No shill, I'm serious. How fucked is Trump?
No shill, I'm serious. How fucked is Trump?
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this is it
drumpf is finished now
Get fucked Trumpfags. Got back to being NEETs no one loves.
Not very fucked. It'll get as far as hearings and then just "not enough information to proceed"
Then we go back to 2scoops coverage every 48 hours. Or whatever mudslime bullshit happens in the UK
nuclear codes
But seriously we cannot let him have two scoops of ice cream
this is it i'm fucking done with Trumpf
I'm #cruzmissile nao
>Dropping on Northside
Why are you killing white people?
I do not know what the circumstances will be, but Trump will cross the Rubicon, so to speak, at some point during this presidency. Perhaps a major crisis. Our days as a Republic are numbered.
It means they feel they've gotten the bulk of the available evidence and are now bringing in legal counsel to assess whether there is enough to establish a case. My guess is we will know whether or not there is any merit fairly shortly once the attorney's memo is finished.
8 years
The fact that they are using the same lawyer is a method to make it seem that its the same case.
Digging up yet another mummy in a vain attempt to relive their glory days? Fuck, the Dems are absolutely pathetic.
Very but it'll take time.
He will resign.
Pence will pardon him.
Think will go back as usual but not with a meme president.
We're all fucked.
he doesn't have enough powerful loyal friends, and what would be his core supporters hold too tightly to the constitution for that to be a reality.
>How fucked is Trump?
On a scale of 1 to 10... i'd say about near the "Received strongly worded letter from the DNC." level.
in other words... negative 5.
>implying a civil war will not start if he resigns
>Americans starting a war in the name of their Corporate Overlord
Makes sense.
That's what they thought about Caesar
this is the (((best))) (((they))) got
They're doing the best they can to prove unbiased.
When its over, its over but the left will claim bias.
his only out is a mega distraction like nuclear WWIII which he will find a way to do.
I truly believe Trump will be the guy to start nuclear war.
we pretty much know its all about money laundering by kushner and trump, 100s of millions from putin controlled banks, that is known with 100% certainty, the degree to which putin extracted kompromat and quid pro quo is less well known
fuck. hes finished.
>swigs piss
wait till obama and kanye are there you dumb nigger lover
No shill, I'm serious, but we can't let him get the nuclear codes.
He's not fucked in any way shape or form. Muh russiagate is the most obvious political scam/psyop of our time and anyone who is not a mouth foaming progressive can tell. I really don't know why the dems can't just accept their loss, apparently pride does not goeth before the fall. It's political pantomime at this point, and it's doing the dems serious and lasting damage
Why is there a Russian Investigation and not a DNC/Corporate News Media Collusion investigation as revealed by Wikileaks which the DNC/Clinton claims was part of the Russian hacking of the election
>we pretty much know Because Brock told us so and he would never lie
What a load of horseshit
mueller represents the never trumpers . they'll find some sort of obstruction of justice
Imaginationland must be a wonderful place to live. Say hi to manbearpig for me
>Hires watergate lawyer
>FBI does this to show the investigation is credible
>Investigation finds nothing.
>14 occurrences to date of US officials admitting there's no "smoking gun"
If you can't see that this is all about stringing out a fake controversy for as long and slow as possible in order to hurt his re-election chances by labeling him a "scandal-plagued" POTUS, you're a retarded nigger
You're right. He should get three scoops.
They've already confirmed that they have nothing, and Comey is either going to jail for perjury or he has nothing either.
14 times now.
When super-kike Feinstein admits there's no proof of "collusion," you know they have nothing
>been a year since investigation started
>still no evidence
Not very
Remember watergate had evidence and a source within weeks
are you suggesting hillary clinton being on the watergate team and being fired for corruption has anything to do with it ?
Leftist bloggers (Matthew Yglesias, for example, at Vox) have already admitted they know that the "Trump-Russia" bullshit is just that: bullshit.
This is their idea of revenge for all the "fake news" they think cost HRC the election.
They. Have. Nothing.
being dragged infront of a grand jury and inquest then jail time is their idea of revenge?
Goto love that Trudeau mantra they are got showing us where to hurt them.
Anitfas is already getting started
>no shill
>1 post by this ID
>"Hollywood star whackers"
Okay, that I believe.
As someone who's not overly fond of Trump I'd say he's fine.
No more scoops for Ronald Grumpf. About time.
is it the one who removed hillary from watergate for unethical behavior?
Not at all...but the clinton machine is.
It's over for Drumpf
Sup Forums will chimp out during years
ha ha!
yeah, god damn that trump roast is going to come back in style again.
or it means the guy is just funneling tax money to his lawyer buddies.
It's always the same that spread these types of news.
Communist News Network
>>we pretty much know its all about money laundering by kushner and trump, 100s of millions from putin controlled banks, that is known with 100% certainty, t
>a man worth billions is risking his life over hundreds of millions
>Fires investigator
>Wiretaps Oval Office
>Watergate lawyers
Is this a joke? Is Trump trying to be Nixon? This is Nixon point by point repeating itself.
Enjoy the shitshow while it lasts
those faggots voted for Clinton too, they are traitors
>white people invent a way to squat on the toilet
>Indians still won't use it
Robert Mueller is absolutely not a Democrat. He's apolitical, an old-school law and order man. Plus, he's Constitutionally mandated to be an indepentdant counsel, a job given to him by the Dep. Attorney General, who is also not a Democrat. The only Democrats in this story are possibly some of the lawyers, but they're only being brought in because they're literally the only people in the world with first-hand experience at impeaching a president for corruption. Get your head out of your ass.
we were waiting for trump so we didnt have to be neets were not gonna go back to being neets if trump gets impeached hahahaha you're in for a world of hurt
your days are numbered shills. Do you think anyones gona care about your work on this board once the forgotten man has returned to the world?
>Worth billions
May I ask question to Americans? Do you really believe bullshit that Trump was elected because Putin had helped him?
only if you also believe that new york city will be flooded in 10 years every 10 years since 1960
How? Trump is destroying America and making the world abandon American leadership. Clinton would have been a better choice even as shitty as she is. You can't find anyone less qualified than Trump.
Then what all these investigations for?
who do you think pays for all these people?
No. We believe that Putin wanted Trump and helped. We also know that Trump was elected because he told the right lies to the right idiots. He lost the popular vote but won because of the electoral college that he admits is garbage. Russia helped but most of it was just stupid people who got lied to by Trump. And now Russia regrets helping because Russia is going to pay a huge price for their treachery and Trump is a cuck president who can't do anything.
have no idea. Can you explain?
Yeah he's not gonna finish his term.
I'm quite amazed how the msm has brainwashed the gullible lefties who still believe and religiously follow this trash
Sure you can, and what you're stating already happened under Obama
drupmhf is finshed
>Entire Democratic primary was rigged
>Hillary cheated and was literally a fraud and conwoman
>MSM lied and campaigned for her on a massive scale, insulted other candidate daily
>Hillary broke multiple laws and was given a free pass by Comey and Niggerleta Lynch
>Obama spied on Hillary's political opponent
>Illegal immigrants and political terrorists attacked Trump's political rallies at every turn
He literally owns a building worth nearly 2 billion alone
USA is really aesthetic
We know exactly how it happened. We know Russia helped. The question is, will Trump go to prison? Will his co-conspirators go to prison? Probably yes.
watch this
and delete your thread
>I have no proof of anything but I know exactly how it happened
Are you the guy that runs Louise Mensch's twitter account practicing your shitposts?
His name is Drumpf, shill
Even if you support Trump, why would you not want an honest inquiry into this? If there's nothing, then there is nothing and you have nothing to worry about.
>no proof meme
Yeah, all the dozens of Russian connections are fake amirite? kek. Enjoy prison, Trump cucks.
>an honest inquiry
>the DNC is gonna send him the navy seal copypasta
Stop denying the holocaust.
why is alaska like that
>Implying any of us would give a shit even if your delusions were true
USA & Russia are best bros now. We will take over Eurabia and start the Anglo-Slavic empire and there's nothing you can do about it.
Enjoy the knife in your back. Russia murders its "friends".
>Mfw CNN """journalists"""" are murdered with the help of Putin's KGB
Going to be a good 8 years
Native Americans
Why do you hate America? Seriously because Russia is not a friend of anyone no matter which side of the aisle you're on you should know that Russia is not your ally and will not hesitate to kill your whole family.
I just find it hilarious how hard they are working to get Mike Pence into power.
T-trump is finished this time you guys