Freedom test
Can you wear this in your country without legal repercussions?
Freedom test
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We even fly them on Buddhist temples.
ye m8 but only stormfags do
yeah but you'd be silly
Nope would be prosecuted
Even posting this pic will get me in trouble
Yes but only underage does it, in fact Hitler is quite popular here and we make alot of memes about him
No jury trial, fines, probation and jailtime.
You'd get shot for wearing it, so neither could you.
We are free precisely because we are forbidden to wear this.
Nope, you will get taken by the DO and put in jail awaiting your trial for the hundreds of white SJWs that you offended plus one jew.
have sex pinhead
Yeah, but you'd probably get beat up
Yes and if one has to really go and dig deep all negative points then one have to be that all grannies specially/elder people thinks you are their 'wailing' wall and cry on shoulder why non-finns are still existing..
>using the shirt of the biggest losers on history
why?this is like using a usa shirt,is having shit on you as clothes
If you get seen with it on in public it's grounds for hate crime.
We are free because we are forbidden to wear shirts with symbols? Logic??
In spain is ilegal beeing nazi, anti gay, anti trans etc..
I'm so glad France banned Holocaust Skepticism
You're free because Germany banned home schooling
no instant 5 years in prison
nope. Any public display of fascist symbols - swastikas, Romanian WW2 Iron Cross, Legionary memorabilia - will land you a 3y sentence in prison and a huge ass fine. Holocaust denial is also punishable by law - you cannot legally deny that the Holocaust did not happen or that the scale of it was much smaller.
We can "thank" the (((Simon Wiesenthal Center))) for all of this. We cannot praise our WW2 heroes anymore, all of the statues portraying Marshall Atonescu were destroyed back in the 2000s, all of our WW2 history has been completely changed by (((them))).
really makes you think
Theres not law saying you cant wear it directly, but it could cause some issues if you wore it at say a holocaust exhibit at the war museum they would have to prove your wearing it to harass people instead of just because you like how it looks.
Falklands forever
Yes, but I might get punched by a white tourist.
No, but you cant wear a shirt with communist symbols as well.
Something about a moderately attractive, healthy, white woman wearing a that shit get's me hard. Just imagine the sex
I would say she is a couple rungs higher than
>moderately attractive
Nice englando ricardo.
She looks like she's kind of a bitch and her nose is all fucked up. She's 6/10-7.5/10 depending on context, ie wife material as long as she's not actually a bitch.
nope, I'd get expelled and probably thrown in jail, but I can wear a Stalin or commie shirt with no consequence
Please start a race/civil war already before your numbers drop even more. I need a vacation.
>Freedom is slavery
Thanks, Orwell.
>but I can wear a Stalin or commie shirt with no consequence
that usually goes for virtually every "Western" country. You can wear the hammer and sickle or a t-shirt with the terrorist Che Guevara on it, but you can't wear an iron cross or even mock a roman salute in public. People are stupid, simple as that.
>mfw displaying flag related would send me to prison instantly
It's all too much sometimes, isn't it?
Forgot pic
Am I indoors or filming a movie?
People will think it is banter here and there's no law against victimless bants
Suspended sentence atleast.. possible jailtime
poor bastard, I'm sometimes glad the King assassinated him well before the legionaries came to power - he died believing in the righteous cause of the Romanian people, pure of all the later stages of hateful Legionary convictions that were neither Christian in nature, nor Romanian for that matter.
Codreanu was the Legionary movement, that unique leader that rallies the masses behind him - the Messiah figure of a nation. Quite amazing how these types of powerful individuals have all but disappeared in the aftermath of WW2.
bumping with style
Does anyone else find it incredibly cringey and pathetic that Moly constantly commissions Zyklon Ben for comics that make himself being bad-ass and buff?
>that unique leader that rallies the masses behind him - the Messiah figure of a nation. Quite amazing how these types of powerful individuals have all but disappeared in the aftermath of WW2.
They're lying dormant waiting for the time to rise, that's at least what I hope . Maybe the times of great western men have finally passed though and we'll be nothing more than dying breeds all clasping for the final breath as the un-uniformed hordes swarm the lands that we've made home and sack what's left of the glory in the wake of the death of the spirit of the Western Man.
You're not alone Nippon-deployed friend.
Technically there's no laws against wearing Nazi clothing or flying the Nazi flag in Canada however if somebody gets offended you have to stop wearing the clothes or flying the flag. Where I live is the whitest and most right-wing part of the country, I've worn plenty of Natsoc shit and nobody's complained and I've gotten compliments for it desu.
I don't think there are any legal consequences. At best, people would look at you funny and at worst, some commie will come up to you and punch you while telling "Smrt fasizmu, sloboda narodu"
Like others have said its technically fine here but if people get offended i could be prosecuted for hate crimes.So maybe in other parts of the country, but where i live is full of commies
pls respond
Yes, it's nice to have freedums
Nope in fact just owning it is illegal in germany
is this current year +2?
>Can you wear this in your country without legal repercussions
I'm more afraid of illegal repercussions. We still have some brainwashed stalinists.
No war time memorabilia allowed?
Only in Bavaria in other states they take your grandfather's stuff if it wasn't burned by the family already.
Ask anyone over 60 what they think of hitler.
>Maybe the times of great western men have finally passed though
The Western Man is long gone, sadly. (((they))) made sure to reshape our history and our traditions and the aftermath of WW2 was simply an indoctrination machine unleashed on the European population. After half a century of being a commie - in the case of Eastern Europe - and half a century of being progressive neoliberal - in the case of Western Europe - I'd say we're fucked beyond belief.
The Messiah figure will not reappear simply because the people do not want to rally behind anything, anymore. This concept of nihilistic individualism is what ruined the entire continent to begin with.
Yeah. "Imagine" it. Cuz you ain't ever getting it, boy.
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>Freedom test
>Can you wear this in your country without legal repercussions?
Obesity test.
Can an Amerifat put on that shirt without it bursting at the seams?
Freedom test: Can I make fun of actual Nazis, without being reported for spamming?
Can I troll Nazis, without being told to go back to Plebbit, for violating their safe space, all SJW style?
but you just posted it
How fat are we, you guys?
Does that make up for us being back-to-back world war champs?
Going for a 3peat?
Don't worry, us fatties, will come save your punk asses again.
fucking kikes
Yes. There is nothing illegal to wear a t shirt.
Legal? no.
But physical, on the other hand...
At a Pegida protest a guy had a shirt where the swastika was crossed out and put in a trashcan.
The man was arrested for having the swastika at the protest.
They're really fucking stingy about it here in Amsterstan.
I'd probablly get put on a watchlist but yea legally I'd be fine
I was in Sofia for a week in May and I saw 3 people with swastika hoodies and a girl with the eagle + a big λ or something in it.
Some of you bulgarfags are allright.Don't go to chialga club tomorrow.
A Benito t-shirt on the other hand...
Both are retarded.
Cтигa cи мил чинии в Бpюкceл, a ce вpъщaй тyкa.
I can't believe that this is the end though. Europe has endured many things over the past and always recovered. I see this as a new dark age but with enough motivation anything is possible.
>black id white text
O-ok ISIS whatever you say...
I expected more from google translate desu
So let me ask you pussies this, if you are not free to wear that shirt, and it upsets you, who do you blame?
I am assuming it is not yourselves, your country, or your ancestors faults.
I wonder whose fault it could be, that you pussies live in cuck countries.
I bet it starts with a J, and ignores the concept it could be YOUR faults for allowing it.
But by all means, keep doing what has worked so well for you.
>it's all your fault goyim don't blame the tribe
I actually don't know, can we OP?
America has complete freedom of speech. You 100% can wear one.
Yeah, but I find it just as cringe that it purports to be on the side of "reason, evidence, logic" while at the same time being really childish and self-serving.
Is this the Bulgarian guy from yesterday?
The who do you recognize thread? It is isn't it?
I don't really understand what you are telling me, but I'll take your word for it.
It's my fault, your country is a shithole.
Since I am Jewish, it already was anyhow.
I am used to it.
It's all good.
That's good to know
>can't yell "fire" in a theater
>can't threaten the president
>can't get out of jury duty without a good reason = compelled speech
>"guy america has complete freedom of speech!"
No. Not only would you go to jail, people would probably attack you or at least express their disgust.
>I bet it starts with a J, and ignores the concept it could be YOUR faults for allowing it.
Jewish lobby through the European Union forced most former-Axis members (now EU members) to denounce any ties with legitimate WW2 governments and essentially outlaw any type of support or even inquiry for that matter about the subject in cause.
Before the Simon Wiesenthal Center came to Romania in the early 2000s, there were no Holocaust-related laws whatsoever, monuments were being re-displayed honoring our forefathers, streets were being named after WW2 heroes and whatnot. After (((they))) landed here, Romania was forced to admit that it participated in the Holocaust, even though there are no evidence of Antonescu's government systematically killing jews; holocaust-denial is now a crime; Romanian government was forced to pay (((war reparations))) to the jews that demanded it (with evidence); most of our WW2 heroes have been completely erased from our history, with most of what is being taught in classes being nothing else but propaganda. I could go on for ages, and it's all because of the fucking kikes.
Take your pills nigger.