Why shouldn't the government regulate the internet? What kind of magic is this one that excludes server boxes from civil law?
Why shouldn't the government regulate the internet...
good on her for calling an early election.
i hope she loses...
fuck off greekfag, hows the debt btw?
greece pls you had to spray on walls cause they cut off your DNS and you couldn't google how to fix it. give me long enough ill find the pictures.
Well here in the USA we have the 1st Amendment.
All the other countries are shit out of luck.
>denbts=not paid
What a fucking cuck...
She wants to distract from the fact that she's drained the police of so many officers and so many resources by under funding them, so she's blaming the internet.
She's trying to use the internet as a red herring instead of dealing with the deeper issues, confronting and holding the muslim community responsible for their peers and fighting extremism.
There is simply no need for this law.
I'm voting Corbyn because she is all talk, the last 7+years have been complete shit under the Tories, they missed all their economic and immigration targets.
Corybn has his flaws, but he doesn't arse lick israel, the saudis or the establishment and has a track record of fighting EU bullshit. He'll try for everyone and not just people that fund him. He has one of the top lawyers in the UK to negotiate Brexit, not those clowns David Davis or Boris dickface.
Just fuck you. Too long to explain.
Typical anarkiddie that will get the BIG STATIST COCK.
Government shouldn't regulate speech and the internet is just another step in the wrong direction that inevitably will lead to totalitarianism and blood.
Free speech is the only safeguard from tyranny and speech cannot be free and regulated, its one or the other.
Speech is as free as the government decides, both in real life and online (as if being on the internet is not real life).
Yeah and government as powerful as people allow it to be. Which is why people should hang that cunt and anyone like her on a lamppost. Tyranny must die while its being conceived, not after you're a slave to it.
At most the people could vote for Corbyn, who is even more of a statist cuck.
>Statist is my word of the day!
Stop over-using it you crypto-faggot.
Corbyn is head and shoulders above those other cunts.
Too bad her opponent is Jeremy Corbyn then?
So if you are a Brit, kiss your internet freedums good bye.
Even if Cornyn doesn't win they can seriously oppose the Tories in legislation and block shit like this.
Lately I've been surprised by the number of people at work who've decided to vote him after being so against him before.
People are getting sick of tory crap. Feels good mane.
>Wanting commies to rule your land
You can't be that cucked. Surely limited internet is a better choice than Venezuelan (read: no) internet.
Better dead than red.
Pretty sure my internet is fine as it is.
He's not a commie you retard. You should know what actual communism is given your history.
Even the natsocs had soc in them so go suck a fat slavic or turkish dick.
piss off grigger
And I'd definitely rather have my internet if the price was a socialist government. Thanks.
Learn how computers work and you'll quickly realize they escape the logic of 99% of laws, while solving countless of the problems laws are supposed to be the answer to. All we had so far are people that don't get how computers work, trying to apply laws from a time they didn't exist to them. It just doesn't work.
Also it's not about computers in the end, it's about us being able to use computers to escape all the jewish tricks. We aren't doing anything wrong with these, we're just exploiting modern technology for our own ends, and they don't like it.
I agree that Theresa May is an insufferable cunt.
I disagree that Corbyn is worth voting for.
>be english
>see compatriots regularly being killed by muslim inbreds that shouldnt even be in england
>have your internet taken away by the government
>muslim terror continues unabated
If there were other realistic options, i'd vote there but frankly voting of any other party in this election is like a protest vote, or voting for the loony party. Unless you live somewhere where another party genuinely stands a chance, but that's rare. Our system sucks.
I'm voting Corbyn because nearly everything he says I agree with. But to somebody like yourself surely the fact the the establishment has shit itself so hard and is pouring as much money as possible into getting rid of him shows he is someone who will bring positive change? If he was smart he should say he'll call another leadership election of the Labour party say.. 2 years after he got in. Some people just cant accept a man who cannot lie.
>Libya has highest standard of living in Africa
>Gaddafi plans to make gold backed single African currency
>"Arab Spring " happens
>UK participates in bombing campaign in Libya
>Gaddafi is killed
>Libya becomes failed stated
>Libya is full of terrorists
>Manchester bomber tries to go to Libya, but is stoppped by police
>MI5 let Manchester bomber go to Libya
>Manchester bomber comes back and does terrorist attack later
>Bilderberg meeting
>London bridge attack happens and Home Secretary says attacks are nothing to do with foreign policy
>Theresa May says we need to regulate internet
NOPE, what will happen now is a weapon of total control in the hands of a government that will become Islamic. Guess what they will use it for? When this shit passes there will be no battle cry, No signal, No call for aid. You will have a fat even worse than that of the Afrikaners. Should have just "disappeared" the folks you found when you had the chance.
You shouldn't pride yourself in being as deluded as the average Greek voter.
It didn't work for you because your country sucks compared to ours. That's a tad over exaggerating but it's a simple version of the truth.
Corbyn's model of socialism leaning politics is actually well thought out for our country and our means.
Cool. I hope that works. Because everytime it's been tried, it seems that after all no country could afford it (even as big as the Soviet empire). Maybe it's just wrong in principle. And what is it with the Brits and that Fabian stuff? Oh well.
It's about balancing it out, like Sweden(minus the immigration and sjw shit), it works really well.
Why would the government need to regulate the internet?
If we learned anything from the NSA scandals it's that they're already spying on all of us
FCC just killed 1st amendment. Good going, orange Cheeto.
They want to very publicly monitor it and shut down access to sites they deem bad.
Kind of like china.
I think old people will love the idea of it, they never truly understood the internet, and many tory voters are old and get their news from echo chambers.
It's not needed, she just needs to blame this so people don't blame her for fucking the police up.
>"If the UK is attacked by a nuclear strike, would you retaliate?"
Corbyn is a literal moron
He's extremely hesitant to use them. I respect that.
If you cannot answer that simple question then it nullifies the idea of a nuclear deterrent. You know, MAD, the only reason there hasn't been a third world war.
If there were ANY realistic options at all. Protest vote is fine, smaller fraction of people than ever feel democratically represented with the current options. I wish there was some sort of minimum voter turnout threshold clause somewhere to call for a second election with different candidates if valid turnout is less than 40%.
>But to somebody like yourself surely the fact the the establishment has shit itself so hard and is pouring as much money as possible into getting rid of him shows he is someone who will bring positive change?
Thr government is in the business of remaining in power, and the opposition is in the business of getting into power. The establishment simply works in the interest of itself. There won't be a positive change, best case scenario is a lack of change and hope things don't get worse.
>Some people just cant accept a man who cannot lie.
He lied about his views on nuclear weapons, but you can count that as a white lie to appeal to voters. Or he genuinely doesn't understand first year, first semester game theory, don't known which is worse.
internet can mislead people very fast. it depend on the source.
See, the emerging super power agrees with me. Regulating the internet is just like regulating railways.
You really don't know what you're on about.