just in case you were wondering who is behind the mass immigration that is swiping europe and destroying it......
Fucking jews
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill every single kike.
The media.
Hey neighbor, how are you doing
They want to kill us.
Fuck off kike.
cyprus you are funny
Disgusting piece of shit.
Be an hero kike.
Every single kike is the enemy. No exceptions. We have to kill every single one of them.
we are counting on you to protect us from the fucking turkish roaches dont let us down
I like you weird pineapple on a french flag user. GTK RWN
fuck of roach
We're good friends but not that much of a good friends, we don't care about your problems with the ahmets
Do they want a real holocaust? Cause this is how you trigger a holocaust.
>muh 600 gorrilion
If only...
Wow, that is a very racist thing to say user. It wasn't 600 gorrilion. Show some respect
not becuse we are friends..because we will give the oil job to a company in israel
Its actually George Bush's fault. The invasion of Iraq destabilized the ME and directly lead to ISIS and the Syrian civil war. Which is where all the immigrants are coming from.
If anything the jews are simply trying to use the situation to their advantage.
So if you want to blame anyone, blame GWB.
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
This bitch's face makes me laugh so hard. She's the quintessential jewess with her machiavellian facial expressions of world dominance.
Regardless. The jews didn't force GWB to invade Iraq. It was his decision. He wanted to invade Iraq just because he wanted to do it. Some sort of personal vendetta.
>Bush family have been deep state insiders/operators since Prescott
>deep state does the bidding of the kikes
>Some retarded user "It was duh Bushes fault"
That's like obsessing over someone's ingrown toenail when they have cancer. 0/10 post user, try harder
i am not a crazy conspiracy theorist but if you are you would say that the jews did that too.. i dont know
bump part 2
fucking gas these rats
No need for Jews.....We're all ideologically possessed. Jews aren't super human villains. And though many hate our guts , we're sadly to blame for our own self-destruction.
One man explained this brilliantly...
we have imposed this nightmare upon us. Jews are one thing. But never forget the traitors , our very own people...who enabled them in the first place.
Whilst it is true that Jewish subversion is subsidized and enabled by our fellow citizens, they are not blameless in the situation. We must take guard against both, and work against all forces which harm our society.
But my point remains...Jews , (regardless of their IQ) can't take all the blame. We know that many of them apparently hate our guts. Maybe it's revenge for WW2 , maybe it's something else. But in the end , who cares ?
They have as much as power as we allowed them to have. And the same goes for everything...Such as women's suffrage. and they worship of "human rights" & "equality".
Again , we're ideologically possessed. We have allowed it to happen. Even the lowest IQed nigger has an instinct of racial identity.
We don't. (i'm not talking about you and i in particular of course , just talking in general).
when one of our own gets tortured , raped or killed...we don't budge an inch. When 1400 white girls are used as sex slaves in our very own land , we're openly indifferent to it.
We worship individualism , so much so that we don't identity with our own racial heritage. we're racial relativists. Jews have a strong identity , racially aware...that's what you need for survival.
Europeans have lost that. Look how niggers reacted during the Trayvon Martin incident. (even though it wasn't commited by a white man and even though Trayvon was human garbage)...They still reacted...
We don't. we're discreet...silent. indifferent.
thats because if you do you get called a white supremacist
As you can see from image in this post it is not a new phenomenon. But you hit the nail on the head that these things which have gripped our society; jews, feminism (which has deep Jewish roots), hyperindividualism and so on exist only by our allowance.
I think the first step is merely talking about it. The older generation was always taught "mind your own business" which means not even talking about things we see but might take issue with. By openly talking about the problems which things like diversity, Jewish power, feminism and such create people will stop being afraid to speak out.
The dyed in the wool adherents, and their fully brainwashed lackeys are another problem. But getting common people comfortable with addressing uncomfortable ideas should be our primary goal. I think we are actually making progress, especially on the internet. Many people are of the thinking that this isn't significant, especially older people, as the older one is the less penetration and emotive weight the internet holds for that age group.
But looking long term, the internet is the only thing that matters. Unless we are reduced to pre-industrial technology through some cataclysm, the youngest ages virtually live on the internet. It is with them everywhere all the time. In my view, I will make a modern paraphrasing of the Fuhrer's words. "He alone who owns the internet, controls the future."