So do you consider indians niggers?
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what the fuck is that webm? trampoline?
good one, but can they tell me what 1+1 is? checkmate blacks
Yeah but can they do this
they jumped on something the person sitting there is holding, probably a ball
>So do you consider indians niggers?
no. niigers have big dicks, indians have tiny ones.
Only the Mudslimes from India are Niggers. India should do the same thing that Myanmar is doing. Mudslimes are cancer.
We don't. Never have disliked Indians. Plus, a majority of them voted for Trump
bus raping niggers
cricket cheating niggers
yes you are lowest form of nigger
Some are you great people, I have a rich friend named Amit who lives in Mumbai, he's educated and owns his own manufacturing company, great guy, always solid in a GTA heist.
Some of you sacrifice babies in blood rituals to get another woman pregnant. That's a problem for me.
^ Niggers of the worst kind.
It was a gymnastic springboard.
Curry niggers, yes.
Are you a Hindu?
>the state of modern MMA
Indians arent niggers
They are bloody wogs
What's Myanmar doing?
Probably one of those spring loaded things gymnasts use.
Yes. But not in same sense you think it means.
Get a load of this pathetic cunt. Cares about fag sport cricket.
Not at all. And I'd generally take a 100% pitch black indian (Tamil or whatever) over a 50% nigger. But we're full anyway.
They are Mediterranean ( southern European)
Amit is a Greek name just like Indians are genetically ancient Greeks
Thank you for the chuckle, i needed it
I thought Indians were ancient Aryans?
Of course the bloodline has changed quite a bit over them many mud-vasions over the millennia.
yes. sage.
>that face of "i'm embarrassing myself how do i stop" when she looks up. SAD!
no, you aren't XD
Giving women the right to vote, thus beginning their inevitable decline.
removing curry-kebab.
indians are subhuman, but if you wanna compare yourself to niggers that's fine too
same shit, different street
Niggers are evolving aren't they? Oh God..
extremist buddhism
Yes, you can see them jump before they reach the cars.
North Indians are Germanic
Southern ones are Mediterranean
this. Indians are subhumans, and of worst kind
You know, if you switched some of those images around, this would make a nice loss pic
it's freaking wires
Fuck off nigger
She looks fine for bleaching, but probably smells.
I would rank them somewhere between spics and niggers...
the fuck is she doing
I can't tell if this is less or more terrifying than flying tarantulas.
I wanna fuck an Indian girl atleast once in my life
says who? all the indians here are bluepilled af
trust me man, you don't
t. Sheila
>women in sports
t. Sanjeeta
source: straight out of ass
My tribe is 49% South DNA,30% Baloch DNA,10% Europoor, and rest caucasian and med.
>tfw 2x1 at the KFK
I dont know whats Baloch DNA is any pro DNA user halp
>no poo in loo
Sup Forums i am disappoint
Oh please this meme has to die majority of UC are white tier.
What do you not understand about his quote? Makes a lot of sense to me.
But hes not wrong with the genocide part some fucking poo in streets they have to go.
>reading a pulp writer
He's not wrong be,we have to genocide a lot of them to clean the gene pool,do you know how many of them actually are low IQ's who deserve nothing but death? Oh god in this political correct world I can't even do such things without having ((international outcry)).
What is the solution here? Should I redpill my UC bros on upcoming crisis or economic collapse and tell them to co ordinate and make a village type community by learning some /off grid/ tier skill?
What will fix this region god damnit.
Pakistan isn't relevant m8,it will take 2 weeks for us,Afghan to penetrate in whole of Pakistan.
Indians are like Spaniards or Italians, just dirtier and uglier.
and dumber~
>women in sports
Figure skating is the only acceptable sport for women.
We do not need a genocide they will work as our production force and army we'll be a force to reckon with
and beach volleyball
Your whole tribe is 10% euro? Where does that come from?
We need eugenics and genetic engineering world wide ASAP.
And we can't have that until we deal with the Jews.
Women in sports is good kin general. Anything that encourages healthy lifestyles and physical activity is good. The problem is the judaized professional sports scene. Women shouldn't compete in sports as a career. It just shouldn't happen.
only faggots think about dick the instant they think of blacks
go back to your BBC sissy pornos, cuck faggot
webm not related, yes?
Now that's more like it.
no, of course not. Indians are quite clearly part of teh caucasoid genetic cluster. They have a mean IQ of 100 when raised in western countries while niggers have a mean IQ of around 85 when raised in western countries.
Niggers are subsaharan africans. Indians do not have subsaharan african genes.
Worse than nigs. At least nigs are good athletes and have high T
Those aren't the average Indians you're pooling from in Western Nations. Average Indian never would have made it to a Western Nation. They're above average out of a group of 1.4 Billion.
I'm not buying the new cthulhu game now
Although what he said is very true
I love volleyball because of its ludicrously unnecessarily revealing outfits for women. Soccer doesn't have different outfits for men and women, but court and beach volleyball does. Even high school volleyball and younger have these highly sexualized outfits that serve no purpose other than to give the viewer a good show. Volleyball is relatively boring to watch and anyone can play it, but it gets half the airtime at the Olympics. They've done an amazing job marketing the sport simply through sex appeal.
my 16 year old half sister makes the same kind of motion when i fuck her til orgasm every other day.