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Does just nobody care about these anymore?

r8 me
Do the new one (sorry it took me a minute)

Did they just ad more shit to it or what's different?


Me too/10

>Sup Forums claims to value freedom
>is a bunch of authoritarian assholes

Yeah, by (((their))) definition of authoritarian.


I'm pretty satisfied with the result. Looks about right.

But yet I think the values for nation and market are still to high for my taste.



very well mr. durden

I think there are a lot of varied opinions, but a lot of people fall into the muh nazis dinndu nuffin meme.


Get on this level


Feels boring man

honestly not what i expected

Welp, I'm a neocon. What do?


Fascism is the only way.
Heil hitler

>check flag
>the only leaf is a gommie
Well, you've been properly indoctrinated into collectivism I see.

rate me famalam

Not even surprised of this result from someone that's german. Modern day western europeans are all socialists and not the right kind of socialists u were in 1930's

Get on my level scrub


Quite same, distributism looks god tier !

right, i'm also a nationalist and i want my values to stick to my own country. it works here.

Thats totally fake wtf


Balanced master race.


Totally works there my dude. Like, totally.

Look at all these european flag posters and their results all abunch of left-wing shitbrains. Disgusting, no wonder Europe is falling. FUCK u guys

Hello fellow master race

Both u guys are retarded too


Guess I'm a commie, goyz.

I bet money you would go straight to the gas chamber.


A balance between liberty and authority is the best outcome on this test. The greatest state enjoys both freedom and order.

>Strongly Agreeing or Strongly Disagreeing to every question makes you a centrist


Verified faggot

r8 m8s

Equity and order, yes.


Mostly right but the wording on some questions is ignorant

I know from other tests and personal opinion that my balance to liberty is far greater than indicated here.

The only right result

I have no opinion of my own, so I just think to myself "what would Hitler choose?" and base my answers on that.

this guy knows

I got the same. Dont know how I feel about this





A bunch of my friends and I took it, all of us but myself got classical liberalism.
The only major difference is I valued tradition higher than those cucks, so I wouldn't feel too bad pal


The questions seem kinda based on an american point of view.
Also, I don't think I'm that much of an internationalist, I just think my country is shit.

fuck off, i'm a national socialist without the socialism
the almighty does not care for the lazy man

>National Socialist
>Without the socialism

Wow, is it hard being this edgy in 5th grade?

If youre lower than this leave Sup Forums

hvad fanden vil du så kalde det

Lower than what, your image quality?

neokonservatisme, ligesom din test kalder det. Bare fordi du tegner hagekors på din matematik bog, gor det dig ikke til en national socialist.

Germany socialist?

I fucking hate Merkel and her conservative party and the self declared "social" opposition party even more. Fuckers ruined the country and quite opposite what you think shifted the country far away from any social norm and pretty much destroyed the social democratic system we used to have. We are now a market radical country leaning more and more towards the right. Or to be more correct, IMO we now are some kind of corporate technocratic capitalistic system with tendencies for surveillance under the disguise of fighting terror and censorship.

So a healthy dose of socialism is exactly what germany needs right now.

"We want coffee without caffeine, beer without alcohol and
>national socialism without socialism


Is there space for me here?

"Reason is more important than maintaining our culture." what kind of question is this?


Governments are always going to be the least efficient means to carry out a task.

>Diplomatic axis: 66% world
Globalist get the fuck of my board REEEEEEEEE

If by here you mean in the helicopter then yes.

Neo Conservative master race

Just because your kike government is as useful as an American, that doesn't mean that every government is useless.

The people are sheep and they need a shepherd to lead them.

what a bullshit dogma

what's the ideal way to handle healthcare? roads? postal service? war?

agreed but the point is ns without socialism being just fuckin mental


Some things you just can't change.

Is this you Adolf?

Feel the Bern, you bitches!

Our government is the best government. All others are inevitably worse.

The ideal way to handle healthcare is certainly not the current way or the previous way. All the government has managed to do is bow down to drug company lobbyists. Foreign countries, meanwhile, show worse quality care and far longer wait times. Furthermore: It is immoral to socialize healthcare. Why should one man have to pay for his neighbor's injuries, and what right does one man have to say that his children and his children's children should all have to do the same under penalty of law? It is ridiculous. Roads, meanwhile, are constructed using private companies. All the government does is collect the money to pay for it. The postal service is currently dying, and war should be avoided at all costs. Finally: Collecting and using tax money for roads and postal services is not socialist.

Wrong. National socialism without socialism is nationalism. Nationalism does not have to be socialist.

pretty similar to mine
Feels fine.

values is a crock of marxist shite.

questions all loaded with so many unquestioned and false assumptions it's ridiculous

why dos pol pay any attention to this Hegelian mindfuck garbage?


they are all sleeping in their basements now.

You have to be fucking with me, no one is this ignorant.

only 2 things are infinite, the universe, and human stupidity.

Not 100% sure about the universe yet though.

>Y-You're just STUPID
Wow start arguing any time. Or just keep going on about how you "literally just can't even right now" and vacate the discussion like a triggered tumblrette.


Commies get out.

>American government
>Best government
Your government is controlled by lobbyists, all your presidents and politicians are sexual deviants and/or pedophiles, name one president that didn't openly lie to the American people.

America is the perfect example of why capitalism doesn't work for the people. Human greed overtakes human compassion. Your people are fat, stupid, poor and niggers.

>Washington bureaucracy


Nah I'm fine with a single-payer universal health care system. We just need to make sure to have the obese get even fatter so they'll die off & we'll have to pay in less due to most being healthy.

Our government isn't controlled by lobbyists at all. Whenever a representative stops representing his constituents, he becomes vulnerable for replacement. Even if it were controlled by lobbyists, it would still be the greatest government. A government that is small by design is invincible so long as it remains small. Your government is more akin to Detroit's city council, and all functional governments are under our control.

In the mind of an average americuck

>Over half of our entire nation is overweight, how do we fix it?
I Know!!! We promote an unhealthy lifestyle, that way the obese can eat themselves to death and then we will become 100% healthy!
>Wauw Tyrone, what a great idea. When have promoting an unhealthy lifestyle ever backfired? It's not like our country has promoted an unhealthy lifestyle in 50 years.

I know my government is not the greatest, no democracy can ever be great. At least the Danish government is designed to not be corrupt, too bad a filthy "libertarian" capitalist ruined that.

Any government that can be corrupted should be corrupted. The right for a government to exist must be earned.