Proposal, engagement and marriage

How does Sup Forums feel about the social norms of the proposal, engagement and marriage systems in the West?

Personally, I'd be fine with making a ring for myself and my wife or getting a ring tattoo (yeah, degenerate) over spending three years salary on an engagement ring...

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>Good goy buy a diamond, there's no better to show affection.

who spends 3 year salary on a ring? dumbasses like Micheal do

it's tradition. if you want a traditional marriage with a traditional wife, get the ring

I hope you at least realize "three years salary" is the punchline there because it's not the norm.

Either way marriage is a bullshit moneymaking scheme. Avoid at all costs.

I literally found out about the jewish diamond conspiracy the day after I bought my engagement ring. Fucking Debeers kikes

Marriage is great for society.

Diamond rings are a scam... Get a Moissanite ring.

its 3 months round here, and i thought that was pretty good goy greg

When my father married my mother he was broke as fuck so he gave her his stock in Dell computer and told her they would sell it after their 30th anniversary. Paid off more than the African mineral at the jewelry store.

Would buy a ring, but never a diamond

Been together a few years, have medical power of attorney incase shit hits the fan. Baby on the way and no real need to pay some jews $160 for a certificate that isn't worth the paper it's printed on anymore. No rings because we don't wear jewelry and we would rather spend the money on our son.

Marriage is great but it's meaningless in a society that doesn't put any importance into it. Divorce and gay marriage made it practically useless.

3 months here too. I still think thats way over board. im not about to drop 20 grand on a ring.


>Marriage isn't important because other people can get married and break it off when genuinely unhappy/unhealthy


Marriage isn't important because it has very little value in society anymore. When people can get married and divorced in drive thrus, what's the point? You can be committed without having to buy a license for it.

And when your domestic partner gets sick you can't visit him/her in the hospital. Kids also become an issue for unmarried couples.

Currently engaged to marry. We decided to get married mutually after just talking and deciding we wanted kids so we should get married. No formal proposal, no ring, just a conversation that ended with "you have to talk to my dad." I ask his permission, he gave it; her mom has taken it upon herself to plan the entire thing and both her parents are paying for the whole thing, as per tradition. We still haven't gotten an engagement ring yet, but she doesn't want diamonds and I told her my budget for her ring is no more than $300, which she's fine with. All in all, I can't really think of any other way to do it. Once it's gotten to a certain point, marriage and children should come up in conversation with your girlfriend so why not just decide together to do it instead of going ahead and buying a ring (that she might not even like how it looks) and praying that she goes along with it?

Marriage is when you take her virginity. eg in the bible they pull a switcharoo on Jacob, he lies with Leah instead of Rachel, oops she's your wife now.

It's all good and trad, but the diamond is scam. I don't know enough about diamonds, but I'd bet there's a jew behind it.

Women love diamonds, even if they say they don't. Show her you care.

After posting that I remember reading something about it on the occidental observer. Here it is if you're interested:

Fuck off, schlomo. I hope you die in an oven.

I already said we sorted out the medical shit, it was in the first sentence of my first post. Kids can be a custody battle even if you were married. So what's your point?

Diamonds are cheap and easy to manufacture

Don't buy into the Jew Monopoly.

actaully you can do both. give them precious stones. im huge into auric fields and some stones are better than diamonds. even amber

I'm getting her a pearl ring because 1: it's her birth stone and 2: she likes pearls.

by the way we had a scare earlier and I was back there in the room with her while they checked on the baby and her, they didn't even ask if we were married. We have had no problems with medical professionals blocking us in 6 years, the poa shit is just incase we do get the one pencil pushing idiot that tries it or if something terrible were to happen.

I doubt the engagement ring custom has ever been strict enough to force guys to establish financial or career stability before they consider proposing. But it is essentially a dower.

haha, is funny because it's only 3 MONTHS salary XD

like everything else, they're designed to put money in ((their)) pocket

married my wife with a peice of twine since the $5 ebay rings got shipped too late, saved instead of blowing 20k on a single day

also the De Beers diamond engagement ring is known in advertising to be one of the most successful ad campaigns in history

If a woman says that she want an expensive ring, don't marry her. She will ruin you.

Just get a simple gold band, or use a family heirloom ring if you have one. Diamonds are a kike scam; jewelry = jewery.

Don't pearls scratch easily? Wouldn't be my first choice for a ring if that's the case.

id rather no ring at all tqhwysempainiggadesufamaquamasasquatch

>Either way marriage is a bullshit moneymaking scheme

Marriage is actually a pretty based and red pill manner to rear a family, is not marriage itself the problem, is all the faggots working on family courts coming from a pos weekend orgy to dictate how a family is supposed to be run, also the demigod feeling judges don't help add to that the bunch of faggots in the west unwilling to fight back cuz they're afraid of the white nights and cunt orbiters and you have a recipe for disaster.

Making woman entitle to every wimp they have plus welfare doesn't help either.

Is not marriage that is wrong, is the man of the west incapable to defend it

dont be a fucktard. I spent less than a months salaray on my wife's engagement/wedding ring and my wedding band combined, and she loves her ring. if the woman youre marrying doesnt blow a gasket at the idea of you wasting 3 years salary on a ring then you fucked up big time, enjoy your miserable future.

All jewelry is delicate. You can take the thing off if you're about to be doing some actual work. I know for a fact I'm not going to risk degloving my finger wearing a wedding band while working with heavy equipment.

Huh, I thought it was common knowledge that there are hordes of diamonds owned by one (((family))), and that they are completely worthless. I figured people keep buying them out of tradition and being conditioned to like them. Hopefully you didn't buy one of those ugly "chocolate" diamonds. Amazing marketing, price up the ugliest diamonds on earth and call them "chocolate".


But I would say marriage is good in many ways, but too many people get married thinking its a contract that can be broken. I plan to get married to my best friend. She doesnt like rings, so I am not sure if I would be able to avoid the diamond ring. I definetly would not spend more than 3k on one thats for sure. Might as well spend that money on a house or something more valuable.

De Beers actually has lost their controlling interest in the diamond industry. Serves them right, too. They've been paying out the ass settling lawsuits over antitrust, price fixing, and dealing in blood diamonds.

Ah okay. The general idea still stands. I guess I knew about that very early on, because it fascinated my dad. He bought lots of diamond jewelry for my mom over the years and didn't mind since she loved it. He still informed me about it every now and then.

>wife said she didn't want a diamond ring
>our wedding rings cost 150

Did I find a unicorn?

Just got my fiancé this ring was £2500 or one months salary.

She would kill me if I spent 5k on a ring for her.

Diamonds are a sham really no way they should cost so much, but you gotta do it

>you gotta do it
Good goy

good goyim
good bait.

So what's a good alternative to a diamond ring?

you whore

on credit XD

Mazal tov

Naw, it is a half Carat, well cut, perfect color, and clarity (my mom influenced my choice and introduced me to the ((4Cs of diamonds))) but it is a De Beers rock. Very simple ring, one diamond set in a white gold ring. Although I didn't learn my lesson the first time and her eventual wedding band had 5 .1 carot Da Beers diamonds in it too.

My wife bought her own ring at a cost of ~$2200.
Why the fuck should I buy a ring when I'm taking on the risk of getting a wife? That would be like me paying to foster children (as in the broken orphans).

Diamonds are a sham really no way they should cost so much, but you gotta do it
Dats right goy

Get a Zirconia Ring for a fraction of the price if you need to have a bland white ring

Diamonds aren't worth anything anymore, we can manufacture them.

A simple gold band

I didn't want a diamond ring, just one made with materials that would last over a lifetime, and of course the stone can be replaced. I would have gone with cubic zirconia, but my parents ended up giving my husband my mom's first wedding and engagement rings. I like the classic look (classic and simple none of the new gaudy stuff out there), and it's important to me to symbolize our unity for ourselves and to the world. It's important for us to feel strong as a couple and to have a united front. We haven't had a wedding though. That's more money down the drain for an occasion that ends up being about everyone else. Maybe one day we'll do some sort of party/reception/wedding thing, but all of it seems like (((brainwashed))) pomp and ceremony for no reason other than you've been told to do it your entire life.

Jesus Christ all of u are so dumb, marriage is A: better for taxes B: a great way to show affection and C: diamond rings aren't a Jewish scam, just a regular business scam, get her a gold ring w/ her fav gen on it instead.

My wife bought some sort of gem stone I think it might have been a sapphire or maybe it's an green stone maybe.
I should find out in case she asks me.

Literally no difference between a 2500 ring or a 5000ring. Only the (((experts))) know the difference.

We buy gold rings in my country and they cost around 500euros.

Have you tried talking to her about what she likes? Sapphires? Ruby's? Opals?

If I could go back I would start indoctrinating her on opal or tanzanite.

15k here. Stop being cheap cunts..what else would you buy. You're clearly paying for a shiny thing so she can show her friends how much better you are than their boyfriends.. it's not about how "real" diamonds are or how jewish it is. It's likely everything else.. it's a measure of how shit you are at life.

Just get a golden ring

She's gonna jump on the first Chad cock she sees if she's as shallow as you.

Honestly I doubt she's off the cock carousel atm

>good goy replies
Yeah it is good goy meme worthy, but you also can't help that everyone else is thoroughly brainwashed to the point that they still want diamond rings even if they know the truth about diamonds and the history of diamond rings. I never want diamond jewelry, but I still wanted a quality engagement ring probably with cubic zirconia or something clear.

marriage is good you degenerate fucking losers

Here in Portugal it's rare that someone buys an engagement ring as far as I know. The rich still buy women jewelry but not specifically for that occasion. You buy a wedding ring (small golden ring for everyday use) and that's about it.

Personally, I got a pair of gold-coated silver rings for about €60 each and they do the job just fine for over 5 years now. If you're gonna buy a flashy ring be prepared for the bitch to fleece you for the whole marriage and beyond.

simple solution, don't get engaged.

I see absolutely no reason for people to do it. If you want to live together, have kids, then just do it without marriage.

At least you get some sort of reassurance that after few years if she gets fat ("I got a man already so I don't have to give a shit about my looks") you can just up and leave her. Instead of being stuck with her because in divorce she'll take half your shit, without marriage you can just tell her to fuck off.

>Waste 15.000 to stroke a womans ego

Or you could save up 15k more and have a small weekend house abroad?

Something that you can pass down to your children and might actually increase in value?

just get steel or iron ring to show your fascist spartan ways

Or you can be the man of a household and not allow a mother of your child to leave and possibly take your children away?

Do you really want to increase the risk of separation?

It completely depends on her. I've seen quite a few different engagement rings on women who didn't go for diamonds, and they're all over 40 so not a young generational fad. Personally, I still like the completely simple diamond ring look (see pic related) but would simply choose a different clear stone. When you're getting close to engagement in a relationship it's good to subtly ask about your girls taste if you aren't already aware of what she would want.

Marriage is the most important social institution we have. Thats why the Jews have spent fifty straight years trying to undermine and destroy it.

*Feminism was about destroying marriage.
*Gay/Trans rights were about destroying marriage.
*No-fault divorce and alimony were about destroying marriage.

Now you're looking at this battered, half-dead institution and blaming the institution itself. If we can't find a way to recover marriage and the family, we're done as a people.

Holy shit hahaha. Hopefully you got a great lady out of it. I'm sure she loves them.

Stainless steel, maybe, but regular steel and iron tarnishes too easy. I don't really have to worry, though, I have heirloom bands from my great grandparents.

Golden ring is the standard where I come from. As it comes to marriage, my first priority is finding means to hide my assets. Bitcoin, offshore accounts, stuff like that.

I'm too programmed to want only a band. I'm already against diamonds, weddings, wedding dresses, and honey moons, but I'd at least like a classic ring set. I'm very happy wearing my mom's first set.

i think we should cut the state out all together. the ceremony ought to be sacred and performed in secret, like the early christians.

If you're going to buy a diamond ring at least buy artificial diamonds - they're substantially higher quality for a fraction of the cost

I am not saying that she will leave, I am saying that once engaged she may become a huge bitch because she doesn't have to care anymore, if you are fed up with her and want to leave her she'll take half of your shit (if not more because she'll most likely get the kids)

Well she is a ginger who is 12 weeks pregnant with my first child who I saw for the first time in ultrasound Thursday. It was hiccuping. I'd say it worked out.

I agree. It seems wrong to conflate government licenses with marriage. My husband and I did not bother with that. It's about you, your spouse and god.

A confidential marriage license is legally binding, just like a public license, but it’s not part of the public record. Section 501 of California’s Family Code allows for the county clerk to issue a confidential license, and Section 511 states that these licenses are not open to public inspection, except by a court order. Public marriage licenses, on the contrary, allow anyone, for any reason, to look at the personal information that appears on the licenses at the County Clerk’s office. This information—the couple’s full names, dates and places of birth, parents’ full names, and any previous marriages—is private for confidential licenses.
That's what I got.

I think we need to seriously question marriage and whether its worthwhile. The laws in place are punative. Having a child is punative. It's really bad. The women in the west are mentally ill and the system caters to their illness. I'm speaking from experience.

Ah okay, we don't have that and don't live in a common law state. Neither of us want legal entanglements. I can't have kids, and he had kids in previous marriage, so I might feel differently if we were going to have kids together.

>diamond rings aren't a Jewish scam

We don't believe you, you kike shill.

Congratulations, m8.

>in 2017

I was kinda joking
Those heirloom bands sound nice though

I wonder if a DIY kit to make a plain golden ring would do well. Just a piece of gold, a little flux, crucible and two (((disposable))) molds that would come in ring size. Just melt, cast, sand and polish. Would be a manly thing to do.


But what if it becomes viable again?

Leddit actually has some legit DIYs on making wedding bands. Some are faggy LOTR style larping rings, but some are true gold bands with engravings. If you're truly interested in doing that, aside from doing a regular [insert search engine] diy search, you should search the DIY sub.

Marriage was never made nonviable. Women by and large have made themselves nonviable for marriage. Find a viable woman, hard as it may be, and marriage is the same as it ever was.