What does Sup Forums think of the czech republic?
What does Sup Forums think of the czech republic?
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Poor shithole, also not white, shoudl be sealed behind wall.
Really shit country, please stay in your countries and don't come in here, you will not like it.
pic related is a typical Czech
slaves to german masters
was in prague once, nice place with nice people and top tier waifus and beer
only negative was beggers all over the inner city
Almost seems like you are lying
I visited Prague last year. Great city.
>top tier waifus
kek u jk right? i mean if you like waifus who had more dicks then average crackwhore in goySA then u r ok
I want to fuck lots of their women desu senpai.
it's a while ago now i think it was 2005 or something like that
Degenerate shit-hole.
yes very shit do not go there
Well, suit yourself man, but don't start blaming anyone but yourself when the rabid gyppo horde kidnaps you and starts flaying you alive. Just stay in your country, it's definitely safer and better.
Pretty cool cunt.
Went to Prague in 2015. Beautiful city (despite the hordes of tourists). Good beer. But holy shit, Czech are probably the most miserable bastards on the face of the planet. They could be getting a blowjob from Gisele Bundchen and they still wouldn't smile.
Total shithole, stay away from here
>But holy shit, Czech are probably the most miserable bastards on the face of the planet. They could be getting a blowjob from Gisele Bundchen and they still wouldn't smile.
Welcome to central europe, I'll be your guide
Also why would I want a blowjob from a tranny?
Dude, you're absolutely correct... that's what 40 years of communism does to you ...
>no fake smile
Don't mistake it for being miserable, we only smile when we mean it around here.
Wealthy, likes foreigners, although they need skilled labor immigration to sustain their pension system, so if anyone is looking for a job in a racist-free environment and a stable outlook with generous wages, czechia is the way to go.
they also make a boatload of porn and sex is easy to come by
The only reason I can differ Slovakia from Slovenia is that one was tied to Czechia and another to Yugoslavia.
Though it appears both were part of Austro-Hungary, so things could be messy. How does it feel being a weirdo nation?
it should reunite with sloavkia to reform Moravia.
Very bad country, garbage mounting everywhere, kikes own stuff, refugees running wild, ugly girls, ...
I could go on.
Do not come under any circumstances.
Jämtland is Norway clay desu
Cheers bro.
I don't understand why they split with Slovakia to become even less relevant.
pretty great to be honest arm us up cunt
All the things that other Czechs say here are 100% true, there is no need to czech for yourselves, this country is a shithole, don't come here - especially if you're Muslim
Czech Republic is easily one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. Easily.
Well, it's the same shit with UK and Scotts... they're a bunch of drunken nationalist who can't talk properly (they call it Slovak, I call it broken Czech)
This post is a lie, don't come here
Where do you live? I lived in Pardubice (Svitavy) for a year and loved it, will be moving back post-Brexit.
Poland but better
Considering moving there 2bh
Prague, entire life
>What does Sup Forums think of the czech republic?
Great exporter of pornstars.
Rename Slovenia to Melania
Never met any. Good porn, okish history and never heard about´em as problematic people.
thank you for pilsener beer.
Country is falling apart, nothing works, no food, ugly women, pestilence outbreaks. No remarkable historic landmarks, only suffering and pain and poverty.
Definitely no reason for anyone to visit or even to move here. We are also full too.
>No remarkable historic landmarks
Don't be stupid, Prague is the most relevant city of central Europe
Don't you blow it, we don't want any fucking foreigner here.
Prague has been burned down and the ground salted by gypsies, that's how bad it is over here. Seriously, if you value your life, don't come here.
I hear they have the prauge has been renamed to plague, given all that's happened
A semi-germanic country which will be more german than Germany at the currenct trajectory.
Nice cities, nice landscape with monasteries, castles and the country with the most alcohol consumption in the world. Never been to Mähren, though.
The whole country is basically Detroit and Chicongo times 8 at this point.
I miss Big Sister when I was in Prague
They are godless heretics, but other than that they are pretty nice people.
And the country itself is very beautiful.
Prague is my second favorite city. At least as of ten years ago. It might have changed.
Don't come here. Worst place on the fucking Earth.
It did change. Most of it was burned down, rest of it is the biggest leper colony in the world. Water under Charles' bridge (when it stood) is clogged with a poo and the dead. Wild Gypsy gangs kill and maim and rape everyone.
and also.. we are full :)
As a foreigner working in Prague or Plague as we expats call it.
Its absolute shithole gypsies rob you everywhere and there is graffiti on every wall here. Once even saw a homeless man
who had graffiti tags all over him robbing a store.
The country is in constant civil warfare between drug addicted neonazis and drug addicted gypsies whilst east-asian gangs
supply the drugs for both sides.
All women here are whores and all men are drunken drug addict smokers.
I cant wait to move back to my hometown Teheran. Which is by miles better than Plague.
This guy is absolutely right, stay home :))
Listen to this guy, he is right
Fake pinoys
We are even worse than Czechs.
I don't recommend going here. Stay away, save yourself.
They could use more Jesus in their lives, filthy atheists
Why are Slovak posters so rare on 4chinz? You have half the population of Czechia, but are like 10 times more rare
No idea.
But many czech posters might be Slovak. Many students study in Brno.
Few days back we had /V4G/ and like 2 czech posters were actually slovak.
Could be, I remember seeing lots of slovak students on my trip to Prague
Best porn on the internet. Long live Pepiczki.
basically based
Czechs and Slovaks were the best neighbours when i was camping around Europe (ex eaquo with Dutch).
Good and friendly people.
ahahahahaha Krtek the destroyer.. but in all seriousnes, we can't let him get nuke codes
fucking slovaks, they come here and steal our jobs!
Backstabbers and dirty clay-stealers. But if we don't count the first half of the 20th century they, are pretty decent.
I still prefer Poles, Croats and Slovaks to them as far as Slavs go though.
only visited Karlsbad and Prag for a few days , former with family , latter as a school trip
nice beer, very cute women and some nice architecture
but lots of them seem kinda depressed
they should get the codes
Okay, so czechs are practically the cucks of the Visegradsphere. Drugs, alcohol, porn and frivolous sex, as well as atheism are rampant in that country at alarming levels. Czechia is the drug hub of the region, with meth being the most abused and predominant. Behind all the beautiful architecture and quaint villages, lies this darker side that should not go unnoticed. What compels the czechs to do this, is beyond me.
yes exactly, we're a total shithole that doesn't deserve any public attention or tourist, carry on
The ones are met were under influence all alcohol the whole day. 6 beers daily, and not like it was a party or something. And they say that Poles are alcoholics :^) Doesn't Czechia has the highest alcohol consumption rate in Europe? That would explain why they are chilled
Beautiful country. Quality firearms.
Seem like quality people.
I really wish they'd get their shit together and stop drugging and whoring everything away.
co to meleš ty anglická kundo? implyjíš že postuju přes proxinu? Mysli znova, zmrde. but seriously do not come here, it's the definition of a 3rd world shithole, can't even afford ketchup on our fries so fuck off
Upgraded and better version of Poles.
Also, in Czechia you'll get diseases. There's not only AIDS and ebola, but flesh-eating worms that eat your guts from the inside.
Under no circumstances come here. It is very, very dangerous.
>What compels the czechs to do this, is beyond me.
They had some quite shitty episodes in their history (Hussites, 30 years war) but in the end they usually managed to avoid trouble. No genocidial mongol invasion, no Turkish occupation, no partitions, they were amongst the winners during ww1 and Prague did not get destroyed in ww2 unlike Warsaw or Budapest.
It's like your typical depressed millenials, they had some shitty stuff in their life, but they don't have to struggle or fight for anything, so they end up being jaded degenerates.
this, I once caught ass worms from eating at a local family restaraunt, had to spend 8 weeks in the hospital tent
Fiat Polski > Skoda
It's the highest beer consumption per capita. Not overall alcohol consumption.
what the fuck
Igaz. Also they never got fucked over by the West so explicitly like Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, etc so they actually feel more kinship with the west, thus wanting to fit in and trying to adopt their degenerate values. Or maybe its the german blood that flows in 90% of czechs that brings the degeneracy to the surface.
Spent three months in Prague last year. Much whiter than London & the marauding sandnigger horde not welcome.
Other pluses include great beer & hot chicks....what more do you want?
Yeah, i just checked. WTF is going on in Belarus? They are apparently drinking themselves to death
lol, there are only few thousands Czechs with HIV, it has one of the lowest rates in Europe
what is the meme "dont visit our, it is so horrible"
tourist money aint that bad?
Can confirm, that's how a typical Czech looks like
Aren't they allowed to have guns too? I heard somewhere that they were one of the least pussified europeans and were actually allowed to own weapons like the Swiss.
>implying shit skins aren't here right now trying to figure out which country to immigrate to
>Implying you showing your beautiful country didn't backfire on you 100x over
>Having an opinion while German
>much whiter than London
thats not hard
London, Paris and Berlin are beyond help already
>Don't be stupid, Prague is the most relevant city of central Europe
no hans, if I really have to spell it out for you, I think i talk for most of us pepiks when I say we don't want any of your shit, you being whoever, the EU, russia, or the fucking immigrant horde. But instead of acting like poles, who make a big deal about this, not only their politicians, but even their posters here on /pol, you noticed that giant influx in polish threads too right? Even fucking soros made a speach about them, why? Because they're retarded and stick their head out, and as I said, most of us don't want any of that. And it's working good so far
dey wuz nazis but they are under the jews radar bcuz theyre half slav
>partitioned ukraine
>unified germany
>czechoslovakia v2
>united yugoslavia (without slovenia)
>greater netherlands
>greater romania
>greater bulgaria
>greater france
>no belgium, just netherlands
>the GREAT b*itain
>hungary has an exclave
>finland has no petsamo and ladoga lake
>poland has no prewar eastern border
what a shit map Yamato
ITT: czechs memeing too hard for foreign invaders to handle