How is your multicultural society?
is it that nice?
I hate my homogeneous society
How is your multicultural society?
is it that nice?
I hate my homogeneous society
what do you hate about it? I went to Japan recently and I was blown away, I loved the public transportation, the food, the polite society
why are you sad over this? I feel it's something to aspire to
>How is your multicultural society?
Dublin City is a disgrace. Far too many non-whites.
Thank God I live in the countryside. I will never move from here.
Watered down culture is no culture at all. At least in our area most of us just do drugs, nothing else to do. No niggers or spics here tho so it's really just the drugs that'll kill you
Japan is an interesting case for why ethnostates might be overrated. Sure anime is nice and the people tend to be polite, but besides that, it's just...whatever...
Why are the male suicide rates so damn high in a society that most Sup Forums seem to value so highly?
cant go outside without seeing spics or muslims or niggers anymore
Segregated as fuck. All the niggers live on the north side of the city, mexicans along a strip in the south, whites in the west and south, and poo in loos in the east. The only place you see them together is uptown and then only during work hours. Multiculturism is a fucking joke and a lie. People naturally stick to their own.
Let me tell you a tale
>Wake up, listen to government radio
>Can't understand the broadcast because a first generation immigrant is speaking with a heavy accent.
>Go to pool
>Surrounded by every language on earth other than Swedish.
>Go to Sauna
>No one knows the etiquette
>Go to work
>Don't engage the immigrant workers, because they keep to themselves, and even when you do, you can't parse a word they have to say.
Good day in Sweden to be honest.
There are Spics in Finland? I live in Texas though, so...
True, all the great countries are multicultural these days. All the shit ones are homogeneous.
You faggot have nice things, we aren't got shit here. I love my sandnigger-free country
I live in Texas and it's pretty ok
Why not just move to some mongrelized country then?
It's terrible, I had to stay inside often as kid to avoid being attacked by niggers and Arabs in my 65% white town.
i literally fucking swear none of these multiculturals are finnish, liberals and jews went into the goverment and now they´re bringing over every fucking AIDS HIV infested thief roach and roach alternative to roam on the cities
I literally see all ethnicities on daily basis and that´s just unnatural and disgusting. Diversity is a hoax dont do this shit and sell out your society to strangers like your land is worthless
Because people are retarded and braindead.
"X is correct because it is tradition" this type of shitty argument make me mad
saged. quit responding to this globalist bullshit bait every time he posts it.
Please don't
Are you NEET-man or karoshi-man?
Your anime cartoons are repetetive with same style of writing characters and storylines. Watch Star Vs Forces of Evil to see some original take on magical girl show.
There's a beauty in seeing all walks of life, both our differences and our similarities. Seeing families of all backgrounds at the same grocery stores, mothers with children, groups of old women, all just living their lives.
And at the same time, it's exciting to have many restaurants, many specialty supermarkets, some ethnic districts all close to one another.
Anyone who is scared of "brown people" is just a cuck who needs to strap on a pair, because those brown people don't give a fuck about seeing white people when they go about their lives.
Read it all. Tradition seems brainless but it's a solid foundation that needs to be wholly supported. Trust me enough to at least give this literature a try.
Because they aren't going to get mugged by white people.
>brown people don't give a fuck about seeing white people when they go about their lives.
I get dirty looks from immigrants all the time because i have the audacity to be a native in my own country.
Also you gay af, son.
imo american niggers are all right, although some of them fall under that "we wuz kahngs" and "we need reparations for slavery" types. However, niggers from africa are the WORST, they're dumb, they can't speak, they smell like shit and they're more resembling to monkeys than humans.
Then MOVE to a multicultural shithole such as Singapore, Australia or Canada instead of destroying your country dumb traitor, probably korean.
You just haven't been watching good anime famalam.
Star vs Evil is pretty good though.
Shutup and start breeding, we need to keep the whites and the jap races on top!