When you say you're willing to go to war to make sure Trump doesn't get impeached, what exactly are you defending?

When you say you're willing to go to war to make sure Trump doesn't get impeached, what exactly are you defending?

It would be illegal to revolt against a constitutional procedure to remove a corrupt and/or treasonous president. It would be illegal to commit acts of violence against law enforcement carrying out his arrest following his then inevitable criminal trial. You would have disregarded everything this country is founded upon if you attempted to force your will upon it. It would be considered a coup and you would likely face the death penalty.

In other words, you're no longer defending America, because what you're fighting for isn't what America is all about. You would be fighting for a man. Not even a party, since the Republicans would retain control regardless. But fighting over a single man. A man who very clearly displays signs of brain damage. How is he worth you dying or facing life in prison? How have you become so poisoned and misled?

Not that we have anything to worry about, most of you can't go up a flight of stairs without passing out. But it's the principle of the thing.

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who said that?

Hi welcome to Sup Forums.

The thing is Trump has done nothing wrong. Compare Clinton and Trump finances, and you'll notice how Clinton has a shit ton more evidence of foreign collusion. Russia is literally a scapegoat for the corruption of the DNC.

Hillary isn't the president and is irrelevant.

OP you need to realize that Trumpfags believe in a Jewish zombie while at the same time claim to hate Jews. They say that racemixing is bad but then deny evolution. Basically Republicans are stupid and unable to think critically. That's why they just repeat memes.

Not "defending" anything. He was the last straw. Its not even about him but about you.

OP for prez

If he's going to get impeached, then how come the "evidence" (there is none) hasn't been brought to congress already for a vote?

OH RIGHT, because congress is controlled by Republicans, and the Dems want to wait until next congress vote in the hopes that they get a majority so they can vote to impeach, regardless of any evidence or lack thereof.

This would just show that the democrat party are out of control and that them and the media are far too abusive of power.

Abuse of power is worth fighting against. Do you think that the British constitution allowed the Boston patriots freedom of rebellion?

I wouldn't life a finger for any one or any cause except to defend my property, life, or loved ones from direct danger. Any other conflict is jewish manipulation to trade your life for money.

But do you really think a case that involves dozens of people in multiple countries can be brought together and presented in such a short amount of time?

It took Nixon 2 years before he resigned and they never even got him on the actual crime, they got him on covering it up.

Who are you quoting on this?

We call it projection mate. The crimes they've committed are the ones they're trying to find Trump guilty of.

That's just like, your interpretation, man. If anything, those who are working to oust trump are the ones who are in error. He was democratically elected, and hasn't even committed an impeachable offense. There are millions of Americans who know what is happening, and thanks to the internet, are savvy to MSM lies and pandering. If you take trump out, good luck faggots. You will piss off wayyyyyy to many people for there not to be repercussions.

Read the official report, watch the questioning under oath. It's all a puppet show and you're a shill. Hope you had fun typing that.

>Hillary isn't the president and is irrelevant
>I can't believe we elected this idiot to office!

I'm not on the Trump Train anymore, but Mike Pence is worse on foreign issues and I'll be damned if the commie dems get it all back in 2020

Trump has been caught in enough lies now, and gone forward with enough shady actions, that he could easily have an impeachment trial brought against him.

The problem is, you don't just do it when it's not solid enough to confirm a win. That's why they're waiting. Either for the evidence of the original crime to become more evident, or for Trump to commit blatant obstruction in such a way that the GOP can't resist.

>But do you really think a case that involves dozens of people in multiple countries can be brought together and presented in such a short amount of time?
If they have no evidence, then what are they going on on about? If they have evidence, then why don't they use it? The FBI have already stated that Trump is clean. Fake news is just pushing the story in hopes of a public opinion trial.

BTW, what did Nixon do that was so bad? Spy on his opponents? We already have proof that Obama did that to Trump during Trump's campaigning. Where's the outcry over that? Media-owners just focus their viewer drones where they want their attention.

Nixon and his people illegally funneled campaign money to pay criminals to commit illegal acts and then engaged in a conspiracy to cover it up.

The original act might have not got him impeached, but the effort to prevent it was so blatantly an affront to the law that there was no way he could have been left as president.

>Trump tweeted it so it's true

LOL Trump had no proof his line was "tapped". Why is he so paranoid? Something to hide?

>When you say you're willing to go to war to make sure Trump doesn't get impeached

Nobody ever said this, you psycho nutfuck.

However, I would happily go to war just for the chance of splattering your worthless pea-brain all over the sidewalk. I'm tired of your spam, your harassment, your whining, your lying. I would be happy to fucking kill you, just to put an end to it all. That is how annoying you are. That is how effectively you have de-humanized yourself to me, by acting like vermin.

Like this chucked roast beef?

Nothings better than see the impotent rage of the enemy


Sorry I should have pointed out that this was a conversation for civilized countries. Your post is evident that you're not ready.

Damn that's pretty clever

If you don't realize the intelligence agencies record everyone you've been living under a rock for years my friend.

>you say you're willing to go to war to make sure trump doesn't get impeached
This is why you infidels are weak, you've shitposted so hard it has rotted your brain.

>When you say you're willing to go to war to make sure Trump doesn't get impeached, what exactly are you defending?

who said they are 'willing to go to war'?

You faggots are becoming the thing you hate. You stared too long in the abyss and now it stares back. You hang on every word Trump says. You watch his every move. You care so deeply about him.

Listen up faggot. I don't care. I didn't care to read your post after the first sentence. I only care to ridicule you. OP truly is a faggot.

Nothing Johnson didn't do

>what is international travel
>wow, white people going to other countries? no way

Another dumb as fuck close minded and ignorant liberal. You know that the USA does billions in trade and business with the Philippines, right?

Well you didn't before, but you do now.

Honestly, why the fuck do you even exist? To make noise? To whine? To smoke pot and feel upset? What the fuck is your life? You sit there and repeat propaganda, while beating your tiny, worthless prick to the idea that you are somehow 'resisting'. What are you resisting? The compulsion to get a job? Be successful? The idea that you could look at yourself in the mirror and not be disgusted?

lol who am I kidding, you're shameless, you don't have any idea how pathetic you are, and even if you did, you wouldn't care.

That's what makes you subhuman. That's why it will be really easy for a whole lot of us to pull our triggers when the time comes. Just keep pushing.

Silly ranting Phillipino, I'm not sure how to make it any clearer that this conversation is not for you.

>A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Half the retards here think impeachment means removal from office. Maybe more than half.

They don't know anything about the world.

Bad news, the clause to impeach a president comes long before the amendment that lets you carry guns.

But more to the point, it has nothing to do with impeaching a criminal.

Trump has done plenty wrong, and will answer for it

Fuck off shill

Lol, you're a faggot.

trumpsky is finito

Bad news for you, the order in which articles of the Constitution including the amendments appear mean nothing, no part of the Constitution including amendments is above another.

>have russian wife
>it's somehow weird to have russian friends and family by proxy

Libs are morons.

Keep blowing smoke shill

But no need to follow immigration law, right?

Months into this slow burn effort to overturn the election - there is zero evidence of anything but a corrupt snd propagandistic media, and the Left's willingness to ignore Hillary's Cal Ripken-like streak of law breaking and fuckery.

Underneath this Potemkin argument you make is really the idea that Conservatives and Libertarians should just pay taxes and watch the Left repeatedly ram the ship of state into icebergs.

Your trust in the media's narrative given its ostentatious and recent history of blatant deception and agitprop suggests youre either woefully limited in where you get your news, and/or pitiably obtuse.


Tip: dont roll in here presupposing you're the smartest guy in the thread...

it makes you look like an asshole.

Civil war is coming, and our side has the guns. Enjoy

Cool, a shill with a tl;dr. Consider therapy for all the damage Trump has done to you.

>When you say you're willing to go to war to make sure Trump doesn't get impeached, what exactly are you defending?

History, from those who would rewrite it with forged memos just so they can silence the few men that could save us from the Orwellian future they desperately seek to bring about.

> it's much harder to prove something that didn't actually happen
> but with good enough photoshop skills and enough fanatics willing to lie for our cause, far from impossible

>what exactly are you defending?


>OMG Hillary says her opponents are russia! her family is trustworthy because democrat, and that is all!

>When you say you're willing to go to war to make sure Trump doesn't get impeached, what exactly are you defending?

The President of the United States of America.

>shady actions
>i haven't said anything concrete, and i don't know what treason is: the post