Turn on the news !!!!!!!
It's HAPPENING !!!! Australia hostage situation! Possible terrorist attack
she'll be right
>he has a girl
Nooooo our wimminz think of our woomenz.
Link you shit cunt
when the petrol runs out
Who the fuck cares?
Fucken too many happenings. Wonder who the culprit is this time
1 confirmed death, male shot in foyer of serviced apartment building. Reports of 'explosion' and 20 gun shots. Area evacuated and someone has been taken hostage.
I'm thinking a domestic incident. But let's wait and see. Police have gone munyuk in the area.
Still butt hurt nigger?
Australian brigades 2,473 casualties
German losses 10,400
>1 confirmed death
The death of a shitposter.
lads I live in Brighton (suburb where its happening). Should I go and report from the ground for Sup Forums? I could set up a periscope or something
I hope this ends before any more convicts get killed. Gee..I wonder who could be behind this..
its in brighton, surely shitskins are only in punchbowl
Nothing is happening you pathetic racist pricks. We successfully intergrate our migrants. Go back to jerking each other off over trump themed frogs.
>lads I live in Brighton (suburb where its happening). Should I go and report from the ground for Sup Forums? I could set up a periscope or something
Just heard a report an officers has also been shot.
Probably just another meth-head upset at the poor quality of his overpriced shard
How could this happen?
Why can't it be our brighton
And? I'm not even German. Why should this trigger me?
anyone know if its muzzies? i bet it is, or africans
>german flag
>not even german
why am i even surprised
I bet ya it was DEM got Damn NEPALISE.
I actually think it will be whites but It sounds like a cheating whore got found out and someone went a bit nuts
Battle of my loungeroom
>Australia -me, a can of mortein
>Turkey -1 nameless roach
>Result -decisive victory for Australia. Heavy Turkish losses.
Oh so your'e an invading dune coon.
I'd say its a ice addict or something but Brighton is a posh suburb, doubt they could afford to live their
>Battle of my loungeroom
>>Australia -me, a can of mortein
>>Turkey -1 nameless roach
>>Result -decisive victory for Australia. Heavy Turkish losses.
Thinks people understand his Aussie ramblings
Yeh but the Australians died for nothing. The Germans died protecting their nation. Australians died being just dirt cheap mercenaries for a jew war against germany.
Every single fucking australian who died in WW1 and WW2 died killing his own grandchildren's future leaving us all to be fucking slaves of the jews Germany were trying to overthrow. Get it now you fucking cuck?
Sky news suggesting it may be over. 1 confirmed dead, 2 officers shot. Their condition not reported.
Will stick around, there may be more to this than meets the eye
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving Australian city.
Germans arent an actual people anyways
Strewth. But we live pretty good ay so couldn't give a fuck. Take it easy breh
It's never ober
Siege is over apparently
It has the reputation as the best Australian city though?
It's Melbourne. It could easily be an member of the Apex Gang behind this.
Because it's Brighton, I doubt it's a toothless bogan from Frankston.
News just said he claimed he was Islamic state
yeah but the people that make those lists are Jews
Buckingham service apartments is where its happening. They're shit tier apartments for Brighton. Definitely could be rented by some drugged out cunt from Frankston
Honestly if I killed someone even it was a hit and run accident I'd claim I was a member of Islamic State
7 news just said the guy claims to be ISIS
Eric Beaelel probably is behind it again
>>Battle of my loungeroom
>>>Australia -me, a can of mortein
>>>Turkey -1 nameless roach
>>>Result -decisive victory for Australia. Heavy Turkish losses.
>Thinks people understand his Aussie ramblings
Burgers implying we cant understand this man.
Only faggot leftist Kiwis say that. Im Australian, can not understand the love melbourne gets in your media. I suppose its an sjw thing. Lelbourne truly is shithole.
So... muzzy bashing day tomorrow lads?
> (OP)
Which leftie sites give it that reputation? It's overpriced, densely populated, heavily multiculti, suffers from a pedophilic education program (not joking: safe schools) too many wogs, too many chinks and everyone hates each other. Any non-capital city in any state spoofs non pozzed cream all over melbournes swollen rectum. Did I mention home invading rapist niggers?
this is just like last summer when molymeme was 2 -3 happenings away from screaming GTKRWN
>and 20 gun shots
Oh no! Were any emus hurt?
wait, silly question
Why can't we have any happrnings? Toronto would be a nice place for one.
ABC news livestream: youtu.be
They're talking about other shit. Anyone got a Skynews stream?
Yeah someone called them saying he was the gunman, told them 'This is for IS.'
After the foiled Boxing Day attack on Flinders St and Fed Sq I'd say its possible.
Fuck you Muhammad. At least we care about our country.
Where is the YouTube link fag?
Do you think you're being clever?
Deled you gook
bash the politicians, not the muzzies. bashing the muzzies will only make them talk about the evil white man. bashing the politicians might give them some wake-up calls
Is that why pauline one nation got only 2_3 seats in federal parliament?
Forgive them for they know not what they did. We must all unite against a common (((global))) enemy.
You Japanons have been bringing some top bantz these past few nights iv'e noticed. Whatever your putting in that karaage, dont stop
you realise thats a pretty big win in our system right?
they btfo the greens.
Replace mortein with raid in your burger brain to comprehend the joke, fampai.
Some confirmation of IS involvement,
>Snef snef
why is it that when I hear about terrorist attacks in Manchester, London etc I'm ready to support sending all muslimes back to their shithole etc. However when I see pics like this- I think perhaps they're not that bad and infact the mudslimes can save us from the decadent bullshit
why can't the terrorist here get a kill count above 1, we must have all the dumb ones
Either shithouse muzzies or accurate coppers. Either way, I'm pissed.
Probably a champagne socialist. No great loss.
It's because the most unpredictable and dangerous creature on the Australian mainland is the Aussie himself.
>le based Muslim.
Sorry mate you need to leave. We're too full.
>someone got shot
fake news, Australia banned guns
Awaiting confirmation of it being terror related they say
>"This is for IS" "This is for Al-Qaeda"
really makes you think
Because you understand the impact if Western degeneracy. However, if you think Muslims are the answer, pick a Muzzie country and try to live in it.
Lionhelm is going to get BTFO'd on the GayBC tonight because of this
Sure we did.
Im probably more anglo than you
And this is why you don't accept these immigrats, Australia. You're doing a good job, keep it up!
we could just take the good bits- ie keeping our fems in check .. disregard the rest
>Hostage situation
I swear you guys think everything is a "happening" or "redpilled" stop watering down the meaning of these words. Nobody cares about hostage situations, much less one in the asshole of the world.
>asshole of the world
keating, is that you
White Sharia is an actual meme on Stormfront and other places, I believe. I reckon you will start to see it here soon.
Blue eyed, blonde brother? Maybe we can be friends. You live on the GC?
Sorry that this is kind of thing doesn't happen regularly here mate, we aren't used to constant hostage situations like your bird world hole
>not posting the whole video
You see that retardation on here all the time. Such fucking pussies. Cucked by yet another foreign element.
Yeah blond blue eyes etc. Gold Coast? Nah, unfortunately in Melbourne for now. just bought a house is Brisbane and looking foward to the move
That's fucking sick.
apparently someone called local Aussie news and claimed they did it for IS and Al-Qaeda.