Fucking morons still supporting drumpf in 2017

I heard this was the board that still defends that orange noodle haired low iq buffoon, Drumpf
How does it feel knowing you're now played a pivotal role in the downfall of western civilization
This cheeto-brain tiny handed narcissist has doomed the planet by pulling out of the Paris agreement (see Last Week Tonight for long explanation why this is so retarded) to appease the coal miners who it turns out wanted him to say, just watch their CNN interviews to see how Drumpfy (once again) cucked his own base.

This shit is getting unbearable, and to think this angry little KFC loving 5 hour a day TV watching late night tweeting out of control umpa lumpa has the nuclear codes AND is beholden to Russia? This shit is systematic

Fuck all of you responsible for this, you've taken down planet Earth through your apathy since you have nothing to live for, and now us that do have lives worth living have to pick up the pieces

I love Trump and he will stay president for many, many years. How does that make you feel?

He has 156 IQ

hes going to be impeached in a few weeks, youll see
drumpflets like you will be imprisoned when he's booted out, enjoy your time as a free man

Don't you have some Kangaroos you need to go catch?

>Sup Forums is one person

I'm a Sanders guy, tbqh.

Weak bait
Yet these subhuman reddit crossposters will make a big thread out of it

Yep He is working for the middle class . That's why the socialist hate him.

trump is doing god's work you fucking twat. now get back to your liberal circle jerk

Keep those tears flowing...

little snowflake...


8 years cuck. Git good

>I heared that this was the board

What the fuck is wrong with Trump. He keeps making terrible business decisions for no reason, China is moving towards modern economical trends and closing over 100 coal plants while we're going back to it apparently.
There is no reason for us to not follow the market, coal is DEAD

You can argue without using buzzwords, this is low quality bait

something something something nuclear codes


how the fuck you get internet shiptar?

By sticking a wireless antenna on your ass


He's obviously not low IQ, if you think that you don't know what IQ even is.

Paris agreement will only lower temperature by 0.2 celcius by end of 2100. while Killing Millions due to higher price on *green* energy

>i'm a Sanders guy, tbqh
you dont belong to Sup Forums tho True Sup Forumsacks are either NatSoc or Ancap. not Retarded Communists

Calling a successful billionaire who ran for president on a whim and ended up winning, low IQ


Not only is he still well loved, but he will also win the next election in 4 years.

Question is, why is a dingo so triggered by Trump? Is this really about him refusing to that shame of a climate deal?

Do you even realize how retarded the Paris agreement was? China, the world's worst polluter was not required to make any changes. Russia was allowed to pollute More.

It was a waste of time and our money. I'm glad it's dead.

What is sad is that there are people out there who actually take John Oliver seriously. Democracy is a mistake.

> liberals get their political incite AND Scientific incite... from the fucking Tonight Show!

That is just fucking disgusting! First of all there are plenty of holes and discrepancies in the IPCC's analysis on anthropogenic global warming, secondly there are a lot of rebuttals on many fronts provided by other experts pointing out discrepancies in the anthropogenic global warming science. Dr. Easterbrooks work with the Greenland ice core is just the start, the global warming scientist basically just lower themselves to personal insults when he released his work.

Also a NASA study has confirmed that Antarctica is actually growing in the last few years! In case you didn't notice the media and politicians have been telling us both ice caps have been drastically melting that was a lie. And when NASA released this study, they were not relieved they were defensive and more worried about how "deniers" would use this information: well yeah because it completely contradicts what you've been saying.

Past eras on this planet have seen CO2 levels 10 times higher than we have today, potential he even higher than that and yet in these time periods just for example the Jurassic era there were Long periods of glaciation!

Finally the Paris accord was completely unbalanced and unfair towards the states! China despite being the largest polluter by far had almost no stipulations, the same is true for India. And at the end of the day if everybody abided by the Paris accord are economies would go to shit, and by the end of the century we would see half a degree reduction theoretically according to the "experts". The same experts who have made completely out rages statements, like what Al gore cited back in 2000 that by the summer of 2013 or 14 the ice caps would be gone, well here we are.