Remove Kebab - Romania Edition

You're welcome, UK. So when we're not begging, it seems we're working for you and also removing kebab for you. Also saving your asses from Achmed. You're welcome!

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Al nostru brav erou!

based romania. don't become like the west

Romania are coaie, user!

Bump for true justice

Also, here's a reminder that Romania's National Television once played a Christmas Carol about burning the jews:


You're welcome, user. You should have more people doing the same.

Anglo-Saxons have grown soft chap so it's going to take some time to remember our inner barbarian again.

Based gyppos!
Kebabs are for impaling. Go impale the kebab.

You'll get the hang of it, lad. People can only take so much shit, you just need to remember who you are and who owns your land, then fuck them up.

I don't think we'll remember quick enough. By the time we all wake up, it'll be too late.

I think the bigger story his is not that robro tried to beat up a muslim terrorist.

The problem here is that you have 3 guys with knifes entering a joint with what ? 30 40 people.

And not only did they do nothing to defend themselves, they let those dudes butcher 7 people.

Thats unforgivable imo.

>But then he went and hit one of the attackers on the head with a crate.
>He was then heard asking for a weapon so he could protect the injured from further attack.

Bet how many years he is going to get for assault with a lethal weapon.

Silly Vlad, he should have Run-Hide-Tell, you cant just play police!

>he's not an hero at this point
Silly Ulysses

That's my point... But when you don't deal with this shit on a daily basis, you don't know how to respond, in Romania we just might have a better flee-or-fight instinct, a lot of shit happens here to prepare you for that.
I was just thinking about that, given that he attacked a mudslime and was not all progressive and racist towards the poor terrorist

He's the man.

>ywn fight off rampaging mooslems with a thoroughly seasoned pork thigh

Just end my life right now phamalam sentpatriachi



>literally hits an inbred muzzie with a paddle till the coppers tell him to fuck off



Maybe english men can follow the example and do the same when the next attack occurs. They wouldn't try shit if they knew people are going to fuck them up

He should have impaled the kebab.

That's heart warming.

>Song includes lyric: "This is what the kike is good for, to make kike smoke through the chimney on the street."

Always lifts my spirit, and guess what, jews couldn't do shit about it, no one was even sanctioned. Makes me wonder, what they did on the long run to us...

This is actually pretty impressive. Well done neighbour.

Nah, we live in great times of peace, and comfort never seen since the revolution.

I think its simply down to values, values instilled by our parents.

No matter how much we hate the corrupt politicians, the gypsies etc in our country, we have some sort of compassion for our fellow man.

Looking away while someone is macheted to death next to us is not our way, basicaly.

Dar noi românii cum o ducem? Adică, știu că nu am avut nici un atac terorist, dar cred că apar SJWs prin Transilvania. Îi văd pe stradă din ce in ce mai mult. Incep sa vad și femei cu hijaburi... Știu că o ducem bine e acuma, dar cum vom fii în viitor?
Sunt doar un pic îngrijorat și nu vreau ca România să devină Europa de vest în Europa de est.

Daca vom fii următorii?

Damn, you sure you're hungarian? No hate, no gypsy calling? Well thanks, neighbor, you keep up the kebab removing too!
That too, but how comes that english men didn't do shit? I've heard a lot of cases where romanians defended themselves, even have a friend who worked in Iran for a couple of months and btfo of an Achmed who was threatening them with a knife. But yeah, we do have a sort of empathy, but I think it's because we lived through hard times, and learned that we must back each other up in order to survive.

Also last year in August this happend:

>UK: Muslims try to Sharia patrol Romanians – they bring baseball bats and beat the Muslims to a pulp

Muslims were intimidating a group of Romanians during Sharia patrol for drinking beer. That didn’t turn out too well…

(pic related the mudslimes beaten)

You are a great inspiration to us neighbour.

Eu stau chiar in Cluj, deci pot sa confirm... desi Clujul a fost SJW bullshit de ceva vreme, ca studenti si multiculturalism. Dar nu cred ca o sa ajungem chiar asa, restul tarii inca nu accepta cacaturile astea... dar, mi-e frica de generatiile urmatoare, ca aia sunt crescuti in spiritul vestic.

I don't have to like you to be impressed now and then.
Besides. We have common enemies and goals. Keep up the good work.

In Bucuresti sunt o gramada de arabi, negri, ciori. Tot ce vrei.

This poor Muslim looks so uncomfortable around all these Romanians

this is gold, didn't knew this one! Motherfuckers got it coming, they should know better not to fuck with us! You never take a romanian's beer, FUCKING NEVER!

No ce bine că nu e un mega-mosque in București.
Dar totuși, nici noi nu suntem in siguranță.

Zic sa facem ceva de acuma până nu ajungem ca the UK.

centraul european anti-kebab alliance when?

Oh boy, another 3rd worlders acting like house niggers thread.

We thank you for your service to the west, (you know the thing you think you are in but we don't consider you to be)

>T. Butthurt Tyrone

soon user soon

Zic sa nu ne îngrijorăm de generațiile viitoare încă.
Trebuie să găsim o soluție unde SJWs rămână o minoritate destul de mica. Daca is mai mulți decât noi, suntem cam futuți.

Il vom avea pe Smiley cântând la concert după atacuri teroriste. Pai sămi bag pula ea viața când de va întâmpla așa ceva.

O prietena de la școală e intro relație cu un arab împuțit și verișoara mea sigur e un SJW. :/

>anyone who hates me must be a nigger/muslim
Another mental game, why not call me a bozgor or butthurt hungarian diaspora also

I'm just telling as it is, stop seeking approval from the west. For most of them you are not very different than the pakis or arabs. Racism towards polish post brexit should be enough evidence, but oh well keep thinking I'm a nigger If that makes you happy. Good night

the west was a mistake


thanks kiwi been looking for that picture forever now

We need to keep Romania clean from multiculturalism. If Romania falls, Eastern Europe will very likely follow.


unification with brothers when?



SJW din romania sunt SJW pana isi ia un pumn sau o sticla in bot.

Sa nu ne comparam cu degeneratia din America si UK.

No sa avem ciorii sa tipe prin universitatii pe aici sau sa le terorizeze

Soon my friend

>mfw o prietena are în clasa un negru care se comporta exact cum spune Sup Forums

Timpul sa Pax Romania.

/pol really needs to get it's shit together and do something about this whole CULTURAL ENRICHMENT thing irl

negrii sunt segregați de facultăți pentru că sunt mult mai probabili a vinde droguri

Sfinte sisoe. Să nu-mi spui că fute o pizda albă.

>Sup Forums doing anything irl
top kek

holy shit, that thought scared me

Da normal. Nimic nu e bun despre negrii. Nimic.

>implying this ain't happening with gyppos
Hai user fii serios la cum sunt femeile în ziua de azi ai fi surprins

Mmmm, mi-ai facut pofta de gratar.

We're really laughing at ourselves. :/ We're pretty pathetic.

>removing kebab
>posting touhous
This thread has changed my impression of Romanians completely. I love you guys!

good luck with your country bong

Exista macar ceva grupuri naționaliste prin Romania care fac ceva...?

daca credeti ca nu o sa iasa lumea in strada cand guvernul o sa accepte jdemii de islamisti bagatii pe gatul nostru de EU va inselati amarnic.

există niște parodii a legionarilor prin munți dar în rest nu cred

Good luck with all the shit you're in, man. Hopefully the UK won't turn into a caliphate next week. Wish you guys the best.

Eh, majortitatea is studenti si restu de obicei turci shaormari.

Noua Dreapta mai facea ceva intr-o vreme, dar acum sunt o gluma proasta... In rest, eu sunt motorist, mai cacam cateun tigan sau cateun grup de tigani din cand in cand. Odata i-am prins umbland la motoare, voiau sa-i fure unuia oglinzile. Si-au luat-o bine in pizda, a venit si politia, au luat niste declaratii si au trimis tiganii acasa. Feels good.

From now until this.

Pai bagamias pula. Cum sa rămânem cum suntem acuma când nu avem nici un de protecție cand SJWs vor face proteste prin România?


Astia (SJW) is marxisti. Tre sa nu uitam crimele comunismului. Si sa nu le dam oportunitati.
De exemplu chestia cu poponarii. Odata ce ar fi avut-o pe asta ar fi sarit la urmatoarea chestie. Si in 10-20 de ani ne-am fi trezit ca australia si cucknada unde protectia copilului vine sa il ia pe viorel ca nu ai fost de acord sa-si taie pula si sa-si zica viorica (identificare sexuala ca elicopter de atac).

tot fucking kek

Nu stiu, au cam multi cretini.


>implying if that happens we'll not send the gyppos there and nuke it

Thanks guys. We'll definitely need the luck. It is still comfy af with 0 muslims outside of big cities, where I live, but once they completely overrun the cities our economy will go to shit and they'll gradually spread across the whole country. People still don't get it after 3 terror attacks in 3 months. It's going to take a 9/11 scale event, or something like a dirty bomb, to really get people to open their eyes.

I also give my best wishes to you Anons. Instead of the typical LOL BRITKEKS RIP UNITED KEKDOM you have been very kind, so thank you once again.

Me too. So close to Sweden, might catch the gay...

Ungurii se pun?

For some reason I typed kek instead of cuck. Must have been the frogposting

dacă o fac pentru România da

Radem raden, da-i pe bune asta cu australia si cucknada.

De acord. Dar oricum, dacă vina Antifa prin România?

Dar totuși. Trebuie să facem feministii și comuniștii sa taca.

Apropo, kek.


In 90 au adus minerii pentru ca studentii vroiau guvernare transparenta (ceea ce de acord). Daca vin cretini sa sparga magazine si sa urle tampenii nu cred ca o sa scape.

Daca vor o Romania Made, atunci cum sa nu.

>procomuniști în România
nu cred că vom mai face o greșeală de asta din nou
>inb4 PSD=comuniști

Nu avem nevoie de asa ceva.

Ar fi ridicol si atunci cand ar fi nevoie de asa ceva suntem deja pierduti ca astia din UK/Canada.

Noi deocamdata avem o identitate nationala care ne vine natural, ne luptam contra politrucilor si mafiotilor din politica , dar de aici pana la parade de poponari si feministe dezbracate pe strada e cale lunga.

Treaba cu familia fiind compusa de un barbat si o femeie care a trecut in legislatie e dovada ca nu suntem ca degeneratii din vest.

Aici poti sa fi poponar etc, atat timp cat esti discret si nu o arunci in nasu natiunii.


Why U.K. be so gay?

can't be gay if sharia is life

Așa sper sa și rămâne. Dar dacă de mai întâmplă ceva Pride prin București, mă pis pe mine.

Dor tot cred Naționalismul Socialist e destul de bun.

how can we make them sympathetic to our cause oh I know let's fuck in public

Bunch of degenerate, sexual deviants, Marxistd fucks. Gas them.

Also, fun fact:
There are people who want to put a Person in LGBT, which stands for pedophile.
Not joking. There really are people on JewTube trying to justify pedophilia.

*put a P in

Stupid fucking auto-correct.
