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>Sputnik News
And Sup Forums still denies there are Russian bots among us.
The Saudis spend a huge proportion of their GDP on their military. This won't be much of a war at all, I expect.
I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.
I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.
It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.
Great to know that Arab spring 2.0 is starting
There is not enough Qatar people do prevent KSA/USA from regime change.
I've only been to Doha but it's most Indians/Nepal looking people.
I think there is something crazy like 2 million foreign workers in the country, with less than like half a million natural citizens.
Those slave workers will welcome black water with open arms.
Good luck getting
What happens to dis?
Use archive
>cnn com/2017/06/05/middleeast/qatar-us-largest-base-in-mideast/index.html
It doesn't matter, the stupid fucks hire foreign contractors to repair and maintain all their shit and got rekt by some shitty dune coons in Yemen with half century old tech and no air power
>got rekt by some shitty dune coons in Yemen with half century old tech and no air power
>got rekt
>Yemen is on the verge of a famine
Yeah kid.
The Saudi's have lost numerous planes, dozens of tanks and countless millions in western tech, they are wholly incompetent on a level that is only rivaled by the Russians in the first Chechen war
Hows Yemen going?
>The Saudi's have lost numerous planes, dozens of tanks and countless millions in western tech,
Meanwhile in Afghanistan, a couple of guys with aks and turbans have bogged us down for 16 fucking years.
>Arab spring 2.0
you mean islamic cultural revolution 2.0 electric mohammadoo
No shit
The Saudi's can't fight worth a shit and Yemen exposed their massive GDP expenditure as nothing beyond dick waving, their military is incompetent, cowardly and ineffective even with 8 other nations backing it
>trump signs largest arms deal in history with Saudi Arabia
>War with Qatar happens
Coincidence? Trump has betrayed us.
Yemen is as hilly as austria.
Basically they're campers.
Qatar needs to pay for their crimes, no deals should be done with them. They should be shunned by the international community so they wither and die in solitude.
Oh wow, so that why my buddy got a lucrative security contract with the Qatari government.
Hope he does not get BTFO
>Russians on Aus proxy
Every oil war thread.
CENTCOM is in Qatar... This makes no sense.
He's going to get BTFO. Trump just gave hundreds of billions in arms to Saudi Arabia. This was planned.
They are like a missle fortress amd have lots of tanks.
Also the saudi dunecoons couldnt beat yemeni houthis with latest american tech for 2+years
>trying this hard to be funny
Reddit humor is so bad.
There are american security contractors over there to though, you think your government would care?
>This was planned.
One step away from Iran "regime change." I warned you not to fall for the Trump meme.
>There are american security contractors over there to though, you think your government would care?
Did America care about Saudi Arabia funding 9/11?
based Houthis even btfo cuck water. Saudis are doomed if putin backs Qatar.
Realpolitik is scary. Qatar a month ago: Iran is the greatest threat to world peace. Qatar now: Yo Iran wassap ol buddy.
Good point
Friendship Ended With Qatar. Now Bahrain is new best friend.
When you see the evil trifecta of Trump, Israel and Saudi Arabia coming for you, you'd make friends with anyone too. Trump just signed an arms deal with Saudi Arabia and now they're declaring war. It's pretty clear what's happening here.
Most of the fighting is in the West side. Elevation in km.
Fuck wahhabism and fuck KSA people
>Elevation in m
*yawnnnn* it's getting late I think it's time to hit the hay
drumpf is destroying so much lifes already
how can you support this rich neocon villain?
hes pure evil
Precisely why we love him. Suck it.
As fucking ever, Russia tells it how it is. The different between what happens and what gets reported has always been shady, but we're reaching some critical breaking points now and the lies are only getting bigger.
I'd say our chances of experiencing a natural death are pretty low at this point.
Nah. Digits and source isn't much yet-things are getting serious though.
Putin really did come across beautiful with Megyn Kelly. Putin knows the tricks, he doesn't play along. He just wants his power and his country to remain intact. He makes deal when he can, as long as it makes sense. Him not allowing adoptions with USA and Russia-then telling US to fuck off with gross chicken exports
yemen is ten times bigger than qatar and its filled with poorfags since no oil. qataris are fat lazy fucks
How long before it all kicks off then?
Of course they hack us, they get as much Intel as they can- but this wasn't a thing. Pedogate blew up-that's why they're so mad at Google and Facebook because we had normie 35 year old soccer moms wanting to kill Hillary Clinton and pedos
They're the most shitty military in the world. They have top-grade tech and at the same time 0 discipline and retarded military doctrine and tactics.
They're gettin BTFO by yemeni naked rebels with rusted AKs on daily basis.
Weiners laptop opened up some beautiful shit too-why hasn't shit like that leaked? I think an Intel comp did Podesta-I just don't know why they'd do that
>He makes deal when he can, as long as it makes sense. Him not allowing adoptions with USA and Russia-then telling US to fuck off with gross chicken exports
I love how this follows Russian grammar and not English grammar. Like all Russia shill posts that praise Putin and call for America to give Putin what he wants. There's hundreds of posts like this every day on Sup Forums.
Natural deaths are for pussies anyway
Thanks Norgebot.
Hi there reddit
True, but it just feels like beheading by the enemy or being starved by our own government is more likely than dying as part of a deus vult charge. I'm not trying to defeatist just pointing out how grim things actually are.
Jesus fuck, it's so obvious you are getting paid to post this shit.
Man, I hate the Internet these days. Fucking shills everywhere.
You are clinically retarded
Russian interference is "bots" (us) Hillary had paid bots/shills/lying polls , they labeled us Russia
the true Russian interference was pizzagate. That's what theyr fighting that's the fake news. That's why they're mad at Google and Facebook. They allowed new web sites that were cashing in on the same pizzagate to thrive.
It was never spoken of in MSM and anyone who did went away fast. Because it's "propagating" Russian disinformation. That was the type of election technique they were seeing done in Ukraine so they went and blames Russia.
This whole Russian narrative is propaganda paid for with the funds from the countering of disinformation propaganda act. I'd love to see who is receiving that 80 million a year,
Notice they didn't go heavy with the Russia narrative until have that bill was signed in Novemeber. Where does media matters get their money? Who did Obama give that money to?
They're using the Russia front as propaganda to cover pedogate. That's pretty much the biggest part.
>qatar was backing muslim brotherhood in egypt
>saudis find out qatar planning muslim brotherhood regime change in saudi arabia
>expel all qataris and block all passage to Qatar
>Qatar allies with Iran
>Iran sweeps the Middle East, putting the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt
>Control the entire Middle East
>Israel has their blessing if they get of scott-free
>Saudis realize the deck is stacked
>Panic in public like we see now
Who here /excitedforthesaudisgettingwhattheydeserve/
Yemen has one of the most fucked up geographies in the world, it took UK 20 years to invade it completley.
no matter how good are your soldiers, they can never be as good as locals, just like Vietnam geography, perfect for Gorilla warfare
Yeah what gives? What made them change their tune? I thought Qatar was one of the largest financiers of sunni terrorism, this looks like a complete 180
>I love how this follows Russian grammar and not English grammar.
Are you serious?
Actually sounds like you are the shill. Takes one to know one, amirite?
>MF when we exposed a bunch of weird gay dudes making odd comments about children on Instagram and no one gave a shit. I don't know what's wrong over there but somethings really wrong
I can't be a genuine Australian and hate on Gulf monarchs?
Or it may be like when Iranians burned Saudi embassy and cut ties
Literally nothing
Sand people just chimp out all the time
How much do you know about Russian grammar? Let's talk about it.
Fucking kek
What is Trump's end game here? It is very clear that he is as zionist as they come and intends to target Iran with his allies. Or is there some level of 99dimensional deep space backgammon I'm overlooking here?
>mfw there's truth to pizzagate but we knew it'd get nowhere-but it spread quick and made everything so unusual and unprepared for. Hillary might he a good grandparent, but she can fuck off away from the government
Trump has only one plan ever, to make money. If he makes money, he does it. If he doesn't make money, he doesn't do it. He's a corrupt politician.
One possible move would be trying to frame Iran for some terrorist stuff using Qatar.
- Qatar prepares "evidence" (including their own actual terrorist connections)
- Their ruler makes "friendly" gestures towars Iran
- Saudis and other denounce them, blockade them, even "invade" maybe (or a bloodless takover by US troops stationed there)
- Qatar admits to everything but says Iran was the mastermind behind it
- Everyone gangs up on Iran, US get their casus belli.
- Qatar is quetly forgotten, business returns to usual there.
Like I would tell you our secret strategy.
Muh boogeyman
You're delusional
Aesthetic as fuck, inspirational landscape desu
The Saudi officers are completely useless untrained active-stupid princelings, and the enlisted are illiterate goatfucking savages.
1. The government has to pit different units against each other to make sure they don't band together against them, which means they either refuse to cooperate in combat or even actively sabotage each other. Units withhold essential battlefield intelligence from each other, or even disseminate lies.
2. The officers and senior enlisted refuse to give tactical information or even basic training about equipment to the junior enlisted, because keeping them in ignorance ensures the upper ranks have job security and prestige.
3. Nobody has any idea how to maintain their equipment partially due to point #2, and partially due to arab culture's attitudes towards manual labor. The only people who might know how to maintain anything would be officers and upper enlisted, but they won't ever actually do the labor as doing labor lowers their status to that of commoners.
Government against the military branches, branches and units against each other, and officers against enlisted. It's a military at war with itself.
However, given the small geographic area of Qatar and the massive disparity in heavy munitions, these factors might not matter in an actual shooting war. Without Iranian help it will be an extremely short and one-sided conflict, without the opportunity for the Saudis to defeat themselves with their self-destructive ignorance and internal divisions.
Yeah cant wait another wave of millions of mudslimes invading europe.
oh shit . qatar is about to get a wake up call courtesy of isis . you dont get to do stuff saudis dont like without hungry nigger suicide bombers showing up
You realize that your government is quickly running out of cash? what will you do when they can't even pay their army and resort to paying you in food rations and krokodil?
kuwait round 2?
As long as I have my mummy tier Ruski waifus, I could live off rations and kokodil until I die
Fuck off retard
CENTCOM is in Tampa, you retard.
this isn't a shill it's the only fucker paying attention and seeing the pattern
Praise him.
>The government has to pit different units against each other to make sure they don't band together against them
I heard the same about Gaddafi, Assad and Hussein doing this with ethnic groups, and other leaders I can't recall
Is there a single muslim nation not eager to tear itself apart?
I get ethnic tensions in Yugoslavia, or religious tensions in Tibet. Or the "artificial borders" created by the brits and french in the ME, but I would have thought that after 1400 years of sharing a religion and going to the same fucking place every year, at leats the core muslim nations would chill their petty tribal squables
France and Germany got on relatively well after WWII
They were jiat like "hey, economic mutual interests are cooler than war"!
>There's something happening here
>What it is ain't exactly clear
>There's a man with a gun over there
>Telling me I got to beware
Are you goys ready to dive right back into THE sandbox?
>Is there a single muslim nation not eager to tear itself apart?
Indonesia? Maybe Jordan (though who knows after the king passes).
The problem is that middle eastern muslims don't have any national identity. They have a religious identity, an ethnic identity, a tribal identity, and a family identity, but no national identity to bind all those different groups together as one.
The Arab nationalist movements of the 1970s were a Soviet sponsored attempt at creating such nationalist states, but given that they were all headed by dictators who themselves had loyalties to specific sub-national identities, they were doomed from the start. I guess Nasser had a good run, considering the circumstances.
>Are you goys ready to dive right back into THE sandbox?
If the army gives me a new spine, maybe. I'm not doing anything better with my life at the moment.
Is that why they're always gettiing btfo out by Yemen and houthis?
pls as soon as possible so i can see combat before my military service is over
burger i trust sputnik and RT over any lame stream US source