Imagine if this man had gotten into power. Just imagine it.
Oswald Mosley
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gee, i wonder (((why))) he did not get into power?
No one seems to care about Ar Ozz. :(
The government used incidents like the Battle of Cable Street as an excuse to say that Oswald's movement was inciting violence even it was always the commies looking for trouble. They also banned his unique style of uniform and this helped keep down the movement.
hahahaha I was just watching that video too xD
Shit internet makes you feel that you are unique.
Anyone have the link of a tribute video like this but with electronic music, very epic music, I watched it a time ago but now I can't find it. I know the music is from some german band of electronic music. I can't give more details.
Oswald Mosley's spirit made us watch that video.
>hahahaha I was just watching that video too xD
kill yourself my man
Was it a video on Oswald Mosley?
If only comrades
>just imagine it
ive already seen one aryan genocide, thanks
Yes but was with electronic, very epic music. I think he doesn't talk in the video, only images from the marchs.
He would have been amazing. Him not being elected is the missing link in ending Jewish rule.
Hm, it may have been banned by YouTube. I'll look for it.
You know what's funny - During WW2, when everyone was Keeping Calm And Carrying On, he was kept in an internment camp.
Funny that we keep referencing WW2 in the media in relation to these attacks, but I don't see fucking Muslims being rounded up and put in camps.
Isn't this man the greatest ARYAN slayer to have existed? His legendary Blood Refinery reforms and aggressive policies in acquisition raw material for the refineries helped usher in our golden age.
>gets attacked by gang of jews
>him and his movement protect themselves
Seriously did more to red pill be about (((then))) than anything else. That and what has happened to David irving.
Reminder that neonazis who keep trying to claim him are retarded or shills.
He wasn't a nazi and didn't hate jews.
>yes, good goy, jews did nothing wrong
He didn't hate Jews but was aware of Jewish influence affecting Britain. He was also a fascist. Doesn't sound like your cup of tea.
He hated Jews that behaved like Jews, which is a pretty wide net to cast.
Lots of people on the peace movement were interned for the war. In fact back when Downing Street didn't have gates there were demonstrations right outside Number 10. Churchill even complained about the peace movements and was glad when that one German pilot fucked up because it gave him something to shut the peace movement up with.
Even King George hated Churchill.
I would have settled for Enoch, even.
Beady eyes of a new empire will see beyond the limits of the galaxy.
>1:25 Women didn't respect him. DROPPED.
He was a brilliant speaker, I'm not even a brit and I get chills when I listen to him, especially when you add some dramatic music in the background.
A degenerate spawn of democracy.
>Imagine if a worthless loser wasn't a worthless loser
For what purpose?
Leave fascism to the big boys (italy, germany) and just kill yourself you disgusting crypto jude
Ur gay
He hated the jewish elite though
Would probably last 5 years
Ur muslim
Was it this?
what do you guys think of this OC?
Too far.
I'm so glad you white devils are so demoralized and weakened lol. I love coming onto this board and seeing thread after thread of you weak pasty nerds reminiscing about the past and "what could have been boo hoo :/" hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahaa
hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ahhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP hhahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahhahaaahhhhhhhhhahahhahahaha xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Font is all wrong, that's some hardcore Germanic/Gothic stuff, not very BUF. It should be more simplistic and modern looking, but noting too funky. Otherwise it's fucking awesome.