Why Pregnancy Makes Women Xenophobic
what do you thin /po/???
i believe its because they wake up from their dream of utopia and equality and realize that they have to protect their children no matter what
Why Pregnancy Makes Women Xenophobic
Shekel status: denied
>theatlantic com/science/archive/2016/01/the-disease-theory-of-xenophobia/423975
Oy vey, stop having children! It will help you adapt to multiculturalism!
people wouldn't eat fudge moulded in the shape of poop even if they knew it was fudge
>reporting at it's finest
Somebody actually made this article? Anybody with two brain cells would be able to tell you why that happens.
i never said that you should have children
you know what to do liberals. go get black power guys to beat up pregnant white women
Women starts thining about child future maybe..
Fear of foreigners is objectively not irrational. Purely statistically.
what bothers me is that the article says that Pregnant women in their first trimester are more xenophobic than those further along in their pregnancies.
say that to a lefty and see what happens
The left needs media to tell them the things that were intrinsic before the brainwashing began
>hanging around lefty nutters
I was on a weekend retreat with some Finnish Nat-Soc's and Antifa guys.
We did a bunch of Acid and this subject came up (this was a couple of years ago, before this article).
We independently came to the conclusion that Right Wing people had overactive threat response zones in their brains. As a result they're way more autistic, OCD, anally retentive. They like organization and weigh up threats hyper rationally.
They did an experiment recently where they deliberately gave people temporary brain damage, targeting their rational response centers. People became more liberal the more retarded their threat centers became. Liberals are far more open, far more happy to take risks. Generally sloppy and poorly organized too.
So I'd say that's what it comes down to. The more hyper sensitive you are to threat, the more along the right wing spectrum you are, and conversely for those on the left side.
I realized I was very OCD, because I liked maintaining as much control AS POSSIBLE, to best prevent unplanned incidents and the prepare for anything that could go wrong. It's common sense to me.
Even if there is a minimal chance of something going wrong.
Leftists just don't see it that way. They see there's a minimal chance of something going wrong, so why waste time preparing for it.
Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't just a psychological issue, but also a biological one, which would explain why pregnant chicks and new mothers are way more hard wired to be right wing.
If you're Australian, you'd see a recent modern example;
Video related - Typical degenerate Feel The Rainbow leftist woman - Just had children very late in life, suddenly comes out with this outburst (you can see the surprise on her co-hosts faces)
Because women have no realization of the "tribe" until they have children.
Not only that, but the in-group is more likely to protect her and her child than the out-group.
>get pregnant
>gets thrown into the real world
>realize everything is not as great as they led you to believe in on tumbrl
>want to protect your child
>realize a lot of immigrants are committing crimes
its so simple
>Why having children makes you responsible
>Having children makes you more aware of the dangerous elements in our society
I like you user
>irrational quirk that makes you afraid whenever health is at stake
>irrational fear
>when health is at stake
Who the fuck is writing this shit?
meanwhile in poland
i salute you
Which is why the left loves abortions too.
God it's spectacularly done social program for what the left wants it makes me sick.
pregnant ladies dont want niggers around. go figure.
who wants monkeys with 99 str around when you are at your most vulnerable state?
>with 99 str
clearly true. every step you take towards a forthright life of having, improving, and protecting your way of life and that of your posterity, the more conservative you become. a huge reason why the left constantly fight against the family. people are more ok risking themselves than those they care about.
>i believe its because they wake up from their dream of utopia and equality and realize that they have to protect their children no matter what
watch more JBP lectures, it's simple:
1. women have an empathy instinct to protect babies against snakes.
2. when they are childless, they project their empathy on other groups.
This is why we have female students doing all that social activism. Nobody put a baby in their bellies yet, so they need to act it out somehow.
p.s. It's an older observation that women married with children become "family-egoistic", anti-socialist.
well its true
People are afraid of people who look like they're moulded out of poop too.
i was going to call you a racist but...
i just realized that racism is a crime and crime is only for niggers
>having responsibility makes you more aware of danger
Gee, who would have thunk that?
They lose gray matter in the areas associated with emapthy for strangers. Still not enough to convince me to commit emotional and financial suicide.
keep up the good work spergnord
It's because once they get pregnant they realize their slut privilege is over and they need to actually think about their future and the consequences of their actions. Women who go through pregnancy are more emotionally stable, are physically stronger and have a greater tolerance to pain. It's like they finally grow up.
you are tiresome, arent you? youre doing good work
Women feel more vulnerable whole pregnant and blacks and browns are casually violent. What's not to understand?
You can also fuck up risk assessment using drugs as well and people like foreigners more.
I only eat white fudge