Kathy Griffin did nothing wrong

Kathy Griffin's skit about beheading Donald Trump may have been unfunny, it may have been in bad taste, it may have been offensive, and it may have even been unpatriotic, but it wasn't anything that hasn't been done before to other presidents, and it certainly wasn't illegal. People make fun of the President of the United States all the time, often using violent hyperbole. I once saw a piece of paper with a crude drawing of Barack Obama peppered with holes at a shooting range, a Vietnam draft protester once said that he would shoot LBJ if he were drafted, and even America's founders burned their political opponents in effigy.


It's treason, then

and hide

nobody said it was illegal. is she being charged with a crime?

>Being this new


You don't know what treason means. It's freedom of speech. Go eat some pasta and chill the fuck out

Yea, all these trumpcucks make fun of liberals who cry about misgendering someone but can't handle any criticism of trump

No, but plenty of Trump supporters have accused her of treason. Making fun of the president falls far short of treason.

There are so many dumb bitches that think they get to be edgy because HRC lost
This bitch is a celebrity and has a bigger sphere of influence compared to a redneck shooting a cut out of Obama
Perspective dumb faggot perspective
Don't compare apples to orange you left-liberal shill

incitements of violence are a violation of the NAP

>not getting the reference

lmao faggot
also, incitement of violence is not freedom of speech

People hung and burned dummies of Obama. Trump cucks are just being triggered.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from its consequences.

It's comedy guys. Get it? Comedy!

She's not in jail faggot.

>America's founders burned their political opponents in effigy.

And the ones who were apprehended were imprisoned or executed for treason.

Give me the rundown though who is that kike and why should I care?











You have freedom of speech and expression, but not freedom from consequences of your actions.
Nobody is saying Kathy did anything illegal, but the public and her employers found what she did to be in bad taste.

>We are politically incorrect
>We are deeply offended about a photoshoot with a stage prop

Choose one and only one

If it were a Muslim of any description you would give it muh Islamic incompatibility with the west rhetoric.

Eat shit, you're only trying to explain it differently because she's a geriatric white woman.

Barbarism begins at home.

Do you even understand what you're comparing, Goldberg?

people here aren't offended
people here are principled

Kathy Griffin did nothing funny
FTFY burgerfat

Only people with skill or talent can pull off being edgy or offensive publicly.


>. I once saw a piece of paper with a crude drawing of Barack Obama peppered with holes at a shooting range

user, that's just a generic drawing, you racist

To quote liberals. In free speech you have the right to say what ever you want, but that does exclude you from the consequences.


Nice try, you don't even know what actually happened. Do your research you stupid shareblue nigger



Nice try, you don't even know what actually happened. Do your research you stupid shareblue nigger bitch

How new are you



You're not that smart

>No, but plenty of Trump supporters
who cares? plenty of trump supporters are morons

No one cares.

We just like seeing liberals upset.

One doesn't have to be offended to choose not to endorse or follow a celebrity. These people are so fucking self-entitled that they believe they have a right to their fame and fortune. They don't.

She's crying liberal tears about people not liking her joke, while real people bled to death in London. Poor baby. I hope she rots in poverty and obscurity.

Yes for real beside Barron panicking what was wrong with this

Social justice warriors normally don't approve that kind of behavior.

Many liberals have accused Trump of treason.

As always, don't blame us for playing a game you started.

We're not actually offended.

*note to any journalists browsing - I am deeply offended, traumatized and Literally Shaking over this horrendous imagery, especially in light of the Manchester attacks or whatever.

What are ethics for 500

The majority of people on both sides found it disgusting and tasteless, so now she suffers the consequences for it.

She's being investigated by the secret service. Her "joke" involves killing the president in the exact way that muslims often murder their captives. They are ensuring she has no real intent and isn't trying to incite an assassination - an act which would definitely be treasonous.

OP is correct but why waste an opportunity to inflict pain on your enemy ? Sjw pain is my pleasure, reap the whirlwind leftist faggots

Nope, not illegal. She's under a secret service investigation which won't go anywhere because it's not a legit threat to the president.

>This bitch is a celebrity and has a bigger sphere of influence compared to a redneck shooting a cut out of Obama
It doesn't matter how many people are listening to you. Free speech is the same whether you do it in front of one person or in front of millions.
She isn't actually inciting violence. No one is going to go out and behead Trump because of Kathy Griffin.
When liberals fire conservatives for their opinions, conservatives say, "You snowflakes need to grow thicker skin."
Isn't the whole point of America that we shouldn't be like that?
The difference is that Muslims don't just do it in effigy. They actually take to the streets and murder people on a regular basis, especially in your country.
The same thing. Only difference is one sounds better.
One is a parody and the other is real?
That's funny, but the drawing I saw actually said Obama on it. It also had giant ears.
Both liberals and conservatives are morons when they accuse their political opponents of treason.

>what's the difference?
she didn't kill anyone
>muh liberuls
Go back to _thedonald

The incident is a prime opportunity to display the leftist double standard of acceptable behavior. We already know they are hypocrites but the world needs to know also.

i love the video

> he broke me

Sure she may have not done anything wrong, but she needs to take responsibility for her actions. I saw part of that press conference with her lawyer and she is acting like a victim. She can do what she wants, but she's got to own it; really how did she expect a different public reaction than this?

Hi shillbot

Snowflakes want to act like there are no consequences for their shitty life decisions.

>Both liberals and conservatives are morons when they accuse their political opponents of treason.


If only 5% of people believe it, that's 5% you've won to your side.

Throw shit, see what sticks.

tbqh it backfired.

The point was to push the outrage, and then watch as the left acted like hypocrites. Unfortunately they all turned on her like a redheaded stepchild.

I mean, CNN fired her. I wasn't expecting that.

True but i still feel like the right won on this issue. The best part is that Bill Maher said nigger and is going to have no repurcussions because he is a (((merchant))) winning is awesome !

It is the left tards in general that look stupid as a result of this incident.

almost full

>may have been unfunny
>bad taste

Yeah, she certainly has her rights to do this. However, she should also know that the companies which pay her money have the right to terminate her contract due to not wanting the company to be associated with this shit.

Why in the fuck would a comedian, who depended on companies like CNN to put food on her table, want to do some unfunny shit like this in bad taste?

It's dumb and she doesn't think out the weight of her actions before doing them. She deserved what was coming to her.

Where was the joke though? I don't even want her punished, but where was the punch line?

Doesnt matter you spit on someone to that extreme l, prepair for a backlash. you assholes think you can do this shit and not get a response. wrong.