So some "islamic" terrorist sat through a haram concert by this haram slut before blowing himself up? I'm smelling a false flag here...
So some "islamic" terrorist sat through a haram concert by this haram slut before blowing himself up...
He never went in retard
He's muslim man. They prefer their women clothed and covered, even her. ...And prefer them too young to lactate, or menstruate. Or whatever disgusting shit girls do their age.
Salman Abedi seems like a mix of all these different characters. The dopey looking dude they keep showing in the news like the main character. Sometimes I wonder if he even knows they are using him
It was after the concert by one of the exits you silly boy
Musllms are allowed to be in places normally considered haram if they ante furthering the goals of Islam
A Muslim army could for example eat pork if it was the only food available and without eating it they would starve and not be able to fight for or defend Islam
Nah. In that case they opportunists
No, dumbass
Regardless; some faux islamo watched a full ariana grande show before he did the big boom. Ain't buying it
Muslims will do degenerate things then blow themselves up because the Qua'ran says that all of their transgressions will be forgiven if they die for Islam.
No, dipshit, like people keep trying to tell you, he waited outside until it was over.
Fuck y'all. It's a false flag
Obvious ff and youstupudSo true
Sure he sat through the whole concert with his bomb, then decided to leave and set it off outside an exit. You are the false fag.
Jihadi martyrdom washes mudshits of their sins, tard.
what time did the bomb go off? news stories say blast was reported at 10:33. One guy in the story says 10:40ish. first Sup Forums mention of the bomb going off was 10:43
you are wrong.
I'm not sure I follow you
Ameritard. Every single time.
It was sarcasm to point out how ridiculous your claim is. If you can't produce evidence, it isn't even worth making the claim.
After pubescence, girls are literally just pooping out their boobs, blood dripping out of there wherever all the time