How do I become a Christian, Sup Forums?
Becoming Christian
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Don't. It's a waste of time and money.
why do you ask that question every night ?
avoid all protestant denominations
Don't take pol advice.
Because I want to know
Used to be an atheist but its more fun pretending to be christian tbqh
Shitpost on Sup Forums e dry fucking day.
Mossad, the paid Catholic shills, and the Paid Russian Orthodoxy shills push this... All of these groups = the Alt-Right meme.
The "elite" is code for Jews and their blackmailed sociopath pedophiles (Hillary's mom was a Jew). Because Jews run a child sex slave ring out of Ukraine/Israel and sometimes South America (see Hatti and Clintons) and use pedophiles as their boot-licking goy politicians/celebrities.
They use the symbolism of the occult because it's a marketing campaign to cover up for Zionist and Jewish Communist crimes/power moves. The occult became degenerate as fuck ever since Thelma (Alestor Crowley), Anton (((Levy))) of Hollywood Satanism, and Navy Intelligence groups took over the scene; although it was always a place for scam artists. Freemasons became corrupted after being bought out by Jews in the mid-1800s -- thanks to Napoleon emancipating the Jews and the Rothschild take over Britain with the fall of Napoleon (See Rothschild's run on the stocks after Battle of Waterloo)
Catholics and Russians are both pro-Communism and therefor cover for them too by telling you it's "Satanists" and not Jewish Communists and their Zionist mafia allies. This is something the John Birch Society did when re-inventing the "Illuminati" meme (see Alex Jones connection).
Moloch = word meaning KING (Assyrian)
Moloch propaganda = Jewish hate of enemy king, like they do to Assad
's'atan = Aramaic word meaning "adversary", any adversary, or many adversaries.
Satan the character = Catholic meme to demonize our ancestral gods and dumb down Bible references for stupid plebeian audiences.
Synagogue of Satan = Pro-Roman Jews. Jesus was a Zealot.
Lucifer = Morning Star
Jesus = Morning Star
Luciferians = Christian monks who pissed off the Pope
Judaism = pre-Christianity
Marxism/Communism = Post Christianity Judaism
Cultural Marxism = critical theory, aka strategy to demoralize the Jew's enemies.
I think I've seen this thread before
You put a nigger foot in your mouth and then start licking like there's no tomorrow while you praise and thank rabbi Jeshua and the jewish people for the opportunity.
Become a gnostic instead.
First what kinda Christian do you want to be strict dogma or open to nterpritation .
Choose church get babtized
Don't be a Christan at all
praise Kek instead
What's the money factor?
take islam, remove conviction and all personal inconvenience said conviction might cause. there, you are now a good goy and don't forget to tithe.
brody is my punkfu
be pedophile.
Learn what Jesus taught and make him your lord. Live by the values that are the real strength of the christian man. Follow God's law (the ten commandments.)
Ask Jesus for forgiveness and turn away from your sins. And ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, I'm sure God has plans for you. Also, get educated.
Hosea 4:6 KJV
>My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
The Genesis Theory - (Part 1)
Identity Crisis- Passion for Truth Ministries
Know Your Enemy (Part 1 - Introduction)
I recommend watching all 77 parts. Good Christian videos.
Get a KJV, read it, and do what it says.
"But I don't believe/I'm not convinced"
Faith =/= feelings.
Trust what it says. Trusting/faith is an act of the volition.
Jesus' eyes widened an imperceptible amount as he took in the sight of Noah, naked, before him. Fumbling for something witty, he said; "So ark's not the only bit of wood my father gave you."
Noah grinned-- his grey eyes flashing in lust. Your father isn't the only one who gives me wood."
Jesus laughed, "I can see that."
You fuck a young boy in the ass and join the catholic church
Islam is actually much more moderate than Christianity in many respects. Muslims enjoy personal property with merely designated tax, a built in system of governance that gives them societal and social benefits especially for males, has a distinction between communal and personal obligations that relieves some obligation from the individual, several levels of sin and things recommended/not recommended including things that are not recommended by the religion but don't receive any actual punishment for doing them. I could go on for an hour but I'd rather not. Muhammad was much less strict than Jesus's example where he practically asked his followers to abandon their entire lives and property at that point to follow him, while Muhammad was making accommodations left and right for specific circumstances where maybe they should do a thing or no. Yes many Muslims are warring for their religion but that's not too much different from Jesus accepting punishment of death in terms of how hard it is for an individual to do each of them, and keep in mind Jesus wasn't even sure if his god was watching out for him when died for his beliefs.
No it's not. Jesus literally taught men how to fish. They were better off, not worse.
Just no. Jesus said all things are acceptable though not all are beneficial. Jesus was not a legalistic leader. He came to save us from our sin so we could die to it and have new life. We have freedom In Christ because of Christ. It is by grace we are saved. It is a free gift, not earned so that none shall boast.
Pretty sure you just have to want to be one.
dont, christianity is jewish, if you arent white then i dont care and you can take up christkikery all you want
Should I convert from Lutheran to Reformed, Sup Forums? I'm really interested in it, but I don't want to betray the congregation either.