Dayum, Sup Forums just got blown the fuck out.
Dayum, Sup Forums just got blown the fuck out
I refuse to see a movie that slanders Erich Ludendorff. That man is a German hero.
Agreed. The kikes tried to blame the treaty on him and conveniently ignored their mass agitation and eventual revolution.
Literally who gives a fuck?
If anything the film was generous. At least film version has super powers
Fuck off back to Israel, kike!
Every communist leader isn't a Jew, and every Jew isn't a communist leader, but it's pretty damn close. You'd expect them to be 80-90% of the population and not 0.5%-1%.
I'm more offended by capeshit in general than I am strong womyn films
One of the most derivative, copy-paste shitshows I have had the misfortune of seeing.
At least I got my ticket for free.
>Her only other merit is being woman
Nice slide thread mr shariastein
Shut up, leaf.
To provide a quick idea of the lack of female direction representation in the filmmaking industry: based on my own research, there is only one film in the IMDb Top 250 that had a woman involved in the directing of the film, "City of God," which was co-directed by Katia Lund. Meaning that there aren't any movies in IMDb's Top 250 that were solely directed by a woman, with just one movie that was co-directed by a woman.
The most appreciative aspect of films directed by women, in my opinion, are how these films typically implement social commentary themes and messages in them (which is often ignored and not included by many male directors apart of the filmmaking establishment), such as; sexism/misogyny, female empowerment, racial injustice, treatment of the poor, mental illness, political unrest, animal rights, female prostitution, etc. Although there are many great female directors, I don't think that there has ever been a female director that could be considered as "elite." A few notable female directors not in this list include Kathryn Bigelow, Sofia Coppola, and Kimberly Pierce ("Boys Don't Cry"); as both Bigelow & Coppola are in my "Most Overrated Directors" list.
Shalom kike welcom to Auschwitz
why is there this completely artificial push for us to care about this movie? I haven't seen anyone make a big deal about it here or on Sup Forums, yet the media is shilling for it as a feminist or something. I'm sure Wonder Woman always had a feminist angle and this is nothing new
>"City of God," which was co-directed by Katia Lund.
that movie sucked
>. Having grown up in a middle-class family, she had little knowledge of the plight of those living in Rio de Janeiro's favelas. Then, she was hired to work on the Spike Lee-directed music video for Michael Jackson's "They Don't Care About Us" which was filmed in a favela. The experience opened her eyes and she became determined to make films about the dwellers of these poor neighborhoods to help raise social consciousness in Brazil. She has caused controversy for her friendship with, and admiration for, deceased drug dealer Marcinho VP.
> Female directory
That was clearly the main secret ingredient here to breaking the 100 billion at the box office
The thing I don't get is why superhero movies are still so goddamn popular. Why is this the one trend that just won't die?
>Lana and Lilly Wachowski previously held the record
Does this mean a woman won the men's decathlon at the '76 Olympics now? Men BTFO
It was a meh tier movie, the effects sucked and the story was kinda bad
>biggest female director ever
It's funny watching them scew the numbers any time they can. What was its actual box office?
why do adults care about stupid comic books for babies so much, in general?
entire population is being infantilized
Love wins
>Lana and Lilly Wachowski previously held the record
They want people to hate it like they did Ghostbusters, so they can say;
But it turns out when something just looks like typical capeshit, nobody cares. It's almost like 99% of the negative reaction to Ghostbusters wasn't the result of some Le Alt-Right conspiracy, but actually just because it looked like a fucking turd.
It was a good movie
Pathetic beta nu-male capeshit fags paying to watch this shit.
>Watchowski trannies held the female record at
You what mate?
Ghostbusters was a manufactured controversy.
>Diehard GB fan James Rolfe makes a video about how he won't watch the movie on principle.
>Media raises another shitstorm about sexist gamers.
>Rolfe basks in the media spotlight while boosting his audience.
>It turns out Rolfe was right and Ghostbusters really wasn't worth seeing.
And the media wonders why nobody trusts them anymore.
It was especially smart casting an Israeli woman as the lead. Women and Jews had skin in the game.