Assimilation was a mistake

>TFW I'm of Mexican Descent
>Parents born in Jalisco moved to California
>Born here learned to love the culture and about its traditions
>Whites see me as Mexican
>Mexicans see me as a Traitor
Assimilation was a mistake

Move to Tejas and Anglonize your name I suffered the same thing as you in Arizona now I pass as an Italian


You only have to worry about Mexicans hating you if you go back.

you see Paco, whitey wouldn't call that assimilation. You don't have your picket fence or read the Sunday paper. You have to turn Into whitey.

>I pass for Italian
you might pass for a Sinaloense

Gimme some of those tamales homes

>Assimilation was a mistake

You are complaining to the wrong crowd. Go tell that to the Mexicans who keep coming here and breeding.


What about Civic Nationalism

Just put a NRA sticker on your beaner mobile. You'll be good to go

I'm white and I feel closer to the real Americans of Mexican descent in the southern half of the country than I do to the white communists up here.

Right they "moved" to California.

Fuck off, wetback.

be white dumbass

Civic Nationalism can't work where your minorities constantly vote against it. We need to restrict immigration. Tom Cotton's raise act that will remove all restrictions for white immigrants will help get our demographics back on top. We also need to raise our birth rates as well. Combine the two and expect the minority numbers to srink.

Didn't islamists invade your shithole of a country pinoy

It could be worse you could be black like me but I can't even stand to look at other black people let alone go to Africa with all the disease. I think I'll wait until a accidentall nuke goes off then rebuild from the haze of the wasteland.

kill yourself paco your fooling absolutely no one

>Whites see me as Mexican
Just be a contributing member to society and not some lazy leech and I don't see why you have to worry.

>Mexicans see me as a Traitor
Who cares? You're American, have some damn pride.

>tfw half iranian and turkish born and raised in canadistan
>only knows western culture and values and talks like a white canadian from the west coast
>parents were busy arguing all the time for me to digest either culture or languages growing up
>whites see me as arab
>niggers see me as white
>family sees me as a disgrace

>some flip caring about illegals in California, and using American slang

Try again.

Also they didn't invade, they lived here since forever. Certain tribes resisted the spanish/catholic occupation centuries ago, and over time adopted Islam as another way to push back against Catholicism. They aren't even real muslims, just shitty, angst ridden jungle monkeys who want gibsmedat for being snowflakes.

Problem in flipland is that there are no gibs to be had, so the angry jungle monkeys stay angry.

Parents like yours make me hate immigrants. Why do people immigrant to Western countries if they don't respect the culture, are they trying to colonize it for the "mothership" or what? Good job choosing the right side.

>They aren't even real muslims
Oh god, haven't I heard this for the millionth time. Then why are Islamic State flags flying over Mindanao.

Its not that, its more like, the fact that I can barely speak either of their languages makes it hard to communicate with my extended family. My iranian dad is pretty assimilated at this point and a huge trump supporter, and my mom converted to christianity recently.

Same situation here.

>look ugly with shaved face so i grow a goatee
>makes me look like a cholo
>decide to grow a beard instead
>now I look like Muslim

feels bad man

those takis are clearly the best

Do you think we are racist just to be mean?
It's the simple recognition of the nature of men.

Ah I see. I like Pimsleur for learning foreign languages if it helps.

Thanks, burgerbro

Anglos of Mexican descent are fine by me, I have a goofy non-Nordic face, too.

Don't be such a soft faggot. "Whites see me as Mexican", you fucking are, and you need to prove you have left that behind to become an American. "Mexicans see me as a traitor", where do your loyalties lie ? Why would you want the approval of Mexicans ?

Assimilation is tough. Nobody said it was easy. Lots of Eurofags, and zipper heads that changed family or children's names to be "more American" this is because it is tough on every nationality. Your parents failed (not epic, they didn't know) by not hammering you with Americanism. be a proud American to your children. They will grow up as nothing but American, and never know the doubt you are feeling. When you get there you will notice no one thinks of you as "Mexican", they will ask what country your ancestors came from.

>giving a fuck about what other people think

You have to go back

Just go full muh heritage

>>TFW I'm of Mexican Descent
>>Parents born in Jalisco moved to California
>>Born here learned to love the culture and about its traditions

Very similar to my life. Spicfag here, born partially raised in Ciudad Obregon, Mexico. Raised in California. Love America, Lover American culture, and defend it. Hate liberalism, hate welfare kings/queens, hate cultural marxism. Woke about Jews, etc. Sup Forums is always right.

>>Whites see me as Mexican

That's because that's what you look like. This is not a bad thing. It is bad ONLY if they treat you like one.

>>Mexicans see me as a Traitor
>Assimilation was a mistake

Do not say this about yourself ever. Assimilation is not just "fitting it" it is ASCENSION AND TRANSCENDENCE. It is become more than the sum of your parts. It is learning to leave race and culture behind the same way a child grows up and leaves toys and cartoons behind. You mentally and socially evolve into much more. It is the only true form of evolution.

If other Mexicans hate you it is because they see that in you. They see you no longer depend on race and culture anymore. This is a good thing. This is no different how fat people hate former friends who took control of their lives and became /fit/. Going /fit/ is a form of ascension, transcendence, and evolution from a fatass, to average person, to a physical work of art. Your evolution is a reminder to the fatasses around you to get off their fatass and get to work.

Mexicans are mentally stubborn and mentally lazy people. They refuse to change and hate seeing other Mexicans grow and leave them behind. That's why they call you a traitor. You are not a race traitor, you are winner at life and your example makes them look bad.

>Not real Muslims

>tfw you are Mexican, 28
>red pilled
>hate socialism, ANTIFA
>holding strong libertarian views
>wishing to rid the degeneracy and corruption in your country

Stop trying to be white, just be you u fucking idiot

is the quintessential spic food?

>tfw cuban, ~83% euro a la spit test
I-I just want to be white guys wat do

It's digusting and should be shamed upon.


If you have above 50% white admixture, I don't have a problem with redpilled spics. There aren't too many of you, so honorary status wouldn't be an issue.
>wishing to rid country of degeneracy
>wat do
tits or gtfo

Move out of Southern California and when people ask you about yourself, say you're from Ohio or something. Don't speak a word of Spanish, if you can manage that, and act a little confused when people assume you do speak it.


I hope you don't really think that's me

>I hope you don't really think that's me
Of course not, that's why I responded as I normally do to larps.

you been playing this game? I just got it and can't figure out wtf is going on.

Por puto & PRIETO

>posting a random girl is larping
UHHHH hello????

Yes, it's been fucking incredible my mate.

>Assimilation was a mistake
Fucking stupid beaner. Your grandchildren could be what we think of Italians now at worst, if you have cute enough daughters.

I have no problem with you guys. But I think you should establish national socialism in you own countries. It is not a white only thing, it can work for you too. Since you are already in the US though, invest in your community, reject degeneracy, try to redpill your family, we all have a common enemy (jews).

As long as you aren't a la Raza fucker protesting our nationalist events, i will stay out of your way.

At least your not an ethnonationalist like this 1/8th Indian white who's a hypocrite

>in you own countries
What's this supposed to even mean? My only connection is with the US. You're saying that just because one half of my family fled a Marxist dictatorship that I'm not deeply rooted from the other half. If you were born with random admixture from some other race would you suddenly feel different about yourself and your connection to your people? The problem is I feel the exact same connection and totally alien from the place people say to "go back to."

You're cute af even though you're a subhuman spic.

Get out of New Jersey your all cancer wanna be Italians

You're cute af even though you're a subhuman spic

Well you're a subhuman retard for trying to flirt with a picture.

Cubans live in Florida lol

settle down thirstlord that pic isn't the poster

ill be ur white friend OP u wanna grab a beer later? just no spic music in the car okay?

ay yo up to play some rs?

I fairly certain your government needs to completely collapse before things will get better.

nah I need to hit the sack real soon but maybe later

Can I have a few mil senpai


Be american or fuck off back to mexico

Strap a burrito to your chest and go down to the local supermarket.

>go to Africia
why would anyone ever do that
don't fall for the ethnostate meme

váyase a la verga puto, aquí nadie te quiere pinche pocho culero, pegate un tiro puñal

Porque mierda son tan de los wevos.

>Cuban only live in Florida

Que jotos... mata te.
او زیبا است، او سمت چپ به تنهایی

look at the stats retard


OP and
are cucked pussies. feels bad.

>Anglonize your name

Only a cuck would do that.

>mfw there is no school in America whiter than the average Sicilian school

Kill yourself subhuman indio rapebaby
This is the reason Americans think we are shitskins

A majority doesn't mean all you dipshit their are cuban communities outside of Florida pendejo

It's weird, you can tell they're mediterranean just from the look of them, can't you? Not their skin colour but their facial features.

Yes of course, they don't look Atlantid or Nordic. But they don't look North african or arab, let alone congoid or some other nigger species.

You're the fucking moron for thinking my statement excluded them from being from anywhere else. Get a fucking grasp of the language.

>Mexicans are mentally stubborn and mentally lazy people. They refuse to change and hate seeing other Mexicans grow and leave them behind. That's why they call you a traitor. You are not a race traitor, you are winner at life and your example makes them look bad.

Yeah there are plenty of dumbasses.

I'm suppose to continue eating beans, rice, and corn tortillas for the rest of my life? We can get meat and lobster around here now, fuck that poor people food. It's no longer necessary for survival to eat that shit everyday.

>now I pass as an Italian

Top kek.
Good move.
You just removed the eagle from your flag.

I kinda know that
My father's chilean and all my life my family wanted me to act like them and speak spanish
My grandfather once told me that i was a gringo like i had cancer

Get rid of the Mexicans that see you as a traitor. They don't actually do anything productive.
They need to go back and do something productive there.