Why are we paying 15 billion for ITER?

Why can't we use those 15 billion to give 15 million each to 1000 start-ups that are better quipped to make a break-through, e.g. in another chat app or Pokemon capture app?

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Probably because politicans think if you spend more money on somethink the better/faster it gets. Government shouldn´t found science at all.

Kraut doing bants on energy again ?

I'm amuzed you guys turned off your nuke powerplant to turn on poor coal one , to send us every winter particle clood keeping banting it's renewable and gree with poor yield that doesn't hit any close my wooden stove.

Your poor choice of privatising everything is causing the downfall of your pleb.

ITER is a failed concept because it tries to imitate what the Sun does,but the Sun is not what everyone believes it to be.
At this point its just a cash grab.

>I'm amuzed you guys turned off your nuke powerplant to turn on poor coal one

We do that because we have lots of coal and there are quite some jobs in the coal industry.

We have literally 0 uranium deposits and no facility to enrich uranium. We need to buy fuel rods from you guys, which costs money and sustains jobs in France rather than Germany.

4D chess it is.

More like mutti Merkel wanted to virtue signal to the greens.
You cant argue for clean energy and run coal in the night at the same time.

>More like mutti Merkel wanted to virtue signal to the greens.
>You cant argue for clean energy and run coal in the night at the same time.

Sorry, but this is not entirely correct. Merkel wants votes. Shutting down nuclear gets her votes.

BUT, she would not have done it if it hadn't lots of other benefits, including keeping coal power plants and coal mines alive in Germany, with literally 200,000 Germans working in these areas. If we kept nuclear alive, 100,000 Germans would have lost their jobs in these areas in the next 10 years at least. That would have been a regional disaster in some areas.

If only you could harness the raw power of a rampaging muslim migrant. If each muslim migrant gave off 1 watt of power, all of Europe and Asia would be glowing with excess energy.

If mutti would care about you germans,she would not destroy you with niggers in the first place.
What do you think the rapefugees are capable of in terms of work enviroment?Yeah,thats right,they are phisically fit to work in mines and do line work taking away the jobs of lower class germans.
It was virtue signalling.

Nope wrong. We have tons of Uranium in the Erzgebirge and the new federal states. Do you even know the DDR was the main supplier for the UDSSR for Uranium?

"200k job" how much Lidl fucked up people job there hiring one slave rather than two ? for just a little more money.

What about 50% of your industry with big brand reknew all over the world for its quality and reliability deported in eastern country ?
With now a life time and the reliability of shitty korean product.
Everydays your society goes a bit more liberals and follow the american foot step.
You can barely get anymore a full time contract.
This is not a valid argument Kraut.
Nuclear fusion is the next deal.

Vacuum energy is the next step in my opinion.
But that would be soo clean it would destroy the current power structure of energy generation.

lel, you should accept some of the quota kebab we are sending you and see for yourself. That scum will NEVER work.

You know it,i know it,the rapefugges know it.
Merkel doesnt know it,german corporations who wanted very cheap phisical workers doesnt know that.
But that doesnt change the fact that the only thing the rapefugees are good for is mining and line work.

Im a big fan on thermonuclear but they defunded it last year to give to "refugees" Sad!
redpill me on vacuum energy

I dont know what you need to be redpilled about that.Just use logic. You start one power plant up and the full planet gets electricity without the need of mining resources for generators,solar panels etc.
Instakill for 70-90% of energy sector.

the only thing refugees are good for is breeding out whites and blowing up, they are unfit for operating machinery and they are unfit to do heavy lifting and hard work
can you give me some sources to read up on the subject that you consider reliable?

You'd rather they spend it on middle eastern cruise muss-missiles?

Not really,sorry i dont have any reliable sources about vacuum energy other than facts about empty space being not empty and how very small amount of vacuum has enough energy to boil away the oceans on the planet.
Then again i didnt had sources on the predatory alien race for years,then found the Brandenburg report.

european mines don't use human workforce as soviet gulags used to. It's almost entirely automatized, migrants are a useless workforce there as well.

No idea how is that work properly with free vacum like space you need an antigravity system ?

Also EU would rather prefer to continue to buy shitty chinese solar power panels cells and heat pump.
Than drilling the ground to get cheap energy almost free like geothermal powerplant. " muh green power" "muh job " "muh global heating "

wait, vacuum has energy to boil away the oceans?
As far as I know water will boil, freeze, and sublime. Once the air pressure is reduced low enough, water will boil at room temperature. That process causes it to become colder, until it literally boils and freezes simultaneously (this is known as the triple point).

As it continues to boil, all the water will either vaporize or freeze, leaving you with ice crystals. That ice will continue to sublime (which is when a solid evaporates directly) until there's nothing left but water vapor.

What has vacuum do with antigravity?You can make vacuum in a plastic bag.
Also geothermal powerplants are not viable because the water pumped down in to the planet gets enriched with minerals and that destroys the piping.

>Then again i didnt had sources on the predatory alien race for years,then found the Brandenburg report.

>Why can't we use those 15 billion to give 15 million each to 1000 start-ups

how about you give the 22 billion that the refugees would cost you annually to start ups?

You read that right.

how about they give the 22b to native germans making babies? 50k euro per baby will be enough for 440k babies PER YEAR
This is enough to boost german birth rates above 2.1, causing a baby boom and fixing the damage done to their population since 45

electric universe?

dont tell them, that would hinder the volkstod plan

The electric universe sounds promising, but i dont know really.
What i know is that if the Sun would be what we believe it to be ITER would produce energy now for decades.

in 2015 Germany had about 744k live births. With boosting birth rates by 440k that would boost births by over 59% sending their birth rate per woman to 2.4.
To repair the damage of the last 30 years they need birthrate of 3.0 for 10 years.
With 2.4 they can easily achieve that in 20 years.
I'm dropping the final redpill

Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide tape Superconductors have tripled the maximum field strength of superconducting magnets. Because of this, the ITER machine as currently planned will be obsolete by the time it is finished.
They need to look at putting in YBCoO magnets to improve their chances of a burn, also make a case to upgrade to a commercial plant.
Dennis Whyte has good ideas for a commercial reactor. Uses molten salt and clever geometries to avoid damage due to neutrons.

Also I should also mention the ST-40:
They want to think small spherical with pure copper on Liquid nitrogen.

Also Lawrenceville plasma physics has the strongest Aneutronic fusion effort (Safe to open core 9 hours after turning off)
I don't agree with his politics though.
Could use more $

Finally there is the Inertial electrostatic confinement fusion machine started by Farnsworth and continued on by the late great Mr. Robert Bussard. GOT US NAVY funding at one point. Gone a bit quiet.

didn't knew it destroyed the piping in closed loop.
there is heat pump who are working on subground water sinces 3 decades without any maintenance there. ( it's rarely and the invest is expensive ) and that's not even real geothermal energy.

Again no idea how the vaccum energy worked , so I was pulling plan from my head.
Now if you are working on changing density in a closed volume of liquid i better understand.

Just put an hydropowerplant gate to gibraltar and drown the sandnigger could be a double win plan.

I see you've been jerking off to Atlantropa too, user. God bless.

Why are you paying 400 billion for banks in greece?

>virtue signalling to greens
>with a cancer and "ebil CO2" spewing coal power plant

I didn't knew about it , this idea just came from my sick mind.

Thank you for the links.

You need to see a doctor.

>Why are you paying 400 billion for banks in greece?
It's an episode of "European Union - how to keep it together so Germany isn't alone"

Fuck the 27000 startups you could have funded (in Greece), am I right :^)

No, you are wrong. Germany needs the European Union. True thing. Without it, Germany is aimless, rudderless, needy of a new strong figure at its helm and wanting to expand eastwards and westwards.

Because fusion is more efficient and generates less waste.

So What's the sun you faggot

That remains to be seen.
There are some serious questions ITER is hopfully going to answer.
For example how to deal with radiation embrittlement and how to build the blanket that extracts the heat from the plasma.

>cant read
Go on,maggots.

Because none of those 1000 start ups have resources to research potential game changer to energy production. If ITER works as intended, we might have commercial fusion reactors in operation around 2050.

Because you krauts are irrational hippies that fear anything nuclear you would build more solar and wind power... while actually relying on fucking coal and imported gas.

read the wiki on Atlantropa and investigate, it gives me the goose bumps

Can i have an example of the 3 decades working without any maintenance?
Im not your techer to read you what wikipedia has to say about how vacuum energy might work.

>commercial fusion rectors 30 years away
>since the 70's

That is true, but there has been progress over the years.

back in 70´s you did have a reactor up and running keeping stable plasma fields.

Come back when you can provide anything usefull to society.

If I were dictator of Germany I would research the shit out of commerical fusion power.
It will be like becoming a rich oil state these days, but without having to deal with filthy Muslims.

>Why can't we use those 15 billion to give 15 million each to 1000 start-ups that are better quipped to make a break-through, e.g. in another chat app or Pokemon capture app?

Holsyhit this made my day. This alone explains this average 85-90 IQ on this image board.

Just laughable it's like i'm talking to apes.

>ftw 141 IQ

What progress?Outside of spent billions?

Like teach you how to read?Thats not my job.

Nuclear is scary though it can blow up the earth and mutate people.

There are fusion energy startups getting millions of dollars from public and private sources.

>thinks greens are aware of the nightly power up of coal power plants

>cant produce evidence

Ok,mighty maggot, explain me the xenon 129 then.
Go on,present your evidence.

Are you implying that laser and tokamak experiments ran since 70's have produced zero scientific and engineering development?

I'm asking you for any source or evidence for your claims. I dident make any claims of my own.

So again. What is the sun?

>tokamak experiment and lazors
No,im implying that the developement is not exlusive in origin to fusion research.Taxes are spent on paralel research and thats wasting money.

>still cant read
>everyone believes
>im not included

>Still cant provide a source

What source do you want my little maggot?
I already provided source that you cant understand what you read.
Want a source for that?Its because you are a retard.

Go on retard, ask for source again.I have all the time of the world to laugh at you, maggot.

Go on,ask me again

Goodnight sweet sides.
Goddamn, I'm glad I clicked on this thread.

Iter is meme thats taken so long to build the technology for fusion has advanced an entire generation.

Check out some fusion companies using new supercobducting technology( very powerful magnetic fields) and improved reactor design to scale down reactor size to practical levels
