Sup Forums I need some advice. I have a girlfriend and I love her more than anything. Recently I got her pregnant...

Sup Forums I need some advice. I have a girlfriend and I love her more than anything. Recently I got her pregnant. The problem is she's an sjw. Do I still continue the relationship. Does anybody on here have a girlfriend with different political beliefs

Pic related is her

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try r9k

saged and reported

Fuck her in the ass and dump her

Just keep the relationship going

Stop being a faggot strayla

Jess fucking Christmas you're a faggot. You're the man. You're the father.

Women follow strength. If you're some pussy bitch who let's the mother of his child be some mentally unstable social justice freak you might as well just murder her and the baby and yourself because you're a failure, faggot

You better not let her get an abortion either nigger

>I have a girlfriend
>I got her pregnant
Uh ok not so cool but at least you're both white (I assume) so that's ok
>She's an SJW
What the fuck were you thinking you dumb cunt?
>Do I still continue the relationship?
I dunno it's up to her now retard she can drain you dry and suck your blood for everything


>What the fuck were you thinking you dumb cunt?
IDK I just fell in love with her

Ok well listen dude how old are you?

I'm 22 she's 21

ok do you have a decent job? A car? Your own place?

>gets girlfriend pregnant
>confesses displeasure online
>posting your girlfriend's face on 4chanz

You're not real smart, are you user?

give her a chance, motherood redpills women or atleast makes them more likely to accept from a strong leader

I live in my dads basement I drive a 1987 firebird and I work at a liquor store

retard. you must be seriously pussy starved.

fake as fuck but if real, redpill her

i really hope you didnt post her, oh you did, well here comes the weaponised autism. is what you do: Fake your own death.

Haha no just kidding don't do that. Instead just have the child and give it up for adoption or something. Abortion will damn your soul to hell you don't want that.

she looks like she is not going to age well. dump her

you can't redpill a woman

I'm not giving my child up for adobption

unless he's trying to fuck over some chad and all you dips are gonna fall for it. then he's really, well, not smart, but significantly less stupid.

you fucked up hard.

Convince her to get an abortion or just hope she changes her ways in SJWism. Cause nigga shes gonna suck you dry. Real hard.

Tell her you are part nigger but look white like Talcum X and then run for the hills

Good that was a test you seem like a decent man. Have the child and take good care of it. Work hard, love your wife, and raise your child.

beat the shit out her, it will work wonders.

Don't worry Op she will leave you and you'll still have to pay for the kid

He lives in his dads basement and drives a 1987 firebird. Does that look like a accomplished successful Amon to you

You are a weak willed retard pal. Pregnant women go through a lot of hormonal and character changes, women with children are naturally more xenophobic, so as long as you are not a complete failure, now it should be easy as fuck to flip her and convince her to keep the baby.

Stay mad at least he has morals and a righteous love of his child.

Take your responsibility. Be a man. Red pill her.

It won't be yours anyway.

Pump and dump


Haven't you seen more then a handful of times. Tell us, how is the black man's paradise of Liberia?

GMC should have never axed pontiac

Pretty much.
Before having my kid my gf was a feminist after "Trumps not so bad"

Women are easily influenced by the one in power. Be the man in house and she will follow.

She's ugly.

let me show you what she hopes to do to you:


2) - pussy extortion.

you raw dogged that stupid sjw slunt, now your going to PAY out the ASS.

If your wise, pull the hail marry pass and pay for the abortion for her, and then see your doctor and get a vasectomy! - most important vid you will ever see

some women can be reasoned with, every woman starts as an SJW my wife was. I showed her the financials of green peace. showed her the lies of the wage gap. she went into a stem field and now despises whiney women as she rakes in money and promotions. women can change man.

listen to Luigi

Since you were stupid enough to possibly inseminate her before marriage, Insist on a paternity test. If she is having amniocentesis to check for complications with the pregnancy, you can get one done at the same time.

If not, then insist on one before signing a birth certificate.

Do not put your name on there or else she has you by the balls for child support for the next 18 years.

If she refuses, assume guilty as charged.

Maybe you should insist on a paternity test. You know, in case there was something congenital that got passed down.

He has a job.
And his parents can help. Her's too.

don't you mean Divorce(tm)

Two words: falcon punch.

Post her nuds on here so we can all tell you whether you should abort your gf or not.

Fuck her hard then make her deepthroat the redpill.

Isn't this the time to redpill her?

you have options

The baby is obviously a nigger so dump the bitch and let her raise it on her own. It's what she's always wanted

Dont be pussy ass nigga.Step up and be a man
Ideology cant be inherited so just raise kids well and start red pilling at early age

Well you want an honest opinion?
Do a paternity test.
In case it's your kid, stay with her and try to redpill her, there's good chances that she won't be an SJW for her whole live.
In case it's not your kid, leave her.

Well mate I'll just post the guide to get get her to not be pregnant anymore

mix any of the following


First are three Emmenagogues. They are thought to help bring on menstruation. But really they're just causing weak uterine contractors.

>Pennyroyal, Angelica, Savin, Rue, Tansy, Asafetida, Blue Cohosh, and Vitamin C, celery seed, birthwort

>Parsley, Queen Anne's Lace Seeds, Black Cohosh, Mugwort, Juniper

Weak (but taste better)
>Parsley, Ginger, Yarrow, Feverfew, Rosemary and Sage

Next are the straight up uterine contractors
>Blue Cohosh, Cotton Seed/Root, Angelica and Marijuana
>Tansy, Mugwort, Juniper berries, Chamomile.
>Angelica, Black Cohosh, Ginger, Horseradish, Queen Anne's Lace Seeds/Root

Black cohosh is an absolute must. Oh and raspberry leaves.


Sugar or honey is fine.

Have fun aborting children and dodging responsibility for your actions anons!

Who the fuck cares about politics. You have a wife and a kid and politics is your fucken concern you stupid cunt. Remember 90% of the users on here are degenerate anime loving neets. Grow up, be a man and move on from this shit.

> (OP)
>Fuck her hard then make her deepthroat the redpill.
A thousand this, if you can't redpill your gf you are not brainwashing fucking her alright.

You have to slowly lead her to the pills.
You have to plant the ideas in their head.
This is all assuming you know about postmodern philosophy, lysenkoism, communist propaganda and can effectively deprogram her.
Teach her about the banking cartels, high finance and why they support the philosophies that will destabilize the west and remove borders.
If you don't know about any of these things, LEARN.
>ask her questions that expose the shortcomings of her ideology
>try to fit politics in at opportune times
>explain to her that corporate executives are behind all of her favorite entertainers. Media personalities.

>i love her more than anything
>do i still continue the relationship

are you joking or just stupid?

She's going to try to kill the baby , the jews command all goy SJWs to kill their children


redpill her.

Hey buddy i was in the same boat as you. My son was born in 2015 when I was 22, so I know how you're feeling. The advantage I had on you is that we had been dating since we were 16 and in highschool, so it was just a little earlier than we would have liked. How long have you been dating this girl? Can you see a future with her? Having a child will make you get your life together in so many ways, assuming you're of decent character which you saying you wouldn't put it up for adoption makes me think you are. Let me know if you wanna talk more I'll monitor this thread

Hey don't you leave that baby you have a job now do it unless you black then run like wind

act like you are happy with the relationship and her being pregnant and most important of all make sure she gets plenty of vitamin C.

It's time to man up and stop being a pussy. That is all.

are you ready to be the father of a baby black bastard

That's funny, in 2014 I was working in the US and knocked up some chick who was dating her high-school sweetheart, then I bailed and moved back to Canada. Must be a coincidence. Give the little one a hug for me m8.

Just be a fucking man. Be self affirming and when that baby pops out she will care about the baby and less about nigger politics.

Sure thing, want me to wish him a happy birthday from you? It's his today

Pregnancy will turn her xenophobic

The problem isn't she is an SJW, the problem is your a pathetic LARPer who never had the courage of your supposed convictions.

Fuck off you LARPing manchild.

If you think this you are a dumb nigger

It's risky but if you keep her pregnant at all times and get four or more children she'll either stop caring about politics or realize how their safety is important.

>Have girlfriend
>Got her pregnant
>She's an SJW

you're fucked, OP.

She'll probably either drop the leftardedness or cannibalize the baby.

You need to make it clear that you will not tolerate any form of abuse of yourself or your child. Be decisive in taking legal action against her (whether in civil, criminal, or family court) if there is any cheating, abuse, neglect, or anything else outside the norm.

Believe me; my ex-parents were hard core SJW's and I barely survived. I am their failed abortion. Was malnourished and neglected most of the time, the rest of the time is was direct abuse. They were not capable of being parents in any way, shape, or form. Today they are still in prison, where I put them. The community thought they were the perfect power couple, until the charges were made public.

Do your duty for your child, and if she decides to rejoin humanity, then do your best for her.

marry her. take care of her and your kid(s). stop thinking about it, you degenerate.

>dicked an SJW
>love her regardless of her SJWness
>got the SJW pregnant

So when are we gonna see you on Molyneux's YouTube channel?

You actually did the best possible thing you could have OP. Women stop being SJW when they have kids, 9 months + oxytocin from birth and breastfeeding means they get really protective and motherly. The younger they are, the more likely to break the conditioning.

What if in my case i got the ladt pregnant and she was 45 at the time i was 24

Prepare for "differences", custody and monthly payments to the mother.
I've seen this situation first hand.

This. OP Stop being a faggot and man up!

>sex before marriage with an sjw
Kill her and then yourself and never come back

Is she full-blown kookoo SJW? For example, does she advocate reparations to basketball Americans (BBAs)?

If so, tell her that you want her to offer her baby to a BBA family so it may be their servant/slave.

once she has the kid, that is the time to redpill.
if Lacey Green and Miley cyrus can change so can your GF

There's something wrong with your cat.

if you keep fucking her she wont be an sjw. have more white children

This brit knows what's upwards.