ITT: we post political truths that Sup Forums doesn't seem to get and needs to be ramemd through its collective thick skull.
ITT: we post political truths that Sup Forums doesn't seem to get and needs to be ramemd through its collective thick...
>truths Sup Forums can't handle
The Division Bell is pretty good and ranks at least as well as Meddle on a Pink Floyd album scale
I know something else that needs to be rammed.
G*rman """beer""" tastes like toilet water.
Ales and stouts are the superior beverage and will always BTFO lager. As usual the Anglo is better in every way.
Also Donald Blumpf has had an awful first few months of being president and an impeachment would be for the best. Mike Pence would be much better.
Putting one's faith in a human being is always a pointless and ultimately disappointing endeavor.
did somebody hurt u
Let me guess, she's from BL*CK*D?
Only if you agree that A Momentary Lapse of Reason is a step above at the Wish You Were Here tier.
9/11 was an Islam Job.
It wasn't the Jews. It wasn't George Bush. It wasn't a false flag.
It was fucking Muslims. Muslims murdered 3,000 innocent people.
Anyone who disagrees is a terrorist apologist.
Anyone who blames a group other than Muslims is a traitor.
If you're an American and don't hate Islam, you should be hanging from a fucking lamppost outside of your home while masked jackboots drag your wailing cunt of a wife and screaming children out of your home, and put two bullets in each of their heads before kicking the tree stump out from under your feet.
MGTOW is Jewish subversive horseshit that scares white men raised on the internet to stay away from women.
Judaism embodies the worst that man has to offer, and as such needs to be fought everywhere. This extends to the self. Jews will thrive in business wherever you look and find vice. Morality is not a stance but is in fact a daily battle to be righteous and abstain from vice. A society where every man shuns vice is a society where naturally a Jew cannot exist.
Russia is the Bolshevik empire, and this never changed. The fall of the Soviet Union was orchestrated so the people running it would silently step back while still holding the reins.
Ethno-Nationalism is the only way forward for societies to prosper and stave off the rising tides of degenerate Communism. Libertarianism is well intentioned but ineffectual romanticism. Left and Right politics both bow to Israel in one way or another.
The only government such a state could hold stems from the Fasces
The power of coinage must be returned to the people, even if this means drastically lowered economic growth, even if it means losing the power of the petro dollar. A house built upon an ill foundation cannot be upheld forever.
Overt racism and vulgarity is no way to live life. Accepting race realism does not mean you shout nigger in public. Acting disgraceful and showing lack of proper decorum a young man should posses is giving to vice, and has no place is a morally upright society.
Without religion people become aimless. You are not strong enough to fashion your own values, and hundreds of millions of other people certainly aren't going to collectively do the same either. There is no superman to be found among us. God is not dead and we have not outgrown use and need of him.
Race is nothing more than a skin colour.
Nice shilling. You will still be executed for your lies.
It is the person that is violent, not the religion
the free market is only good when businesses are competing. when businesses find ways to avoid competing (which they always do because competition is bad for business but good for the little guy) then government intervention like the anti-trust laws are actually good and desirable.
Don't worship the free market, worship competition. Worship that which encourages and promotes competition. Don't let the free market meme blind you to how corporations are exploiting you by avoiding competition. Understand that most markets have found ways to avoid competition and are thus imperfect even by Adam Smith's classical model.
nice try schlomo
>Beer is made with Hopps, and Hopps has estrogen in it. This is why Beer makes men more feminine, despite it being marketed as a masculine drink
>Thomas Jefferson signed a law to chemically castrate homosexuals in Virginia
>Most homosexuals are pedophiles
>Most homosexuals/pedophiles were molested as kids
>Homos don't reproduce, they recruit through rape
>Edward Bernays invented marketing, celebrities, and pushed the idea of individualism. Individualism was pushed in order to make people buy more things that would make them more individualistic
>Hitler was part of the New World Order. He was funded by the big banks and he had a globalist agenda to conquer the world and bring them under enslavement
quads of truth
Ideal capitalism can only be maintained through constant pruning.
Religion is the opiate of the masses. While completely false it is needed to control and provide a 'reason'
Anything involving humans is imperfect
The populace is not as dumb as its thought they choose beliefs
You'll be judged by God for everything you do in the end.
I welcome execution.
You will have the horror of watching Muslims rape your wife and daughter before you die, and with your last gasp slipping through the gaping hole they cut into your neck to pull your tongue out of, you will choke out a gurgle of blood that was an aborted fetus of words meant to be, "He was right."
Because I was.
americans are a bunch of brainwashed labrats
Of all the things I have read on here this seems to be the truest one
maybe the nwo is not so bad after all. jews will destabilize the world, and cause tremendous evil, but they will only do so in order to legitimize their own messiah, who will then bring peace, order, justice, progress and wealth. if the messiah comes during time of peace and stability, nobody will recognize him as such. so they will set the world on fire, in order to be able to save it and say 'wow look what our messiah did, he truly is the messiah'. And that will happen around the year 2214 which is when the jewish calendar ends at the 6000 mark and the messianic age begins. By then the world has to be under jewish control. I'd kill to live that long. It'll be pretty interesting to watch I bet.
Rationalism is cancer, it brought on the nihilism and totalitarianism of the 20th century and is continuing to drive the post modernist and neomarxist trash Sup Forums keeps bitching about.
Morality without the transcendent is dead, it is not merely for the uneducated but much more so for the self proclaimed intelligentsia, put any of these proud fools in power and they'll bring on disaster on themselves and those beneath in their arrogance.
>The East VS West narrative is a plot to divide the world ideologically.
>Our history is very incorrect and miswritten to keep the judeo-christian narrative intact.
Empiricism is cancer. Naturalism leads to relativism and relativism leads to nihilism.
Collectivist, humanistic filth and post ex facto moral justifications for every atrocity under the heavens is what you get when you abandon rationalism and pretend the world is a morally empty void.
Nwo wants to de-populate the earth to 500,000,000 so they can enslave and control them.
Sounds like a bad time
Rationalism was the basis for the collectivism and humanism that appointed man above "the divine" and allowed him to decide what was moral ex facto. To ignore lived experience and centuries of functional belief and practice in favor of ones own reasoning was the peak of mans arrogance that cast him to the depths of depravity.
A fucking leaf
anime is degenerate, its pedo bait for manchildren
>one's own reasoning
Empiricism/naturalism is where you get collectivism and humanism, not rationalism.
Rationalism is far more conducive to theistic thought than cancer empiricism which is self-refuting and cancerous.
It's an indicator of their genetic and cultural heritage, shit genes and culture are associated with certain phenotype, as are successful cultures and genes..
E.g. A certain skin colour indicates they're genetically unlikely to be good swimmers due to bone density and culturally unlikely to stick around as a father, which skin colour am I describing? If you can name it, you know I'm right.
Trap are gay.
>Ales and stouts are the superior beverage and will always BTFO lager.
>As usual the Anglo is better in every way.
I think you meant to say French, Belgians and Irish are better
Christian rationalism destroyed the church in germany during Nietzsches time, it's why he pronounced God dead.
They rationalized the bible into a tome of symbolism, christs miracles into metaphors and God into an idea from mythos, denying the historicity of the bible, the divinity of christ and the personhood of God.
>MGTOW is Jewish subversive horseshit that scares white men raised on the internet to stay away from women.
i don't know if its actually the jews fault but i agree its subversive and horse shit
hating muzzies and acknowledging that the official 9/11 story doesn't add up aren't mutually exclusive you retarded ultrakike nigger
You're not talking about rationalism as rationalism is actually treated in philosophy.
You're trying to make some weird and mistaken case that rationality itself is anti-faith when it's not, which isn't talking about rational-ISM which is stance in epistemology.
Blaming Jews for everything is laughable, there needs to be a victim for there to be a perpetrator. In other words: If you don't strive to be the best possible version of yourself, then you have no business lecturing others how to conduct their lives.
The reason of the increase of migration id because we need immigrants, not to do job we don't do, but because they need to consume to keep the money flowing. Not a scheme to kill the white race. (Even though it will, and it is a stupid plan)
The reason for the EU is the same. Germany doesn't consume as much so they sell the products to the other countries with no tariffs or any crap, while it can also consumes other shit from other countries in the EU.
I'm talking about rationalism as it was treated:
It was a fundamental part of Europes loss of faith, you may disagree with its use but it was used none the less.
>pic related
Rationalism is the correct epistemic view for a Christian to hold. It is a literal philosophical bulwark against relativism and "might makes right" absurdist nonsense. Descartes and Leibniz were both amazingly brilliant rationalists and did nothing but defend the faith, because there's nothing - at all - inherent to rationalism as an epistemic belief that leads away from faith.
Empiricism is what's been used to crumble faith by appeal to the absurd notion that men are mere physical objects who have only come to exist by utter chance and that morality is just some game of feelings; a myth fabricated by pseudo-monkeys in a universe bereft of purpose and meaning. Empiricism is CANCER.
Islam and multiculti are acting in real life. they have dedicated people who strive to make their truth THE truth
pol goes "muh white race", kill niggers, deus vult, but we're all behind a screen
But Sup Forums mostly hates "MGTOW" so I'm not sure what you're sperging out about. Western society pushes away young men, that's why so many of them opt out. They are ostracized from public life and seen as trash. Now THAT is something Sup Forums (and feminists) refuse to accept, and it has nothing to do with MGTOW.
Suicide is bad, I should check it myself to prove it.
mostly agree to this post
There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
Trump is owned by kikes
how can some people not see it?
pic related
We've been all deceived. Currently there's no political party nor movement, that hasn't been corrupted and implanted to our mind sets. We're living on a "Liearth" planet.
Fidget spinners are a fucking disgrace
The ancap future is the most desirable one.
Granted I haven't seen it spoken of much in recent, though for a while it was a staple here right along with a bunch of other manosphere refuse. Right around the 2012 election a lot of Libertarians, Neo Reactionary types, and others started crawling out of the woodwork. Along with them came the PUA and MGTOW camps. People professing that the problem with the world was that everyone had a "mangina" or some such drivel.
There was a whole host of youtube celebrities parroting this material which were frequently spammed here, and it still comes up from time to time.
This is perfectly agreeable.
This too, WYWH can be impressive because of Shine on You Crazy Diamond, but AMLoR is an album I repeatedly go back to.
The real red pill is that The Final Cut is Pink Floyd's most underrated album. If a person can't appreciate it for what it is then they probably only hang on Pink's top hits.
Sup Forums has a really autistic habit of applying "MGTOW" to any men who aren't "real men" that give women feminism and chivalry simultaneously. Sup Forums, feminists and western society all want young men to be 10/10 charismatic dudebros that do everything that is expected of them and it's not possible. The internet moves in trends and cycles, so I do vaguely remember what you are saying, but the actual genuine MGTOW advocates had a style of making general threads where we can all fight in them. Outside of that, MGTOW was just a strawman Sup Forums used for men that didn't match up their expectations.
I see this a cultural and social issue, and nothing to do with labels or movements in the end.
They were Christians first and rationalists second, not all rationalists were christian. The problem with rationalism is it places mans reasoning as the sole judge of truth, while one can rationalize from certain truths if certain truths are assumed, you cannot necessarily reach those truths with rationalism alone. God is one of those truths, rationalism can assist in understanding God but you will not accept God by rationalism alone. Furthermore, to rationalize God is to deny him, he is not merely a truth but a person, to relegate him to a concept that can be understood replaces him with something entirely different to what he is.
That was the mistake in christian rationalism that led to our current mess and that's the mistake that continues to be made.
The US allies in middle east support terrorism. They are the People who attack the US, except Israel!
Transhumanism is the ultimate red pill
Education is way more important than heritage.
Education has heritage and is a heritage.
The west teaches western ideas from western thinkers.
>you will not accept God by rationalism alone
A person won't necessarily accept ANYTHING for ANY reason.
That's utterly irrelevant.
>to relegate him to a concept that can be understood
Where the FUCK do you derive that rationalism necessitates thinking of God as a mere concept?
Also, to call God a "person" is a disgusting mockery of His Greatness. He's so unimaginably more existentially important than we are that to use equalizing language like that is sick.
I'll say it again because it bears repeating - empiricism is the cancer. The arrogance of man is in thinking only that which he can grasp with his senses is the totality of the world, which is what empiricism prescribes and what shallow thinking bootlickers want you to rely on so that you'll be beholden to some other worthless fleshbags instead of the Almighty God for your knowledge.
>a retarded Austrian painter trolled germany into murdering 60 million whites worldwide, blowing up europe, creating Israel and then commiting nation-wide suicide 80 years later
>Austria comfirmed biggest troll in human history
You stated rationalism was conducive to theism, I argue rationalism is not necessarily so, it's relevant to the argument.
I derive it from history, necessarily or not, that's how it occurred. From rationalism came Deism, Humanism and Natural Law. By reason they considered God a concept, it may not be how you interpret rationalism, but that is how they applied it.
I say person not to denigrate him, but to emphasize that he is living, he has a nature, has emotion, he relates to us and we can relate to him. He came down to us as a person to reveal and communicate with us personally. A person is so much more than a mere concept.
As empiricism grasps with the senses, rationalism grasps with the mind, both exchange Gods truth for mere tools.
I don't care about them. I care about NECESSARY CONNECTIONS. Rationalism can be used to stave off relativism, collectivism, humanism, and every arbitrary garbage leftist shittery while empiricism supports them. Empiricism pretends to give degenerates a world without moral concretes, while rationalism leaves nothing to people's random worthless feelings.
God is absolute. It is by your rational mind that you can find conviction in that statement, and not by anything preceding it out in the world.
>A person is so much more than a mere concept
People are degenerate sinners who are worthy of absolutely nothing, let alone their own lives. It's only by the utterly and completely undeserved Grace of God Himself that any man is spared the oblivion he'd only ever deserve otherwise. People are considerably less than concepts, in that concepts don't have negative value and don't sin against their own Creator.
We know God is absolute by his revelation of himself to us, we would not reach that conclusion by rationalism alone.
If by rationalism we may find God, of what value is scripture? Why heed the word of Christ if we could conclude by our own minds that there was a God and repentance is required? Could not the entirety of Christianities teachings then be reasoned out in the absence of such revelation and demonstrations of Gods power?
Rationalism is of some use, but by raising ones reasoning above all other authorities it also challenged Gods authority. That's what happened, history demonstrates that emphatically.
God loves people, as sinful as they are. He valued them such that he gave his Son to save them.
If we're to know God shouldn't we love and value our fellow man more than a concept?
You won't reach it without rationalism either, because it's logically necessary that you process any and all things by your rational mind.
Scripture is what you rationally commit to. How you come to Scripture isn't relevant - you could conceivably reach God's relvelations to humanity in a black inky void with no sensory experience based only on your own imaginings. You could also read a Bible and put your faith in what's in it that way. There's no logically necessary monolithic way to come to proper faith.
God is *THE ONLY* authority. There is *NO* authority but God.
God loves people mysteriously. We're undeserving of it. You said it earlier - mistakenly - that rationalism leads to the idea that men are completely capable of understanding God, but why God loves us is utterly incomprehensible. I'll do as I'm commanded, so help me God, but *WHY* He loves people is beyond me and I'll hold beyond anyone else. The beautiful, logically structured world God created, such that we have access to contingent truths and some necessary truth seems more praiseworthy and valuable to a person who understands man's sinful nature than the source of all evil.
"Truth is irrelevant"
Your turn
Squares are circles.
Jamal dismembering you alive is moral and anything you think would be a protest to him is actually just metaphysical encouragement of Jamal eternally violating you.
Perfectly competitive free markets don't exist, and are only an idealistic bench mark. You make a very solid point, however, the ability for governments to intervene also has the be constantly regulated and constrained as government corruption is inevitable.
A delicate balancing act.
That doesn't follow.
You're arguing that a flawed humanity could always come to know him in the total absence of His revelation or His creation and it would always be Him they come to know. Once again, historically we have seen innumerable false gods come and go, even some godless faiths. If by rationalism they could have all realized there is only one God and and know how to come to him then why did they not? The history of the Israelites shows that time and time again, left to their own reasoning man is inclined to ignore God and follow his own path.
If we could know God by rationalism alone, we would have known without any revelation. That only those who have received his revelation have come to him indicates that rationalism alone cannot lead to knowing God.
>could always
Where do I say that?
I say it's logically possible because it is.
You could imagine a mind in a completely empty world imagining all those notions of Christian faith without any sensory input whatsoever.
You're seriously arguing that?
We'll call it there. Thanks for the discussion bro.
"The Red Pill," is just another distraction to keep you from actually being politically active. It's an excuse and a diffusion of responsibility. Knowing isn't enough. You have to actually do shit.
its true though. Never trust any man completely because Freud already told us that men only live to appease his libido.
I don't have to argue that - it's true. You can imagine that happening; therefore it's logically possible.
If you couldn't imagine that, then you'd be intellectually deficient, since I know I certainly can and I don't think that basic rational capability to imagine a possible scenario as being possible is unique to me. You'd have to have to have some weird constriction on what you believe a mind is capable of imagining or else on your own imagination such that you actually couldn't conceive of such a possibility.
Fucking normie fuck off you've started iradiating kek