any more proof than rolling 12 twice in a row on 2d6 makes the average roll of 2d6 12, the aggregate temperatures are simply not consistent with the models and therefore the models must be wrong.

(((NASA))) wants more shekels before the private sector shows the world how useless they are.

Looks like they'd better get to work on space colonization...

Oh wait, they are just lobbied by rich corporations that want a carbon tax to eliminate competition and increase state power which is in their pocket.

A theory is the final step before Law.

>The temperature isn't changing
>This is clearly shown by the data

But it isn't. So... They were clearly wrong? If the military and Exxon and NASA all said the sky was purple, it would still be blue. The data does not agree with their assessment.

This happened. So this is wrong.

They can't work on space colonization because the only way to make that work without having to spend a google of dollars is to embrace nuclear power

>He thinks you can compare data with vastly different measuring methods(Massive differences in what they are measuring, and how precise they are, differing certainty levels)
This is a disingenuous representation of data to begin with.

Instead of siphoning trillions from the middle class into the multilevel bureaucratic funnel, to create some solar panel in an African desert that we'll have to bomb in a decade, nasa should figure how to make those colorful clouds and just cloud seed filter out certain frequency of light to actively control global temp

But doesn't more CO2 = More plants = More Oxygen?

Wasn't the precambrian era (or maybe one before) crazy full of CO2 and it was lush as fuck with HUGE animals? It wouldn't kill life, life would just evolve.

the point numbnuts, it that it's not a law. every fucking scientist and institution that claims climate change is real is reliant on public funding to keep doing the same bullshit "evidence" to prove it's real, without actually being objective about it...

>They literally make shit up because it's all a fucking guess.

Direct evidence isn't a guess. Boy, your mother sure guessed when she picked your dad.

>NASA says the earth will die because of us

>Refuses to take any responsibility for burning enough jet fuel to power a large airport for 6 months for a small rocket launch, from which we discovered velcro yay!

>Do you think you're smarter than NASA Sup Forums?

Yes. Nasa is full of shit. The concorde, all commercial space rocket launches,private jets all use masses of fuel.

Yet they think we should all eat fucking insects because beef is so back, fuck that, fuck them and fuck you mr share blue shill!

i'm no gaian or believer in cataclysmic anthropogenic climate change but we've been warming up since the little ice age, with a few exceptions due to volcanic activity.

co2 DOES increase the global temperature. and the learned might say "don't volcanoes put out a lot of carbon dioxide?" and you'd be right; but the absorptive effect of carbon dioxide is relatively nothing to the increase in albedo (light reflected out to space).

and methane is more potent than co2

>graph starts in 1950


>NASA getting less and less funding because they arent doing anything useful anymore
>Space travel is a flop, getting places is costly, hard and time consuming
>"Hey guys climate change is real pls fund us so we can tell you again next year that the climate is still, in fact, changing"

Here are the 3 leftist arguments you will encounter when dealing with enviroshills :


one of earths many verified big meteor impacts equaled 10000 years of current pollution in one day. earth is dead and we do not exist.

yes... see

considering space isn't even real then yeah I'd say NASA is pretty fucking wrong

How dare NASA contradict the Lord Emperor.

There must be penalties for such insolence!

The blubbering idiot is going to kill us all.

Pretty much.

>yes BASED daddy supreme lord emperor is always right

Didnt Aaron Schwartz steal all those science articles to prove this? And he wound up dead over a misdemeanor.

Climate change is a well-supported theory. I don't see why Sup Forums denies it.
However, what I take issue with is the "climate change will kill us all" argument. Is there any proof of this?

Only idiots are against nuclear. It's the best considering all the pros and cons.

That graph is total bullshit.
I'm starting to think we may have never been to the moon now.

I would rather die because of carbon in the atmosphere than have kikes take my money so that they can pretend to fix it while we still die because of carbon in the atmosphere.

What now?

ice tests show x amount of co2 in 300,000bc
ice tests show y amount of co2 in 1950
ice tests show z amount of co2 in 2017
>it's humans

yes, it's made up correlation, not a proven causation..

I've never considered this to be a question to save earth, personally. We could probably kill it if we tried, but I've always seen this as a matter of our survival first and foremost.

>Stop consuming so much. me and my wife shekelsteishah have suffered seven holocausts and it is only right goyim cattle like yourselves should pay for our lovely retirement house in the dead sea and kiryas joel from HAART combi treatment is dat too moich too aisk?

All ve vant to do is hold sexual enrichment parties for black men from africa with your welfare dime, how could dat even be that bad, go to the gay club wid de schvartzes you never know,jameesha might let you eat some locust pizza after ya suck his dick!

as for our sons and daughtaz oh no they will be reading torah in hebrew school and learning the real non dumbed down math classes!

as is the data for nasa, and there's more of that?

it won't kill us all, clean tech is outpacing fossil fuels too fast for a real catastrophe not that it was going to happen anyway

Since the dinosaurs dies off 65 mya, the Atmosphere has mostly been much warmer than now. There are massive periods of time before mankind where there were no ice caps at all and sea levels were much higher. It's not ridiculous to be skeptical about claims of climate change being manmade.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>List facts
>its humans
>its made up correlation

What are you trying to convey to me? I'm not asking to be a dick I seriously have no idea how the fuck you expected anyone to read this post at 2AM drunk or sober.

It's going to cause enormous costs on everyone. Higher sea levels (imagine how much real estate will disappear), more and worse storms, a lot higher temperature in a lot of areas making them almost uninhabitable...

There's an enormous negative externality associated with burning coal... and WE are going to pay for it not the coal companies.

>knowing co2 level from 400kBC
>you cant even know the co2 level from 1500AD
>muh gas in rocks

its literally guessing and snake oil selling

tfw climate change will make Mecca literally hell that kills you if you go there.

Muslims BTFO

>Direct evidence isn't a guess

What direct evidence? Where is it?

I was unaware that we had thermometers in place 400 thousand years before humans even appeared.

The kikes are a bunch of sneaky bastards, but they are not behind everything. Show proof or shut up.

>"For centuries..."
>graph clearly depicts millenia
you expect me to listen to these retards?