How do we fix sweden?
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By stop taking your shit people.
With napalm, lots and lots of napalm.
>Tai Lopez, here in my rape dungeon
We don't, we sacrifice them for the greater good.
Norway will eventually be Israel v2.
It's funny how the guy to the left refused to participate in the gang rape of the woman. Not because he thought it was wrong but because he knew she had hepatitis. He made no effort to stop his friends from raping her.
5.56 nato.
>how do we fix sweden?
For real Sven Muhamad?
with more love and peace duh
remove satanism and pedophilia from the government.
Unfortunately, Sweden made it's bed. All the rest of the world can do is hold it up as an example of what not to become.
Let Sweden fall - it's best for everyone that way.
Throw a couple of Tzar Bombs on every major city and then let the countryside fags rebuilt.
>Asks the Turk
What's going on in that pic
Sit back and watch Sweden burn. It'll be an example for future nation for what not to do.
Swedes pulled the shit over their heads themselves, just like France, nothing to do there anymore. We can only protect what's left. And bomb Turkey.
Live rape on Facebook, new friend. You know, just another normal day in Sweden.
You are doing exactly what we did Canada. So stop doing it!
dont care i only wait for the first to legitimately fall which should do the trick and clue the rest of stupid idiot countries and brain dead morons in Europe in. Dont care if its france,uk,sweden or even germany
We don't deport the brown people, we create gulags and kill them all instead to make an example of them. That's realistically what will happen.
You'll be saying that when you're old "still waiting for the fall,,, eyy guyise the collapse is coming soon I swear"... end yourself
Holy shit, Svens must have been masturbating furiously when they found out.
You can't. That's the joke.
The slut went home with 2 sandniggers and the swede cuck and got so wasted that she passed out.
It was only rape because she was unable to consent. If she had been awake, she'd probably have let them fuck her anyway. She is Swedish after all
It's so tiring seeing all these cunts knock sweden online, it has fucked migration policies but it's a very successful country, comfortable to live in, still very white dominated, nice place to live ones life in.
Try fucking going there and not basing your opinions entirely on right wing press that needs it to fail, or they'll look wrong.
You live in a prosperous country, and decent country, don't listen to the burger-folk trying to convince you otherwise.
America is hell on earth, how any of them can give Sweden any shit is beyond me.
Neocons and natsocs love to bash it because it's a socialist leaning country that has decent workers rights.
lol sweden yeah you better fucking hope so but i doubt it because all this shit that happened until now i already knew and predicted when stupid morons cheered to the arabic "spring" got called a bigot for suggestion of putting this shit down quick oh well.
>It was only rape because she was unable to consent. If she had been awake, she'd probably have let them fuck her anyway. She is Swedish after all
We can't fix Sweden, the only thing that's somewhat to be considered good about their shitty politics is that they will eventually get taken over by sandniggers and still suck their dicks, even when they become the minority. This will result in chaos and hopefully we can use Sweden as a way to bash ">muh multiculturalism".
You seem to be in a panic, is it really that bad on main Europe? Stop projecting your fear onto others stupid child.
No, it's just what idiots like him think that get most of their life experiences from Sup Forums instead of the real world.
yes, do nothing sweden, it will be fine.
You're not a part of us roach.
It will be, unlike America. Good luck with being great again.
Except we legit do deserve being mocked as is. If anything is uncalled for it's the ¨Sweden is already doomed, give up. let it die for the sake of everyone else¨ Fuck that. Not gonna die for globalism nor for a global agenda even a nationalistic one. We do, however, deserve being mocked until we've proven to kill the cuckoldry here or at least knocked it down.
you arent either.
Lmfao, we're in the EU, unlike you 3rd world savages.
Thx to all rich cucks living in all white communitys voting green or f!.