>Should you teach your TODDLER to challenge gender stereotypes? Chloe Shorten leads call for action as report says children start learning about 'gender roles' by the age of two
>'Australia needs to stop worrying about Islamophobia': Muslim psychiatrist says 'moderate' activists downplaying Islam's links to terrorism are fuelling extremism in teenagers
>'Islamophobia hasn't killed anyone': Tony Abbott slams officials for soft response to terror as he calls for 'shoot-to-kill' commando units to guard against Australian attacks
>'Islam is a cancer on the planet': Australian academic slammed by his university for calling for the religion to be 'destroyed' after London terror attack
Can someone explain FTTC, FTTN and FTTH to me? apparently im getting FTTC NBN. what exactly does this mean and what speeds will i be expecting to get?
Isaac Cox
FTTC = Fibre to the curb FTTN = Fibre to the node FTTH = Fibre to the home
Evan Myers
So i assume the FTTC is fibre to like my mailbox? and FTTN is to the street?
Cameron Miller
Reminder that we live in the greatest country on earth
Jason Walker
FTTC goes to the telecom pits FTTN goes to the street cabinets FTTH goes straight to your house
Jose Jackson
>>'Islamophobia hasn't killed anyone': Tony Abbott slams officials for soft response to terror as he calls for 'shoot-to-kill' commando units to guard against Australian attacks If this happens, and it's actually a good idea, then I'll reveal myself as a guns campaigner. There is literally not a single good argument against concealed carry if all policemen are armed and everyone knows it. Besides, by this stage our last problems left would be privacy rights and things we're allowed to own.
>>Secret ASIO raid on the 'Queen' of the Chinese-Australian social scene uncovers thousands of classified documents This is Sup Forums related. The Chinese communist party watches some obvious alt right Australians and even some less obvious ones.
I'm going to either need leaks or some assurance this isn't Sup Forums related.
If you're already getting 10mbps or more I'm sceptical you need more. Fibre speeds can get ridiculous, light speed is something simply greater than how fast electricity moves through copper.
I assumed to the node is to points your isp has, because it's based on isp it's probably less connected.
Home > curb > node I think....
No, but it's close, Australia with true libertarianism is a literal ancap utopia, one day you'll be able to buy random patches in the outback from impoverished tribes of aboriginals so they can live comfortably and then sift their ancestral grounds for uranium and thorium to be sold at a fixed price.
But first you need to accept the carbon tax.
Caleb Martin
pretty much. from what i hear, anything that isnt FTTH, you have to foot the bill for the rest of the cabling.
James Rivera
If that were true, how come a fucking mars bar now costs $2.20 at the local milk bar!?
Carter Evans
Look at that fucking picture in the Mrs. Shorten pedo story. Bill looks so JUST right now.
Landon Sanchez
FTTN is fibre to the nearest fibre node, which is anywhere between 10 meters to 400 meters from your house. 300 or so people are on it.
FTTC is fibre to the telecom distribution pits (the little metal things with the telstra logo on them), 1 pit to 2 houses.
FTTH is fibre directly into your house.
>If you're already getting 10mbps or more I'm sceptical you need more. go fuck yourself.
>I assumed to the node is to points your isp has no. NBNCo puts down obvious fibre boxes. if you walk around your suburb you'll see them.
>you have to foot the bill for the rest of the cabling. lmao, more like you have to foot the bill for an entirely new install from scratch if you're not on FTTH already. prepare to pay $20,000 or more, and prepare to be on the phone with your chosen ISP for fucking weeks to get everything set up for a direct connection. and that's if the council doesn't have a go at your pucker first.
Jonathan Peterson
Is there any way that we can get FTTH? Or is it done and dusted, no changing it?
Oliver Young
Saw this in this Courier Mail today, lads.
Are islamophobes, dare I say it, BTFO?
Carter Murphy
Why are centerlink phone lines so fucked lads? Not even a redirect to the prerecorded voice message, just a 'line busy' and it hangs up.
Dominic Peterson
>Asked about the reports and whether China is threatening Australia's sovereignty Defence Minister Marise Payne said she did not believe there was a threat.
'Course she fucking said that, traitorous commie bitch. This cunt deserves to hang.
Jose Ward
someone please contact lehonhjelm before tonight's show get him to bring up the melbourne crime situation - and stir up normies to push for better defense laws
Jace Sullivan
>calling cenno >at all
get a job
Ian Diaz
They make it hard to get NEET bux on purpose so (they hope) more people will just ragequit and stop taking their moneys.
Julian Miller
get a job, bludger
Nathan Morgan
Sales tax motherfucker.
Don't worry, sales tax is miniscule against how much money is involved in fossil fuel power or petrol sales. It can simply go when it needs to, it's a new tax anyway and people hate it more than income tax. We probably even should raise income tax to remove it.
So NBN had the nodes? They're still nodes as I imagined them, probably a good thing. I'd still rather fibre to my curb, I'll take to the node.
And no, most ISP nodes are tiny and hidden on electricity poles or underground. If NBNs are massive it's another failure of NBNs to buy recent technology.
>vandalise nodes in areas you don't like >suddenly Brunswick is down and there's no lefties in auspol
This means people coming into your property, that's not going to happen without some very obvious consent on your part.
Brayden Clark
>>Secret ASIO raid on the 'Queen' of the Chinese-Australian social scene uncovers thousands of classified documents
No shit the fucking commies are trying to go after Australia. Aus/pol/ has been a hotbed for them for ages now. We need to remove them by force and quickly, lest we become destabilised like America has been.
Hudson Russell
it's done and dusted unless labor comes in and somehow makes good on their initial NBN promises, in which case... maybe. maybe.
but otherwise you're going to be paying for a brand new fibre install. NBNCo will organize it, you will pay (without government support). the contractors will roll up and will start thinking of stupid names for things they can charge you for. at the end of it you will have paid $20,000.
i read something about robocalls. if you're getting an engaged tone when calling fucking centrelink, their over provisioning has failed and their systems are being overloaded.
>So NBN had the nodes? yes. the nodes look like this. telstra still owns the bit of copper from your property boundary to the node, but once you get to the node it's all owned by NBNCo until the fibre hits the exchange.
>If NBNs are massive it's another failure of NBNs to buy recent technology. they have fibre to phone line converters and huge battery backups mate.
Charles Price
>implying infidels are innocent
Wyatt Robinson
Remind me to put the bins out tonight please.
Mason Robinson
put the bins out tonight
Connor Robinson
Infidels aren't considered innocent you retard.
Jace Diaz
Dylan Reed
Nah mate, bins go out Wednesday night unless you are some kinda abo.
Brandon Peterson
do you like in melbourne?
Dylan Long
Based Wednesday night bin bros
Charles White
Monday is a more logical bin day. Wednesday is illogical.
Ethan Torres
Who /Tuesday/ here?
John Rogers
Tuesday night is bin night you drongos
Aaron Johnson
Send a complaint to the AAT
It's super easy and it makes the people at Centrelink shit themselves, I dunno why, maybe they face fines if the AAT rules against them
Jason Jackson
I've got a pro tip for you m8, not many people know about this >go to a local centerlink office >wait in the line like a good goy >when you reach the landwhale, ask her to get your phone connected to the call center >if she isn't a cunt, she'll make it so that you actually get on eternal hell cycle of listening to their shitty music straight away instead of getting the line busy bullshit 10 thousand times >get in the car and drive home because the wait times are over an hour long I'm not 100% sure but I think it's free too because technically they're the ones calling you.
Tyler Gonzalez
Wednesday night reporting in. >tfw the cold and wet weather is demotivating me from going to the gym >go anyway Not sure how long I'll be able to keep this up m8s.
Jacob Baker
Telstra aren't a bad company until you start wondering why their prices are so high, it might have turned out better if Telstra had NBN, but I doubt they actually care. Some people in Telstra, especially the public section, just like to get things done. Telstra owning stuff doesn't worry me, but NBN are rapidly approaching their last few deadlines and I also know from a previous job they're barely 20% through each major city, let alone the rural areas let alone aboriginal communities, who actually need the internet so somewhere there can figure out an educational system for them.
I want few things, no sales tax, carbon tax only if nuclear power is in the package, and free internetz for all. I'm willing to virtue signal to get these things, including bullshit about aboriginals.
Reminder there are more Australian proxies out there than many other countries, if a certain group simply doesn't like Australians they'll simply shitpost with Australian proxies to make us look bad.
If any of you are that dumb, even Americans have garbage services, idiots.
Don't rely on centrelink. Before you know it they're "questioning" those jobs you applied for the job seekers allowance just because Darren Smith doesn't sound like a proud black woman's name.
Big government agencies related to care or education will usually fuck with people during extreme left wing periods, they'll act like cunts or put their phone off the hook if they're on a "break." Self entitlement is very typical left wing behaviour.
Evan Wood
>but otherwise you're going to be paying for a brand new fibre install. NBNCo will organize it, you will pay (without government support). the contractors will roll up and will start thinking of stupid names for things they can charge you for. at the end of it you will have paid $20,000.
The backbone infrastructure is mostly likely shit anyway so even then you still would get shit bandwidth. whole things a joke.
Ethan Kelly
>Telstra owning stuff doesn't worry me, but NBN are rapidly approaching their last few deadlines and I also know from a previous job they're barely 20% through each major city, let alone the rural areas oh of course. i knew this was coming right after turnbull started with his "affordable NBN" bullshit. at least i have mine.
who fucking knows, you might be able to fuck a few women, pay for a few beers and make it out with a reliable gigabit connection.
Brayden Wood
>bin day isn't high quality discussion Melbournian detected
Adam Cook
were we wrong about the muslims lads? are the peaceful ones the odd ones out? are they mostly a murderous crazy bunch with a few good ones and not the other way around?
John Reyes
Is it even worth it getting NBN? im pulling over 100mbps download, with 2mbps upload, and around 10ms ping.
Sebastian Jones
>Telstra aren't a bad company >Their motto is "provide the worst service for the highest price"
Carter Thompson
4g does 4MiBs+ through the air what on earth you need 100MiB's for?
Christian Butler
I have NBN fibre to the premises. I only get the 50 down 20 up plan now since 100/40 was more speed than I needed.
Nolan Thompson
For extra comfy internet browsing
Wyatt Lewis
>Telstra aren't a bad company
Isaac Jones
It's atomic age technology, it'll never be cheap so you'll always either pay out of taxes, your pocket or at the expense of people's jobs by taxing the telecommunications industry.
Ping is just delay, you can't improve that because it'll always take at least 250ms to send light to America.
Just go for a cheaper deal, chances are speed will be cheap anyway after NBN, so maybe trade money or download cap? Download cap is probably a higher priority, if you're streaming HD for hours every day you can easily exceed terrabytes.
They provide services for a price, fact remains we'd be closer if Telstra won the fibre contract. They're hardly a good company but they're far from a bad company, they are hulkingly massive though and suffer all the problems hulking companies suffer, like extreme leftism in some of their departments.
I've met/seen three Muslims.
>please, just let be try to be normal >I'm Muslim and want you to know, including yelling down Bourke street >I'm Muslim and totally different, but act like a black woman from the US Only the first group are acceptable, you can tell a real cunt because they can summarise their whole life story in under 5 words. Demi-queer pan whatever or "I'm a muslim."
Hunter Sullivan
I think they are mostly peaceful. Don't want em here though.
Most of the ones in indo are Muslim in the same way we are Christian. Not really but we celebrate Christmas and go to church for weddings and a few other things.
Mason Morgan
You've just displayed your IP address, just saying.
Henry Brooks
perhaps i should reiterate, what's it _needed_ for?
Juan Robinson
>2017 and not using proxys kek
Jason Cruz
Political Islam is huge in Indonesia. If you are ignorant about something do not give opinions on it as if you know what you are talking about.
Look up the recent controversy with the governor of Jakarta
John Long
Zachary Long
Near Caulfield. That's where the Melbourne Jews are I think.
Carson Ward
>Brighton fucking rich cunts
Cooper Thomas
>brighton kek, im a few suburbs over. i know plenty of jews in bentleigh, there are more there
Anthony Ward
>Brighton Not too shabby
Joseph Torres
>anything east of the CBD
glad they have to deal with apex niggers 2bh
Jaxon Jones
alright lads i actually just called his office and hopefully his staffer will pass this on to him and fingers crossed we'll see leho call out the APEx on nat'n telly
if you have something else good i can call back but i think this point is the strongest
William Garcia
Best mobile service you'll find. Also their faults department and customer service are the best.
The catch of course is the price. They are definitely pricier than the competition. But if you're willing/able to pay, Telstra is honestly the way to go. The fact that they're huge and have a big profit margin makes them much more agreeable and approachable when things go wrong.
Jack Sanders
Good show, lets see if anything comes out of it
Camden Peterson
What is Sup Forumss verdict?
Luke Jones
Found OP on tinder
Tyler Cruz
Seemed to have a handle on the country economically, but taking away guns is unforgivable.
Grayson Diaz
sharks or storm who do I bet on lads
William Allen
Globalist fuckstick who put economics ahead of independence.
Mason Smith
>gambling on mainstream rubbish sort yourself out.
Henry Flores
t-that's n-not me.
Robert Jones
what the fuck does homoflexible even mean? collingwood
Jacob Green
Backstabbing cunt who put economics ahead of small Australian business and the right to defend one's self.
Ian Morgan
answer the question
Oliver Reyes
Easton Martin
There's a Sikh Cunt who works at a woolies near me, wearing the headwrap and everything.
My mates were talking shit about being a muzzie cause terror attacks and I had to school them and figured I'd so so here just incase any of nupol is retarded.
Mates, Sikh's (the pajeets with the twirly mustaches and onion head rolls) are fucking bro teir and will always be bro teir. They've been anti muzzie for centuries. Their entire religion is half founded on hatred of muzzies for taking one of their guru's and beheading him for not converting. They're literally just proto Buddhists. Muzzies are dirty neckbeard cunts that don't have stashes. Sikh's have big glorious ones.
Don't make the mistake of lumping in all rag heads. That makes no better than a dirty lefty.
Chances are if you meet a pajeet and he's pale and has more euro looking features with straight nose bridge and top teir facial hair, he's a good bro and not a stinky cunt.
Adrian Brown
He's a master of the bushy brows jutsu, he'll pull a fast one on you that you wouldn't believe
Carson Allen
t. panjeet
Matthew Ross
>le sikhs are bro tier meme
kill yourself pajeet
Ryan Nguyen
Doesn't matter Pajeet, you still gotta go.
Michael Powell
I agree on the guns, i'm only a young feller, I've watched a few news reports and seen the footage of him debating the protesters who wanted him to leave the guns alone - seems to me like a part of Australia's freedom was stolen. What was good about Howard govt.'s economic initiatives?
Aiden Morgan
flip a coin. heads is sharks, tails is storm. then don't place the bet because the payout is less than 2.00 for an event which is a 50/50 you dickhead.
Oliver King
>based non whites Get out.
Camden Thomas
Wednesday reporting for duty!
Gabriel Fisher
Nothing, Soviet union fell and most of the world saw huge increases in GDP. Look at most countries GDP in the nineties.
Liam Ross
kike puppet
hang him high
Kayden Morgan
Not keen on Gooks m8s.
Kayden James
Favourite places in Australia go. I really liked Port Douglas
Anthony Johnson
>cutting off your penis >naming yourself after a shitty French flick This degeneracy knows no bounds.
Jordan Diaz
I don't feel that way anymore. Perhaps I'm just depressed but I find very little tying me to Australia anymore.
Jack Bennett
The call that saved Australia.
Wyatt Turner
same, wanna meetup and shitpost while eating KFC tendies?
Juan Roberts
Were the Wharfies in the wrong?
Jaxon Cook
I have never had KFC tendies. are they as good as mommies tendies?