So according to the internet, the way to get girls is to continually ask them out and face rejection rates of 90 % plus...

So according to the internet, the way to get girls is to continually ask them out and face rejection rates of 90 % plus, including being laughed at to my face, given fake phone numbers, being stood up, giving someone a huge ego boost and a superiority complex over me, and facing the risk of the girl laughing about the "omg so creepy guy" on social media for all to see.

And the above is only the long shot scenario of women I barely know. The "better" way is to ask out girls in your social circle or friends of friends. So I can be rejected by people I'll see repeatedly, and laughed at and embarrassed by all the people I'll see the most in life.

Or online, where I can be 1 out of hundreds of matches for each women, who, at best, skims off the Chads.

What's the deal? This all sounds crazy. I've never asked out a girl or had attention from one but all this is unrealistic. I have awful social skills but I'm not an autist. I can easily tell that all of this is internet fantasist shit.

The real method is to be a normie and have an instant connection with all other normies. Even extroverted normies have nothing to say to me but when I see normies talk to other normies so effortlessly, it's like seeing someone talk to themselves, it's so damn effortless. This is the only way: being part of the hivemind. Anything else is a life of quiet desperation.

Other urls found in this thread:

Listen you fucking beta faggot queermo, the majority of people are fucking morons, this is true, but there are quite a few smart ones who, at their core, are fairly individual. You simply think they're sheeples because your too autistic to realize the presymbolic purposes of language, which these folk intuitively grasp. In speaking, your not always informing someone of something but often satiating primitive human emotions in order to develop a proper medium of relationship. This is what you refer to as meaningless small talk. By situating agreements, even if these agreements are so abstract as to imply nothing or are so real as to be undisputable, you develop a superficial relationship with people to use an emotional medium for expansion of that relationship. In order to develop close relationships, you then need to agree on important things with significant implications, all while acting through the medium of situated social conventions to continually appease our human emotions. You just don't get it fucking moron, stop being weird and rebellious because you want to reject humanity for robot whores. The social conventions serve a practical purpose. You abide by them at first until your both comfortable to reveal your individual and specific conventions, which can then be understood to replace the societal default. And to get a girlfriend you simply develop a close relationship and hope the girl develops feelings for you. If she does, just turn on your oxytocin because your male and have conscious control over love and whammy, you got a girlfriend.

I think it comes down to that advice on the subject cannot take into account all the angles. People subtly know when you are not part of the hivemind, and this plays into it. I cringe when I read people receiving advice like "just go up to her and say X, if she says X, just say X". This type of advice doesn't take into account hivemind status/social standing/body language/subtle emotional clues, or any of the other things that go into the whole thing. Most advice is just like you said, internet shit written by someone who doesn't actually understand how intricate human relationships are.

This is a sad beta thread but you're not wrong.

It's good to embarrass yourself in life though. Or you'll end up a 40yr old coward and that's not a way to live.

There's another way though. Be totally dominate and comfortable in your own skin. No one really gives a fuck what you're saying. Not dumb people anyway. Just keep it simple and be funny and have plans. Girls like plans - but not bragging. And treat them like they're guys, but like guys you want to fuck. Since everyone is so fucking gender confused and guys act like lesbians.

I just treat everyone the same and girls want to fuck me because I have good eye contact with them and can signal at the correct time, not forced. But so do guys these days.

I hate everyone.

>nd to get a girlfriend you simply develop a close relationship and hope the girl develops feelings for you. If she does, just turn on your oxytocin because your male and have conscious control over love and whammy, you got a girlfriend.

This is a girl and she will never get you laid because girls are stupid and know nothing about getting pussy.

She has to want you the whole time. You can't just be friends and end up friend-zoning like a faggot. She knows right away and the more time you spend not in the pussy, the more she resents you for it.

The fucking dumbest thing is I've had female friend's tell me one of my male friends is hot. Say i'll tell him he should ask you out. They never want me too. So I just started telling the male friends and then they end up turning them down.

Females are nuts

chicks are shit, deal with it. just do your own thing until the right one comes to you. fuck the random ones that come and go, literally.

Do not waste your 20's chasing women. Build yourself up, your wealth and empire.

By the time I hit 29, I had women throwing themselves at me, without trying.

Mens sexual market value increases with time. Womens decreases.

Spend your early years bettering yourself. By the time you hit 30 you'll have more than you ever asked for, and nothing but open options until you are 50.

did you ever consider that, you know, women are irrelevant at young age and unless you have a job, home and a career, why would you even care to date?
you wont be able to fully support a child if you have one, what are you gonna do, get a girlfriend and fuck her every now and then, then break up later? wow. worthwhile.

>hurr i NEEEED a ghirlfriend or else i will hang myself and end my sad pathetic life...
>what was that? am i happy with myself and have my own interests that i pursue and am good at?
>w-w-well i-i'll need a g-girlfriend o-or i f-feel l-lonely and c-cant pursue a-anything

also what the fuck is this extrovert hivemind normie bullshit, if you had anything that resembles a personality maybe people wouldn't actively avoid you or treat you like a toy.


the fuck are you talking about what are these

It's because they want babies, you're giving them the stability they crave

b-but user, i need a girlfriend, w-what do you mean women find it unattractive when you obsess over them and make them the single most important thing of your life

w-what is individuality?

fuck I have a date tomorrow and convocation and I'm shitposting here at 4:30 am. Tomorrow will be a long day

Being a virgin til 29 then only having used up women or gold diggers finally pay you attention is not a good life

You literally missed the boat

At 29 he can just go after 25 year olds

I am 25 right now and I am starting to experience what you described. Started my own business that's doing really well, started working out and taking care of my dress and hair, etc. and I saw a spike of interest. Problem is I am socially retarded and turn all of them down because I don't know how to approach building a relationship.

yes, you must only marry a woman within your own age bracket, you will never ever marry a girl 18+. you can now ONLY and STRICTLY marry 30 and 40 year old cougars that smell like cigs and wine. you are so smart user

OP you should find a slightly unstable insecure reserved girl and "save her" and mould her the way you want through encouragement (women NEED to be encouraged)

Lmfao this post signals that you're a virgin

risk taking behavior is rewarded in men. women dont want pussy betas. just grab her and kiss her bro

I hope to God this is true. I'm in financial trouble. but at least I'm about to get my degree and I even got a new part-time job but I can't be arsed going there because I know it's going to be stupid shit I don't care about.

it's not as simple. you wanna have at least some experience with women before you meet that special someone. on top of that, there are sexual urges. If you never act on any of that while you're young you'll always feel like missing out. but I don't blame any guy for missing out, not when there is so much rejectiong to face and not when women mistake the concept of ((("""patience"""))) for leading a guy on and never progressing relationship-wise. I hate the patience meme like no tomorrow because that's a code for her only putting off being with you for whatever insane reason in her fucked dumbshit bird-brain.

hell, with so much challenge and almost no reward, even daydreaming about women is more fulfilling than the actual thing.

>presymbolic purposes of language
When you realize immediately that the FP is gonna be BP

yes but it's a reward. chasing after women is ruining you. you are not REWARDING yourself for something productive. if you naturally pursue your own goals, do a good job at them and rise to the top at whatever you are competing, women will naturally be attracted to you as a self sustaining, strong guy.
then, you can have sex and there's your reward for being successful, however desperately chasing for a woman rewards you in the end with a lesbian relationship because at that point you are a low test, ruined sad fool with nothing earned.
you are literally making yourself HAVE to be patient by chasing women

>So according to the internet, the way to get girls is to continually ask them out and face rejection rates of 90 % plus
If you only want to fuck senselessly, this would be the best way to go about it.

If you want to find a partner for life you better get to know them first.

fucking idiot

Cutest purest redpilledest altrightest tradwife explains how to find and attract a traditional Sup Forums approved woman.

So why don't you have a tradwife like her yet? You only need lots of money, an expensive house and car, a good job, be tall, fit, handsome, confident, intelligent, a bit of a dick or a psychopath, a hardcore competitive martial artist, a gun nut, and have a cock she can feel proud sharing with her tradwife friends on instagram.

You need to be a "babymaking starter kit" as she so eloquently put it.

So what are you missing? What's wrong with you? Why don't you sort yourself out?

If you weren't a socially crippled autist it wouldn't be hard for you. Embrace wizardry.

I'm a 9/10 and some women still aren't interested if you directly ask them out. That's just how women are. The key to the hot ones is to barely engage them and just ignore the fuck out of them afterwards. Speak near them, maybe even about them, but don't even look at them. Don't give them the time of day, ignore them, and it'll cause their princess complex to go haywire and demand the attention they want by using what's between their legs.

Oooooo you might get your feelings hurt by a woman not wanting anything to do with you. Big fucking deal faggot. There's literally billions more. Go get some pussy.

>I have awful social skills but I'm not an autist.

>Even extroverted normies have nothing to say to me but when I see normies talk to other normies so effortlessly, it's like seeing someone talk to themselves, it's so damn effortless.
Unlike your autistic ass they just notice subtle cues that you don't actually want to talk to them or be there at all and take a hint.

the trick to being a normie is to have genuine confidence. i get that thats the most generic thing youve heard all day, but it actually works to not be depressed about yourself all the time

Sucks to be white. Lots of Asians, Hispanics, and Middle Easterners (not necessarily Muslim ones, just conservative) have parents help introduce their kids to the kids of their friends as potential partners. It sounds weird and awkward to Westerners, but it's it common in a lot of poor countries. It's the reason you sometimes see some ugly foreign guy with a hot piece of ass (of his race) who end up getting married.

The only white people I know who do this are Momons, and that's about it. Maybe a few other conservative Christian groups as well.

Yeah you can go with the normie route that you mentioned, but normie chicks are mostly spoiled sluts and frankly I think you're a cuck if you want to put your dick into any girl that isn't a virgin (unless you're into casual sex, in which case you're just a degenerate plain and simple).

all these "tradwoman" cunts are just opportunist attention whores now that being a feminist is out of style

Be attractive, and stop caring about stupid shit so much.

The 'get to know someone and build a relationship over time' model has a very low success rate. Hooking up with people and thinking it will turn into a meaningful relationship has an EVEN LOWER SUCCESS RATE. But the second method is perceived as better because you bang stupid sluts more often.

I get as well as the next person that being able to bang stupid sluts is important to guys. But it stops being important really fast once you achieve it a few times. And it is totally irrelevant once you find a meaningful relationship.

If you want one of those, you have to climb the dominance hierarchy. That starts by rising in the ranks with male peers. So get some male peers, and then figure out a way to be useful. You don't have to be better than them necessarily, you just have to be useful to the group. Usefulness+virtue=rank in the dominance hierarchy. If you don't have so much of the first, you have to focus on the second. There's no fucking shortcut.

Once you have some rank in a meaningful sphere, you'll be in a position to date in a way that actually matters. And if your male group isn't shitty, it should have some overlap with some females, and you can go from there.

So yes, you have to sort yourself out and be someone useful to get women that matter. And they don't. And that's only unfair if you think men and women are equal, in which case lurk more faggot.

I asked two girls out both got shitty rejections.
Told them to go fuck themselves and moved on. They went fucking insane. One got really pissed off and angry and the other got straight pissy. Bitches love attention. Cut it and they will want you back. Only did the above action as they did it in a shitty way. If they had said it in a nice mature way that's fine. Don't take bullshit from womem. Ever.

Have you tried just being yourself around girls? 6'4 btw

there are no virgins anymore, at least not any qt ones. only roasties.

>By the time I hit 29, I had women throwing themselves at me, without trying.

I was 25 after having dated only one girl at 18.

The idea that you should find a woman who will work as your partner to achieve goals or whatever is just not how it works. It's basically the opposite.

You have to have your shit together first. If you have your shit together, literally none of the things you are supposed to do-- being nice, asking women out, doing the right thing, you approaching them-- none of that matters at all and you don't need to do any of it. They will literally just come to you without you doing anything. This is how "being yourself" actually works.

Also don't bother with women your own age. Just pretend they don't exist. Focus on women a couple years younger.

It's also sort of funny that when you are a teen it's the older women who seem most attractive. As you get older, it's the younger ones you'll like best, and you will regret ignoring them for the 25-30 crowd in your youth.

>just be the best asshole you can for me.

To add, the idea of growing with your mate from your late teens USED to be how it worked. But that requires proper community, religion, tradition, and a whole host of other social technologies that were sacrificed on the alter of Progress. So now we have to do it this way. And it is dumb, but that's how it goes.

It's astounding how can process so much of the information properly and yet miss the point entirely.

>So according to the internet, the way to get girls is to continually ask them out and face rejection rates of 90 % plus, including being laughed at to my face, given fake phone numbers, being stood up, giving someone a huge ego boost and a superiority complex over me, and facing the risk of the girl laughing about the "omg so creepy guy" on social media for all to see.
If you weren't so insecure, none of this would bother you you pussy

Part of life is to learn to handle rejection, user. All the greatest people face rejection and adversity on their climb to the top. I face rejection by clients regularly, but I don't care, because when one says yes and I land a big contract it was all worth it. If you're afraid of things not working out, you'll never try. So develop a tolerance for rejection and keep pushing forward. And consider the opportunity to make a pitch to be a small success in and of itself. You won't ever catch every fish which bites. But you've gotta fish if you don't want to go hungry.

Be confident, never be desperate, never let rejection impact you. If you can push through it, you'll find success, both professionally and in your personal life.

Go out with your mates on the weekend, get pissed, act like a tit and talk to girls. That's what me and my mates used to do. So what if you get knocked back by some chick? there's hundreds more in whatever club you go to.


There's way too many faggots on Sup Forums who think you can "redpill" a woman. Women insert themselves into masculine things to get attention.

If you have a girlfriend who reads mein kampf and knows the 14 words she's only doing it to please you and doesn't really give a fuck about it.


honestly, until you realize that every relationship is s passing moment, you will always face rejection and demorslization. women use men as stepping stones up the social ladder. as soon as you are not improving your value, you are on a clock. you have about 7 or 8 months to get something going or she is over you. you must constantly improve, and use your woman to do that. if you both work together you can build a great life. but you have to realize that no matter how much she says she loves you, you are a tool to her.

Get rejected. BUT when it happens, be GLAD that it did. Don't get fucking sad. Anyone who rejects you obviously wasn't going to be a good match in the first place.

"muhh perfect match"

people understand rejection, I kept asking out the hottest girl at work, she kept turning me down. people talked about it, but didn't make fun of me too bad. or if they tried, I didn't let it affect me. she eventually hinted that she was hungry and I offered to buy her breakfast (worked nights) and we became inseparable. 6 years later we are married with a house with one year left on the mortgage, she is pregnant and as long as it comes out white, I'm happy.

Finally someone who speaks some wisdom. A woman's goal in life is to constantly move up the ladder. The only thing a woman values is attention/validation/social status

>presymbolic purposes of language

Go to bed Jordan, you have work tommorow...

I've been laid regularly since I was 15.

Frankly im one of the weirdest guys out there and all I can say is women are awesome as long as you don't expect shit from them in terms of consistency in logic.

you'll realize most of what women want is for you to adhere to their" lets have fun" paradigm which involves her taking advantage of you and other men freely while maintaonong no accountabillity on her end as she never said you were dating or commited even though she expected birthday and valentines day validation .

Honestly if your dick isn't in her after the first month of knowing her, you're wasting your time. If it's not you shes fucking right aay its some other tool. No need to get in lline to be used.

you have 2 weeks for her to decide if she's going to fuck you. only 2 weeks after meeting them.

don't listen to this stupid shit,

It's roasties way of keeping guys they dont want in the game to maintain their value as they know chads value is independent of women's desire anyway.

women only matter if men keep trying to impress them. once we stop giving a shit about women socially they'll respond probably the same, except there wont be as much shit getting done because men only built society to maintain the needs of endlessly bitching WIVES

damn this is better than rsd.

Isn't that just people in general?

You guys ACTUALLY hate and mistrust women and wonder why you're not getting laid

The key to a healthy relationship, you fucking fag, is to be friends with the girl before you even THINK about putting your penis in or around her mouth. Seriously, play it cool, never let it slip that you're interested, and women will take a liking to you, even if you're kind of ugly.

>when I see normies talk to other normies so effortlessly, it's like seeing someone talk to themselves, it's so damn effortless. This is the only way: being part of the hivemind. Anything else is a life of quiet desperation.
nothing like a bitter blackpill right before bed, thanks bong.

women lose value over time, but they are good at social manipulation. that is literally the only thing that matters to them. and if you aren't helping her, she will find someone who will. it's important for her friends to want you. When you are around her friends, act like you are in charge of everything. but ask her advice on things. that is what is sexy to women. ask her where you should eat. she says picknick in the park, you say ok. call the park service and reserve a pavilion. call the caterer and get them out there, order the other families where to go. make her look like the queen, and you the viseer, not the king. you get things done for her.

You don't realize it yet, but by being an outcast, you've been given a gift.

Normie is basically synonymous with beta, follower, pack animal.

Seperate from society, you have two options: to use your freedom to become a better, self-actualized person (basically the real Chad, a man who can stand alone and is happy to) or to become a loser who resents not being a joiner.

I don't hate women, I love women, I've done the wife, girlfriend, and mistress at the same time. now that my wife is pregnant I'm faithful to her. I got sober and changed my life for her, to help her move up the social ladder.

It's as though you don't know counter-culture exists.

Skate, make art, make music, you don't need to be a normalfag to have a social life.

Or if you do want to fit in with normies just get a normie hobby 2bh led.

> 1. Be interesting
> 2. Be presentable
> 3. Enter a new environment
> 4. Scope out who is single
> 5. Interact with them. If they like you, you will know.
> 6. If they don't it will be just like highschool when they will only talk if you make them. Return to step 3.

To continue: And as far as sex and dating goes, you will actually do better as a lone wolf IF you do things that make you stand above the rest (which you should be doing for the sake of your own health and self-improvement anyway, not for women).

With no normie friends, you are free to go to bed as early as you like and thus always have a clear, calm mind free of anxiety, and to practice a strict regimen of exercise and a 100% clean diet. You can read and study what you want.

You might say, that'll just turn me into a socially awkward /fit/fag, but social awkwardness is a relative thing. If you're objectively a high-quality person, women will be attracted to you even if you do fling a little spaghetti around.

If you have actual strength intelligence and independence, this will attract women (who will attempt to strip you of your independence and turn you into a beta chump, but that brings us to a whole other discussion).

>act like you

no, i dont give a shit about her friends or what they think enough to act like anyone im not which is the difference between pua and mgtow, one revolves around tricking women to think youre someone youre not.

I don't give a shit what women think and gfs have tried to shame and pressure me to be someone else sense I can remember.

Whenever I hear ther suggestions for what I should be doing with my time, I tell them to lead by example.

youll seldom find a woman that follows her own advice about being socially effective as they don't play the same rules as men.

the funny thing is they'll never get props and accolades like men despite how successful they are because even they know a man can do most thing better if it doesn't involve a vagina.

Real advice: Start working out, start dressing better and hit on tinder sluts

Tinder sluts will reject you, then just keep working out, keep dressing well and improving your lines and confidence. This is a good strategy because online rejection is much less traumatic, and nobody will know.

Once you can regularly fuck random women off tinder, you can ask out a girl you like at work or school and it's very unlikely she will reject you.

This is about a 6 month - 1 year process depending on how ugly you start out

And one important note: Never listen to older women. Mothers, aunts, teachers, I dunno, gardeners, therapists, they will always give you bad advice.
Only take advice from female friends your age if they are very slutty; prude shy girls will also give you wrong advice since they lie about their own sexual desires (mostly to themselves)

>But I want to save my virginity for that one girl
Don't. Women can smell virginity on men and they will be repulsed. However pretty much no woman will dislike you for being popular with other women, in fact, they find it arousing

i was listening to normies the other day talk about how "like plastic bags are sooo bad for the environment i dont even haha"

fuck they think the environment is the biggest threat, they are actually fucking retarded.

this is true however

>study cs
>95%+ male
>of the females, maybe 20% are fuckable
>have above average face and be /fit/
>not bad social skills but not great either
>doesn't matter, even in STEM there's several chads and they outnumber the women
>your social circle is all guys
>barely ever talk to women
>all your friends are in the same situation, competition is fierce

good thing I now have a gf but it was pretty shit trying to get one

what is pua and mgtow?

>The real method is to be a normie and have an instant connection with all other normies. Even extroverted normies have nothing to say to me but when I see normies talk to other normies so effortlessly, it's like seeing someone talk to themselves, it's so damn effortless. This is the only way: being part of the hivemind. Anything else is a life of quiet desperation.
Fuck. This is perhaps the best summary of this I've ever read.

Dating, hookups etc. is a recent unsustainable meme anyway. Societies have had superior methods of pairing up mates for thousands of years and we threw them out.

Literal arranged marriages were a superior and in the long term vastly more stable system than the pre-civilisation shit we have now.

Sounds animalistic

Damn you're an insecure dude.

To find a girl you just need to talk to her. Get friendly. When you gained her trust you can ask her for a date then. This "ask for numbers" shit is the most pathetic tactic I've ever seen. It reminds me that todays society has a huge problem with fathers not being present or just ignoring their kids.

Have a talk about women with your father, it's about time.