"Man flees London Bridge terror attack still holding pint of beer in his hand - and Brits couldn't be more proud

>"Man flees London Bridge terror attack still holding pint of beer in his hand - and Brits couldn't be more proud
so fucking brave, stay strong britbros. Keep drinking that beer, we bout that partaayyy.

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indeed, lets get wasted in the name of peace and love! they can mow down our people in the streets but they will never bomb our spirits!

>but they will never bomb our spirits!
technically if they bomb their booze stores...

>bomb their booze stores

Poles are the master race, always remember that. When Europe falls Poland can take it and make it into Greater Poland (after kebab is removed of course).

Brits will revolt if Jihadis blow up their booze stores

I have the Monty python line from the holy grail, Run Away, Run Away going through my head looking at this picture....

It's fucking pathetic how the mainstream media use a the death of people in a terrorist incident to normalise degenerate behaviour.


>Hahaha yeah lad, fucking legend!
Fuck I hate the media.

It's such a naive and cringy way to view the situation, it's almost like a joke.

>muh love will protect me from bombs and gunfire fuck hate!!

Nothing wrong with having a nice cold one with the boys mate

Don't they realize hate is what is killing their citizens? Last time I checked, setting off nail bombs and crushing people with a vehicle isn't an act of love.

>The image of modern Britain is a man fleeing a terror attack with a pint.

Let that sink in.

must be related to this guy

Man just wanted to keep drinking his pint and you're having a breakdown over it.

>Don't they realize hate is what is killing their citizens

Practice what you preach.

Its a good thing that they aren't in the EU anymore

I've never been so ashamed than I have in the past 2 weeks watching absolute cowards and failures reveling in humiliating and parading their passivity as "stoicism".

The embarrassing self-aggrandizement represents a society wide equivalent of a loser getting bullied and boasting that he bullies himself harder than anyone else so he "wins".

The only reason this garbage has become "the image that defines us" is because no fucking media outlet will run photos of torn apart little girls on their front pages, knowing full well that "muh co-existence" might be harder to peddle to the masses if they knew what it actually entailed.

when did I say we have it swell over here?

>Hahahahaa, what a cracking lad, loves his beer, so British amirite

>(friendly reminder that Britain has no culture, and all white men who drink alcohol are date rapists and should be shot)

stfu you tit, when the soldiers for israel invade those arab lands and kill and bomb the shit out of those ppl you don't hear a fucking peep, but a few drunken degenerates get mowed down in london and suddenly you're outraged?


>and all white men who drink alcohol are date rapists and should be shot
spoken like a true wahhabist

False flag faggot. Hes paid to play the fool or is playing th fool for free


Just need tea now and it will be complete

>Picture of Brits running from muslims is iconic

Unlike in Sweden where all your women run to them?


You deserve everything happening to you since you think you're better than Sweden.

Lol no they will not. We are talking about nation that voted muslim as a major of their capitol. And done NOTHING after each and every terror attack they had in last years. They are finished, they just don't know it yet.

good job kaffir! we will kill you last.


>>(friendly reminder that Britain has no culture

>just a global contribution to literature, philosophy, economics, art, politics, technology

>criticises Britain....speaks English while doing it


Jokes on you, we don't have designated booze stores. We can get booze from almost any shop!

So do you


yer, it gets them loosened up for an ol'rodgering eh?god save the queen.

Well lad, enjoy your enrichment with zero way to defend yourself other than a laughable knife, they are bringing guns.
Shouldn't you be getting to the town center for the latest beheading?

Nice try, at least we didn't have 3 terrorist attack in just 3 months.

You do though, but your media refuse to report them due to fear of racism.

Rape capital of the EU

Are you actually fucking retarded?

I've got 6 garden chairs to lob at them, I'd like to see them try.

Laughable, you live in an Orwellian nightmare yet are casting stones

3 goatfuckers stab some women and somehow there are not 6 British men in the whole city who could find the balls to tackle them.

I love how effeminate he is. A real man would have drank his beer and challenged the terrorists to single combat to the death.

As if any Western nation has room to talk. Mexicans taking over a third of our country. Niggers taking over another third. No one talking about any solutions to it, just ignoring the problems.

Oh no some TERROR attacks! Meanwhile in the GREAT USA there's hundreds of deaths a month from nigger and spic violence.

And our schools are full of police and metal detectors.

And our white children are taught to hate themselves, to turn into gender fluid faggots, and to never stand up to any sub human brownie.

Fuck every Western nation. We are dead. We've let barbarians take over again.

>you live in an Orwellian nightmare
Do you have evidence of this? Without posting (((independent))) articles and daily mail?

I can't take your insults seriously when I see your flag. Calling my country a police state and a terrorist zone is laughable coming from you.


No, I'm speaking like a literal liberal.

Why would I care what happens to Sand Niggers? They are sub-human filth.

I was playing tf2 an hour ago in a European server and said what about those Muslim terrorists. They said they weren't Muslim. I asked what they were and they didn't respond.

>They have problems, therefore we don't

I agree user, nothing wrong with socialising with your mates down at the pub etc or taking your pint with you, but in the context of what happened this shit isn't heroic and it's always Londoner's that try and spin this shit, it's fucking pathetic.

Fucking hell reddit, please just fucking leave our site or spend 5 minutes lurking and learn how to use it.


>saving women that you aren't related to
You do know that the chance of you saving a feminist multiculturalism is higher then you saving any one of value. Right?

THIS!!!! well said user.

>No one talking about any solutions to it, just ignoring the problems.
if your solution is the final solution there's nothing to talk about anyway, you're fucking delusional
>Oh no some TERROR attacks! Meanwhile in the GREAT USA there's hundreds of deaths a month from nigger and spic violence.
ya so the fuck what
>And our white children are taught to hate themselves, to turn into gender fluid faggots, and to never stand up to any sub human brownie.
So don't send your kids to public school dumbass

look at all those men runing away from like what 4 dudes yeah stay strong brits

>If i make example of them i can hide from my countries state of disrepair.


I mean can you blame him? If Londoners had to drop their beer for every terrorist attack they'd all be six months sober.

Did I say we didn't have any problems? I just find it funny when people from the UK and France shit talk us when their country is even in worse situation than us currently.

There was, one was an off duty police man and the other was with the transport police, between them they had one baton and took on 3 jihadis with knifes. Then the police came and shot them.

>Do you have evidence of this? Without posting (((independent))) articles and daily mail?

Sure thing friend!


>CCTV everywhere
>your intelligence created the exploit that allows intelligence to listen through TVs and others that are vulnerable to the exploit
>You fucks not a US lapdog
Again, enjoy your enrichment at least I have a fucking gun

>5 minutes into cracking open a cold one with the boys and Ahmed shows up

Why the fuck should a man from the commonwealth care more about Semites killing other Semites in the sandbox when Semites are killing his commonwealth brothers?

Go fuck yourself.

dude at least throw the glass at the terrorists, what a turbocuck

The absolute madman! Next terrorist attack I'm drinking only shots. Easier to carry on the run and I'll get so wasted!


The song is Brave Sir Robin

>Drinking beer on Ramadan

This pisses them off more then anything

>bombing the liquor store

>The absolute madman! Next terrorist attack I'm drinking only shots. Easier to carry on the run and I'll get so wasted!
Drink bottles, they make better throwing weapons.

Your press is probably one of the most restricted press in the whole of Europe. Parts of your Police and Government work to conceal actual figures of crime.

We aren't in a worse situation Sven, we are both in the same boat. Get your head out of your ass.

It must not have been Greenalls

not having a shed full of homebrew

excellent arsenal, I have some old poles and a large broom at my disposal for when the Arabs strike

>Your press is probably one of the most restricted press in the whole of Europe
Are you REALLY acting like yours is any fucking better?

NSA is doing that worldwide...

CCTV are mostly privately owned only only in major cities

>exploit that allows intelligence to listen through TV
fucking kek

What's being a US lapdog got to do with 1984?

You literally just spouted some shitty Sup Forums meme's aka no evidence.

No, hence why I said we are in the same fucking boat.

Good job you retard.

Tbf the guardian did do the snowden thing

aren't law enforcement in UK getting tired of this shit? i can't imagine the police have the same politically correct "NOT ALL MUSLIMS" perspective that the majority of liberal SJWs seem to have. When will they say enough is enough?

>Being this uninformed
Brits everyone.
I have a question, is your head up your own ass or is it in the sand?

>thinking american press is any better

it's almost as if you expect an intelligent post from a burger

I didn't say that but you fucks did just say yours is better than sweden which is extremely laughable. how do you even get info without your TV license faggot? haha

I expected some level of competence. I expected too much.

>you fucks did just say yours is better than sweden
If you keep ignoring what other people write, it makes you correct.


>bongcuck loves the bbc

pure pottery

thinking I give a fuck for normie kike tv info

you cucks are sitting here talking shit about sweden when you're in the exact same boat. and don't compare yourselves to us, we have guns and if we have to we'll rise up against islam. The government does not own the citizens here like they do there, you might think we've become complacent in our glory but we have not.

You're still not posting any evidence apart from meme spouting...

>NSA is doing that worldwide...

What a horrible rebuttal.

>"One party is violating my constitutional rights, so it's okay for another party to do it as well."

>playing TF2
You're some 5 or 6 years behind the times, my man.

>we have guns and if we have to we'll rise up against islam



Why aren't you then? you are literally letting them exterminate you, lead by example.

>you cucks are sitting here talking shit about sweden when you're in the exact same boat.
Yes, we just posted that. Are you really this stupid?

>Literally me and another user respond with the exact same response
>You haven't posted evidence
He posted a link that i guess you can't figure out how to use, you click it and it takes you to info you stupid cuck


I bet your're fun at parties