in all seriousness:
Is Sweden really that bad?
Are you personally feeling that your country turning to 3rd world shithole?
Are minorities getting more visible, compared to, let's say 2012?
Questions to Swedes:
Other urls found in this thread:
t. Worked in sweden for 2 trimesters
It's like any other Western European country. The muzzies mostly are in the large cities and their own poorer areas.
Not as bad as Sup Forums thinks.
Not really, but it's certainly getting worse.
Do you feel in danger while walking in evening?
Do you often see interracial couples?
yup, tho national movements are growing now.
yes, absolutely
>yes, absolutely
i live in stockholm btw.
there is good segregation here. blonde babies , very low miscegenation from my particular point of view.
>your country turning to 3rd world shithole?
Yes, but this is a good thing, then we can start over
WTF is wrong with Swedes in general?
What do you think of Tim Pool's conclusions after leaving Sweden? Like about how you guys are absolutely terrified to say anything but absolute far left opinions out loud for fear of being called racist?
Time of day doesn't matter. There is widespread, open anti-white racism supported by the government and media. Women have been collectively brainwashed into delirium, not reporting rapes because it would be racist. But the mudslime and niggers are afraid of whites that stand up for themselves, who can't be cucked. Every shitskin secretly wants to be white and superior.
Sort of
Until recently the enrichment was contained in the cities, now there's criminal gangs prowling the country side looking for houses to break into, with rape or murder in mind. Police is usually hours away in these areas so even if they get the call, perps will be long gone.
Which is worse belgium or sweden?
low testosterone from decades of being feminised
olof palme
F! party
no war - feeling guilty about it - taking the whole third world in
list elections
high taxes
million program that built the ghettos in 60's
the list goes on
its all true, if not understated.
that's what I am talking about
With all those sweden yes memes, it's getting hard to figure out what's going there
WTF is wrong with Poles in general?
Say what you want about the Swedes, but they don't travel to other countries to steal like niggers.
as well as having it way too good for our own character.
its not as bad as they say but its not looking good
Are you ok with Muslim tourists? I want to visit Sweden.
I had one of my outboard motors stolen by poles.
Belgium of course, any country below Sweden is worse
It's pretty bad. I admittedly live in a shitty area, but when I go out I often see more arabs/africans than Swedes. The city centre of Gothenburg is also completely overrun. The politicians and media are completely on the side of the immigrants, even though they hate our values.
It is a night and day difference from when I was a kid (30 now), I hardly ever even saw a black person, now I see them every day (and I won't even mention muslims, the real problem).
Violence and unsafety has increased to the point that I'm worried about my wife any time that she's outside alone.
>Danish education
>77 vs 100
ya know m8 ya need data ta back ya claims ahy cunt?
I'm not terrified, but a lot of people are --- they are scared that their friends with tolerant views will disown them and they won't be invited to the next party. Some are a bit scared they will lose their job, which can sometimes be a concern. Especially if you work in the media world.
Also antifa can be a concern. They sometimes attack nationalists (kick down their door at night etc.).
The PC police is very real and can be violent, but that's starting to shift more and more.
Go back to Achmed-land.
Yes. It's not good, but it's not like Sup Forums thinks. It's a bit of an echo chamber --- you almost start to believe it yourself after a while.
There is a growing reaction against the madness too.
It's not being called racist that scares me, it's being fired or being hung out in media, or getting your house molotoved or something by antifa that scares me, and being targeted by the muslims.
Yes it's really bad in the poorer areas of the larger cities. Just like in France, Britain etc.
Here's to hoping we collectively unfuck our heads soon.
The most common interracial coupling is Swedish man, SE-asian female, lol. But there's a smaller number of Swedish women with black/arab men as well (not truly worrisome but a sore sight anyway).
I even didn't mind getting called neo-nazi by my own sister.
No, it's not like a fucking warzone like Sup Forums seems to think it is. It has however changed a lot, and not for the better let me tell you that.
When walking the streets in my city there are lots more muslims and niggers, crime has increased etc. but it's still fucking great and it has not yet become a 3rd world shithole.
Like previously stated, yes, but most minorities keep to their suburbs and mostly keep their crime in those areas, and thank god for that.
Dude, it's not memes. The images, links and shit are real.
ware you white?
fuck off danskjävel
heres a good podcast if youre interested
Personally I think it's just Americans trying to feel better about their own country, we might have some muslim problems but we don't have university students that riot and call for staff to be fired, we also don't have large scale chimpouts and regular shootings.
Nah, of course you should be open with your family. All my family gatherings routinely deterioate to a muslim-hate support group, to have a normal, pleasant evening together (when we meet) we have to outline that this night we won't talk about how much we hate muslims, lol (and we are just normal people with regular jobs, not WT).
No, the US is WAY worse as a nation from what I can see. Like an order of magnitude worse. Their saving grace is that they are so much larger so they have room for white states and cities. Maybe you could say that the US is more fucked on a 'macro' level, but better on a 'micro' level.
There are still some tough cunts left so all is not lost Sven-bro
I am interested but where the hell is audio-file?
Failed to find it
This. Imagine the amount of USA YES threads you could make.
I'm already in, don't you see my flag?
Sweden I love you and don't want you to be flooded by arabs & blacks. Don't break my heart.
I live in a very swedish small town, spared of multiculturism, so still safe her. Except for one incident last summer where i got in a fist fight with some ugly ass african dude who said my girlfriend was sexy.
F! Party doesn't even have a seat in parliament.
So you are so cucked that you even fight nationalists for them? Wow, talking about pathetic.
It's not the fact that we are worse off at this point most of us would openly admit that it's the fact that you guys seem to be massive pussies off of Sup Forums. You guys are afraid to even mention the problems you have. Same thing with french faggos the delusion is unreal
that's weird
I though there is no such a place in Sweden
I feel quite bad about how it might go.
I know a person who unironically would vote for them.
Every part in sweden is more or less feminist/multiculti, well ofc sd is not but maybe you get my point
What are you talking about? Antifa is everywhere in the West.
Not like the Sup Forums meme, but it's still worse than it should be
No, it has gotten a bit better, but we are still very far down the wrong road
When I was a kid seeing immigrants where I lived was rare, now I see towelheads and niggers everywhere
Fucking sucks
>No, the US is WAY worse as a nation from what I can see. Like an order of magnitude worse. Their saving grace is that they are so much larger so they have room for white states and cities. Maybe you could say that the US is more fucked on a 'macro' level, but better on a 'micro' level.
> Pretty accurate Sven. You get a luta-treat
Remember back when greeks and bosnians was seen as filthy foreigners? Lol, good times!
Here we meet them in the streets and beat the fuck out of those little commie bastards.
>Also antifa can be a concern. They sometimes attack nationalists (kick down their door at night etc.).
We better never give up our guns. Kick someones door down here you better be rescuing them from a fire or have a warrant.
UK and Germany are practically as bad. Only real motherfuckers in Europe are Hungary and Poland.
Sweden is bad bad... It not the fact that everything is starting to look like middle east. Its the fact that 80% really really think this is right. The main problem is that it is getting lovked down with no turning back. I do what I can each day to get people to realize the non racist truth that this is going to escaltate. But you are alone and notice it as soon as you start to reach to the public in any kind of way... They sence truth and gets afraid of it witch makes them go in to defensive mode and thats is like talking tonan angry wall. Äöå sorry for my shitty way of expresing myself.
Back when mongoloid/semi-white/slaves were seen as the niggers of europe.
>Now actual niggers all over europe
I swear either swedes are completely self-hating or incredibly naive to think that everyone is good with no plan to take advantage of others.
>tfw half my class is F!
Or be prepared to catch a round to the chest
Most swedish Sup Forumstards don't even go outside their house
It's funny how post fall 2015 every single party is backpedaling on the "ALL IMMIGRANTS WELCOME" and are adapting SD policies these days, what was called nazi / racist just two years ago is now the norm. Spineless cunts running this country.
And then we have the bleeding heart upper class bitches, sitting in their castles whining about the poor immigrants. Fuck them.
Not true --- you're just trapped in an echo chamber. Also you're delusional by the same standards.
Denmark is gay and you're a massive faggot
We have no such thing, they are like dead and unpopular here, maybe because we had the red brigades.
what's it like in denmark? slowly becoming sweden or?
Yeah i know those kind of upper class people, and i live in a working class village. My friend made a joke at a party that all of us were such rednecks.
Then some guy from Stockholm said, b-but i'm from stockholm g-guys, im no redneck.
My friend responded Well then you have to be the biggest redneck of us all if you couldnt afford living there anymore. He got pissed and wanted to fight but he was too fat.
It's so sad because the the entire base for them is based on misinformation.
The lady who was to teach us the graduation song thought that women weren't allowed to go to school back when the song was created, in reality they were going through higher education 200 years before it existed.
Yeah and the voting rights for women aswell.
When in reality no one really had voting rights except rich people.
They are braindead morons.
>There was over 100 years between the first female college students and the first female college graduates.
You're probably right.
Also weren't nation wide voting rights for men based on the forced draft? It seems strange how that's always forgotten when they talk about voting rights.
it's worse
stop fear mongering and explain how is Denmark could be worse than Sweden
>We will report this video to the police as it shows screenshots of a closed facebook group and paints these good women as sex buyers
What the shit
Sweden is horrible.
If you say anything else you're either missinformed or lying.
It's honestly a soft North Korea.
>it's worse
lolno, you're ahead of the rest of us.
denmark > finland > norway >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sweden
>Is Sweden really that bad?
A few areas, yes. Most of Sweden? No.
>Are you personally feeling that your country is turning to a 3rd world shithole?
Things are deffenitly going down hill but it's still far from a 3rd world country.
>Are minorities getting more visible, compared to, let's say 2012?
I've tried to be respectful towards immigrants but many of them really appear to be scum, especially the young middle eastern ones.
They're loud as hell, they scream at each other and wave their arms around, it seems like wherever they go they want everyone's attention.
I don't know if their tone is a cultural thing but I often feel like they want to come across as threatening.
Used to work night shifts in the "bad parts" of Stockholm, I've only heard stories but I've never been bothered myself, but then I'm also a guy in pretty good shape so they might not see me as a viable target, maybe I've just been lucky, maybe I'm just paranoid.
Oh what a surprise, some butthurt Danish redneck nazis are actually more criminal than Poles and the memes are actually not true.
90% of interracial couples i see are white men/asian women
F! stands for Ficki!
tourists are always ok
Italians also do the whole screaming wherever they go thing, we're generally shy here in the north so of course it seems weird for us.
Just look at this picture of Finns waiting for a bus as an example.
Usa and cucknada isnt even majority white tyrone.
>that feeling when you know you are living the most based nordic cunt
Luckily we have rightwing goverment and prez
i can't explain it's just worse