Ok racists, Prove to me the holocaust was faked or at least exaggerated. Go on, i'll wait.
Ok racists, Prove to me the holocaust was faked or at least exaggerated. Go on, i'll wait
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The answer is to the right of the Fürher.
That man is Rudolph Hess. He is a failure. All Hess are failures.
t. A Hess
Fuck. To the left. Jesus how did I fuck that up
>Ok racists, Prove to me the holocaust was faked or at least exaggerated. Go on, i'll wait.
They can't, not without shill sources
Fair enough.
they didn't turn jews into leather sofas
Oy vey remember the overly complicated killing machines goyum
Debunk these, kike shill, I'll wait. *sips Orange Pekoe tea*
6 mil was a mystical number. By bullshitting the numbers up it was to mean the time for "Israel" to be reborn had come.
I dont claim to know it didnt happen, but to me it seems like the burden of proof is on you to give a credible accounting of how that figure was tallied and why reliable to the point of virtual certainty.
meanwhile- heres food for thought:
if a lie about 5 million can pass into serious, scholarly books - why not a lie about the number of jewish people?
here we go again
>b-but I heard 6 million died in the holocaust!
Normies swallow 6 gorillion because they never critically examine such a grisly topic, believing (((Hollywood))) and Allied history is 100% factual
>b-but what about the Nuremberg trials! Some Nazis admitted war crimes, so it must be true Hitler had a Final Solution to kill all the Jews!
Allies tortured German POWs. Gerstein claimed 25 million were killed, does that sound believable? At Dachau Nazis had their testicles kicked in and crushed beyond repair
At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) said 4 million died in gas chambers. Today, the death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes), though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>b-but it wasn't just Auschwitz!
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) said 2 million were killed in gas chambers.
Now they say The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>b-but the Reinhard death camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec!
There is little to support the claim that tens of thousands, let alone 1.3 MILLION died
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>b-but Nazis made lampshades out of tattooed Jewish inmates!
The lampshade myth comes from a propaganda film made to de-Nazify Germany by a US Psych Warfare unit
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
>b-but I've seen Steven Spielberg's Survivors of the Shoah!
Watch the following
>The Last Days of the Big Lie
>o-ok, let's suppose you're right. Why does it matter?!
It matters because no one can criticize the Jews without being labeled an anti-semite. Denial is ILLEGAL in 20 countries
>The JQ:
jews still exist
umm sweetie, you wouldn't want to forget the 6 gorillion lampshades would you?
What with all the shareblue troll thread tonight anyway?
Nice sources
How about you show me actual proof of an extermination program targeted at humans. You can start by showing an actual gas chamber (clothing delousing facilities not allowed). Go on, I'll wait.
I asked you, Portunigger. Daily reminder that you helped the kikes in WWI
Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day uno, sept 1 1939 through and until, sept 2 1945, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes, i.e. 2190 days or a total of 6 years.
A total estimate of 6,000,000 Jews were killed during those 3,153,600 minutes which comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (roughly)
In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.
It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces..., which operate at higher temperatures than the traditional hundred year old ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaneously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for the sake of the point, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.
That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total number of jews killed would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone. You're about 3.4million short there goy...
How can any Jew, Israeli, or Shill ever even argue this story when just simple math is enough to destroy the whole theoretical rational? They don't have an argument, they have a paper narrative. Can any Jews or OP faggots respond to this and also remember that they responded afterward? lol
Another point could the amount of materials needed zyklon b, gas to burn the bodies etc. With all the german paperwork shorly there would be transport documents with shit loads of these materials right? . . .