Why does everyone forget about Generation X were they screwed by baby boomers as well?

Why does everyone forget about Generation X were they screwed by baby boomers as well?

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no, they got in on the screwing of the millenials, they were like Boomer lites.

Kind of, but they still had some kind of chance to get theirs before it was completely gone.

Im sure z'ers will say the same aboot millennials in the future tho

filmed in Houston, so they're all just sitting there thinking UGH WHY IS IT SO HUMID ITS ONLY 7 AM

Fuck Wynona Ryder that thieving kike slut.

>were they screwed by baby boomers as well?
A bit.

Gen X is a tiny group who are also the lowest reproducing generation in all of US history.

We were born in the middle of boomer bullshit—early Boomers were the shitty 60s/70s hippies, late Boomers became the fucking yuppies of the 80s.

We’re basically irrelevant, hence having almost no impact on politics.

Boomers stuck it hard to every generation who followed, for fuckssakes our current president is still a Boomer. And the next few will likely be as well.
Trump? Boomer.
Obama? Boomer.
George W. Bush? Boomer.
Bill Clinton? Boomer.
George HW Bush? Greatest Generation.
Ronald Reagan? Greatest Generation.
Jimmy Carter? Greatest Generation.
Gerald Ford? Greatest Generation.
Richard Nixon? Greatest Generation.
Lyndon Johnson? Greatest Generation.
John F. Kennedy? Greatest Generation.

The Greatest Generation birthed the Boomers who birthed the Millennials.

Gen X is stuck in the middle, and greatly outnumbered in both directions. Millennials have quickly become as bad as their parents with their cancerous SJW bullshit: purple hair, slutwalks, safe spaces, 37 genders, dog fucker rights, pedo rights, white people are ebil raciss, etc.

Worse. Gen x were worse. The mainstream media loves them and is more influential than you think, this is why you hear nothing about gen x and everything about millennials, who they have absolutely no power over any more.

Come on butterflies are scary as hell.

I'm late Gen X in here in Oz. We were screwed. Can't afford house near city, alive before and after mass immigration. Kids used to wash neighbours cars for pocket money now its cheaper to have 4 Bangladeshi wash it for you. Most women my age are full SJW. Lucky for me i got redpilled, woke up amd started breeding.

>The mainstream media loves them
>this is why you hear nothing about gen x

You're stupid and you should feel bad.

Gen x were generally pretentious cunts too. The top ones acted like their life was Beverly Hills 90210 or Melrose place. The more stupid and trashy ones acted like they were rebellious just because they listened to Alice in chains or pennywise or some shit.

The nerdy ones were often snivelling faggoty jews.

But they are separated into more gen y types and more boomer types. Probably why they don't get named much.

Bring on the gen x hate!

Will gen Z eventually overthrow gen X? Will gen Z be republican?


>I blame everyone else for my own shortcomings
Jesus Christ, you people are fucking sad.

Cry more. Chances are the average poster here knows what to do to improve their country, and should be paid attention to, user.

>lol I didn't buy property in the 80s
So you're stupid gen x? You're still gen x, you still watched the wall fell and had that touchy feely shit in the 90s which inevitably lead to socialism. All those bowl cut women with cats instead of children are your age, they still actually believe by quietly throwing out all the resumes with white male names that they're making the world a better place.

Boomers are just business owners, gen x take other people's businesses and start replacing white men with brown women. Boomers are selfish, but rational. Gen x are just fucking nuts, everything you believe is a lie just like:
There is nothing you can say that's genuine about millenials because there's nothing you can say about them that didn't come from the mainstream media.

I see Alinsky just rocked up. Sure thing, when my issue is I'm being judged by my skin colour rather than my skills it's just me diffusing blame. There's nothing anti egalitarian or anti meritocratic about gender or racial quotas, there's nothing sociopathic about fat women with cats, I'm just trying to divert blame and playing the victim.

Okay you literal child posing as an adult, when you're offended nothing happens. No one cares. When I lose my job, that's thousands of dollars. See that money there? That actually does entitle me to victimhood more than "but the orange man wants to grab pussy."

This is called damages. Emotional damages aren't real damages. Being denied a job because white male is real damages.

You're a fucking tool if you think this is equivalent in the slightest.

>euphoric "artistic" photo reaction image

I'm getting a strange vibe from you, user. Are you anti-white or something?

>pol is one person
>the actions of older generations are null because of previous notions x, y and z

Lol why don't you save the world of your stupidity and just shoot yourself in the head

No, I fucking hate niggers.. However, the losers in this thread are acting exactly like niggers. Downtrodden faggots that can't get ahead in life on their own merit, so they blame others. It's literally nigger tier behavior and disgusts me.
Also, how the fuck did you get 'euphoric' from that image?

take the ultimate red pill my nigger

Wow, it's summer already, isn't it?

I was born in 1980...

I'm not blaming anyone. I didn't fall into the same trap as many of my peers. When i said we i was referring to my generation not me personally. I was hated by the rest of the gen x'ers

>There is nothing you can say that's genuine about millenials

The first rule of Millennials is that they all think they're too extra super duper special to be a Millennial.

The second rule of Millennials is that they will use the word "literally" in an incorrect manner, sooner rather than later.

Millennials FEEL so goddamned special that they invented thousands of weird genders because they FEEL too special to be men and women.
"Don't label me, bro!"

>muh summer
The boomer generation was responsible for the creation of a large number of social programs that were destined to fail, though only long after they vanished from the planet. To say that it's my failure that I should be blaming instead of recognizing the failures of previous generations is stupid at best, and intentionally deceptive at worst.

Again, why not take a bath in a vat of hydrochloric acid? I'm sure mommy's told you at least a dozen times now that you need one anyway

The boomers? Those are our parents. I am firmly GenX. I cannot begin to describe to the next two generations how disillusioned we are. Understand that many of us are products of parents who went to Vietnam, many of also are the children of hippies. The late 60s? We were babies and the world was falling apart. The 70s, you still had massive drug culture, hippies didn't just stop being hippies. Drugs were everywhere. Sex was everywhere. During the 80s we learned what "adults" really valued, that being the pursuit of money and vapid consumerism. We lived (USA here obvi) with the very real threat of nuclear annihilation at the drop of a hat. The Cold War I am convinced engendered a deep apathy towards the future. We ducked and covered in school.The 90s, I am still processing those. They were happy for the most part, but the cynicism was growing. Flash forward to today. We are not our parents. We have seen the world change and had the rug pulled out from underneath us too many times now. We don't trust the media, the government, or our school systems.
We were born disillusioned user. We don't want to rule the world. We would kind of liked having some of what our parents had growing up but it wasn't to be.

They're raising Gen Z and they're doing a fucking terrible job, many of them are single mother high school dropouts

So what are you going to do about it? Bitch and complain about things already in motion that you have absolutely no control over, or blaze your own trail and make something of yourself?
Acting like a sniveling cunt isn't very becoming, user.

Market crash in 87
Another in 1999
Another in 2008

College was expensive, hard to get access too, no internet for education, and if you did go to college the curriculum was out of date. Job market: faggot, entitled boomers refuse to retire eliminating upward mobility.

Yeah. They got fucked. Hard.

It's pretty ironic that you seem to come here with this misconception that you're talking to a bunch of basement dwellers while simultaneously dismissing any criticism toward the boomer generation as projection of my own failure.

you know nothing about me yet you're pretty willing to jump to some serious conclusions, which kind of makes me think that maybe it's you here who's projecting more than anything.

You're probably just some faggot who walked in here as if you could roleplay daddy and fix up some 'basement dwellers' with words just so that you wouldn't have to admit that you probably severely need it yourself

I should note that while my post sounds bleak, I had a wonderful childhood and thank God for my parents and upbringing. I do think overall then e boomers expected too much of us given the world we were born into. Notice I didn't say inherited...our parents inherited the place, we just live here. I also think GenZ will be the next "great" generation.

entitled boomers refuse to retire eliminating upward mobility.
That's strange... Almost every single company I deal with try to get rid of them because they're such a hit on their bottom line. Why pay an old person a ridiculous salary, why you can get rid of him and his position, and divide his work amongst a few younger hires?

This, this place is full of losers who blame women for not wanting to fuck them, and blame older people for not handing them life on a silver platter. Sorry snowflakes, you have to work to get what you want in life, it isn't handed to you.

>it's you here who's projecting more than anything
Holy shit, you can't be serious. Please reread both your posts and mine and count how many times I said 'basement dwellers'. Yeah, and I'm the one projecting.

I don't mind being born in an age bracket and use the word literally when I actually mean something or just to be deliberately incorrect to shit you off.

You think millennials haven't seen fight club and aren't offended by being called a special snowflake?

This is why I'm certain you know nothing about millennial white male Trump voting kekistani shitposting millenials. Do you actually believe the media is talking about this 60% majority of millennial men?

>The boomers? Those are our parents.

Some. Most of Gen X had parents from the Silent Generation.

Gen X was stuck in the middle of boomer bullshit—Early Boomers were the shitty 60s/70s hippies, late Boomers became the fucking yuppies of the 80s.

The Silent Generation were the people who grew up at the end of the Great Depression but were mostly too young to be drafted for WWII.

They taught us to be frugal, and sensible. Keep your head down and work hard.

But we ended up watching society crumble during our childhood.
Some of us got a few years that were similar to what you’d imagine growing up in the 50s would be like: Watching Andy Griffith and Leave it to Beaver reruns on TV, playing with other kids till dark, family and neighborhood picnics, riding bicycles, shooting at tin cans, leaving Christmas presents in mailbox for the mailman.

And then it all went away. The energy crisis. Stranger Danger. The Iran hostage crisis. The Cold War intensifying. Watching Reagan shot on TV, over and over and over. Feminists bitching louder and louder. The War on Drugs. Divorce rates skyrocketing.

We did get to experience technology begin to change the world.
I had a pager in 1991. It cost $50 a month. A friend of mine had a cel phone. It weighed 8lbs.

There are very few Gen X in politics, because the Boomers hold on to everything until they suck the life out of it.
Plus, most of us just don’t give a shit anymore. We gave up and became nihilists because our generation was too small to really do shit.

Hillary and Trump were both Boomers. We don’t care. Same shit, Part 2. Life became a retarded sequel long ago.

Gen X is a shitty generation because we checked out.
Instead of trying to fix what we see as fucked up, we embraced it.

I was engaged, once. To a borderline whore.

I accidentally dodged that bullet, and never looked back.

Why the fuck would I?
Boomers ignore me, they always have.
Millennials love to argue, more than anything else. Fuck that.

Man, are you really just this autistic?
Did you get punted across a field as a small child, or something?

What's funny is that these are the same faggots that talk shit about niggers and berniefags because they feel they're entitled. Top fucking lel.

Are you saying things are better now? Would you go to school for 4 years and spend 80 grand to get the same job a boomer got for $1600 of schooling back in their hayday? Would you commit to a $400,000 mortgage now where boomers got their house for 40k and a piece of vacation property for pennys?

If you think you're doing fine you're either 1 in a million or you're eating the boomer shit sandwich

>You think millennials haven't seen fight club and aren't offended by being called a special snowflake?

On the contrary, Millennials are offended by EVERYTHING.
They're offended if you call them unique, they're offended if you call them Millennials. They're offended because they are a product of their hippie Boomer parents retarded attempt to cover the world in bubble wrap. They were taught that they would never have to feel bad, or have anyone disagree with them or criticize their behavior. They were raised to believe they were special snowflakes and would be treated as such by everyone.

Most Millennials have little to no concept of what work really means, other than memorizing details and regurgitating them on tests to get a shiny star. They expect a career with a fat paycheck to be the natural progression from middle school-> high school -> college -> real life, handed to them like everything else was. And there’d better be lots of awards and pats on the back or you’re facing a meltdown that would put a druggie pornstar to shame.

Millennials are the sequel to the Boomers.
And, like most sequels, they suck.

No they just aren't as aggressive and retarded as the boomers.

Remember they were young kids when the boomers were being wacked out hippies and a lot of them grew to hate it.

But at the same time I still see a lot of Gen X women virtue signalling all over the internet. There kids are mostly leaving home now so they start whinging on the internet about "Poor Muslims" at that stage.

>On the contrary, Millennials are offended by EVERYTHING.
Yes that's very true of the majority of millennial women and millennial minorities. That's not who I'm talking about, you know it and you know I know it and we're wasting time here.

BTW, you still haven't refuted that it's gen x actually executing the diversity shit. The worst, most inegalitarian shit came from gen x, not millennials, of which the women will say the whole radfem thing was just a fad in 20 years.

You think I'm just "offended" when I'm told there are no jobs for white men?

I'm saying that you need to make something of yourself and not rely on others to do it for you. I own my own company, make 6 figures, have a wife and 2 kids, and I did that all before my friends got out of college (with massive debt, mind you). Don't be a retard, and you can get ahead. Stop bitching about what coulda, shoulda, woulda, and fucking do something to better yourself and those you surround yourself with.

Because they're our parents you dumb fuck and we stand to inherit anything left after they've spent our inheritance.

>I own my own company, make 6 figures, have a wife and 2 kids, and I did that all before my friends got out of college (with massive debt, mind you).
>he lies on Anonymous imageboards

>BTW, you still haven't refuted that it's gen x actually executing the diversity shit.

I did, multiple times.
You just don't want to see it.

GenX is SHIT.
Do you need more ALLCAPS to understand?

Always have, always will.
GenX is a tiny generation. An average generation is 20 years give or take. We're 15, at most. And none of our parents fucked, see. Because Sex is ugly, dirty, naughty, bad shit that will give you an incurable disease.

There will probably never be a GenX president.
Because we don't care.
Never have, never will.

I didn't use the word "nihilist" carelessly, like you faggots use "literally".
I know. Hitler "literally" rose from the grave last week, and "literally" fucked you in the ass, "literally" preventing you from going to a job interview. "LITERALLY!"

I don't really think that word means what you faggots think it means. "LITERALLY".

Holy fucking newfag

No wonder everything is going to shit. Gen X turd babies are on the fucking internet voicing their opinions.

Literally born and fed nothing but pure lies their entire existence.

Millennials are here to avenge the X.


All we got from parents was Your music is shitty, your culture is shitty, the 1960s was best.

As you say i quite expected nuclear war at any moment in the early 80s,.
The 70s were degenerate druggy disco.
So many GenX are dead now, from suicide.

gen x became baby boomers 2.0, the good news is there isn't many of them so their vote will be drowned out by millennials once the baby boomers finally die off.


GenXer here

it is best to forget us.

Like the silent generation. We are failures.

>Gen X turd babies are "LITTERALLY" on the fucking internet voicing their opinions.

You poor dumb bastard.
I had a 2400baud modem in 1989.
I've been shitposting for 28 years.

>B-but, muh uniqueness, muh shitposting!
>Muh Interwebz didn't exist before 9/11

You're here forever.

If you were to put as much effort in to alleviating your wretchedness as you do into blaming others for it, you might have a better life. Quit fucking whining and get a better fucking job. Fuck me, you sound like a whiny faggot. I can just imagine the twisted facial expressions and limp wristed flailing about as you whimper about your station in life. Fuck. It's fucking disgusting.

t.mr early gen X

You're so mad.

Thinking sex is icky is laughable against actually believing quietly throwing out white male resumes is your commitment to good in the world.

Gen X are tiny but a tiny amount of them actually qualify for evil. They actually believe maliciously causing harm to an entire demographic is morally and ethically justified. Their moral compass has been switched. That's literally evil and it came from gen x.

There is nothing you can say about any generation that can compare. Even using the nuclear bomb is arguably about self preservation.

Did you think I meant it lightly when I said they're worse? Gen x cat women are secretly everything wrong with the world because they control everyone's job.

>tfw gen Y got a front seat to watch the last glimmer of hope fade from the world and the transition into a post 9/11, hyperconnected yet disconnected, diversity first, world.
>tfw gen Y is the unloved, unwanted, unimportant generation.
>tfw you're the damaged goods generation.

>tfw gen Y got a front seat to watch the last glimmer of hope fade from the world and the transition into a post 9/11, hyperconnected yet disconnected, diversity first, world.
>tfw gen Y is the unloved, unwanted, unimportant generation.
>tfw you're the damaged goods generation.

Feels bad man, no wonder millennials do all kinds of crazy shit like becoming trannies, faggots and other lunatics.

We truly are fucked.

Checking in.

Gen X were ~23-35 years of age when 9/11 happened, i.e. they experienced the abrupt paradigm shift at a phase of life most unexpected. Most are screwed and lost.

>You're so mad.

>GenX is SHIT!!!!!!

Yeah. We know.
Hell, I've said that in every post in this thread, Bruce.

GenX is shit. We've always been shit; always will be.

We know.

You Millennials, though.
You suck so bad that you don't even know you suck.

The only good thing about your pathetic generation is that your broads know they're cumdumpsters.

They embraced it. They eat cock like it's the first food they encountered after your whore mother first snatched her diseased, drug-ridden, tit out of their grasping mouth.

Even fat, purple-haired Millennial cunts fancy themselves pornstars.

An entire generation of cumdumpsters.

Dear Millennials,
Your chicks are all sluts.
Thank you.
Signed, GenX.

but the best was that us robotics 56k....
matsushita kotobuki

And checking out again.

>you can control event occurring in the past prior to your birth
>the present and the future aren't intrinsically influenced and largely dependent from the past over which you had no control
you're a dumb motherfucker

He's a LARPer.

Gen x male here
I spent most of the eighties really enjoying my teen years
watching leave it to beaver, andy griffith
and life was like mayberry then
it was so safe and canada was still 90% white
the nineties really sucked, jobs became hard to find
i planted trees and avoided the big cities, i was always broke and desperately saving my money
thing got a little better in 00's
I moved back to the cities and started working in construction, still saving money and hoping to meet "the one" .... i met her and we got married in 2007, i was 35 years old when i started my family .... we bought our first house in 2010
thats how long it took to save a down payment and start building equity

we got fucked guys, royally fucked
our youth was great, but the rot had set in too deep before we could stop it, and the ability to stop it (the internet didnt exist)
I feel bad for the millenials, I know how impossible it is, to make it you are going to have to work your ass off, and save every penny
my parents are boomers, they literally are worth over 2 million, and my father wouldn't even chip in for any of his children to attend UNI, then he married some skank, spent his remaining years looking after some other womens kids, and left it all to her
the greatest generation??? the boomers???
dont go there with me, just dont go there!!!
I hate them ... they destroyed our nation
possibly for all eternity .... I wish every one of them would die today
but if you look back at it all the rot started even before them, centralized banks, allowing jewsih immigration etc ... this was the beginning
I dont know how to help you guys, i focus on my wife and school aged children and try to save enough to leave my sons something
Im not smart enough with technology like you are, but i support what you are fighting for
my brothers and I run a small contracting company, we all feel the same
we ONLY hire white males, i dont vote for shitskins and i dont shop in their stores
what else can i do to help?

Part of the problem is you're still on Sup Forums at 40+.

As time goes on money has increasingly less value as more of it gets printed. We are all contributing to this - especially the public sector.

Shills like this work in the public sector and know they are destroying the future by "working" for insolvent employers, so thet have to defend their position by ridiculing anyone who disagrees with the invisible infation tax.

underrated comment.
genx are horrible fucking parents.

They are basically the milquetoast generation. There is nothing special about them. They were lucky enough to not get as fucked by the Boomers like the Millennials but they were not promised everything under the sun as much as Boomers were. If anything, the thing that sucks most about them is them having no generational impact as compared to Boomers and Millennials.

Sup Forums is ahead of the news cycle by 12 hours and its pretty much the last bastion of free speech

>Part of the problem is you're still on Sup Forums at 40+.

What part of "you're here forever" wasn't clear to you?

Oh. You thought it was ironic?
Everything else in the universe was LITTERAL except that one phrase?

You're here forever, nigger.
Get used to it.


Gen X here.

I'm thankful as fuck for my parents.

>still married

>multigenerational home

>investment properties

I struck out from them when I came of age literally because I felt too coddled and wanted to be a man. Started a career in CA after sleeping on the floors of roommate's apts for a while. Became a liberal..disillusioned now and am more right wing than my parents I think. Although they're religious and I'm not.

When I was a child I didn't like my parents for their right wing and religious values..it got in the way of my partying with girls and/or being a NEET basically...and now I realize that is the reason my upbringing was so solid.

As a man now I don't feel screwed by my parents at all, I look around and wish all these fucked up kids had parents half as good as mine then perhaps we wouldn't be in this nightmare. I really enjoy visiting them with the wife now.

Did they 'stick it to my generation' with taxes and other bullshit? Maybe but since my parents actually valued their children it's a very fair trade. I still owe them, not the other way around.

Trump is an alpha patriarch and values his children immensely. This is something that should still be respected in the world even if you don't like anything else about the man.

>being this addicted to a Tibetian Goatmilking Center
How pathetic are you? lel

Have to agree there, everywhere else is infested by leftists.
Don't forget younglings a lot of genX were right politically even back in the 80s.

isnt technically obama a very early gen x.

Oh no, we suck, we're going to ruin the world. But your generation? You don't just suck, you're unimportant. What do we lose if you get erased from existence? Some edgelords from the 90's and Seth Rogan's brand of terrible, shitty movies.

Your legacy is Sausage Party.


>How pathetic are you? lel

I'm almost as pathetic as you, sempai.
Except, I've been balls deep in your sister.
And, I didn't ever call that bitch back afterward.

>trying this hard
lmao @ ur life

>Trump is an alpha patriarch and values his children immensely.
>Children don't live with him
>Wife doesn't live with him
>Spends more time with his caddy than Baron

Really activates my almonds

>Oh no, we suck, we're going to ruin the world

The boomers ruined the world before they birthed you.
You don't even get to have that.

Run buy some purple hair dye from the 7-11, or whatever you cunts have down there.

Purple hair makes you extra super special.

>lmao @ ur life


Because we're not kids anymore and we should have taken our responsabilities.

We are as much to blame as boomers. I feel bad for kids and the shit world they'll have to live in, at least I got my piece of golden age before the darkness. Those kids never had and never will.

Corporations don't give a shit about Gen X because they were such a small market and no one could make money by appealing to them. A lot of companies started figuring this out too late, and those who survived shifting demographics (boomers reaching a certain age and no longer buying a product) hold a resentment towards Gen X. Also, boomers have some sort of resentment towards Gen X as well. They read all the stats about how Gen X wasn't going out and buying shit, weren't buying houses. They attributed it to the generation being lazy, when in fact there just wasn't that many of them.

Gen Y (the millennials) is a God send to companies. A fucking gigantic boost in the size of the generation, so a massive market to sell products to. You'll see a lot of pandering to millennials, the same way you saw (and still do) pandering to baby-boomers.

>he's too thick that I'm an X'er and I'm talking about Boomers.

Boomers are complete shit. The got mine, up yours generation. They fucked shit up so much it'll take decades to fix once they're gone, if it's even possible to fix at this point.

But, Millennials are so...

They're like a nagging wife, or a whining dog, or a mosquito that keeps going for your ear but dodges getting slapped.

They got fucked hard by the Boomers, yet they’re so insufferable that I can’t give a shit.

Top kek

> He's right you know.gif

The generational role of Nomads are to be heavily criticized and easily forgotten.

trudeau is like boomer on steroids

Because we weren't raised in a generation of "everyone is a special snowflake" and "everyone should be in 1st place".

We were the last generation to be taught the value of hard work and not coddled because people were afraid to hurt our fee-fees.

Millenials were taught that the world owes them everything because their parents had drunken sex.

We were taught the world doesn't owe you shit, so go out and earn it.

Millennials are always the worst generation. Millennial youth culture is the dead end of western civilization producing a self aware parody of all previous youth cultures in the form of the ironic hipster nu male faggot, there is no genuine protest, no genuine rebellion nothing millennial cucks are literally doing paid internships right now for the fucking privilege of having an opportunity to get a job, maybe and they are totally ok with this they are totally fine with being a bunch of faggots and recognize that they are shit and that will not change anything, they don't even get angry about their shitty condition because they literally can't, they suppress their emotion just enough for the next fap and the next session of weed + vidya to numb their senses

You forgot the third subtype: Greatest Generation and Silent Generation GenXers. Remember we still knew those generations whom most millennials have had little to no contact with. My parents were older GG, my Dad a shellshocked WWII vet. They gave me a great upbringing, in part because as older parents they'd been through some shit, and also saw (already) how toxic the boomer generation was turning out. I literally remember them talking about it. My mother was infertile in her 20s due to a medical condition she later had corrected, but her first marriage ended when hubby slept with her best friend (and others). She dumped him because unlike a lot of modern young women, she had self-respect. She got a job and supported her widowed mother instead of whoring herself out trying to find hubby #2. She didn't remarry until her late 30s so I'm lucky I even exist. My Dad had a first marriage to a literal crazy who ran off with a porn photographer. He lost his son to them, pretty much; my half-bro is still a mess. So Dad gave me the very best childhood he could possibly manage. Again, I was lucky. I have their great, solid values and none of the boomer bullshit.

I know a few others like me. We're a small group and not typical GenXers at all in some ways. We're less liberal, less flaky (though even more depressed...) more self-sufficient, rational, hard-working and far more patriotic. We despise boomers and feel bad for millennials and genZ kids. We know what this country CAN be. We want to bring that back. I would love for one of us to rise to the top in American politics. Don't know if it will ever happen, but there are a few good GenXers in the field, Devin Nunes for one. I know his family marginally and can attest he is not boomer-influenced at all, he's more like I am.

Fuck off. We never had shit like this when we were young; we got out and lived. It's time to relax and learn about the brave new world. It's a wild ride and I am never bored. I've learned a hell of a lot and been able to actually make a difference, however tiny, in the last couple of years.

As for you? You're gonna get old too kid, and you're gonna die. Deal. Oh yeah, there's women here too. You might as well kill yourself now and get it over with.

> born in '61

>my parents are boomers, they literally are worth over 2 million, and my father wouldn't even chip in for any of his children to attend UNI, then he married some skank, spent his remaining years looking after some other womens kids, and left it all to her
classic boomer shit. so many of my friends had the same kinds of experiences. just sickening. I'm sorry you've had a rough ride but glad you made it work in the end. Congrats on the family and the house! you earned em.

It really was fun being a teen in the 80s, wasn't it? Damn, those were the days. We were lucky to have that at least.

Take your meds, gramps.

They were not. They still own homes and didn't graduate with a shit load of debt. Their degrees were worth something

I can't argue with you, many of them are. But not all. I grew up in libshit CA and although many of my friends never had kids, those who did are mostly in stable couples. They started late, usually, but had healthy kids and are taking good care of them. A lot of boomers were divorced and their GenX kids know how much latchkey childhoods sucked. All my friends with divorced parents were always at our house because my Mom was a stay at home and would make us all cookies and stuff.
Single moms are an eternal problem. It sure isn't going away.

Your parents were rare boomers indeed. I'm glad you got lucky.