Why do mixed girls, most of the time, even with 20% black in them, end up dating blacks ?
They also relate more to their "black" heritage.
Do they want to feel special ?
Why do mixed girls, most of the time, even with 20% black in them, end up dating blacks ?
They also relate more to their "black" heritage.
Do they want to feel special ?
Because white men can't compete
>Why do mixed girls, most of the time, even with 20% black in them, end up dating blacks ?
because they implicitly think they can change them, into becoming whites.
More like, white men are being label racist/misogynists for being men and blacks are labeled cool to be gangsta.
It's a cultural thing in my opinion
Low self esteem.
Guys, the likelihood that women will ever start chasing men is quite low, so you'll always need to start. Ladies, what happens after that is all on you and if you can make things difficult if you really wanted.
Their sexual dimorphism is skewed too masculine due to their African genetics. Being around the average white man, let alone the average Asian man, makes them feel mannish and unfeminine. The same basic psychology happens when an extremely tall woman is with a shorter man--it reminds them that they're not slender ballerinas that can get lost in the capable embrace of a strong man.
You won't see a mixed girl with a lanky, pencil necked, saggin nigger. They want a man who will makes their gorilla-mitt hands actually look small and feminine by comparison.
It's just about relative size and masculinity/femininity ratios.
As for video #1, you can tell by her dialect that she has significant black cultural upbringing. She's not the daughter of some upper middle class black guy that married a white women, and went to live in a 99% white suburb. That girl OBVIOUSLY grew up about blacks.
Their intelligence is lowered below white average, so they have more in common with blacks than with whites.
Mixed People dont associate themselves with any race even if they wish to so the will tell themselves who they are and being white isnt cool.
You dont need the scientific arguement to answer this. Mixed girls tend to go black because girls tend to go for guys like their dad. If their dad is present then this force is even stronger.
It's because women are generally attracted to men who are like their father, and most mulatto girls have black fathers because white guys have very little desire to mate with black girls on average. Only very very hot black girls who already have sort-of caucasoid features would I ever consider having kids with.
This is also why most mulatto girls are trashy.
Most of them have hood rat nigger fathers and their mothers are the kind of trashy white woman who would actually fuck a nigger and have a baby with him.
On the other hand in the minority of cases where the mulatto has a white father and black mother the family is usually upper middle class, the girl is driven and aspirational, and generally looks more wholesome and attractive on average than mulatto girls with nigger fathers and white mothers.
Case in point. Mulatto with white father and black mother
It depends on circumstance. The ones who are acculturated in a white environment, and who look such that they are seen as essentially white in daily life, can come to resent their non-white heritage--either they hate their frizzy hair, or wider-than-average nose, or whatever. Of course even in a lily white neighborhood, mixed kids can rebel and build up special snowflake confidence by rejecting white society (just like a white leftist). Statistically though, most mixed kids grow up in less-than-average-white neighborhoods, and are acculturated with brown and black minority cultural identities.
Some (maybe most) mixed kids who grow up around whites will identify with black culture, but ALL mixed kids who grow up around blacks will identify with black culture.
Phenotype has a huge influence though--which just proves the genetic foundations of identity and tribalism.
and consequently here she is with her black husband.
So the primary factor is that women are predisposed to going for men like their father.
it is a secondary factor that some SJW quadroons etc want to feel oppressed and therefore virtuous so try to be black rather than white.
that woman in particular happens to be EXTREMELY masculine. maybe her mother is dutch or south african or something. or maybe she has an androgen imbalance, who knows.
mixed race girls in general do not look as masculine as her. see she actually has greater african admixture in comparison to white admixture but she looks far more feminine and cute and like a girl should.
*white husband
Yes they do want to feel special and that´s fault of every single one of you who trick people into thinking racemixing is special, while its not.
This thread has so much anti-white racism, why dont you fucking crazy coalburners get psychologist already? Literally screaming at stereotypes like a tumblr-crazed madman, all of your shit is fucking insane if you´re serious
People with dual heritage are at conflict, they don't feel especially connected to any of the two groups, so they eventually decide to double down on being one of them and go against the other.
Same with the mudslime teenagers in Europe being radicalized, they don't feel like they belong to the Europe, and they are disconnected from Islam. But then a muslim preacher will offer them 'salvation' by avenging his borhers back in middle-east. He will accuse him of not being a real muslim and pressure him into doing something violent.
That's why you stay single race, don't hurt your own children by tormenting them with conflicted heritage.
Maybe the fact that black is supposed to equate to special attention/needs?
African Americans have inordinate mental time spent on them because they know the trick, like little children.
This is also why Rachel Dolezal decided to pretend to be black. She was looking for attention and knew where to find it.
I feel that is the way with many modern (From the 90's/00's at least) women also.
It is a good ruse for a consumeristic society so the influencers keep that running.
I remember seeing this girl a while back, but I don't recall her being so mannish, damn.
Once the black genes get into the helix they turn it into such a shithole ghetto that all the white genes move to the suburbs.
Because they're black? Lol kom op domme belg.
It gets them benefits. You can be fucking certain that if I was 1/26th cherokee I'd be putting that shit down on every application and be applying for my own casino.
They wanna be with a guy who reminds them of their father maybe
not even fully white women want white men.
there is no such thing as racial purity/biracial anyway. everyone is multiethnic. of course, the concept of race allows a certain group to unite over politics surrounding their skin tone and the way society generalizes them into a monolith because of it...obviously this is very strategic and beneficial for whites. yet, white men still complain because its not enough to get them pussy. smdh
this is why women folk don't like white boys anymore.
Who gives a fuck? Inferior genetics are still inferior.