Just how far will liberals go to defend Islam?

Just how far will liberals go to defend Islam?

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I believe it's been demonstrated that they will go smiling to their deaths. And attempt to bring the rest of us along with them.

Till mummy finally gives them their cummies

What the fuck is this place? I just came here from /r/politics to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality, and I come here and I don't see any shit but fucking racism and islmophobia. all of you are fucking degenerates. Is this the trash can of the internet? what would drive anyone to come here to be with such trash? this is why all boards should be strictly moderated by those of high moral standards. There is no decency here. What the fuck even. I just can't. I can not.

Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994? do you people really enjoy posting on such outdated shit? if you value your precious anonymity then I would expect that you would try to go somewhere with sophisticated coding and security. this isn't even fucking https.

fuck you guys

Nice pasta

Have you heard of this cool "on-line" sight called redditdotcomslashtheunderscoredonald?
Find many more based 'pedes here where we discuss based jews, blacks and muzzies WITHOUT hate speecn
Hoping mummy will let us be after her landslide win
Britain can finally be FUCKING BASED again

Fuck off then abbo nigger.

top lad

the guy under the table whispering about not all muslims should be the final answer to this question...we are looking at a generation where virtue-signaling is paramount, whod rather die than be wrong...they cant be argued with or convinced, they simply have to be beaten

if they care so little about their own lives, then think of how little they must think of ours

as far as we let them


>being this triggered by vibrant diversity
Nice try, bigot



Depends what kind of liberal are you.

If you are an SJW, you would go pretty far to defend islam.

If you are a progressive like Tulsi Gabbard though, you are strongly against radical and fundamentalist islam, and you believe the muslim world should secularize like the west

Obviously they're willing to sacrifice Europe and North America to do so. I'm not sure you can go much further than that.

>came here from /r/politics
You have to go back

>Just how far will liberals go to defend Islam?

Until it kills them.

Buddy the only ones who are sacrificing america right now is conservatives

To their deaths. Liberals don't support the success of western civilization, they want to redefine it by their own definition of civil. This definition includes bullshit like communism and Islam.

Don't forget you're here forever


We realize your head is up your ass, but can you pls speak more clearly?

See my post here Don't mix SJWs with principled progressive liberals. thats like claiming all conservatives are nazi - its just not true

So I run Firefox, adblock plus, noscript.

I see no ads and my internet browsing speed is at maximum efficiency, yet whenever I click on a newsportal, like yahoo, google or msn over 50% of articles from WaPo, 25% are Jew York Times, 15% are other liberal rags like salon or BBC, which leaves 10% to show me the real news.

Why is this allowed????


To be fair this particular point is actually true, it just makes Trump look like more of a spaz.

Not defending Khan on terrorism at all but this was the wrong point to try and make on trumps part.


I can post non-arguments too, see?

no u

Imagine the shitstorm if Trump said the Muslim mayor of London. We all know that's what he meant to say.

DON'T WANT TO BE A (((((((((((((((((((BIGOT)))))))))))))))))))) DO YOU???

Is Australian shitposting making a comeback?

The mayor of london didn't even do anything wrong desu. he told his citizens to not be alarmed about the increase in police force. thats what any reasonable human being would say - you don't want the people to live in fear and panic

The increase in police force is also a very reasonable move by him if you ask me

No one really cares what some kike from Israel thinks.

nice try, jew
I know all of your dirty rat mind tricks
now excuse me while I eat this literal kike's body and drink his blood

Holy fuck I thought this was a joke.

How can politifact be so unbelievably biased? It's not even funny anymore.

>politifact com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/jun/04/donald-trump/donald-trumps-tweet-misleads-about-london-mayors-r

>He doesn't use HTTPS Everywhere
You're a nigger.

Gr8 b8 m8

Why are you calling me a "kike"?
Why do conservatives have their unique version of "new speak" when they talk about people from other ethnicities?

Call black people "black people", instead of using New-speak 1984 style terms like "niggers"

Call jews "jews", instead of using new-speak terms like "Kike"


Thank you based arkivnorsk

low quality reddit posting in the first line m8
remember that we hate that website
obvious bait mein nigger
time for a nap

I'll get right on that, kike

>ill take 'it's because youre a kike for $500 please'

He's a muslim apologist and has said terrorist attacks were part and parcel of living in a metropolitan city. He's also a shitskin Muslim and should not be in the UK.

>rise in police activity following a terrorist attack is now considered a praise worthy move

It's funny how you use terms like "kike" and "nigger" or "gooks" without realizing how retarded it makes you look like to the rest of the world.

You are legitimately spooked of mentioning people from other "races" without showing that you are willing to demonize them. honestly this is a right-wing form of political correctness, in a weird way

Oh come on, you are misinterpreting him on purpose now. he did not say that terror attacks are acceptable and he is trying to prevent them at all costs.

fun fact #1:
USA is one of only four countries that did not sign the Kyoto protocol
fun fact #2:
USA is one of only a few western countries that has actually decreased their emissions since the Kyoto protocl

Buddy, Trump appointed to the EPA a person who wants to the remove the clean water and clean air act. Trump also approved every single pipleline that was blocked by obama as soon as he got into office.

Getting out of the paris agreement is just a symbol of what Trump is already doing to your country

you realize building the pipeline would reduce emissions, right?

>politically incorrect is politically correct
You should read what you post kike

Until it kills them.


Always do the opposite of what the kike says!

tell the rest of the story shlomo
why didnt syria sign? because its getting fucked up the ass by an isurgency funded by (((you)))
why didnt nicuragua sign? because it didnt got far enough
fuck you kike

>Hello melbourne

>USA withdrawing from a deal that fucks them over substantially

They can fuck off and die.
That aide would be better spent in our own country to fix emissions with a much larger benefit overall.

We don't exist to subsidize fucking niggers in their shitstreets


>because the residents and tourists couldn't have inferred that the increased police presence was a consequence of the terrorist attacks
>because the terrorist attacks wouldn't have given reason for residents to be alarmed
>because there's no way the London mayor could have been referring to the terrorist attacks
When people speak speculation as truth, you know they're full of shit, even when they're not a crazy liberal going out of their way to defend Islamic terrorism.

It isn't pasta, you stupid fucking newfag. Fuck, that isn't a witty comeback. Please fucking kill yourself. You do not belong here.

Why are you defending him? That kind of thinking would bring another shoah.

I read his quote and hasn't been misinterpreted
>Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things


>Europe has always changed through millions of years
>I don't feel my culture is threatened at all
>your Huntington'esque outlook is wrong
Anyone else feeling like getting gas when you run into such a discssion?

Not at all.

>not at all
>12 fucking replies
>not at all
Ok, then.

At last I truly see...............

And he hasn't changed his mind either

You obviously don't know that Israel has a huge Arab Muslim population and this guy is probably another Khan or Muhammed.

>I believe it's been demonstrated that they will go smiling to their deaths.

Well...we wouldn't want to disappoint them, would we?

Let's help them along!

the word kike has been around for a while retard

fucking besmenov

listen to what he says about the inability to defend yourself and think of the inability for many to even recognize islam as a threat

listen to what he says about 'intellectuals' in charge of university/media and think about cnn and evergreen college

listen to what he says about the inability of the 'demoralized mind' to process information and think of the guy virtue signalling WHILE in the midst of a terrorist attack


Thanks for the link, burgerbro.
I don't doubt for one second the rug has been pulled out from under society in the past few decades-whatever held society together in the past is no more thanks to pop culture and a conniving media; we've thrown away our compass and wandered into some seriously fucking dark woods all the while attacking anyone who says we're lost

apparently so far over the line of reasonableness they have become enablers of the religion of peace....madness walks the earth in a palpable form that is liberalism.....when the truth & law have become an inconvenience to their narratives you know they are cancer....just like islam = cancer....another political system that does not value truth or adherence to rule of law.....

Islam is conservative as fuck. By associating Islam with the left you are only demonstrating how much MSM you consume and believe.

As soon as the right realise Islam is parallel to their beliefs and recognise the real enemy as our own governments, we will be on the wy to fixing the west.


as expected from flag

>it's not muslims
>said by a person who probably didn't even witness the attack

based ausfag comes in for the rescue



he means, i think, that it categorically CANNOT BE muslims because islam is a religion of peace

or possibly that it's not "muslims" the collective, but only these particular individuals whose demographics are totally irrelevant

liberals will go to any length of mental gymnastics to insist their policies are correct and we need MORE muslims or whatever it is

pic related is what were dealing with: liberals and their smarmy quibbling

trump: holy smokes! pedestrians are being mowed down and diners are having their throats slits on a date! we have to do something!

aclu: uh huh! told ya so! i told you it was a ban! it was a ban then it wasnt but now it is because it was! *sips tea*

they must be relieved of power

Just part and parcel.

Im white.

Islam is intolerant of leftist bullshit and actively prevents it. Tolerance and apathy is the last attributes of a dying society and Islam demonstrates methods of fixing these problems. Prove me wrong.

These terrorist attacks are done by our own governments to expand and consolidate power.

Good one, Achmed.

They will sacrifice their own children to prove they are right.

PJW 2 years ago getting out the Word.


>tfw when strayan shitposting is backaf full force

quit acting like a nigger


All the way to the chopping block

The guy on the left is our guy (the wests guy). He has a proper uniform and a radio and all the equipment funded by the west. The west trains these people too, to do terrorist acts and use islam as the reason to freak out the dumb cunts in the west who then cling to their government and despise Islam just because muslims look different.

The right needs to realise that our own governments are funding and radicalising these people for their own gains. "Enough is enough" means a clamp down on westerners - not Islam. They want the terrorism to expand so they consolidate power.

Wake the fuck up you dumb cunts

I believe we did sign the agreement, just didn't ratify it.


If you talk to a liberal long enough about Islam they will eventually defend Muhammads pedophilia.

>He was saying it in relation to increased police presence
>No reason to be alarmed at forever increasing police presence, children; also, here are 5 new No Go Zones. Do not be alarmed.

>Trump implies Khan said "no reason to be alarmed" about the terror attack
>Khan said "no reason to be alarmed" about more police
>More police that are there because of the terror attack
>Trump is totally wrong though
