Third terrorist attack in UK, and for the third time the terrorist was known or has been reported to the authorities before, and NO action has been taken.
Explain, now
Third terrorist attack in UK, and for the third time the terrorist was known or has been reported to the authorities before, and NO action has been taken.
Explain, now
Yeah weird how the suspect is always known to some agency aftet shit hits the fan
British law enforcement response to anti-terror hotline -_-
Brit response to mean internet commenters O_O
Its because the sad thing is, our government could stop all terrorism instantly if it wanted to. They know where they are. They know where they get their money and equipment from.
But they won't, so the only answer I can come up with is, they want us to live in this constant state of low key terror. A few deaths here and there, but nothing massive like 9/11. Why, I don't know.
What makes you think that they want to stop it?
So they get more state power, and can then do things like What you have to remember is that Jihadis kill the common people, but angry common people kill the leaders. If you were a leader, who would you want to watch?
listen I will let you in on a big secret. His PALS didnt call shit. Just like Salman Abedi's PALS didnt call shit.
neighbors and PALS are worse than fucking "sources say"
This is what you get with Theresa May. Say "Thank you, Theresa May."
Thank you, Theresa May!
The massive cuts to police budget.
The Wahhabi friends we have in Saudi Arabia, who we don't want to upset.
The ramping up of political tension across the country since before Brexit.
In short, the Tories playing divide and rule.
Fake and gay
This is just for good is-lame PR
Because terrorism is actually not a real threat. Think about it. Everyday people die. Everyday people die in accidentals, murder, disease,... The chance of actually dying from terrorism is extremely small. It's just non sensical, thats why it gets so much attention. You're way more likely to die because someone is texting and driving then from a terrorist attack. Anyways, good luck trying to find the rats in london. If you were to just treat this as a normal murder, terrorism would stop. You think blowing people up is their end game? No, us reacting in panic is their plan. Getting us to go to war with ourselves. Its called divide and conquer. It's working pretty well.
Or it could be the elite planting terrorist attacks so they can make money off our fear by selling narcotics. Anyways, end point is we cant do fuck all about it.
>Getting us to go to war with ourselves
Muslims aren't "us".
exactly this.
These headlines are fake news and are only put out to do two things:
>1. Exonerate the muslim community
They didn't call in shit and they know it
>2. Give the police an excuse to extended their surveillance powers
We already see that with May calling for the internet to be regulated
>You're way more likely to die because someone is texting and driving then from a terrorist attack
go fuck yourself, you wannabe nihilist edgelord twat.
when people die because of their own fault it's totally different from being slaughtered by a subhuman sandnigger exploding for a degenerate ideology.
i just hope your joke of a country bursts under wahabbi fire, because you know, you're gonna die anyway so who cares
I meant libs versus cons
Also, who is "us" then?
Can't really draw a line without losing nuance...
>cant do fuck all about it
We can do something about it, but that thing is not very popular. Not even round up every muslim, but all the muslims who are suspected, or reported, or have ties to shady organizations, or have warnings about them from other countries- any muzz who is even possibly a threat should be instantly apprehended interrogated. If foreign nationals do not pass with flying, spotless colors deport them. Never allow them back into the country. If they are your citizens hound them, assign officers to watch over them 24/7, make it known that they are under surveillance.
This is not popular but it is necessary to prevent further attacks. Japan has had Muslims under government surveillance for years and the supreme court even gave it the OK last year. Phones are tapped, mosques and community centers are monitored with hidden cameras, spies infiltrate muslim groups, bank accounts are carefully looked through. Muslims are constantly being watched and they know it, and Japan has had no terror attacks from the,.
Muslims know only strength. They have to be treated as such. Crack down hard or they will crack down on you.
Wtf I embrace terrorism as a normal part of life now.
That's the limp-wristed, spineless, no initiative, head in the clouds, peter pan bullshit attitude that will be your breeds demise
Yeah but that would cost loads of money. Wouldn't it be better to invest all this money and manpower into something that gives you better results? More saved lives/taxdollar? I realise people aren't rational machines but throwing the privacy of your whole nation overboard seems to make people feel safe and secure feels very much like 1984/Hobbes' Leviathan dystopia...
>I meant libs versus cons
Libs (rs) only do what Cons (Ks) allow them to do.
>Also, who is "us" then?
In my case, the British.
>Can't really draw a line without losing nuance...
Oh piss off with that nonsense.
keep an eye on all the stories about these bozos. They will just get more ridiculous.
Just take away the privacy and curb the rights of those people. This isn't exactly unprecedented because our Bill of Rights only applies to English Protestants.
But but Theresa May has said 'enough is enough'.
She's going to ask questions and enact laws that get to the very root of the islamic terror problem.
By putting restrictions on the internet and monitoring what all of us do.
It's all the internets fault!! I'm sure Merkle agrees.
What? You don't see ANY need for nuace? So everything is good or bad?
The manchester bomber was known too, he was on a list with 25,000 others. Known as a preliminary list. Another 3000 are on the watch list, meaning theyre monitored. The Westminster attacker was on the same list as the manchester bomber. 2 attackers who were not even on the "radical" list went on to carry out attacks.
You need to forget about lists, forget about monitoring these people and focus on the incompatability of islam with our culture. It is ISLAM, not individuals, contrary to what youre told day in, day out.
What does TWICE have to do with this
I think they're just saying that after the fact so people don't blame moderate Muslims. See? They're reporting them but we keep dropping the ball.
How cucked can you be?
>Police does nothing.
>No government offices ever get riched.
I'm positive that governments are doing this shit at this point for some crazy reason
Here is the documentary one of them is supposedly in. Just a bunch of actors.
And you trust your gov't to do that? You really believe that suddenly the political elite, given so much power, will serve the common good?
What would give better results than deporting threats? Once you take a hardline stance they will stop coming in droves. Foreigners have no right to be in your country. Citizens do, and you have to treat them differently, but you can still monitor them. Again, Japan has had zero muslim terror attacks. They are quite proactive about it, while the West seems to be taking muzzcock as deep as they can and just tweeting hashtags.
>thinks money is more important than the safety and well-being of his country, society and culture
The police will never admit that they received no reports. It would confirm that Muslims lie, which is treason, and that they aren't actually stretched to breaking point.
There is no way he was reported by anyone
Great argument, buddy.
>ISIS did nothing wrong t. elliot tea rodger
>oh shit i better snitch him up t. friend
>ppft yeah like as if anythings gonna happen t. police
>people dead af
>celebs get to send thoughts and prayers of performing expensive as fuck gig again to collect more money
>plays MM WATCHA SAYY coz le funny ISIS XDD
>nobody gives a shit again
They just think its cool to get Bieber back if someones killed coz of religion. Also reminder that after god got more people killed again, they asked people to love god in Onelove. If that´s not the most sickest demented thing in a serious of lot of awful shit in West idk what is.
Then again these fucking degenerates should be dead anyway so if more traitor communist liberal faggots and their multicultural shit gets killed i dont have a problem, just fucking die already
Why take initiative if that is exactly what terrorists want us to do? Thats falling into their trap.
>You need to forget about lists, forget about monitoring these people and focus on the incompatability of islam with our culture. It is ISLAM, not individuals, contrary to what youre told day in, day out.
Agree. Tough questions need to be asked.
Do these people as a whole add enough to our society that makes the risk of some of them being radicalized worth it?
While we have freedom of religion, should we change it to having "freedom of peaceful religion", and identify islam as the death cult it is?
Theresa May is barking up the wrong tree by blaming the internet.
Sad, but probably true.
Imagine a world without people that hunger for power.
>Uh his muzzie buddies totally didn't want him to do it! Brits failed to do something about it, it's their own fault!
Not islam is the problem, religion as a whole is a fucking cancer. Christianity, islam, jews, fucking every religion is the same mix of bullshit mindfullness and dumb magic stories made for gullible dummies.
Bill of Rights is from 1689.
Not a country
No, Islam clearly is the problem at the moment.
Come back when you're not a non-country.
I dont think money is more important, i think you can us that tax money, that people worked hard for, in a more efficient way to ensure the welfare and prosperity of your state. Like investing in new energy sources, so we dont have to suck saudi dick to get oil, or invest in training or policemen to lower the standard crimerates, or making sure everyone has healthcare, ...
>Je was reported by his muzzy friends two times
>Only two times
Why shouldnt we behave like the egyptians or saudis? Ban mosques. Ban madrassas. Hate preachers locked up or deported. Why shouldnt we?
>Not islam is the problem, religion as a whole is a fucking cancer. Christianity, islam, jews, fucking every religion is the same mix of bullshit mindfullness and dumb magic stories made for gullible dummies.
Christians dont blow themselves up. I am atheist but theres only one religion killing people these days.
Come back when i dont have to pay you because your economy sucks, parasite.
i just told you your pants were in fire only two times clearly i didnt do enough effort to announce youre burning to death lol my bad
Still a federal country, so don't really see what you're trying to say. Also argument on person is not an argument.
>i'm gonna die anyway so who cares if i'll do it by being killed against my will by a degenerate terrorist
and you're making irony on my argument. you're litterally, unironically retarded
Because sometimes you get killed by will? Hahahah what?
>Inb4 'hurr durr suicide'
Get killer =\= dying
>a sandnigger deciding to take away your freedom to live is just like as dying by accident so i'm fine with it
kill yourself you fucking subhuman joke
He was my friend, but I reported him like a good British muslim should honestly oy vey I mean inshallah. #notallmuslims #keeplettingusin
The authorities now admit that there are not 3000 jihadis in the UK, but 23,000. What's the true number? How the fuck can they keep an eye on all of them, let alone their friends?
You're right. Terrorism is fucking nothing.
It's the wholesale replacement of our population that scares the fuck out of me.
probably because 100,000s of muslims are on the watchlist
They molest little boys tho. Also they spread worldwide stupidity, as much as any religion.
Also, the vatican is literally responsible for the still ongoing spreading of aids in Christian africa by saying condoms are haram (or whatever christards call it.)
If they haven't done anything wrong you can't arrest them, this isn't the middle east.
We have a long watchlist as well and worked great until now
A remora taking care of the shark is it's natural behaviour.
We should probably just blow ourselves up, or jump off bridges like fucking lemmings, that would show ISIS!
>dindu nuffin (yet)
enjoy washing blood away
>Explain, now
It's all part of the plan.
Mass extermination of minorities lowers crime rates and doesn't cost a thing outside of ammunition.
Allroight, let's say you have 2 timelines. You have the exact same thing exept for the point where the timelines diverge at point t in time. In both timelines you die at point t+5 min=point p. So at point p in timeline 1 you get shot by a muslim extremist, because terrorism. At point p in timeline 2 you get shot by a gangmember because he wants your money. Both death can't be undone or prevented. What is the difference?
Yeah because that is what i'm implying here?
Just devout our intention to more important problems, such as declining population, automation of lower skilled jobs, fossil fuels running out,...
Wtf I love alBEADY now
Funny, because in 5 years that means killing white brits
>implying if you get killed at point T in one timeline, you have to die in the same point T in another timeline
>implying fatalism
litterally autistic
>What is the difference?
one leads to other deaths (because terrorism itself makes proselytes among degenerated religio-cucks).
also terrorism leads to multiple deaths and the reason is idiotic, at least a criminal does it for money
go die in a hole mohamed
Sure kid, good luck getting bent over by the germans, you both seem to love anal anyways.
I bet merkel pegged you so hard you have the anus like a yawning hippos mouth.
Because Brits carry on as before. You don't want the terrorists to win, do you?
using this logic
It's hypothetical, bud.
Also I dont know what fatalism is exactly, probably that whatever decision you make gets you the same outcome or something in that trend, but no i'm not implying that. More so hard determinism, if you want to know.
Anyway: you're point is because someone kills for money that's excusable but because someone kills for, say ideology, that's more of a crime?
Funny that you prefer greed over belief.
I'm Bulgarian, it's fine by me.
Sure, better not worry about it until >10% of the population is killed in a year on average (>10% over 5 successive years to be on the same side, and avoid outliers). We don't want to be intolerant now,
They probably investigated those people for islamophobia instead
Yet only one of those is currently blowing themselves up and attacking every other religion all in the name of their own. Seems like you've got your priorities mixed up
>you're point is because someone kills for money that's excusable but because someone kills for, say ideology, that's more of a crime?
on a scale of degeneracy, killing for money is at lower level than killing for religion.
over this, you're saying you don't care if you die by accident or because a degenerate faggot decided you had to die with him, because there's no difference in the death and so we shouldn't even fight terrorism.
do something, really. kill yourself, if it's equal
nothing to do with what you brayed herewhat you said (having to die at the same point in all your timelines) is fatalism which led you to defeatism, which happens to be de literal definition of cuckoldry
no surprise
USA is currently at 1% muslim
UK is currently 2% muslim
We feel the effects already. Imagine if you were at 5%, then 10%.
>just ignore the skyrocketing number of foreigners who want to change your culture and society and have a penchant for committing horrible attacks on your fellow citizens
Either a shill or just a dumb plebbitor. 18 posts of defending Muslims and saying to do absolutely nothing in the face of the greatest threat to face Western culture in hundreds of years.
Sort your facts out, uk was at 4.4% 6 years ago, it's only gonna be higher now
>tfw Britain is rapidly approaching GDR tier during my lifetime.
It's pretty crazy. I was old enough to remember when the Soviet Union fell.
Watching Europe right now is awfully similar, but actually seems somehow worse.
The British and French in particular have essentially lost control of large chunks of their country.
They have known enemy fighters, guilty of treason, walking freely among their populations, unchecked.
When they DO attack, during a period of what is meant to be heightened security, it takes EIGHT MINUTES for the threat to be put down - In the heart of their capital city.
It's amazing to be honest.
Watching May's speech after the attacks was even more surreal. She seemed like she was talking about a bus accident and waffling about internet security as if it was somehow relevant.
I'm kinda sad, but also kinda excited.
I remember joking in the pinned mega thread about how many previous reports each attacker would have against their names, and how many had gone back and forth between England and some foreign dump.
Don't forget Labour letting Muslims swarm the nation in the first place.
Don't forget Labour literally advocating for Islam.
You're fucked either way lad.
>tips and calls are teh real conspiracy
>governments don't have a history of letting terror happen
>Anyways, end point is we cant do fuck all about it.
You can stop terrorism. Just like you can lessen motor vehicle deaths by improving roads, cars and using laws to enforce safe driving practices.
Dip shit.
U.K. would be in the 5% + range now based on the last census.
Thinks don't get Lebanon tier until you hit 30%.
Jewish terror cells set up to help May win the election so they can censor the internet and make denying the Holohoax a crime.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Even if every single member of Al Quada committed a 9/11 style attack successfully, not even 5% of us would be killed, and they would all be dead.
There just aren't enough terrorists on this planet to destroy our society, their goal is scare us into destroying ourselves, which by the rise of Hitlerism, we are.
b-but muh 8 minutes
>Sup Forums yet only looking at the the "herp the 'good' Muslims reported him derp" narrative
>completely ignoring the fact that the authorities KNEW about him and did nothing
>and now they will justify more draconian anti-privacy measures to "find/stop terrorists", even though THE AUTHORITIES LITERALLY KNEW ABOUT HIM AND HAD THE POWER TO STOP HIM BUT DID NOTHING