Romanian "tainted" the land where a mega mosquee was planned to be built by letting 7 piglets running around and buried a pig into that ground.
Romanian "tainted" the land where a mega mosquee was planned to be built by letting 7 piglets running around and buried...
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photo of the burried pig
Thats pretty innovative. Why nobody on west try this?
sleep tight, pigger
Why did you post american antifa rally pic then?
Sleep tight piglet.
You did well.
He should have painted 1 2 3 4 5 6 and 8 on them, so the police would keep searching for number 7
Sleep tight piggy
based Romanians
Is this really working? Sounds as effective as facebook filters except you risk getting arrested if your law is cucked.
Muslims are huge hypocrites who just ignore their own rules if necessary.
make it great again pigger
Kek. And someone should quietly paint the number 7 on the back of the imam.
xd ha ha le so based
they dont eat pork. they dont give a fuck if they build a brainwash HQ ontop of dead pigs. hpw dumb are you faggots?
if you really.want to piss off the mudslimes using pigs, you need to sneak it into their food.
watch them build a fucking mpsque and not give a shit.
pretty based desu.
Top kek
based Romanians
fuck you romanian scum we will build mosques everywhere else
Good work.
A mega mosque? For fucking who? Is this just some kind of virtue signaling or is there really that many muslims there?
Solution found.
Sleep tight in your dirt blanket piggo. You died for the sins of your people
found the ahmed
and no, they won't simply just build it
There will be a referendum for the bucharest citizens and you bet your ass it's gonna fail, otherwise it will probably spark a civil war
Hol up hol up.....soooo you are saying that if you bury a pig in a soil a mosque can't be built in that place?!?!
Was the solution always there for us and never no one thought about it but the fucking based Romanians?!?
Respect brothers!!
If you build it, they will come.
it is funded by some some islamists that use the (((turkish government))) as a proxy
Could we industrialized this? Put little drops of pig blood in vials and just put them in an entire city?
I recall something similar happening in Ireland or England.
Not gonna happen.
Romanians are very retarded they would molotov it.
RIPigger, your deeds will be remembered
You people dont really understand how this pig thing works dont you
Ahhhh Hungary.....The most red pilled country in yurope...feels good just looking at your flag...
Who was this mosque being built for? Turks? Refugees? Tatars? I didn't know there were that many Muslims in Romania.
There aren't. Our former corrupt PM made a deal with Erdogan and agreed to build this shitty mosque that nobody wants.
I heard that this doesn't work, as far as sand fariy tales go
Most countries that were east of the iron curtain are redpilled, by today's standards. I'm just afraid that in a few decades we'll be next.
>you don't truly appreciate something until you no longer have it
Like freedom and a national identity.
>you don't truly appreciate something until you no longer have it
I discovered that when my grandpa passed away....
Never been the same ever much things left to say...
Once the construction site is blessed, it removes any taint, we tried that in Warsaw already
user on Saturday night suggested we capture the terrorists alive, feed them to pigs, show the video to ISIS.
I also heard some guys down the pub saying there was a campaign of weaponising slices of bacon by posting it to muzzies hq's.
Bacon is so delicious, with a nice glass of milk. Mmmm.., bacon
>act like your religion is superior
>literally afraid of ground that a pig has been on
they're not the brightest people; they've been fucking their 1st cousins (as it says to do in the quran) for hundreds and hundreds of years now
Sympathy. Grief is the worst feeling.
Yes - Eastern Europe is looking so good for white flight money these days.
I might have to retire east, if everything stays quiet and green in your bit of the world.
Simply goggle Muslim inbreeding - it's an increadabley massive problem.
Pakistanis are 3% of U.K. population but cause 36% of serious birth defects in the U.K.
Muslims population circa 50% seriously medically inbred.
Hahaha Rafidi g*psies will be whoring their women to strong Turkish seed by the end of the decade. Allah (pbuh) will bury their weak and polluted """"nation"""" right next to the filthy pigs.
I wish a nigger would mate.
There are many here that would make their life purpouse to hunt and kill every one of you.
You must not have soccer nationalist hooligans in jew land.
I've actually been planning to do this, but with a mate of mine dumping pigs blood over areas of our town from his chopper.
It'll make news when it happens, no doubt. We're prepared for it.
The idea is to just sprinkle a spec of blood over everywhere in town. Muzzies will write the entire place off.
>You must not have soccer nationalist hooligans in jew land.
lmao take one guess m8, even their Antifa are a bunch of rich kids.
Kek you reminded me of Moldylocks
Sleep tight pigger. You're a hero.
For those who don't know: they wanted to build that mega mosque in 2014, but people started protesting, even the romanian media was against it. They keep trying every year it seems. It's not gonna happen.
Okay but what are you going to do about your gypsies?
>even the romanian media was against it.
NOW this is rare.
A country located in Europe that is openly against islamization?
Keep no trucking, my friends.
Because you'd get caught and put in jail for racism and xenomorphobia
3% population
Nothing, we dont give them gibs, and since they dont want to work they go for gibs somewhere else
If other countries would do the same maybe things would change, but what can you expect from Sweden,Germany and many more who are nurturing these worms like a wounded animal.And in the end they get raped by them.
Compasion is a tricky thing.
If the race war comes, try to reduce their population, otherwise we can't do anything because of EU. The gypsies spread because of the EU forcing us to give them more rights and shit for free(because minority). Then, most of them went to Europe and got even more shit for free. They were kept in check during the communist era.
based bromanians
>If the race war comes, try to reduce their population
That's a fancy way of saying hanging them all
We're not the only ones thank God. Hungary and Serbia have basically the same mentality.
And don't forget Poland
We have this kind of shit going on here.
In France and the UK, people are getting jailed for throwing pig blood or putting bacon on mosque doors.
There's also this old case of a burger and his pig farm. Muslims were going to build a mosque next to him, the head muslim asked him to move or remove his pigs, he also called the burger a liar at a townhall event, because the farmer pointed out the muslims community knew the emplacement was next to a pig farm. So the burger had enough and he created pig race when the muslims prayed. You can't make this shit up.
Molotoving the headquarters of the invaders, they don't seem very retarded. That is the ticket to saving the west.
Impulsive and quick to anger.
Sleep tight young one, you will always be remembered
Good! May our borders be ever open to you glorious bastards. I think if it wasn't for East Europe the rest of us would be ruined beyond repair.
Some brit went to prison for 10 years for putting a piece of bacon in the door of a mosque.