
How diverse are you pol?




Just in case anyone thinks Jews are white

4% hispanic


What the fuck?

guys i tried my photo im 48% white 44% hispanic 4% other 3%asian 1%black.

what the fuck am i a mixed fruit salad?

I don't trust this software, I'm portuguese and it tells me i'm 79% white and only 12% hispanic, which I don't think would make a lot of sense.

It wont work for me




I got 100% implicit on mine




This is bait to get your faces /pol. Don't be an idiot. sage


Ian Smith is almost full white..

You're supposed to put in meme images and be funny, not your real face.

Everyone already knows if they're white or Asian or nigger, why would we need an image program for that


What's the worst that could happen if somebody sees your face? Should I not post images to facebook either? Sage.

White confirmed


I think I broke it...

Sup Forums permanently BTFO

Hispanic refers to mestizos, not to actual people from the "old" Hispania.



Totally not a nigger.


Well they are not wrong

30% white, 30% Hispanic, 20% (((other))), 2% black, rest was Asian....wtf? I don't look white in the slightest.

Gonna love my diversity


is sam hyde deport

No, you shouldn't post images to Facebook either. Stupid fucking lemming.

The other 1% is Alderbaranian.

This is too much fun.

wheres that from looks familiar tbqhwy my friends


100% white here
feels good

This is just fucked!

Prove it slav

wew lads

We are anomalous.
We are a region.
Forgive and forget.
Expecto Patronum.


All cops are evil white men that like to murder innocent dindus. Didn't you know that?

At least it calls a spade a spade.

The software is Jewish Americanised garbage and is supremely terrible at telling apart different races. I got like 7% Hispanic and I'm a pure-bred European.

>muh Italians are not white
Fuck off Mr 60% and say welcome to Mr 95% :^)

I call bullshit. He's a fucking beaner.


>trusting this trash system
here pizza

If you insist

He's whiter than me kek

Seems "White" by US standards :^)



I'm native American 75% blood purity level, and this bullshit said I was 88% gook




Go back across Behring strait m8.


He's a fucking spic lol

They're only white if they did something wrong

Wow its impossible to fool this thing

Seems right

>captchas with bridges today
>many such cases

i don't even know what to say


eat a fat one m8




I'm curious how the rating would work for those korean women before/after makeup who use eyelid tape, false lashes, and shading/highlighting to make their eyes look larger and their noses slimmer. Would they come up with a % white with makeup?

always knew Miguel Stoklasa was a hackfraud




you look like a young gru from despicable me

I want to make babies with Lana.

It said I'm 99% white despite the fact that I look like a spic/poo in loo/irish hybrid.



This is broken.. I know now.


Why is this test showing hispanic in Europeans?

This shit is fucking legit


Because Spain is in Europe


You can download the picture when your done by holding down on the photo when your done... you look like a moron..


Still, compared to my girlfriend who's really white, I'm a bit tanned.


you should sleep more


2% Hispanic?