>purged Jews
>removed powerbrokers from his nation
>industrialized Russia
>expanded his nation
>killed trotsky
>was killed by Jews after Jewish doctors poisoned him.
>inb4 muh holodomur
Traitors who put themselves over the nation die a traitors death.
Stalin did absolutely nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
It's good to see another woke nigga here
>Purged Jews
>Top brasswehee 90% jews
If I'm intellectually honest I have to admit that skepticism towards the 66 million death toll is in order. What's the David Cole, Dr Faurisson equivalent for the UDSSR?
>before he purged them and was killed by kikes.
>is dead
Obviously he did something wrong.
Stalin was a Jew. Jews love claiming to be Atheists while maintaining their Jewish practices and own in group preference. The Soviet Union was nothing else but a Jewish Bolshevik empire, and the Jews mercilessly butchered tens of millions of Christians.
>purged jews
O i am laffin
>Traitors who put themselves over the nation die a traitors death.
So did Stalin die a traitors death?
He was a Georgian not a Jew. Not to mention, you can admire the man will admitting that the Soviet Union had major flaws.
This is the only right answer
Fuck off with your czerwona zaraza
Stalin was the nation.
LEL, we cannot pervade our state with abundance of food, hail Marx!
He had a jewish last name. Everyone from Georgia, including his own extended relatives admit he was jewish. This is documented in Georgian media and history books, including his personal museum in Tibsi
>complain about commies wanting to take their freedom, kill them and starve them
>all these things actually end up happening
>this makes them nazis because reasons
Woah those kulaks sure were cuh-razee
>inferior economic policies
>senseless oppression and deportation of certain people
>deportations and messing up demographics
Stalin did nothing good or anything that any other could not do, in the long run he did more damage to the soviet nations.
False, his last name is either Georgian or Ossetian.
It's amazing how much easier it is to spot the same anons when they have (semi) rare flags.
what do you mean?
What same anons?
this is one of few times I'm posting about Stalin.
Stalin was in the midst of purging kikes before he (((mysteriously))) died. The fact is, he was poisoned by Jewish doctors because he had finally waken up to the Jewish threat after the German Jews migrated to Russia. Marxism is a globalist/internationalist system so he had to pretend that his fight was against """"""nationalist"""""" Jews when it was really a mission to remove the (((foreign entity))) that was infecting Russia to a point that it could no longer be denied. He started out blupilled on the kikes but he became redpilled later on.
Forgot pic.
He removed them because Jews were a threat to his authority, not because he was redpilled.
Do not mix internationalism with globalism/cosmopolitism. In SU you will be excluded from the party for modern leftist (((internationalist))) rhetorics.
The Marx's, Lenin's and Stalin's internationalism, the true internationalism is in fact - nationalism for every nation.
Marxism is the ideology most lied about in the world, not even the pre-Perestroika communism bashing was that ignorant and lying.
He removed them because they were counter-revolutionary fags, genatzvale.
They were a threat to his authority because they were spreading dissent across the nation in the name of Zionism. That's a pretty redpilled reason to remove them.
>muh holodomor
It was wide spread plant disease
Are you a nazbol? A Tankie? or both? I'm genuinely asking.
I said the same thing
No, because they opposed them. that's not redpilled, tons of leftists fags even today oppose Zionism as well.
1984/10 translation would laugh at again
Modern commies are just larper faggots. They're essentially just western progressives. They can "oppose" Zionism all they want but it doesn't mean anything if they aren't willing to remove Jews from positions of power like Stalin did.
Stalin was absolutely an anti-semitic. He despised Jews. Yes, I know some NatSoc is about to pull up the graph showing how 95% of the central government of the USSR were Jews---they were, until he came around. That graph is about the time from the revolution, all the way to the first few years of Soviet rule. Once Stalin was in power, he butchered them like dogs. This makes me skeptical about the supposed millions he executed, and even more skeptical about the "evil" of his mass purges of the government. He even attempted to exile every Jew in Russia to Siberia to be worked to death since he was so disgusted by the refugees flooding in from the broken Germany. Stalin wanted to work with Hitler, but the Fuhrer decided he could take on the entire world. Anytime there is a historical figure that is hated with absolute carnal savagery, I am skeptical. The only reason he is not hated as much in Russia is because Russia, unlike Germany, is not cucked to oblivion. Stalin was sickened by zionists and claimed the 'Israelis' were after him in the early 50s. It seems like every time ((they)) want someone to look like a monster, they say he was an anti-semite that ran a camp.
In addition, Stalin despised internationalism and a world-dominating radical leftist Communism, which is why he massacred them and sent a pick-axe through Trotsky's head. It is also why Lenin didn't want Stalin in power. Stalin had no interest with dominating all of the world with communism. He just wanted a western asian/russian empire. He even admitted in a personal letter to his mother, that he "had become sort of like a Tsar."
hold the door?
Hitler-Stalin was the dream team. T.T
LOL, good one but Jews always had control and Stalin WAS jewish
Stalin was a jew you dumb shit
No he wasn't. You are retarded and know nothing. Koba was no jew.