Are there any decent youtube commentators on the left similar to Styx and Moly? Does the right own the alt-media culture war?
Are there any decent youtube commentators on the left similar to Styx and Moly...
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The right owns alt-media culture.
fuck off back to r/Le_Donald
Varg Vikernes
Like them or not they both have a decent sized following and release content prolifically. Who are the comparable youtubers from the left?
Secular Talk is decent.
Lost all respect for Styx when he started commenting on UK happenings without doing his homework and fucked up on basic facts.
That guy is cringe
>still watching styx after he embarrassed himself on richard spencer's podcast
Styx is decent.
Try Reactionary Expat
>watching the biggest philosophy show in the universe unironically
No "alt" media is possible within an ideology that awards political capital based on victimhood and virtue signaling.
The closest thing the left has is Sargon of Akkad, who hilariously claims to be a liberal.
The good thing about Styx is that he keeps it real. It may not be as sexy as the nonsense from the hypefags and LARPers (George Webb, Cernovich, etc.), but it's not insulting to one's intelligence.
This guy is pretty left-wing but makes rock-solid, rational arguments that made me change my view on a variety of issues. The world isn't so black and white.
Hi Styx. Haven't watched you since the election. You should do some /x/ political conspiracy theory "what's is true/ what isnt" videos.
what happened? how did styx fuck up?
Fuck moly and he's capitalist trash
spencer brought up things that trump had backtracked on or fucked up on so far in his presidency and styx unironically used the 4d chess line. it was just sad. i get liking trump but you have to admit when he's fucked up. styx couldn't do it. everything trump does, to styx, is an intentional chess move.
i'll just link it to ya, find the time to listen to it
thanks senpai
Riche Allen has some youtube shit, talks about all kinds of shit and seems pretty leftist.
Richie Allen*
He's a bluepilled (((civic nationalist))) that basically reads the headlines and then offers the most fence sitting, safe , alt-lite points. I got into this guy at first, but eventually stopped after i realized each and every video is the same, no matter the topic. He's the classic "obrazovanshina" a geek that pretends his extended knowledge of Star Trek lore makes him and expert on everything.
It's not. He's a quintessential pleb.
>popular means good
ok bud
no. the new ones that spring up are all right, the few somewhat decent left/semi-left ones has gradually migrated to the right. Reason is simple - they are somewhat decent because they are somewhat intelligent, and that's all it takes to see where things are headed.
You should watch Semiogogue. Styx featured it on his channel about a month ago but unfortunately it hasn't gained much traction:
The problem is that the left has gone so batshit insane, that they hate leftists that actually have decent, reasonable ideas.
Sargon is a libertarian in denial.
>B-but I'm a lefty guys!
Don't know much about leftwing commentators, but Jared Taylor is top tier.
Jimmy Dore shits on the Washington Post and Barack Obama pretty hard. I use him to at least somewhat redpill died in the wool normies.
Like look at this, it's Jimmy Dore actually shitting on David Brock and Shareblue:
That boy ain't right.
if you understand italian (or don't mind subtitles) check out Shooter Hates You
The left is in a serious downward spiral. They can't even rely on that sex,drugs and rock n roll 2 hip 2 be square shit anymore either.
Sex is practically forbidden because of feminist autism.
Drugs aren't cuttin it because too many people grew up with doper parents
and all,ALL modern leftist music blows.
still 100% better than the "alt-right" cultural desert
HA Goodman and TBTV. Sargon kinda counts.
>Welfare snow nigger
This is the hero of the alt-right NEET.
BTW, norduck pagans engaged in human sacrifice.
You're just not woke enough yet.
We need these people, They red pill normies who then go further and further down the rabbit hole
Give me his best video. I can't sift through the titles.
The reason why the left doesn't have good talk radio is because their world-view is so surface level that you couldn't talk very long before it becomes apparent what a fucking idiotic world-view it is.
Razörfist is nice
>"alt-right" cultural desert
The "alt-right" has managed to put out the best TV show that has aired on MSM network in YEARS. True counterculture, as it was supposed to be.
try to be less salty because you ideology is now status quo
>Thinks government safety net is 100% legit
He really isn't.
Burgerbro nails it perfectly.
And you can't keep up mindless anger for three hours.
Black Pigeon Speaks
Oh my sweet summer child.
Styx is a (((civic nationalist))) with basic as fuck understanding of everything. There are New Agers out there that are more redpilled than him.
sorry guys, that red pill bs is not working on me, I like to be on the right side of history ;)
Dumb socialist faggot.
I'm sure it will a great consolation to you when you get mowed down by a Muslim Karmageddon Truck of Peace and Multicultural Tolerance.
>Are there any sweaty virgin manchildren on YT that can spoonfeed me headlines because neither I nor they bother to read the actual article?
The alt right has plenty of people like that, you already know 2 of them
>Kyle "I won't debate anyone who doesn't agree with me on fifty percent of the issues" Kulinski
>Kyle "everyone on the alt right is a neo nazi" Kulinski
>Kyle "I'll suck Cenk's dick and parrot his every opinion because I don't want to lose my job" Kulinski
>Kyle "Whites have just as much of a chance as killing you as blacks" Kulinski
>Kyle "All christians are stupid and terrible people but Muslims are excessively criticized" Kulinski
>Kyle "Bernie could have won despite no evidence indicated he would have and logic indicated he would've been stomped because he was less appealing to the average democrat than Hillary" Kulinski
>Kyle "Justice Democrats will have a substantial impact" Kulinski
I'm glad I stopped watching this faggot. He's every insufferable college campus pseudointellectual leftist I've ever known. He refuses to leave his progressive hugbox and acts as if he's 100% correct about absolutely fucking everything 100% of the time. He may have his own show, but Cuckinski is a Young Turd like the rest of them.
Styx - Despite what people say, his comments are often funny, he's a meme-tier, but good nontheless.
Varg - Most of welfare related criticisms were already adressed by him, another meme-tier, but gotta respect the man's determination to live life his own way. His ideas sometimes aren't half bad.
Jordan B Peterson - This guy is the fucking bomb. He slices trough the SJW bullshit with his sword of truth.
As you can see, there is a lot of diverse characters, a pagan, an occultist and a devout christian. I'm also subbed to some left-leaning commentators, be not afraid to hear many different opinions, closing yourself in a hugbox will make you weaker.
Cant win if you dont play
she has a nice body, but a british face.
>He's a bluepilled (((civic nationalist))) that basically reads the headlines and then offers the most fence sitting, safe , alt-lite points
Just because he doesn't give a shit about ethnonationalism, doesn't make him bluepilled. He even said that he has no problem with ethnonationalism. He simply doesn't give a shit about any of that stuff and just wants to be left alone
>classic "obrazovanshina" a geek that pretends his extended knowledge of Star Trek lore makes him and expert on everything.
David pakman and tyt duh
I dont care i love it
Destiny is gaming with a side of politics, not really the same thing desu
Varg is pretty much everything Sup Forums wants to be.
Listen to some of his talks, pretty sure anyone that browses Sup Forums will like it.
Dave Rubin is a start. Dan Carlin is obligatory as well, though he's become pretty sporadic in his releases over the past couple years.
Moly is pretty far right.
Not youtube commentary, but a magazine.
That's a cop out. If white demographics continue to shrink he will never be left alone because every other race votes for larger government. Styx larps as edgy but molymeme blows him out of the water on controversial opinions like IQ and repealing Hart celler.
kys really.
I think you bongs trigger him when he's on here
There are some people on the left who can correctly identify who the globalists and nationalists are. They might love the federal reserve and gibmedats but at least they are anti-war.
Not very left in my opinion, just Orthodox Catholics, though their stance of labor and Unions could be considered left, it also overlaps with Trump style populism.
Oh shit I didn't read the post properly.
E Michael Jones would probably say that left and right is a false dichotomy. I think he prefers the dichotomy of materialism and idealism.
>unironically identifying as alt-right
Why isn't this newfaggotry even questioned or challenged anymore what the fuck
>normies can go full 1488 overnight
kys, you inbred tatar subhuman
Cuckfag detected.
He really hates the bongs, he brought up some 10 year old story the other day just to have a go.
I second this. Thanks for reminding me of the channel too.
>let's mollycoddle everyone, repost ebin frog memes and play musical chairs on a sinking ship, that'll turn the tide around!
classic Mountain Jew
Ya cunt, Jimmy Dore is a revolting rat-faced socialist who spat in Alex Jone's face. All he does is whine and whine and whine and then Rob the faggot says something in an ironic tone of voice and then Jimmy continues to whine. And his fans are Ariana Grande fan-tier. Literally impossible to watch.
>Lets drop JQ level redpills on oblivious idiots, so they never even consider the entry level redpills, which they otherwise might have.
classic vodka jew
Watch Paladin. She is great.
Styx and Moly are based, though I find Stephan's constant self-prmotion and e-begging distasteful.
Millennial Woes is good, though a bit depressing (and he is genuinly Alt-Right).
Black Pigeon Speaks is great, though he is a Jew.
The Golden One is autism on steroids, but he has a good message.
MW is depressing as fuck. Common Filth levels of depressing.
Black Pigeon Speaks is the worst kind of shill, in my opinion.
I agree on Moly. He is such a clear and concise communicator, to bad he lets his ego have the better of him sometimes.
The Golden One is entertaining. That's about all.
Computing Forever is pretty decent but has the tendency to get carried away.
Styx is one of those rare YouTubers that balances actual news and facts with his general political biases. I don't always care for his opinion, but I know at least that it comes from a good place.
>My religion engages in human sacrifice
>I love it
Communist tier