What is your career and political affiliation?

Do you hate your job? What are the most interesting jobs?


>Software Engineer
>National Capitalism

>Do you hate your job?

>What are the most interesting jobs?
Anything STEM.

-Factory worker
-No, I consider only manual labor to be real work
-How the fuck would I know? Probably people who can do, fix, repair everything

>Working on a ballistic rocket plant
It's kinda interesting, but I've liked working at a NPP more.
Not kidding.

Off to uni to get a degree in education, I am a UKIP lad

I'm a eurocentric conservative.
I have a degree in international relations, I work institutions who are under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of my country. I've worked in Brussels for national representations in EU and NATO for a year and half.

I guess one might think its interesting to be present and see the actual process inside what Sup Forums retards and russia shills here see as some overwhelming conspiracy of globalization, but its actually nothing like that.

Coming from a small country its actually rather easy to get in a position like that.

I could never imagine myself working in factory or in retail.

Owning a successful business is the key to true freedom, clout/influence anf happiness. I've amassed such a vast surplus of wealth that I've given away tens of thousands of dollars in goods/services to anons over the years of shitposting.

Working to make other people wealthy is fucking retarded. Take risks, if you're smart you will never go hungry.

NEET who live in his parent's house, shtposting with 60kbps internet,
Not longer looking for job, currently work out and get fit, so I can whore myself out.

>hillbilly hick

i am a republican who voted for donald trump

>being a wagecuck, relying on another man to survive

Electrician (was army in my twenties)
Classic Liberal (with a national bent)

Off to uni to join merchant navy in September.
National party is my party.

>This thread again

>American Conservative
>I hate it
>Anything that helps people

Also I'm a socialist.

self employed, house flipper/investor
love it, I have no string on me!
Far right Constitutional libertarian "Registered Republican"

>Do you hate your job?
wageslave, yes. I work very hard and earn just enough money to pay the bills.

>What are the most interesting jobs?
its when you dont wake up with the urge to kys

I work for the govt, I don't hate my job but it has alot of responsibility and pressure but it allows me to put into practice what I've learnt on here.

>no, i get heroin from it
>best jobs = professor

National Socialist

>resident plastic surgeon
>liberal democrat

i like my job, makes girls wet when i tell them.

Software engineer undergrad - constitutional meritocracy. Aka National socialism.