The absolute final, irrefutable red pill is that ted kaczynski is correct. You cannot counter any of his arguments as they are flawless.
If you disagree, I'll tell you why you're wrong.
The absolute final, irrefutable red pill is that ted kaczynski is correct...
ted was fucking right fuck all these technocrats talking bout "better life through technology"
>go live out into the woods
>everybody in europe larps like you do because you told them that its cool
*meanwhile in africa*
>the niggers are getting hungry because wtf where is my food hwuite devil
>grabs the AK-47
>the niggers invade europe, its spear people vs ak-47's
All I am saying is that in order for this work you would have everyone to larp like you wish which is impossible. Another possiblity would be a planet for people like you and him who reject progress. But space travel would actually first require a civilized socieity. Anyway, If the former is to happen I agree and might even join.
The technological system will eventually destroy itself anyway, as the need for technological 'progress' is always greater then any other human need.
Also, the west would still have weapons anyway, it the continuation of the production of industrialised technology which we should oppose
"The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values."
On why conservatism is simply a different side of the same coin
And if tech can bring you to escape your organic body to live thousands of years instead of 80?
I think the possibility that there's massive destabilization of the world which results in humans living primal style lives within the ruins of our current civilization in the future is a highly likely scenario.
It only takes a few things to cause humanity to forget how everything works
who the hell wants to live like that?
Implying this level of technology wouldn't need a huge amount of centralised authority over the overseeing and regulation of said technology.
>giving over control of your consciousness to corporations or governments and to expect them to act in your best interests
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what he believed?
I do
>Kaczynski goes on to claim that "[i]n modern industrial society natural human drives tend to be pushed into the first and third groups, and the second group tends to consist increasingly of artificially created drives." Among these drives are "surrogate activities", activities "directed toward an artificial goal that people set up for themselves merely in order to have some goal to work toward, or let us say, merely for the sake of the 'fulfillment' that they get from pursuing the goal". He argues that these surrogate activities are not as satisfactory as the attainment of "real goals" for "many, if not most people".
basically everything industrial corrupts humans
his arguments don't even exist
His critique of modern liberal capitalism is amazing probably the best of the modern era. However anarcho primitivism is pants on hand retarded for numerous reasons. Besides the fact it would lead to the immediate death of billions of humans and probably cause ecological destabilization on greater than everything we've done since the industrial revolution. There is no good metric for how far back we should go do we become amish tier or is a horse and buggy to technological ? what about hunter gatherer or is even agriculture too much ? there is no proper metric for how far back we should go.
I came to this conclusion about a year ago and it was one of the most existential, crushing moments of my life. His proclaimed central idea, that mankind will sell its autonomy and liberty for convenience, is absolutely irrefutable. I have no argument to give, OP. I agree with you.
i do
*on a greater level
which is essentially true you can make arguements about quality of life and life expectancy and all that but from everything we have seen from the beginning of the industrial revolution is increasing disatisfaction unhappiness and depression
Try an overdose of pain medication, and put a plastic bag over your head to increase your odds of a successful suicide.
I know, I know
I do
>Technology is something abstract in my fucked up Baby Boomer mind!
>Technology isn't natural because ummm, plastice and robots and shit!
Retarded as fuck
why? who would want to outlive all their loved ones and possibly have to exist lonely fo hundreds of years
theres a certain end to evething death is ultimatly an important part of life
and like
said in order to achieve that state you would probably be a lobotomized drone anyway
Yeah, I sure want to live forever as a slave. Jesus christ.
>Technology is something abstract in my fucked up Baby Boomer mind!
>Technology isn't natural because ummm, plastic and robots and shit!
>Retarded as fuck
>why? who would want to outlive all their loved ones and possibly have to exist lonely fo hundreds of years
Because I'm not a massive fucking pussy
calling someone retarded and telling someone to fuck off aint an argument
i dont believe ted said that technological progress didnt occure naturally over time i believe is just saying that the human race should willingly turn back the clock and preserve it that way
The technological system will eventually crash and kill billions of people anyway. Nature never intended for billions of people to live consuming vast resources.
Also, he was not opposed to technology, but rather industrialised technology. I.e. shit that needs large scale organised human societies with factories etc in order to produce. Basic tools are fine.
>Can someone give me a quick rundown on what he believed?
He believed in bombing innocent people to demonstrate that robots would become so smart they would take over the world and we would all be trapped in his fantasy world from a 1960s Twightlight Zone episode.
Pretty much...
The man is a genius. A real shame he's going to die in prison.
this is where the "but billions of people would die" arguement falls apart
even if you assume that doomsday scenarios like global warming global cooling climate change etc are false basic observable phenomenon like desertifacation rising sea levels and increased natural disasters would long run likely kill a few billion anyway
>i dont believe ted said that technological progress didnt occure naturally over time i believe is just saying that the human race should willingly turn back the clock and preserve it that way
And naive.
>HURRRR DURRRR I'm going to bomb people through the post office because I don't want you using the internet!
>HURRRR DURRRR I'm so smart I went taught abstract math at (((College))) where I learned to be a hippie faggot
>HUrrrrrrrrrr DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 'We got to get back to the garden, man!"
Hits the bong
>be me
>sees Ted's face in the Sup Forums catalog
>immediately enters thread
Here is some OC
>The technological system will eventually crash and kill billions of people anyway. Nature never intended for billions of people to live consuming vast resources.
hits the bong
eats the mushroom
Fucking hippies
>tfw most likely will never able to fully participate in the power process
>tfw only refuge from the modern world are meaningless surrogate activities
>tfw surrounded by self-victimizing leftists
why did I have to discover the ultimate black pill so early in life?
I must believe that I will be stronger in the end.
me to its good people are paying more attention to ted nowadays
I agree with his analysis and conclusion. But unlike him I don't think you can reverse technological progress. So I humbly accept my demise and the destruction of my freedom and humanity.
You can't really give 'a quick rundown'. Read his manifesto,
He also has a bunch of other very interesting writings/books
>implying ted "kill the leftists" kaczynski was a hippie
More OC
Tech is what changes the world. Not politicians.
need some advice lads
>be user
>been dating GF for 2 and a half years
>lost virginity
>first serious relationship
>popular in high school but once we started dating we stopped caring about our social circles
>literally do everything together
>not go to college just so we could start our life earlier, and it wasnt completely necessary
>plan to get married
everything perfect, but then...
>hear her sisters friend is coming into town
>I remember hearing that she thinks I am cute,
>but dont think much of it
>GF and I start fightin more but not very serious
>meet sisters friend
>barely talk
>still grow mild obsession with her
>realize that she may have just said I was cute too make my GF feel good
>doesnt matter
>its been 3 days since she left
>still cant stop thinking about her
>not even my typical type
>just as pretty as my GF
>doesnt matter
how do I end this feeling?
essentially anti capitalism anti-leftism anti-technocracy and neo-ludditism with a fuckton of black/redpills mixed
i think you can read his entire manifesto online on the (((washington post))) infact
On why progressivism is not always good it should've read.. mull that one over.
>the conservatives are fools, what a quib, when evolving a society one must always carefully consider a reliable base to sustain it, the conservatives aren't all experimentallly like the post modernists for example going "let's fuck shit up and see what happens who cares about structure "hierarchical" as if that's a prejorative term.
>tech changes the world
>wanting the world to keep changing
>wanting it to keep going down its current path
really makes ya think almost as if conservatism in a technocratic society dosent work
Imagine for instance that you're allowed to live forever. Imagine that you will never age past the optimal age.
You will see every sight. You will meet every person. You will fly to the heights and dive to the depths. What happens when you've seen it all? What would you do if you have explored space but cannot go further because of limitations on technology? What will you do when you've seen every river pond and creek and dived the deepest crag of Mariana Trench, and seen the wonders of the ocean floor and you realize that it is STILL. JUST. WATER.
What will you do, you arrogant fool, when you've climbed to the highest peak and done all anyone has ever wanted to do? When you've stood atop the world and roared your name in conquest a thousand times already to where the taste of it is ashes in your mouth.
You're fucking retarded. Humans have an infinite desire for power. Within the current system, technology and industry is what underpins all these power structures. Since people have an infinite desire for power, the 'need' for technological advancement is never ending until all the earths resources are taken up or people are enslaved (either willingly or not). The technological system is inherently unstable and will sooner or later destroy itself anyway.
>t.atheist kike
We know who you are m9.
I feel you brother
1. get a job working at your bros foam rubber factory
2. harass female coworker
3. move to Montana
Yes and when tech changes the world it also changes society and its culture abd ultimately individual behaviour.
We're right wing traditionalists. We don't want your shitty changes. We don't want more degeneracy.
Breed a new intelligent species over millions of years and be their god.
Actually if we started decreasing Aid to the third world it would lead to a more a gradual die off with third world populations reaching a sustainable level in a generation
What? We are unable to rule ourselves. How arrogant can you be to genuinely believe humanity has any right to the mantle of god hood?
Fuck, man.
I understand what you are trying to say, but the conservatives fail to understand that as long as industrialised technology exists, the desire for technological advancement will always be greater then any other ideology, as this is what ultimately shapes the world and gives certain people/organisations power
>Also, he was not opposed to technology, but rather industrialised technology. I.e. shit that needs large scale organised human societies with factories etc in order to produce. Basic tools are fine.
Well what's to stop someone from developing a steam engine or industrial look 500 years down the line and restarting the industrial revolution?
>humans cant even manage themselves but we should be allowed to be gods
>implying tenured university marxists are people
well if you go by a very literal intepretation of teds worldview he seemingly believed those who destroyed the earth deserved to die so who knows maybe a learned disciple of kacynskism would em?
>would kill em?
*industrial loom
Dude that's easy, with technology ill erase my memory so i can do it all over again forever
Become the emperor of mankind.
Take humanity to the stars, conquer their planets and plant my golden aquilla atop their Everest.
Mother fuckers
"Industrial Society and its Future" is required reading. Prof. Kaczynski was 100% correct and until we are able to say no to new gadgets and convenience we're doomed to the hyper socialized dystopia he described.
But that's what I'm saying like you kill all the technocrats and return society to a pre industrialized standard then 500 years down the line someone invents a labor saving device that restarts the industrial revolution. I society would forget about Ted's vision of utopia and because we are naturally lazy we would invent labor saving devices so it seems kinda pointless in the grand scheme of things
It's very enlightening to read his stuff after all these years
Ted theorises that if the technological system was ever destroyed, that any attempt to recreate it would take a much, much longer process then it took to reach the first industrial revolution. This is because there would be a lot less natural resources available and also because past knowledge of said technology would be destroyed in the process. Also, although we have extremely advanced tech, only very very few people know how to produce and create it.
Other then that, it would have to be hoped that humans learn from the past, there's no easy way round it.
He was spot fucking on regarding leftists, that's for sure.
Yes, but he bombed innocents. Like Ross Ulbricht and the Silk Road, you never go after innocents, you lose support from the idealists.
Not humanity. I. If I were immortal I would selectively breed a species like we did with dogs, but specifically to be an intelligent being that replaces humanity. And then the cycle repeats. I am eventually killed by heretics and later the new species develops technology to become immortal and does as I did.
well then youve got to assume that in this industrial revolution 2.0 world someone with similar ideas like ted (anti technocracy and neo-luddites) would arise and try to turn back the clock AGAIN
overall teds ideas are great for learning about how shitty industrial society and culure is and for learning how shit leftism and "conservatism" is
bu ulimatly near the end of his manifesto he does seem to just start rambling bout his revolution like a teenage anarchist or something
assuming teds ideal world is never a reality somewhere down the line the whole books basically a blackpill on modern industrial society
also this
anyone mentioned how Ted was an MK Ultra victim yet
Those with superior technology conquer those with inferior. Even if we go innawoods and start larping stone age someday an advanced civilization will just conquer us.
Does anyone have the link to his newest book ? the one he wrote in jail
He participated in some shitty experiment that revealed nothing. The guy just said some mean things to him, no idea why people pay attention to it.
But either way it has no bearing on his ideas regardless
I have a strong desire to live in the distant future. i didn't say i would want immortality, but thousands of years? yes, please. that's a lot of time to build something great.
Its quite funny and absolutely right that the logical conclusion for conservatism is to go back in time and live in stone age.
ANARCO-PRIMITIVIST. Basically Fight Club.
>guy said some mean things to him
like what?
Stop being a faggot and learn to live with those feelings—just DON'T be a degerate fucker like Tyrone, who follows every whim that comes from «muh dick». Focus on what matters: make things work for you and your girlfriend, marry her, and secure the existence of your race and a future of white children in America.
>Please renew your English Language subscription for only $15,000
>Please pay an additional $8,000 to access your childhood memories
The only thing you can do is read up on the Tibetan bardo and try to prepare yourself for a beneficial rebirth. If your karma isn't balanced right you may be born as an animal ,ghost, or worse. Learn how to die and it's possible to set yourself up well in the next life.
O'l Ted may be the smartest man humanity ever produced. Yes he blew some shitholes to high heaven. Commandment; Thou shall not blow thy fellow man off the planet applies. Think about it. here we are on pol discussing his theory of where humankind is headed, but had he not killed a few fuckers none of us would never had heard of him let alone his manifesto (which I have not read and prolly never will). He is a smart man, but a killer just the same. I personally think technology will be the undoing of mankind. Just a matter of time.
Stone tools are too advanced. We must live like monkeys in the trees.
>ted kaczynski
It'd be just like planet of the apes, and we all know how those movies end.
Recently read it, very good read
>ted kaczynski
You're getting close.
There's another red pill though.
Charles Manson was right.
What is with the brain you fucktard
The psychologist asked him about his career plans and personal philosophy and then harshly criticised it.
I'll destroy the part of my brain that tells me "you've done this before".
Seriously, though. Don't worry about this. We won't get these sorts of problems. Ted K was right, once the 0.0001% can automate everything, why do they need us?
At work, if not troll, plz summarise
oh yeah motherfuckers someone just realized that this shit is not ending either you become positive or muslims will rape your daughter
Manson's plan was to use pop music to control the tastes of white women to trigger race war.
Basically it goes like this.
>Take over pop music by releasing an album filled with messages instructing white youth to join the movement
>Black men, thus deprived of the white women whom the political changes of the 1960s had made sexually available to them, would be without an outlet for their frustrations and would lash out in violent crimes against whites.
> A resultant murderous rampage against blacks by frightened whites would then be exploited by militant blacks to provoke an internecine war of near-extermination between racist and non-racist whites over blacks' treatment. Then the militant blacks would arise to sneakily finish off the few whites they would know to have survived; indeed, they would kill off all non-blacks.
>In this holocaust, the members of the enlarged Family would have little to fear; they would wait out the war in a secret city that was underneath Death Valley that they would reach through a hole in the ground. As the only actual remaining whites upon the race war's true conclusion, they would emerge from underground to rule the now-satisfied blacks, who, as the vision went, would be incapable of running the world.
> At that point, Manson "would scratch fuzzy head and kick him in the butt and tell him to go pick the cotton and go be a good nigger".
Instead manson, was locked up and they used pop music to control the taste of white women, and make them race mixing coal burners.