Paganism is a low-energy meme

>Believing you worship the gods of your ancestors while LARPING on occultist memes invented in the XIXth century by charlatans and mystics that filled the immense gaps of knoweldge we have on pagan religions, by crypto-christianism and unverifiable " personal revelations " claims, the cult.

Daily reminder that half the shit we find in modern paganism has been in invented in Paris two century ago by people like Helena Blavatsky, who is for instance the main source on the modern interpration of Hyperborea as the mythic homeland of aryans. You will think that to advance something like that she had to have credible sources, but actually the basis of her work are travels in Tibet where she alledgy found ancient manuscripts who describe the secret truth of our origins. Of course, she never published such manuscripts. " only for the initiates". Or, for instance, how the german occultist pagans of the XX century litterlay invented new metaphysical signification to runes without any source other than " muh aryanity speaks to me and tell me what they really mean " to runes because lel why not. And I could go on forether. Litterlay half of the content of neo-paganism came from bored french and german esotericist who needed to forge a new religion because of the boredom of materialist life after the slow fall of christianity. The other half is just christianity. Crypto-christian morals, crypto-christian masses ( or rituals ), crypto-christian monks and priests. Why do you think you take your inspiration to forge yourself a religion, given how few we know about how our ancestors practiced it ? Given that neo-pagans don't know how their ancestors did their ritual, they actually do a copy of mass with some pagan elements. Litteraly a meme religion.

Paganism mythologies and religiosity was respectable when it was practiced. But it was an oral culture, and the truth is that we don't know how to practice it today. The chain of initiation have been broken.

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So, when you think you practice ancient paganism you actually practice a modern crypto-cult with of course some elements from paganism, but since they are too few, some elements from christianity, some elements purely invented by crazy bored occultist of the two last century. It's LARPing and counter-initiation. Paganism is dead 2000 years ago. Neo-paganism isn't paganism. Christianity is now dying, in the same way Paganism was dying 2000 years ago, allowing Christianity and the Church to share their metaphysical view of the world, answering the lack of religiosity. Proof of said decadance can be seen in Rome, in Gauls. For instance, it's not Christians but Pagan Romans who killed all the druids of the Gauls, considering they were dangerous to their power. Said druids were either killed or either forbiden from exercing a sacerdotal function. Some of them actually used the emerging of Christianity to take back those functions, which is why there is such a fusion between paganism and christianity in France, England and Ireland ( The story of the Graal, St. Patrick ... ).

But now, 2000 years after the decline of paganism and in the years of the decline of christianity, you will not revive it artificially. You will only create a dumb, retarded, post-modern religion full of modern elements ( the fascination for evolution, for genes, for physical reality we can see in modern paganism, in Varg for instance, is really showing that, it's pure materialist thought, obsessed by the physical realm and not the metaphysical one, ancient pagans were interested by the purification of their souls, not by IQ points).

A new religion will emerge on the ruins of dying Christianity, using some elements of it and some other elements, such as Christianity emerged on the ruins of dying Paganism. It's Hegelian dialecticts in movement. Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. Your retarded movements will disappeared because they're outside of historical and metaphysical reality.

The most funny thing is the arguments used by neo-pagans to defend their ´religion', who are almost always crypto-christians. The other day, some retard made a thread defending the fact that to the contrary of bad semitic religions, paganism never did sacrifices.

It saids it all really. Sacrifices have been a common religious act in most cultures of the word, a way to pay the debt humans have toward the divine." You gived us life, we will give you lives " could be a generic explanation of sacrifice, wether it is in proto-judaic tradition, in mayan ones, but even in celtic or roman use of the sacrifices. Actually, even Christianity supress sacrifice by sacrice, if sacrifice is abolished in Christianity, it's because God itself have sacrificiated himself on the cross, and by this final sacrifice, abolished the necessecity of sacrifice itself. But except from this theology, most religions, european or not, gives a huge importance to sacrifice, as a way to bringing closer the divine and the earth, through paying the debt of the latter to the first.

Actually, some serious pagan, like Evola, defend it, and defend the necessecity of sacrifice. But since most pagans are exactly what I described, neo-christians larping as a neo-pagans, they can only try to make their idealized vision of paganism looks good. Meaning looks like what they judge good. Meaning what Christianity defended as good during the last 2000 years.

That hate of Christianity, which is fueled by the fact that despise all their attempts, they manage to be nothing more than neo-christians, is even more ridiculous when they try to claim than christian ethos is opposed to pagan one, and a factor of degeneration.

In truth, not only Christianism integrate some pagan elements, but it also renovate it. The gospels and the works of Paul is basically what allowed the birth of the modern individual. Most of the pagan or even semitic religion are tribal and promote a communal form of union to the divine. The Incarnation, and the real presence of Christ, with which you can have a personal relationship to it, is mostly what allows the development of modern subjectivity, through Paul, Pascal and then Kierkegaard for instance.

The dogma of ' God walking on earth and dying under our eyes ", madness for the greeks, blasphemy for the jews, that christic message was a Stone of renewal of the metaphysics that were slowly dying in Europe through decadent roman influence ( i'm talking about the decadence of the roman empire through exotic and formalist, sol invictus, religion, not the original greco-roman cults).

Denying the positive affect of christianity is totally dishonest, you can see it in every work of litterature, every gothic cathedral, every work of art describing the sufferings and the glory of Jesus-Christ. It isn't only the production of the white genius, it's the expression of the christian message through the white genius. To have a St Thomas of Aquinas, you needed the bible and aristotle, not one without the other.

Trying to revive the cadaver of paganism, which died for millennia and is nothing but ashes, is retarded and not fulfilling. This tentation only exist because Christianity is dying and we need to ' feel the gap'. We are at the end of a religious period. A new form of metaphysic expression will come, and revive our civilization, like Christianity did, but reviving corpse aren't a solution.

religion is a low-brain meme desu


There is no civilization without religion.

Only meme sectarian cultist are low-brained.

Why do you love jews so much?

Why aren't you able to read and answer in a coherent way, too autistic ?

D&C thread, saged

I'm not unable, I'm unwilling. Judging by the pictures it'd be a waste of time.

Deist Pagan here.

You might describe it as "Larping"; I don't think paganism and other religions are mutually exclusive. In Japan, for example, there are many Buddhists who also adhere to Shintoism.

For me, it's not about the mythology, but the attitudes towards nature. I see all religion as a byproduct of the society which they come from; and I see religious practice as a way to return to that type of society.

I see myself almost believing nothing in terms of mythology; again, it's not about the mythology but the reverence of what those early peoples personified as the sky (Tyr), thunder (Thor), etc. Those early peoples of Europe personified the natural forces of the Earth, and they lived with the belief that those forces are just as imperfect as we are, that our reverence of the natural forces shouldn't be a consequence of us living on Earth, but that our reverence should be out of trust, because honour is based on trust. It's about learning how to trust in the natural forces. Its about giving validation to the spirits of the Earth.

We spend our whole lives asking for validation, by wearing gold necklaces, pretty clothing, and saying a lot of garbage. We've all forgotten what it means to have honour, because we don't validate people, only ourselves. Paganism is a structural return to an honour-based society rather than a legal one.

Good one OP.
I was interested in it but never could take it serious for some of the reasons you explained.
Some people say Islam is crashing down too even though it doesnt looks like it.

The problem is that religion, as a way of connecting an individual or a community to higher, transcendant realms isn't and shouldn't be only a philosophy that serves a community to interpret nature. Before all, it is a cosmogony that describe the surnatural, and that explain the natural realm by the surnatural one. If there is no real connect to the surnatural, then it is a dead form. You follow a religion if you are touched by the surnatural truth it tells.

If religion is just a way to forge a better society, then you already admits that religion and cult interest yourself only for the positive effects it can have and that you don't place it in the center of your system. This is a pure testimony of modern and utilitarian thought, while religion is supposed to deal with absolute truth and in the case of paganism, eternal tradition. In the case of druidism for Instance, most of the texts we had did insist that there was a chain of initiation between druids, sharing the sacred knoweldge generation after generation. If the chain is broked, the religion died, and you can't recreate it artificially, you will then create a modern ideology, not a religion.

Utilitarist thought doesn't work in those situations. See for Maurras, our french ideologue who was deeply agnostic, but believed that Catholicism was the best way to manage society and to make it better, no matter if we believed in God ar all. His movement died; and was even despised by the pope, because it was inauthentic.

If you think you can create a religion for ulititarian thought, you are already living to a modern mindset, and the things will create, even if they seems to temporally solves the problems, will inevitably leads to the same degeneracy you're fighting against. Peoples lives to serve the Truth. The truth isn't here to serve people. If you're thinking the opposite, you're already are attached to a hedonistic morality that will inevitably leads to the downfall of civilization.

>worship muh ancestors
>not knowing for a 1500 years they were mostly Christian
>not being thankful for the Renaissance
>not being thankful for the unity of Europe under one God to defend from the Islamic Jihadist that were coming in from the Mediterranean and the east.

It is crashing down. It is actually crashing down the same way Christianity did. When in the XIXth century, all the temporal powers were anti-christian, when all the ideology, the modern philosophism slowly attacked Christianity, the Church had a immunitary reaction, that consist to reject tottaly modernity, to be as reactionnary that possible, see for instance that it's at that era that the dogma according to which the pope is always right on dogmatic issue appeared, it's at that era that the pope writted its Syllabus against modern heresies. In other words, since the Church feeled attacked by philosophical new dogmas and hostile temporal powers, it radicalized itself in the most brutal way, to fight against modernism. XIXth century Catholicism was more intolerant and radical then middle-ages one, precisely because it feel itself threatened by another modernist dogma, that in the end, win, we just have to look at modern-days Church.

In the same way, while more and more muslims adopt the liberal dogma due to westernization, when Islam is more and more liberalized around the world, it react in the same way, in a caricatural, violent and reactionnary way because it feel threatened. It's interesting, for instance, to see that the country that export the more terrorist and that fill the ranks of ISIS in majority, Tunisia, is actually one of the most liberal one, abortion is allowed, no veil, total westernized nation. It's where Islam feels the most threatened that it produce the most radicalize people. But it's just a caricatural reaction, such as XIXth Carholicism why, if it's so violent, it's because the modern world have already won. Another form of religiosity will appeared on the ashes of that modern world though. But when ? I don't know.

I bet you're just doing this because your shitty brown eyes prevents you from being a White Pagan

One of them is blue tho.

I thought hyperborea was real? Theres a map from 16xx year wirh hypeborea written on it, its east of finland.

Big difference.

>Society begat customs; customs begat religious ideology; religious ideology begat mythology.
Mythology is an ideological construct created by superstitious ancients; their religious ideology is a byproduct of their customs and traditions, the cultural representations of the society which they live in.

For me, it's not about larping or mythology. I don't consider myself a pagan out of utility. It's a reflection of who I am right now.

I believe in a primordial sense of honour, dignity, morality, and communication; not out of utility or for any purpose, but because every mammal has it, and that we shouldn't let it become vestigial. The hunter gatherer societies were in-tune with these senses. Their religion was a byproduct and reflection of how their society reacted with the environment.

I believe in the structural paganism, the underlying hunter-gatherer ideology; I just don't believe in the mythology.

This makes me different from a Christian who only converts people because Christianity "makes them a better or more progressive person".

The difference is that I'm not scared of hellfire; I'm not threatened by the church. I'm believing of my own free will, in these ideas, because they make me happier.

The continent is evoked in greek mythology as a land populated by magicians and other things. We don't have particular geological proof of such a country, but most experts think either of it as an invention, or maybe that it was Groenland with some geographical confusion from greek authors.

But The doctrine that made of Hyperborea ( or Thulë ) the secret and ancient homeland of aryans was invented by Blatavsky in the XIXth century in his book ´ Isis ' , and then spreaded by german esoterist as an eternal pagan dogma, of the ancient lands which the whites will find back one day. Which is really funny because it's obviously inspired by the fascination the jews had for Israel as the ancient land of hebrews.

Say OP, what do you think of this, it's by Spengler

>In Russia it (communism) will be replaced by some new form of tsarism, the only possible system for a people living under such conditions. Most probably this tsarism will resemble the Prussian socialistic system more closely than capitalist parliamentarism. Yet the future of the unconscious forces of Russia lies not in the solution of political and social quandaries but in the imminent birth of a new religion, the third to emerge from the matrix of Christianity, just as Germanic-Western culture unconsciously conceived the second form of Christianity around 100 A.D. Dostoyevsky is one of the prophets of this new faith; it is as yet nameless, but it has already begun to enter with quiet, infinitely tender power.

>For us citizens of the Western world, religion is finished. In our urban souls what was once true religiosity has long since been intellectualized to "problematics." The Church reached its fulfillment at the Council of Trent. Puritanism has turned into capitalism, and Pietism is now socialism. The Anglo-American sects represent merely the nervous businessman’s need for theological pastimes. There is no more repulsive spectacle than the attempted of certain Protestant groups to revivify the cadaver of religion by smearing it with bolshevist offal. The same thing has been tried with occultism and theosophy. And nothing is more deceptive than the hope that the future religion of Russian can stimulate a revival of religion in the West. There should no longer be any misunderstanding: with its hatred of state, science, and art, Russian nihilism is also directed against Rome and Wittenberg, whose spirit is present in all forms of Western culture and thus an integral part of what this nihilism aims to destroy. Russia will push this development aside and link up once again, by way of Byzantium

Literally barely anyone in America is pagan. Fix your picture retard


There's probably more paganism interwoven into Christianity than any of the half tellings they actually follow. Food for thought.

I understand more your position. Though, we disagree on the main axiom, that is that is society that create a religious idea due to social factors, and not Religious idea that create and unify communities.

I think, that all societies came from a primordial religious idea. The hebrews become the hebrews when they are unified around a first tribal, then universal God that tell them who they are ( twelve tribes ) , what they should follow ( ten commands ), who is their father ( Him ) and what is their land ( Israel ). All those religious ideas is what forged their social identity, their society. In the same ways it's the Vedic hymns that unified India, the Quran that made the arabs into a people, the Holy Bible and the Church that made Christendom and Europe a unified reality. Religious ideas is what bring together people and allow them to have a link between them, through their commune link to the divine. For me, it's that link and that need that is absolute and necessary, hence my critic of neo-paganism because as a modern religion based on modern axioms, it can't manage to establish that link.

But that kind of debate is without end, and you know like me since you look educated on those subjects me that there are constant debates about structuralist and perenialist vision of societies and religious dogmas, so we will not manage to answer this question together on a anonymous board.

But let put that aside, even taking your axiom, that is religion as a product of social conditions, I don't see how paganism, and more than that paganism of hunter-gatherers, can be valid in a post-modern world when the conditions of living doesn't call for the same set of values. Social solidarity through the respect of common honnour rules who was needed for the survival of the group, doesn't seem necessary in a world when there is no fight for survival and thus not notion of the group anymore. I understand your point on an individual level, but not collectively.

Mitigated. I share Spengler view of the decadence of the modern world, but not its impermeability of the cultures neither its total determinism. European christianity isn't entiely a german-western invention but have other sources as well. I think that religion is going ahead of cultures, because they deal with the Truth and not entirely with cultural contigences. So, History isn't entirely cyclic and determined. I think that a new religion can, and will emerge and revive the Western World, and not neccesarly that we will end in a final Imperialist stage before dying. Because the need for the truth is stronger than cultural contingences, anew religion will certainly emerge from the center of the modern world and from its ashes, from where it sends its ideology to the whole world. I wouldn't be surprised if the new religion emerge somewhere between L.A. and Berkeley, for instance. The question isn't if that will happen, but when imo.

Concerning Russia, as usual, it's spot on on the new tsarism. The guy predicted Putin 50 years before. Tho, I don't really see how Dostoievski could be the father of the new religion. From what I've read he's more of a depressed traditional orthodox than anything else. Tolstoy, as a figure of the existential Christian without churches seems a more important figure in that matter.

Interesting analysis, though I disagree on "christianity is dying" subject. But, lets say that it does, what is that "new religion" emerging that you said, in your opinion?

Ok folks, I can't decide between Christianity and Paganism. I'll list pros and cons below.

- based Orthodox
- muh saviors of Europe
- Isn't LARPing (at least for me)
- niggers are welcome
- cucked
- gay women bishops
- Came from Jews

- religion of ancestors
- feels "right"
- stronger and ethnic religion
- wiccans
- LARPers
- gay faggots make up most of the religion

Please send help

Christianity cannot revive our culture.
Because when Jesus comes back, we will all be judged, along with the dead

How could i know ? It's like if you asked a roman citizen in -50BC who were witnessing the decline of Paganism what will be the new religion. I can't tell you.

If i did that analysis, it's because I think that peoples are moved by truth, and by a transcendant link to the divine. With times the original link made by the prophets is getting obscured by contingences. People suffer from this, because people are made to connect to truth and to superior realms. A religious event happen, it didn't invalidate the religiosity of the past, but it allows us the understand it better and to go further in our connection with the divine. People are regenerated by this event and a new religiosity emerge, reviving the old one. Christ didn't supress the old testament and its laws, it didn't supress the greek philosophy and rational link to the divine. His revelation integrate those two spheres and go further than them. Given our current situation, where I think that Chrisianity is slowly being attacked by modernist hedonistic worldview, either a new religious form integrating christian elements will take place, either Christianism was the final religious form and then it means we are at the end of times and its second coming is near. I'm perfectly aware that my interpretarion is heretic for a christian, because it pretend something will replace Christianity, but it's what I'm understanding when looking at history and philosophy honnestly. Maybe I'm wrong, I will actually go to a monastery for two weeks soon, a friend invented me to do a retreat, maybe that will make me change of ideas.

Choose the one that you can actually belive in. If you choose based on which one is the most "based" or the on you will "save the white race", then you're basicelly just LARPing.

>Paganism mythologies and religiosity was respectable when it was practiced. But it was an oral culture, and the truth is that we don't know how to practice it today. The chain of initiation have been broken.

You want to see some true prophets? We've just been keeping them hidden in plain sight.

>choosing Christianity
That's not how predestination works user

As I told Georgian guy :
My views came from a meta-religious view, interpreting religious phenomenas as non-definitive steps toward the relationship with the divine. Which is tottaly heretic for a christian, I know. But as I said, that will maybe change.

Did you read my text ? If yes, you should have understand that modern Paganism is nothing like old one, but a compilation of memes that is in the most cases, pure Larp.

But you shouldn't chose a religion for pro and cons anyway. You adhere to a religion if you feel it's absolute truth. If you believe in its gods and in its view of the human and the divine. Other than that it's pure larp and will profuce nothing positive. No christian will die in martyr if he chose Christianity out of ' well crusaders were based, no pagan will die in the battlefields if he chose paganism out of ' well my ancestors did it too '. The first will die because he believe in Christ and want to follow his steps, the latter if he thinks the Walhalla awaits him.

>Moral values in Europe before Christianity came about are the same as today
Really makes you think

If he want to be saved he will be saved. Given, if he is ready to sacrifice his life for the love of Christ. No human is denied the possibility to chose Christ. Keep that calvinism away from me m8.

>Not related to politics
>Not related to current news

Take it to /bant/


Well, I can see what you mean. But I still disagree on your statement, regarding "Christianity is dying". It is sort of a sinus line. It has period of decline and period of rising. Any who, Christianity has shown to be vastly adaptable, we can see that, for example, how it took good parts and traditions from various cultures, without changing its teachings. On the contrary, it has shown to strengthen it in certain aspects. We can argue what is causing current problems, but I think that its about mass accumulation of wealth, leading to natural decadence, and reformation, that has severely shattered positions of apostolic churches in northern Europe. And certain teachings of protestant denominations as predestination and annihilationism and secession of people from traditional churches has led to decline of Christianity in protestant parts. However, we can also see how people slowly return to traditional churches and I hope that this will continue.
>I will actually go to a monastery for two weeks soon, a friend invented me to do a retreat, maybe that will make me change of ideas.
May you find peace, friend. Monasteries are excellent places for resting your soul and thinking on subjects that actually matters. Good luck :)...

>believing you are strong enough to choose
That palagianism will get you into trouble user

>Thread full of elaborate political, historical and religious analysis.
>Meanwhile, catalog full of shit threads about how Trump's handshake was based
>muh you should get out it's not Sup Forums related.

Do you need to be a retard to be Sup Forums related ?

>Maybe I'm wrong, I will actually go to a monastery for two weeks soon, a friend invented me to do a retreat, maybe that will make me change of ideas.

If it's alright can we keep in touch? I want to know the result of this and your posts have got me intrigued

I think that at least, you are not strong enough to chose, you are strong enough to ask, and God can't refuse because he's pure Love, and Love doesn't refuse itself to those who ask it.

If one human on earth would not have the possibility to ask for Christ, then it would mean that he is ontologically bad, and God can't create ontologically bad beings, being the Good itself.

But then again, I'm not Christian ( for now, at least ), so my opinion isn't worth much, but yes, i thought jesuit theology more convincing.

>looking for truth for years
>christianity doesn't satisfy
>true paganism probably would, but it's literally impossible to know
>tfw you'll never be fully invested in a religion again

Yes, of course, give me your Skype !

>There is no civilization without religion.

Even if it's de facto Statism

You make very interesting points about Christianity. To be honnest, I'm very ambivalous on that question. I sometimes think that modern christianism is dying, and so infected by modern ideologies from the inside that I think that it will be necessarly reiplaced, as I said, by a new religious form because it can't renove itself anymore. But on the other hand, being the most complete and true form of religion and theology, I tend to think that it's the definitive, absolute, religious form and that we will either assist to its renovation or to the end of times in the future.

And thanks, I hope it will help me.

[email protected], that's my (new) skype id too

Added you

Stop watching porn.
Be my cumbearer

Asians do it.

I don't get thes
Even though their early ancestors were Christian and you believe based off what you believe not what some retard vilings 2000 years ago

Follow Jesus

But LARPing is the very essence of religion


What about Hellenic & Latin paganism that is really well documented ?

>But LARPing is the very essence of religion

LARPing is the essence of monotheism...

You obviously didn't read this must read if you want to talk about paganism.

It's true that we have more documented knoweldge of greek and latin religiosity, thus it doesn't suffer from the bastardization of celtic and germanic mythologies by occultist who fill the blanks with personal fantasies.

Though, if we know the exterior aspect, a lot of documents are missing on personal initiation. For instance for the greek mysteries, the orphical rituals and initiation, we don't have access to the content of the various initiatic steps that were followed and that were required to go further in the initiation in the truth.

Eiter if we ha, a religion is made to be sincerly believed to be something serious and not pure larp. Does the content of greek mysteries cult seems to you enough valid to explain the modern world ? Can its truth still touch people in our era ? I honnestly don't think so, Christianity take the best of roman cults and made it evolve with the Christic event, it goes further than greek and latine religiosity. The question for now, is will christianiaty survive modernity and revive itself, or will a new religiosity take place. The question of paganism is resolved since 2000 years, it only appear now because the crisis of Christianity have created new needs for the religious. Neo-paganism is an epiphenomenon of christianism history and evolution.

De Benoist. Je rigole. Si tu veux faire dans le néo-paien balance moi des références de qualités mais pas ce crypto-communiste de comptoir.

C'est de l'intellectualisme qui n'a pas de base dans une possibilité de la pratique réelle car il ne se rattache pas à une vision cohérente du divin et a une veritable volonté de se lier au divin, mais seulement des volontés contingentes d'organisation social. Ca ne marchera pas comme le maurrasisme n'a pas marché, car les deux sont des volontés politiques d'utiliser des religions et pas des volontés religieuses de faire de la politique. La doctrine maurassienne du ' soyons cathos car c'est bon pour la Feance même si j'y crois pas vraiment ' est autant un meme inauthentique que tous les mecs de la nouvelle droite qui n'arrivent pas à résoudre leurs contradictions ni à comprendre pourquoi tous les gens sérieux qui s'intéressent au paganisme finissent par le lâcher devant ses contradictions, comme Jungër qui se convertit tranquillou en fin de vie au catholicisme, ce que Venner n'arrive pas à comprendre et tente de faire passer pour une folie de vieillesse alors que c'était de sa part simplement un constat. Bref, le seul paien consequent c'est Evola, et à la limite Heidegger. Mais les deux ne peuvent etre consequent que sur un mode individuel, jamais collectif.

desu, euro villagers were semi-pagans into the 20th century. Im talking about "I sacrifiece grain to that saint so my sow gets better and give a bowl of milk to the housecobold" tiers of syncretism.

What do you think about eastern religions?
For the next century indians and chinese will be the bulk of the worldpopulation (befor africans will take that place) and they life relativly close to each other.

Jesus you have autism.

Why ?

Have you read the Oera Linda book, friend?

You've got that backwards, Christianity is crypto-paganism not the other way around.

Every neo-Pagan i've met has been some combination of poor, stupid, had kids out of wedlock early. Makes sense considering a welfare princess like Varg is idolized by these cancerous fucks.

I'm relatively interested in them but my knoweldge is too limited to have a serious opinion on them. I'm actually reading an introduction to indian metaphysics and a lot of thing seems interesting, but I think those religious forms are too alien to westerners in order to them to tottaly engage in them. At least if they stay in the western world, most of them interpret oriental concepts with a western mind and ends doing neo-christianism like neo-pagans. I think theh only way for a westerner to really follow an oriental form is to do like Guenon, go there and integrate into the culture and follow a local initiation.

So you'd rather live with a 2000 year old Larp than a 20 year Larp? I'm not understanding what the difference is.

Read the paragraph after that one, and the rest of the discussion. Christianity integrate some elements of Paganism but the core of its doctrine is alien to pagan concepts, and even alien to hebraic concept.

I'm not trying to larp anything. Christianity is declining, but still alive in some communities, and its concepts are still understable to our ears. I'm interested in them but for now don't mange to make the ' jump into the void ' that Kierkegaard talk about. I will try to make that jump in that retreat, If I manage to sincerely believe in it, if I realized Christianity, not only is 'good', since I already know that, but the absolute truth, I will convert. If I can't, I will stay and can't manage to really connect to the divine, I will stay with my meta-religious ideology and await for the future great religious renovation that is for now, nothing more than an hypothesis.

We know tons about Roman, Greek way of life and their religion, norse was quite similar as well. many christian rituals and morals have pagan origins.

>The Oera Linda book is today conventionally agreed to be a forgery, written during the mid-19th century
Dude, your link discredits itself in the first paragraph.

>too alien

True, you just can hardly get them properly as proven by western "bhuddism" and such abberations. But you seem knowledgable about relgion so I was curious why you did not even mention them when you were talking about the future as it seemed to indicate you think of them as doomed as islam.

Mostly because that post was about the future of european and western religious future and phenomenas. Since we fight eachother since 1000 years, the future of the islamic world will impact the western world than the future of the western world will impact their civilization. Seemed coherent to talk a little about them in that matter.

Though, we have a very limited ' religious common history ' with the asian world. Our relationships were always political and economic, except for some missionaries. Though, with their demographical growth, maybe that will change.

Well it might.
Demographie is already a key in our clash with the near east (and ourselves) so the globalised world being weighted towards the other end of eurasia might influence us in ways that werent possible since we had craz stuff like Manicheaism.

You don't seem to understand yourself that paganism is not like Christianity, it doesn't have a guide book and it had tremendous variation, different people interpreted it in different ways, some were LARPers and just participated in rituals back then too. Neo-paganism is paganism, paganism doesn't have to be purely traditional and ancestral, it can change, just like it has always been changing, it didn't remain the same proto Indo-European religion.

I'm a Christian but I have huge cognitive dissonance.

It feels good participating in ritual on Sunday morning and doing what I can to better myself and my community at other times but then you open the Bible and half of it is ooga booga brown people and their jealous autistic desert fire God and its really offputting.

No that you tell me that, you remind me one teacher I had that talked about that. The guy was so radically pro-german than he will probably be expelled if he teached in Germany and not in France. He gave us a course on leibniz, and tell us that the west was sick of budhist monist thought, and that we needed to became real monades, heroes of the subjectivity like based Hermann, instead of letting ourselves devouring by the yellowish thought of the destruction of the ego and general monism.

It's interesting, but I'm sincerly not enough documented to have a jugement on that question, I don't know for instance how much they're westernized and how much they still feel connected to their own religions.

Well you guys still have some nonmeme bagans in backass villages sacrifiecing goats and beer and shit to Kopala. They choose their priests over dreams Ive read which choose one in the village,

Ikr it's great, I think we should make saint George into a pagan God and worship him, just like some of us did in the past.

>Muh ancestors
>Muh Jewish opression
>We Wuz Vikings
You are all just as bad the the dindus

i like you french user
i know a lot of serbs that turned towards Rodnoverje or Pravoverje which is basically centered around the "Book of Velles" which first surfaced after the October revolution

You dont have to "make" him into a deity as that would be LARP in the truest sense, just care more about tending to him again I guess.
If you compare catholic saintworship to what they do with Nats in Burma or bhodisvatas in Tibet its not all too different. You ask an ancestral hero to intercess for you in the name of god as he is greater then you but still not as far away as the creator to whom you are too bashful to pray directly with your lowly fears.
I never got the direct difference between a wrathful deity and medieval devotion to Michael except for the respective worshippers calling the target of veneration of the other one false or a demon.

I dont know much about continental philosophy we never had much but Kant in school.
I look after Monas and see what it is about. Wiki article starts with linking it to Pythagoras which seems intriguing as that guy was a religious leader himself.

>muh ancestors
>you are all just as bad the dindus
Not an argument. The dindus try to claim other cultures as their own while white people's ancestors actually were pagans.

Such as christianism. That had numerous variations, theological interpretations, various churches, heresies, even types of different interpretation inside the Church. Which is only unified by one idea ' God who made flesh, god who incarnated, god who died for sins, god who triumphed over death and allowed us to do the same if we follow his steps ´ .

That doesn't prevent what I say from being true. Paganisms had a coherent initiation. Speeches about the world and the here-after, cosmological vision. They had clerics who shared that vision, and which mostly relayed on an oral unwritted knowledge. That knoweldge disappeared with the druids, with the oracles, since this was an unwritted code, its core message didn't survive its physical disappearance. Neo-pagans of the XIXth century, tried to revive it, but since they didn't have those sources, they mostly invented them who claimed to have found them in mysterious places, like Blatavski, who claim to have received them in personal revelations, like a lot of german esoterist. Bit the truth is that the chain of initiation have been broken, and the fact that neo-paganism integrate crypto-christian or modern elements is enough of a proof that when they think they talk about the cult of their ancestors, they actually talk about themselves and their own modern, post-christian concepts about life, death, and the cosmos.

>but the core of its doctrine is alien to pagan concepts
So it invented itself out of thin air? What about the trinity?
>I say it was so it must be true
You're going to need citations on that shit bro
So you continue to disparage people trying to find themselves in some other belief system but you yourself can't make an objective distinction between the two?

Euros must step up their game, its weird that all post 60s attempts of europe are just as desperate then the american ones. Calling it gapfilling seems to be true in most cases.

>Someone actually educated and informed making a religion thread
Reeee kike kike kike reeee

We already did merge him with our moon god though

As a muslim I think pagans are filthy degenerates that want to destroy your culture and traditins, watch your back christians!

>igraju kolo
i mean i understand why orthodoxy has so much odd elements that might not be tied to Christianity or w/e but it's hilarious
most of them are even orthodox christians larping as "pagans" on weekends
while the more radical ones are 12 y/o skinheads

No, Christianity just has interpretations, it has a central figure Jesus, therefore it can't be compared with paganism. paganism is lot more flexible.

>We already did merge him with our moon god though
>our moon god
yeah right. All our Idols were either hittite, greek or mazdan.
just stop

And Hitler was the bad guy too, I suppose. Cuz, you know, (((experts))) tell us so. If true, this is the only book of the Northern Europeans free from Roman, (((Catholic))), or Semitic influence. They have good reason to not let us know our Northern European history. The Eddas were even translated by a Christian, ffs. Give it a look.

A bonus:

Look the pathetic pagans fighting each other.

>Whites are always a minority in their own countries

No one cares about LARPing as vikingz n' shiet.

So everything should be fine for you?
Preserve the tradition as it was done 100 years ago and be glad you have the best of both worlds-small deities and a consistent theology above them, "remaking" deities on top of it seems like you would just infect your culture with wiccaism.
I heard siberian shamanism got already some weird influences as w*stern hippies visit the siberians and talk with them about their faggot opinions which then get listened to as rich westeners are seen as some kind of authority lol.

Ignore them.

>Look the pathetic pagans fighting each other.
I'm orthodox christian, lorenzo