You come home early from work today, and you enter your 14 year old son's bedroom, forgetting to knock first

>You come home early from work today, and you enter your 14 year old son's bedroom, forgetting to knock first.
>You find him sitting on his bed, making out with another boy from school.

What do Sup Forums?

kill my son and have sex with the faggot

> Lock the door
> Burn house down

Get him on AIDs medication. He will need it.

Fugg them both

Kill my son and then fuck his boyfriend

Do a 360 and walk away

Send him to school in Saudi Arabia.

Kill myself and then have sex with them both

This can't be real. Fuck this.

tell him i'm sorry i didn't knock first and that i accept him the way he is.

Push my son away and kiss his bf to show him who's the dominant male in the house

>You come home early from work today, and you enter your 14 year old son's bedroom, forgetting to knock first.
Why would you do this, have you not heard of privacy?

Kill them both and start over by fucking my wife while thinking of 50s role models in hopes that my sperm carries those thoughts with them.

Rape them both then kill myself


The kid in white looks like a future spree killer. Screenshot this

go for a drive and never come back

180 and moonwalk away

I'd laugh my ass off and call him a fag.

>the only acceptable white people in modern society
Welp time to go put a gun in my mouth, maybe this time I won't puss out and actually pull the trigger

Throw poo at them

Are you actually this retarded?


I bring Purple Aki into the room and leave him alone with them.

They wont be gay afterwards.

>Being this summer

die scum

are you actually this new?

t. Pence

I knew you were a girl all along son, time to take HRT and cut off your cock

"Guess you're preparing for prostate exams haha"

I would immediately apologise for interrupting I will then close the door, run downstairs to the garage to get a padlock so I can lock them up and then call Mike the Electric man.

10 mins later my son and his friend are cured.

>cutest couple

And yet, why do I feel like im going to vomit?

They're both pretty hot tbqh


tell him how disappointed i am in his choice, hoping that he kills himself and its not too late for me to have another child, likely with a different women to avoid it happening again


*teleports behind them with duel shotguns*
heh... nothin personnel, kiddos *sprays them down*
No faggots allowed

you two faggots get outside and mow the grass.

Beat him up and have another kid with my wife to ensure I have grandchildren.

Beat the gay out of my son, always works

>go to basement
>get car battery and starter cables
>slowly walk back up the stairs

commit seppuku immediately for having such rotten seed

I would grab the bike lock and hit them over the head

41st post best post

It's fine if he's gay

But I will not accept a faggot

Get the rope


Not as straight as expected

Tell him he can do what he wants, but he still needs to breed with a white woman to further the race.

cry cause my son cheated on me

Same thing as cigarettes.
"So, you are cool and gay now, yeah? Real gays fuck hard all night."
And then watch them fuck with each other and shot it on a camera.

I would explain to him that existing notions of sexuality are wrong, and that he can still have children and be a good father married to a goof woman while craving cock.

t. future pedo dad

you were only getting him ready for tyrones bbc anyway

GTFo seems like a considered response.

Sure is summer in here

Set son on fire, lock the faggot, and rape the house


>deep down all gays are so degenerate they'd find it hot as shit


newfag,lurk more

> Jokesonyouiwaspretendingtoberetarded.xlsx


"Son the din-dins are read-"

"Oh shit I'm sorry"

You'r wifes bull Tyrone. I imagine she will be a bit old when your son is 9. You need to ready his boipussy for such a big cock or it will tear. He will use him for a few years until your daughter is old enough,

I thought you got taught this in school over there, we have just started in Melbourne

>forgetting to knock first
how the fuck do you forget to knock?

Absolutely this

>wut do

Vicious beatings

gimme more (You)s baby

found the newfag!

now get out.

Tell both boys to bend over on all fours. Slowly pull both boys undies down. Pry each sluts ass cheeks apart and look for poo particles. Lick finger and run it up and down both cracks, collecting the poo specks. Lick finger clean. Then smell both asses. Finger each bottom and smell both fingers. Taste the fingers. Then bury my face in my son and his friends bungholes.

>tfw no goof woman

is that one of your fantasies bogan?

Settle down there, Eric

You have thoroughly confused the FBI parked outside your house monitoring your outgoing messages

Parents do all the time

I'm just trying to get ready for when the Somalians take over. I was a scout and was taught always to be prepared. My scout master taught me a great deal

This thread makes me sad cause it reminded me I'm sterile and can't produce viable sperm


Close the door and begin a lifelong psy-op against him.

Fuck them both until you cure gay, seriously Ireland I thought it's old well known method.

it's hard to close the closet door once it's open


Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

I'm sure it's a libtard state like Kalifornia where homosexuality is completely revered and celebrated.

Rape the faggot and force my son to watch so he remembers what happens when you're a fucking faggot.


>kick him out
>call my wife
>get divorce
>get new wife
>try again

tie both of them to a flammable monument of a rainbow, place it in the middle of Warsaw and let nature take it course

>I'm sterile
How did that happen?

Go find power source and some cables. Homosexuality is easily cured with some electric shock treatment.



Kill both. Then self. Wife for good may have been her that made em faggots.

>heh, gay.
then walk away

Apologise, close door

Afterwards tell him how proud and supportive I am of him.

Also ask if I can come with him to the next pride march.

>...guess you're preparing for prostate exam

did he taught you to blow nice and slow and always tie a knot around it?

Basically after trying to get my wife preggers 100 times and went to the doctor and he said "yeah you have no viable sperm"

We divorced obviously because she wanted kids so I've reverted to being a manchild again

Lazy and cowardly