Redpill me on Jeremy Corbyn and Labour Party. Are they the good guys?

Not a shill, just someone very curious about the Euro-British political theatre.

I'm more on the Conservative side of things but lately with the whole net censorship and not addressing radical Islamic terrorism, Corbyn seems to be taking this seriously.

Any Teafags I would love to hear both sides of this.

>Let's open a discussion thread

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If you support Trump then yes, Corbyn is the good guy.


A vote for Corbyn is a vote for progress and less incursion on your daily life.
I'm voting SNP but would vote Corbyn if I was English.

Neck yourself commie. They are all the bad guys

No political party is good for itself but yes Corbyn is anti Globalist and a real nationalist that will save Britain if given the power to do so

I'm definitely voting for Corbyn. He shows the leadership that Britain needs.

He's a political outsider, marginalised for a long time, but pretty much always on the right side of history. Opposed the Iraq war when nobody else would, and seems an all around decent chap. Latest he's been talking about stopping Saudi arms sales. I'd say his closest analogue would be Bernie Sanders.

Has a very strong ground game, but has been subject to seemingly non-stop attacks from the mainstream media establishment. He's more or less fighting the whole political establishment single handily, so he has one hell of a fight on his hands.

Jeremy "Hamas and Hezbollah Are My Friends" Corbyn is the last person who should be telling anyone how to deal with terrorism. He supported the IRA, took money from Iran, and is a vicious antisemite. The man agrees with everything these terrorists stand for, he supports their goals and their methods.

((( )))

Hey Abdul, what are you doing in Tel Aviv?

Corbyn is so damaged it's impossible not to vote for him.

>anything under a genocide is not dealing correctly with terrorism

Yes, only Corbyn will end inequality and bring about a new age of social justice

what an utter shitshow to choose from. sharia may and comrade corbinovich. the only sensible thing to do is go to the polling booth and draw a shitting ass on the ballout

I wouldn't vote for man whose biggest worry after bombing of British children was "hate crimes". He also thinks Britain should open doors for everyone.

So if you like that, be my guest. But be also ready to accept islam and its "features". Because you simply just can't take another without taking another.

Only good thing I know about him is that he wants to end arm deals.

>Wants UK to stop interfering with Middle East
>Wants more immigrants into the UK

In modern politics you cannot find a decent candidate. The guys at the top make sure of that.

Corbyn is a jew, that's enough to know who's side he's on.

Open door migration policy, Appalling credentials to run a country (borderline retarded academic grades, never had a job etc), self admitted Marxist.

81% of his own Labour Party MPs voted no confidence in him.

He's a complete moron and people will vote for him just because of what he offers, regardless of his ability to provide it or the knock on effect of his badly thought out policies.

Are you bring paid to be this retarded? First he's a shill for Hezbollah, now he's a Jew. People who want to do character assassinations should at least try to be consistent.

Corbyn hates the shoot to kill command.
He'd rather have terrorists out on the streets killing people than doing something about it.

If you vote for Labour I can just imagine you are a brain dead 18-24 year old SJW libtard who has hit the bait over his "Free universities, £10 minimum wage" bullshit.
I'd rather take fox hunting over terrorists roaming the streets desu

are socialist ever the "good guys"?

wew this election is establishment vs anti-establishment, not left vs right.
do you want a government that will regulate the internet and colludes with saudi arabia, a country that funds and arms isis? or not?

Or do you want a guy saying ISIS are freedom fighters and thinks the shoot the kill command should be abolished and that we should have a nuclear deterrent.

I'd rather have my internet regulated. I have nothing to hide and I don't do anything illegal.

Shouldn't have a nuclear deterrent*

Thread Theme

>i'm against privacy because i have nothing to hide.

>i'm against freedom of speech because i have nothing to say.

spot the difference, also neck yourself

Corbyn is a far left socialist. he loves the IRA and Hamas.
He wants to save the shitty NHS and continue pouring millions into the free health system shich isn't sustainable with all the rapefugees flooding in.
he hates the military and wants a zero shoot to kill policy to fight any terrorists

So you'd rather have someone who supports terrorism. Nice to know you're a cuck.

fuck off sweaty. you dumb jocks want to remain with merkel. you cant be trusted.

>He'd rather have terrorists out on the streets killing people than doing something about it.

Sure thing.

The whole of labour is a fucking joke and if you support them you're a fucking joke too.

Chamberlain 2.0

>Corbyn made mistakes decades ago so doesn't deserve to win
>May makes mistakes months ago causing people to die so she deserves to win

Well you guys already voted for terrorism so it's no surprise you'd want it too.

He's never denounced ISIS at all in the past months... really makes you think.

May only just said after 3 attacks that enough is enough, wow my brain......really starting to joggin in my noggin.

we need the NHS you fuck, fucking right wing cuckservative

all the tumblrtards like him becuz the free bennies he's promising

Merkel has never said enough is enough and Berlin had many.

Well, lads, I'm just sitting here finishing off the last of my Brexit marmite.

If you don't vote for whoever will realistically make Brexit happen then you are deluded by minor sideshow issues. That is all. Best of luck.

Yeah, im 20 and heading to uni this year, my gut vote is to go for UKIP but my selfish vote is corbyn cause if he wins I wont have to pay tuition.

So May is just as bad as Merkel? Finally we agree on something.

what you going to study?

you're the one who wants a terrorist supporter in power pal :^)

Checked. Always use archive

>theguardian com/world/2017/jun/05/theresa-may-urged-not-to-suppress-report-into-funding-of-jihadi-groups

they censor people who try and bring it up also

Was planning to vote tory for the first time ever. But seeing May's speech yesterday she came across as an opportunistic cunt who just wants to push this internet regluation down our throats.

The internet should not be the primary concern the primary concern should be halting mass muslim immigration. We need someone with a spine to close the fucking borders, bring back internment, put every fucker on the terrorist watch list behind bars and stop letting people who piss off to syria for a month back into the country.

I'm not sure corbyn is up to the task. he's already shown that he's a fucking pussy by saying he wont retaliate in the event of a nuclear strike. What comrade corbyn fails to realise that if we don't retaliate against the aggressor they are then free to nuke other countries.

Our main parties fucking suck.

You are either a dumb cunt or Tory shill.
Chavez and his predecessor have been wilfully undermined and sabotaged by the US. (((They))) destroyed the oil industry in Venezuela by deliberately causing massive over production with their shills like Saudi Arabia. Plus It's (((their))) stock in trade to encourage and instigate fucking revolutions. For fuck sake dick head...this is what (((they))) use (((Soros))) for and why even Trump still has not issued an arrest warrant for him. You can fuckung bet soros' finger prints are all over the Arab spring protests as well as the Venezuelan ones..just like the Ukraine and all the BLM and Antifa shit in the states that we already know about.
>never heard of the economic hitman


A vote for Corbyn is a vote for dreams.
A vote for May is a vote for reality.
Older people know life is hard and unjust. The only way to survive is to avoid obvious dangers. They know this because they are survivor's. They have seen there friends and family die or be destroyed by life's lies. They vote May.
The young have yet to learn that, they are full of hope, but that hope will betray them. They vote Corbyn.

no, he's a red

reds belong on trees

>vicious antisemite
say no more senpai

Best candidate if you don't want May to wreck the internet.
She's targeting it because she she needs a scapegoat after all the terrorism, that isn't the fact that she cut the police back so badly they can't cope with the extra-ordinary amount of powers they have already, or her failure to meet any of her immigration targets or promises.

Conservatards have been shit for the last 7+ years and have lied constantly.

Corbyn won't cuck the net, is anti isreal, anti establishment, anti e.u.

He's far from perfect but he's a much better choice.

A vote for labour is a vote for Muslims, open door immigration and terrorists doing what they fucking want. Possibly also Muslims forcing their laws on us.

What can go wrong ey?

Asian pacific studies, labour is my selfish choice cause im hoping to jump ship and move to Asia.

A vote for may is a vote for a dick in your arse, a vote for no Sup Forums, a vote for whatever benefits her rich chums.
>Baby boomers are survivors who had to be tough.
Haha nice one.

truth right here guys, most of the people here are brainwashed by red-scare propaganda and the murdoch media and simply can't bring themselves to agree with him just this once

That matters why?
The fact is Venezuela's fucked.
Blame who you like, blame won't feed you or put a roof over your head. Best to avoid the mistakes Venezuela made.

answer me this britbongs why is there no far right party in your general election?


No one votes for them though

>May is more anti-muslim.
Fucking lol.
She's worse, she lies, misses targets and will fuck you over whilst she continues to fail to deliver.

>supports Hezbollah
>vicious antisemite
There you have it Sup Forums. You know where to put your 'X' now...

>right side of history
ask me how I know you're a commie shill

God no, Jeremy would love nothing more than to gut our military even more, give the Falklands to the Argies or at least half and completely opposes us having nuclear weapons

Just Labours way of saying "It's part and parcel"

Are there opinion polls for all smaller parties?
I always imagined that Britain First would be ahead of the BNP at this point.

Ask me how I know you're a total faggot?

we have the BNP but they are a fucking joke the actually held some power until the cock-eyed leader was allowed to speak on TV.

Britain first is just a movement it's not a Political party.


need a royal mail edit or something of the "part and parcel"

what happend to ukip?


Hillary was cock-eyed and she almost won. I fail to see the problem.

one issue party, that have what they want

Really makes you think...

You could blame the mayor, except stop and search was never stopped.
You could blame the Conservative government that has cut police numbers by 40,000 and drained it of the money it needed to be effective dealing with the sheer volume they have to deal with.

Corbyn is a disgusting communist piece of shit and should be killed.

"Royal Mail, delivering you bombs since we were founded"
-It's just part and parcel of living in a big city.

Corbyn is far from perfect and appointing people like Abbott is a huge problem BUT even with his deficits and naivety, at his core, he is seriously determined to make life better for the average person. He has also improved massively since becoming labour leader and proved he can withstand a barrage of abuse from not only the press but his own fucking party. He has dug his heels in and though he didn't initially come off like leader material, he has consistently proved he has what it takes. Compare that to May, who won't even debate him..that's pathetic. More over, how the fuck is she going to face down the btter EU bastards? And we already seen Cameron's version of "winning" with the EU..its what forced him into calling for the referendum.
If May gets elected her version of a "good deal" will be absolutely dismal..she was a remainer anyway whereas Corbyn only took that position to cow tow to his that we are out of the EU anyhow there is no reason for Corbyn to passify remainers in the negotiations.

Better to vote for the woman whose party had MI:6 set up the "White Helmets"; who has British SOF embedded with jihadis at al Tanf to try and prevent the SAA from surrounding ISIS and finally relieving Deir ez-Zor; and who'll continue to provide Riyadh with weapons, direct military support in Yemen, and diplomatic cover at the UN.
tl:dr better to vote for the woman who is providing support to the very groups who're bombing our cities and murdering our children than the guy who worries about hate crimes as well as terrorist atrocities...

>Redpill me on Jeremy Corbyn and Labour Party. Are they the good guys?

so let me get this straight if you are anti immigration your best choice is conservative?

Let me try and put this simply: one of the greatest problems on Sup Forums is the widespread belief is that if someone is against their enemies, they automatically must be the better choice.

I'm not even voting. It's a waste of time, England is ruined. I've been planning my move to the USA and I'd much rather go fight antifa, than sit around watching corbyn or may destroy everything.

All anybody needs to know.

Oh and that the Snoopers charter was her idea, she wants even more internet censorship after that, she is in the pocket of the Saudis and to all intents and purposes she let the most recent attack happen, she was warned and did nothing. She wants more intervention in foreign nations, she wants more globalism in general


Moving to Japan very soon.
Got everything all sorted and planned out.
Fuck this mess. UK is fucked regardless of who you vote for.

there is no best choice, its a case of pick which candidate that's going to be less of an incompetent shit.

>complaining about the IRA

Bitch read a little god damn history. How do you think Republics get made? You don't even know you're own roots you cretin

>overproducing is a sin

She literally has our special forces fighting alongside the same groups who murdered British kids in Manchester last weekend. She's an enemy of the British people.

So you're stating it's better to live as a pathetic coward, blackmailed by economic terrorists..rather than to go it alone and have your own country back?
You sad cunt. Not only do (((they))) have you by the balls but even the Saudis will cause more terrorism if you stop supplying them arms etc.
>Great Briton lol

it goes without saying, he wants to pull us out of the wars that create ISIS and cut the funding to the Saudis who create ISIS. May will continue to fund the Saudis and so it will NEVER END

(((shut it down)))

A nationalist that wants to stay in the EU, disarm trident and let millions of Pakis in?

Schlomo your funny.

based mick tell it true sure

Wow, your such a nieve prick. Where has Corbyn told you Sup Forums's safe with Labour. Labour and the swj will shit all over you. It's called natural selection, heard of it. The sad part is you have heard the yanks go on about their baby boomers. It hasn't dawned on you this isn't America. That Britain was bankrupt, that Britain was bombed and devastated. For fucksake food rationing was still going on till 1956. Who do you think paid and built what you have now.

>and is a vicious antisemite
/our guy/


and yet your candidate is shlomo's first choice

see here
Also why has shlomo been saying for the last year that Corbyn and his friends are anti-semites if he is the Shlomo candidate? Somebody hasn't been taking their red pills I see


>Are they the good guys?

If by goodboi you mean: appeals to the globalist gender neutered mudslimes who benefit from EUs destruction of western civilization then yeah, he's a bloody saint, literally.