How White is Sup Forums? BASED Black man here!
(This is a meta thread, which is allowed by jap moot.)
How White is Sup Forums? BASED Black man here!
(This is a meta thread, which is allowed by jap moot.)
Gr8 b8 m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8.
>my parents survived the holocaust
>my dad was a war criminal
>zomg we have so much in common
1. foken blacked jew cunt
2.How could those Danish people do that to themselves.. crime against their heritage.
sory OP ur hlfngr
Fucking Faggot
My Italian crusader kings 2 family IS ALL OVER EUROPE!
>think of myself as white
you sound like the average american
When will you post THAT one image? You know, the image that causes eternal asspain in Europeans.
this one would be better if the mother had that BLACKED hand on her face
>I think of myself as white
You're not even human.
75% white, 15th generation burger
Nationalities don't accumilate
Jude och neger. Ja nej, du är inte vit.
Feels decent.
What the fuck man
Pretty boring
there is no hiding...
Yep. 100% bogwog.
I think if we've been here since the 1650s it should fucking count
Fuck off wog
Super exiting yes
Post your tree cunt.
Ching Ching nigger
>Racemix Goy, it doesn't even matter ... see, a jew a negro & even a nazi can come together to be " white " ... in my fantasy
That font is cancer
Assuming you're not posting bait.
I'm happy that I exist and my mom is great. Should add that he does have kids from a previous marriage to a Swedish woman.
Nice. A real Swede. :)
Unfortunately, I'm only German with a little bit Austrian. Would love to be more ethnic Asian/Arab or even black.
My Dutch great-grandfather was half Dutch, half Bushman.
Funny you should say that, my family owned thousands of niggers. I don't feel any damn guilt.
Jag röstar åtminstone SD.
Can I into Polsk ?
How do you do fellow Aryans?
>Unfortunately, I'm only German
Oh, you poor thing. We need to blanda up that bloodline stat! We're gonna give you a multicultural make over! What do you want? Asian eyes? Nigger lips? Jew nose?
All soldiers who fought in the Spanish Civil War did so on the Nationalist side, of course.
>almost look white
I see what you did there
kys nigger
A fellow Dane.
Do you look like a mediterranean yet?
wtf is wrong with those polish flags they are fucking orange stoopid nigger
Seriously now, why do nordics like black pussy? I have seen a lot of blonde blue eyed guys with black girls, more than white girls with black guys.
You hurt my feelings, svenskbög :(
Mine were all either anarchists or communists. They were low-class farmers, what did you expect?
dominating subs feels rite
Tell me more about your warlord grandad. He sounds interesting
Honestly have no idea... But my husband is a blue eyed blond of Dutch and German descent, soooooo...
Yes, I look Spanish/Southern Italian. People are surprised when I tell them I'm a quadroon.
Too lazy to do the family tree shit
whoever is ruining their clean danish heritage, fucking stop, what the fuck do you think you are doing
>pic related
Brown hair/brown eyes?
Meh my danish ancestors clearly didn't care
>tfw third generation Anlgo-Celt Aussie master race
feels good man
Brown hair/blue eyes.
Post pic?
Now they avoid Mexican food.
How do you do fellow Slav?
It is time for squat and kompot no?
Pics or didn't happen nigger
>Mother's side of the family almost completely made of darkies.
>draws herself as white.
Well done for fucking up yer dads prefect life.
Fucking sparkies wages and getting to fuck about an all white utopia. You cunt
No you are a kike/nigg mix
Jeg taler dansk og foretrækker Danmark frem for Sverige.
>clean danish heritage
Feels übermensch as fuck.
I'm quite tanned right now because I've just come back from holiday, but even so, I'm far from dark...
you can not be born as ubermensch, the only way to be one is thru work
I know
>phd in phsyics
>deadlift/squat/bench 180/150/125kg
>cute blonde/blue eyed gf
>still a long way to go
Funnily, nobody believes that I'm a physicist when they see me irl for the first time. Can't blame them, all my collegues look like fucking Gollum, even the females.
5/5 muh fingol from another mother
No kompot till u prove ur slavness
guess where I am from
So what do you do in a typical day of being a physicist? Any good rebuttals for flat earthers stating that the curvature models are completely wrong and gravity is akin to buoyancy?
Not happE
>So what do you do in a typical day of being a physicist?
Stare at his shoes. All physicists are betas.
fucking swedes i swear