Damn, Angela really wants to win in September

She is trying to gear up the deportations at all costs. I hope that 5-month old is deported and told to start walking when it arrives in Afghanistan.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is she /ourgal/ now?

If she wanted to win, she shouldn't have let in 6 gorillion rapists.
Schulz is going to let in a trillion more

Germany is finished. Come home white man

Angela Merkel has
> banned the burka
> mandatory integration classes
> encourages German Leitculture (pan-Germanic identity)

Isn't that enough? I think CDU will win

she always has been

There is no other way. The foreign scum has to go. We cant be the refugee asylum of the world.

That's like trying to show off how successful you are for having earned a thousand dollars, when you just lost a million yesterday.

kys. This demon deserves nothing but execution for her crimes

Ficki ficki

You have to understand merkel knows krauts are pozzed beyond belief
And is just trying not to let a literal kike take her spot
Her challenge is from the left in a period of rising nationalism ffs

>There is no other way. The foreign scum has to go. We cant be the refugee asylum of the world.

Then why are deportations and voluntary departures stagnating? Despite having more and more people in the country with rejected asylum applications. I think in a few months we will have 500,000 people in the country with rejected applications. And still our rate of deportations are going down to 2,000 per month and 3,000 voluntary departures per month. That is outrageously low. At that rate we will need 8 yrs to just get out all the people who are CURRENTLY in our country illegally.



So cruel, won't someone think of the children? I'm sure this story is totally legit and has nothing to do with making it (((seem))) like Merkel is doing jack shit about shitskins or anything like that.

no it is not enough niggers destroy everywhere they congregate you cannot lessen this no matter how hard you think you are trying

the "kids" under the refugees are usually in their 20s, that 5month old was probably around 16 yo

don't want refugees?

stop creating them, ya fuckin morons.

"hurr durr I voted for trump because I hate my parents... he's going to bomb all the countries like a real man WHICH MY FATHER ISNT..."

5 months later


>NGOs don't want to deport them when they're little because MUH CHILDREN


The deportations are problematic tough. There certainly criminals being deported but with every group there are perfectly innocent seemingly random people deported just because they cooperated with the state and the state found out they have no grounds to stay for (for example Afghanistan is considered safe - i tend to not agree). On the other hand, often the criminals have lawyers and/or are dragging down the process in the first place so they are actually harder to deport. If they say they don't have their passport for example the origin country won't take them back. So we have drug-dealing extremists from Tunisia being more or less watched, while integrated people on job training and little children are deported with their single moms. It's clear that we did not have the capacity to control who is coming and and now can't even less take care of who is going to have to go back.

>don't want refugees?
>stop creating them, ya fuckin morons.

A. did not invade Iraq
B. did not covertly support terrorists against Assad
C. did not bomb Libya, actually warned everyone that removing Gaddafi was wrong
D. did not support the invasion of Afghanistan


So how the hell did we create refugees?

Who else were they supposed to vote for? Democrats weren't going to stop the bombings.

CUBAR'd (cucked beyond any recognition)

He's talking about white people or maybe he's talking about Sup Forums. Either way he's retarded as fuck. He'd be bitching if people let the Muslims slaughter each other and gas each other too.

>perfectly innocent seemingly random people deported just because they cooperated with the state and the state found out they have no grounds to stay for (for example Afghanistan is considered safe - i tend to not agree)

There is pretty much no country (maybe NOrth Korea and Somalia) which aren't safe enough in some areas to deport to.

And I see no reason why we should just deport criminals.

>So how the hell did we create refugees?

He specifically referred to Trump voters in the very post you replied to.

You want dat Dino juice from quatr and thru Syria to cut out Putin.

You made them, obummer just did the favor of dropping the brobs since we're already the great satan

I dunno, I do not think that "deport criminals immediately" can be public policy. You need a court case

Maybe you're new to this but she literally does this every year. She becomes anti refugee and then suddenly becomes pro refugee. Happens all the fucking time.

>She becomes anti refugee

She has never, ever been anti-refugee. She has repeatedly refused to place caps on the numbers of asylum seekers. She has, however, come out in favor of putting caps on regular migration.

That isn't true. The CDU has been in favor of mandatory German classes and integration classes, and burka bans. They are against parallel Muslim societies.

>he CDU has been in favor of mandatory German classes and integration classes, and burka bans. They are against parallel Muslim societies.

This is correct. What does that have to do with Merkel allegedly being anti-refugee?

>Then why are deportations and voluntary departures stagnating?
It's fucking expensive to fly that many people home, and your government is running out of money.

Have fun next winter, Germanshitistan.

She's trash and only tries to take cheap votes from poor idiots.


It's your fault!

You're a Nazi!

A little too late to win our hearts, but I do laugh at her efforts. Deport those dunecoon babies!

>It's fucking expensive to fly that many people home
This is correct, but doing so is much cheaper than having to house and feed them for decades in Germany, so this is not the real reason.

>your government is running out of money.
This is incorrect.

The real reason why deportation is stagnant is that deportees aren't cooperating. They destroy their papers and hide their identities, the government has yet to find a way to deal with those cases as it's very complicated to uncover the true identity of a person who's unwilling to cooperate.

Muslims will not be able to live like Muslims in their native countries. That sounds anti-refugee to me. What is anti-refugee to you?

You are confusing being pro-immigration with being anti-refugee. She isn't anti-refugee and never will be. Being anti-refugee is incompatible with the German constitution, EU law and the Geneva conventions.

Passing legislation to facilitate immigration is not the same as being anti-refugee. I welcome the passing of those laws, and I think they don't go far enough yet, though.

>banned burka
No. Watch the video where she rips off a German flag from the hand of one of her party members.
>mandatory integration courses
Mandatory courses migrants just stop going to after the first session.

The CDU was all about assimilation. Now they talk about integration and don't even enforce integration

It will be very very difficult to convince a parliamentarian to pass anti-refugee laws

>but doing so is much cheaper than having to house and feed them for decades in Germany
Germany is running out of money RIGHT FUCKING NOW! As in: expect a LOT of budget cuts in the immediate future, poorfag.

>This is incorrect.
German government budget reports are as their main stream media.

>The real reason why deportation is stagnant is that... etc.
That part is true.


> no banned burka
Yes, there is a burka ban. It is for government workers, but it is still a ban
> no leitkultur
That flag ripping was from 2008? 2010? It is different now. Angela is for Leitkultur

In the summer months, I believe the CDU will start enforcing integration

>are as their
...are as _honest as_ their main stream media.

You let the niggers in then bullied and blamed other countries in the EU that didn't want them, now that diet Hitler has got so much blood on her hands and there's an election coming now she's trying to save face.

German people confirmed as worlds biggest cucks if diet Hitler remains in power.

Simple fix

No papers = deported

>It will be very very difficult to convince a parliamentarian to pass anti-refugee laws

We don't need anti-refugee laws. We need laws that regulate asylum policy in general. I'm in favor of helping REAL refugees on humanitarian grounds, but I don't think a nation should be obligated to take them in no matter what. If you read the Geneva conventions, it is explicitly stated that war refugees should be taken care of close to their origin countries by neighboring states, and the costs should be shouldered by the international community. Europe should fund asylum centers abroad.

I also have no clue why we are talking about integration, our laws explicitly state that an asylum seeker has to return to his country once the reason for granting asylum no longer exists (i.e. when the war is over).

>Germany is running out of money RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

Substantiate your claim.

Are you a nigger?

>No papers = deported

Again: deport WHERE? No papers, no identity, no country of origin.

No, I think the solution here is to jail those who refuse to prove their identity until they are willing to cooperate.

A photo of the 5 month old

Where to though? Ghaddafi is kill and turkey doesn't cooperate

>diet Hitler

He's my inspiration.

1. No one wants to return to the Middle East. It sucks. Once people are granted a "temporary" visa, they will have children and family and will stay forever. Remember the guest visa Turks from the 1950s?
2. Middle Eastern conflicts last forever and forever and forever

> Europe should fund asylum centers abroad
oh wow, that is very smart, and politically viable. I think that it can be a reality

Germany will submit to the sword of Islam inshallah. Your pathetic politicians can't stop this kuffar

Stop insulting Hitler you fuck

or perhaps the EU could set up an asylum center in the Middle East, such as Jordan. Anyone without papers can be sent there. It could be a relatively safe and good center

German prisons are like turkish Hotels. You would do them a favour. What we need are proper asylum camps they can't easily escape from
And more police

You Germs are always at your funniest when you're being cucks.

I'll check those quads of truth for you

Just deport the males and keep the women and the young

I'll bite.

>Yes, there is a burka ban. It is for government workers, but it is still a ban

There is no burka ban. Religious symbols are in some government buildings and positions prohibited. It depends on the state and level. Merkel didn't do it. Show me a "burka ban"

>or perhaps the EU could set up an asylum center in the Middle East, such as Jordan

They are working on that, but it requires the cooperation of third parties, plus those camps would need to be secured by Western forces.


It's a start.

They were already in the EU when Merkel said they can come to germany

how often do you vote in germany?

what we need is to attack the root of the problem called Islam.
sanction countries who supply terrorists with money like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Imprison imams who preach violance instead of deporting them back to Turkey.

So how many burkas were banned? 0?

I haven't counted them. Any other goalposts you would like to move?

Safe old Australia would like to disagree.

>No she's banned criticizing Islam on FB
>Encourages fuck-all

You jail them on islands.

I moved them back, whats your point

okay, so there isn't a burka ban ... yet. But Angela called for one at the start of her campaign in 2016, and some laws and court cases have tried to ban the burka.

Next federal election is in Sept 2017

I suppose they could not make a camp in Germany, because people would say they are like the other famous camps ......
I wonder where it is politically viable to set up camps

>You: omg there is no burka ban!!!
>Me: Here's a link that proves burkas have been partially banned
>You: doesn't count because you can't tell me how many burkas exactly have been banned!

I respect you.

>No. Watch the video where she rips off a German flag from the hand of one of her party members.
whats wrong with that? nationalism is stupid and embarassing

>I wonder where it is politically viable to set up camps

In neighboring countries close to the crisis country of origin, as per the Geneva conventions.

It does require the cooperation of those neighboring states, but even if he have to pay them a few billion Euros to sweeten the deal, it would still be a lot cheaper than having to house and feed asylum seekers here.

Damn you are right, now since we achieved the burka ban, what could we do next?
Maybe meat tax on vegans?

(without food, water and respectable human living conditions)

Uh oh, someone's discovered more goalposts in dire need of moving.

You think it's 0?
Oh, come now. All these Refugees are classified Engineers, Doctors, Teachers and Doctors, right?

>Mutti turning into Vati

A. merkel would have
B. wrong
C. sort of wrong
D.sort of wrong

God fucking bless us.

amen cunt

>It does require the cooperation of those neighboring states
Is it likely that they will cooperate, even with a few billion Euros? Turkey has been troublesome in the last few months. What if a high-security camp was set up in Saxony, Germany?

>merkel would have

This is correct. When Merkel was the leader of the opposition, she ripped Schröder for not supporting USA and UK regarding the Iraq War.

Thank God those two could count on the support of Poland which ensured a decisive victory and long-term stabilization in the Middle East.

+ there is still her semi official open invitation standing

How am I moving them

Let's all just agree that Merkel and the CDU in its entirety is
-Fishing for Votes by gullible old people during electionyear
-The SPD is politically paper-thick away from the CDU in foreign policies
-Die Linke is a fucking disgrace and their idea of foreign policy is pretty much like voting for the Antifa
-The AfD is our last hope.

When your government and media lie to you, you have to use their behavior as your measuring stick.

Merkle is a lot more reserved and less arrogant. She is trying to get the rapefugees out, something she would have proudly called racist, with lots of virtue signalling, earlier. She is nervous, she looks at the ground a lot and she never does that. Something is wrong, in a bad way.

I don't give a shit about foreign policies but Amen

>Is it likely that they will cooperate, even with a few billion Euros?
Tunisia isn't, Morocco and Algeria have declined was well as they are politically too unstable. Surprisingly Libya has agreed, but it's way too unstable at the moment to be able to rely on long-term cooperation. That leaves us with Egypt and a few smaller countries, and it is my understanding that Europe is currently in negotiations with them.

>How am I moving them

You can't allow anchor babies or it's all pointless, not sorry in the slightest.

You have failed to substantiate your claim. Your original claim was "Germany is running out of money RIGHT NOW", with bonus caps to hint at your current emotional state.

Substantiate your claim or fuck off.

I think that is old news, very old news.
The latest out of Berlin is that they halted all deportations to Afghanistan indefinitely because some bomb went up in Kabul.
Merkel's government is cowards and sissies and they betray their people constantly.

FYI: I'm not the other poster. Moving goal posts isn't really happening here the way you portray it.

I acknowledge that I didn't know this new legislation. My bad.

Apology accepted.

The AfD is a silly political party. Their solutions are unrealistic and unconstitutional. Beatrix von Storch does nothing but say rude things on Twitter, and Frauke has a baby with a man that she cucked her husband with.

Foreign Policies and (((Diplomacy)))
got us to this point of self-annihilation.

Merkel:"Wow, there is war in Syria.. das bad, yo! better take a selfie of a washed up toddler and spam the news with it and flood our nation with culturally incompatible babarians."

Merkel:"The Russians are attacking Ukraine? LOL who cares, they're not even EU Partners :DDD"

i am really tired of this cunt.

OK thanks. I guess you are fine with deporting 50 muslims a year because everything else would be moving goalposts.

I hope that asylum center in Egypt appears quickly. The election is only in a few months.