>tfw from chechnya
>tfw muslim
>tfw i am more white than most Sup Forums europeans
I love being white muslim
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What the fuck is this place? I just came here from /r/politics to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality, and I come here and I don't see any shit but fucking racism and islmophobia. all of you are fucking degenerates. Is this the trash can of the internet? what would drive anyone to come here to be with such trash? this is why all boards should be strictly moderated by those of high moral standards. There is no decency here. What the fuck even. I just can't. I can not.
Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994? do you people really enjoy posting on such outdated shit? if you value your precious anonymity then I would expect that you would try to go somewhere with sophisticated coding and security. this isn't even fucking https.
fuck you guys
>shitbrown eyes
Nope, you're nonwhite Chechennigger
Nice copy pasta do the pengiun of doom next.
gud 4 u im 50% white 50% Honorary white.
Caucasian = more white than you, dirty swiss
Why are u in Russia? Did Papa Putin invade ur country a little bit?
Anything to cope eh
>brown eyes
>has no pink nipples
>thinks he is white
what are you even?
Turk Rape babbys?
>>tfw from chechnya
>>tfw i am more white than most Sup Forums europeans
>shit brown eyes
>black hair
>from chechnya
You fuckers are darker than gypsies
Hugh Jackman is a Chechnian Musllim?
Why the fuck do all the caucasus fags and central asian mongoloid hybrids have that fucking justin bieber haircut?
I knew that Chechens are retarded but this....
Go back to you animal.
I feel sad that Russians must live with these retards.
>he still thinks living in the Caucasus means white
Falling for this meme shows that you don't have the IQ of your average White person. Also, I have blonde hair and blue eyes sweetie. I don't think you have those basic white characteristics
>brown eyes
Actually, they are more of a mixture of gray/hazel/brown. Nothing to do with skin, skin still white.
This is just how our beard grows in the Caucasus. And we still are able to attract more women.
>black hair
Nothing to do with skin, still white.
Being white isnt going to keep you from burning in Hell with Mohammed the false prophet and all the fags and commies.
The Quran reads like an illiterate moron dictated fanfic to a 8 year old dyslexic.
How dumb are you?
>eye color determines race
Is this just a meme or a Sup Forumsacks really this dumb?
I get it, you're frustrated because you got inferior genes, Mehmet
You can read?
Well you must be a smart Chechen then, probably some chief or even helper to Kadyroff.
You're the Arabic version of a wigger, what's to be proud of?
>You're the Arabic version of a wigger, what's to be proud of?
He can read and use PC.
So, is a person with brown eyes not white but his/her sibling with blue eyes is? Are all those swiss with brown eyes I see every day (the majority) not white either? Are you dumb?
Learn how to read Chechen...
>can't read flags
If you have a unibrow, you're not white.
Are you Fred Durst ?
Learn what is immigration.
Mичapa вy хьo?
I never understood this dick-riding for Chechens and Iranians when they in the same breath shit on the more European Albanians. Hell, even Western Turks are whiter than those.
>Sup Forums still thinks Caucasians arent white
You know there is such a thing called ID?
whiter than EU
CIA operatives. Good job infiltrating the Pighammed religion of Pieces. I dislike Islam more than American Niggers and I am forced to support American Spooks at the point of the bayonet. This just shows how much I hate Islam. If it were possible to hit a button and end Islam today I would not even blink. Islam would only exist in history books by my hand!
Ohhhhhh, the Visions of Granduear!
For the dumb faggots in this thread. OP's pic shows Khabib Nurmagomedov, a professional MMA fighter. But keep falling for this 2/10 bait.
white Muslim men are the best.
>smell like a man. A REAL MAN
>caucasian features
>would've voted for Republican if it wasnt for the partys rampant Islamophobia
>could be the savior of white race cause they breed like rabbits
хьyнa нoхчийн мoтт бийцa хaи?
I don't see the difference with inbred turkroaches
>>tfw i am more white than most Sup Forums europeans
you really aren't, stop deluding yourself arab
If muslims ever took over the west I would just convert desu
you look like a fucking mongoloid. Did your people ever move out of the homo erectus phase?
> white
> Muslim
No such thing. Converts are to be considered honorary sandniggers.
>Malyasian flag
>is muslim himself
get lost snake
There is no such thing as white muslim. Muslims aren't even human.
>Chechen niggers think this is white
kek they are just pale middle easterners look at their noses
Have fun bootlicking kadyrov and putin till the 3rd Chechen war starts.
Who'd win?
I bet you want me to love being white muslim, too
>You didn't capitalize Muslim
Хaчeмoнгoл, пpoшy.
Im a jew, and I have the same look. what the fuck.
Your the coppy cat religon
>Talks about chechens being white
>On youtube there are hundreds of videos about
uncivilized machomen in chechnya shooting their guns in the air
you mean NON INBRED turkroaches. Turkey is part of the caucusus too, but the inbreds in turkey don't count as one of us true white caucasians
there are probably more chechens in your shithole than in switzerland
forgot pic
you are a brownie ?
Yes and still whiter than the average frenchman.
>brown eyes
>having brown eyes
Go back to shitskinland nigger.
"Trust me guys, we are white and civilized"
quit larping as white. show us your DNA results.. i wanna see how Ashkenazi you are and how much african u have in you
> white chechens
> literal bleached muslims
> I'm proud of being rapebabs
lmfao, chechen manlets are always hilarious
Say the same to your Swedish countrymen, including members of Nordfront.
My Albo friends don't consider themselves white
I'm a 6'5" blond engineering student with BLUE eyes. Stop being a jealous skitskin.
looks like your average malay monkey
On December 28, 2014, Ramzan Kadyrov, the Head of the Russian Chechen Republic, gathered 20,000 officers of the Chechen Security and Law Enforcement departments by sending them false orders stating that they need to be immediately ready for departure to fulfill some Putin’s order. They all appeared at the indicated location fully equipped and armed. All of these officers had to submit resignation letters to become volunteers, because as Kadyrov said – volunteers can do much more than the regular army, i.e. they do not need to obey the laws of war. About 500 out of 20,000 Chechen officers refused to submit such letters and were fired.
so we look alike then.
I have grey eyes and light brown hair. How slav am I? Do I even 1/2 white?
I'm a white persian muslim, and I look more caucasian than any anglo/germanic/nordic trash
meanwhile in reallife pic related, the fall of the west can't come quicker
It matters fuck all what you are. My country of origin (Europe) is still much whiter than Swedistan.
>bragging on Sup Forums
Nice try, nordkike.
When's Nurmagomedov gonna fight Ferguson?
They're all shitskins.
denied, teh white sharia meme must die
>still whiter than the average frenchman
that's hardly an achievement nowadays
Yet you still believe in a non existing desert god and his pedo 'prophet'. Muslim civilisation has contributed nothing in the past few hundred years.
Gucci man purse? Noice bruv.
Khalabib by That Immigrant mentality
>white man pertains to a faith that commands him to be a neckbeard and hide his ugly wife in public
your wife's kid will have brown eyes and skin, jorg
>blonde hair, blue eyes
Kek, no. You're probably fucking ashkenazi.
You like to say fuck a lot, don't you.
You mean that shithole where people bomb their next door neighbours and kill each others kids?
Sounds like the middle east to me.
Kill yourself shitskin
You seriously do not look like a caucasian. Stop fooling yourself.
Hmm you seem butthurt, is it the rage inducing turkish blood in you?
Also you look like a lighter Afghani
Look at your forehead and hair line. So fucking obvious you are some kind of mud.