Why don't black americans go back to Africa if they are so opressed ?
I never ever understood this. If all they do these days is bitch about what the other dudes did centuries ago to their ancestors why don't they go back to Africa.
How can you be so unhappy in a place and stay there despite having the freedom to go back to your homelands, where you can find happiness and harmony with people as same as you ?
>expecting the same people that screech about privilege to dismantle there privilege and move into worse conditions than the ones they were so generously given
Nononi you missunderstand these people They are simply looking to forward thr interests of there group and do not actually care about other members of there race that live outside of there group. All it is is another bunch of people trying to get a slice of the pie so they can live more comfortably .
Anthony Gray
that's like asking why don't gyppos go back to India Radu
Jonathan Lee
Pwla Bleaga.
Elijah King
Because they're not actually oppressed here and have a far better life in America than in any black country.
Benjamin Butler
They want free shit........
Leo Perez
Because a lot of them are lazy fucks who just want free shit....
Africans despise african americans. They see them as uncultured privileged underachievers.
Adrian Campbell
David Cruz
Like they are going to give up all the free shit the west gives them. Then complain about not reperations for slavery!
Brandon Price
We need to meme niggers back to Africa. That would be the funniest shit ever if it worked on a grandscale. Imagine it.
>If you leave America and renounce your citizenship for Africa you get free chicken for a lifetime >You also get free watermelon on the island free gibs
It would be fullproof if planned out really well.
Wyatt Hill
what's the point of financing that, America being white is already gone anyway. Niggers are only like 10%, probably within our lives whites willl be 10% as well and niggers will drop to 2%
Charles Bailey
They will pay for it themselves that is the catch. Then again the crime rate is going to help us lower it along with prison cells.
No gibs in Africa user. Plus they'd have no white people to parent them and blame for their shortcomings.
Dominic Sanchez
Why don't white people go back to Europe if they're so oppressed?
Carson Edwards
because they are too complacent, lazy, and in love with the idea that somebody owes them something, despite the fact that they have never contributed anything, ever, to anyone, in any way.
"where muh gibs n' sheit, i was enslaved for 400 years" "but sir, nobody alive had anything to do with that, in fact it was white people who fought and died in the civil war to free the slaves" "nigguh i don't give a fuck 'bout dat shit, now where the fuck mah money, bitch?"
fucking niggers.
Landon White
Jonathan Howard
Noah Walker
That was the plan, then Merkel and the EU flooded Europe with Jihad.
Noah Edwards
because they are like fragile children who yearn to be coddled & taken care of, no nigger has the balls to build something on his own without the white mans help, thats why africa is a shit hole they are lazy low iq parasites!
Jace Nelson
They can even go back to Ghana
Ghana has similar laws to Israels "right of return" laws. So anyone with African heritage can move to Ghana from slave colonies.
Ghana played a huge part in the slave trade.
Angel Long
Because a lot of African countries are fairly free markets with mostly privatized industry. Usually schools are privatized, taxes aren't too high and welfare is a foreign and alien idea. You work or die. In their private schools the teachers hit you if you're acting up or don't study for the tests. This does not bode well for people whom are entitled, lazy, don't discipline their kids and have no concept of responsibility. There's a very good reason you don't see them moving there.
Ayden King
No gibs, only takes
Michael Mitchell
Shit, you ever try to run away from a lion when your pants are hanging off your ass? Not a good idea.